View Full Version : strange things..

02-16-2003, 08:19 AM
yesterday, i took mickey out to pee and once he does, he usually runs around a bit or picks out the grass in the yard (the little grass we have). anyways, so he peed, ran and then went after the grass. so i went up to him and told him "NO!", so he ran away and then stopped. then i walked up to him and told him 'sit" so i could bring him inside. he stared right at me and stuck his tongue out! not like a panting kind of way, a like this :p kind of way. i was freaking out! it was like a person way of sticking out your tongue. so weird...so yeah...how about you share some "strange" stories with your dog...mainly cause i'm curious but also cause i'm bored :rolleyes: hehe :D