View Full Version : How much fur is to much?!

02-15-2003, 11:16 AM
I'll admit, I haven't been brushing the dogs much at all for a long time..but I started to latly..Jo is fine, she doesn't seem to be shedding that much, just average I'd say..but Zeke..whoa, it's winter, is it nature to shed SO much fur in winter? I could prob keep doing it and it would keep coming out..I got a shopping bag like half full from just one sitting..he seems to like it though :rolleyes:

02-15-2003, 11:20 AM
mickey doesn't even have his full coat yet and i brushed him the other day. the bruish was covered in fur! i don't think its abnormal (lol, funny word :p) zeke is a german shephard mix, right? or am i getting him confused :confused: anyways, my friend has a GSD pup and he sheds a lot. she comes ot school with hair all over her :D

02-15-2003, 11:23 AM
Lol, yeah he's a gs mix :] Its kinda funny though, cause before I got him, I was like, ok, I need dark colored clothes so Jo's fur doesn't stand out like crazy when I'm out...so now with Zeke, its like yeah, he gets the dark stuff and she gets the light stuff!!! I think thats a little unfair! Ganging up on me like that..

02-15-2003, 11:43 AM
Yeah, it is normal!:) I have had GSDs and what you said about a shopping bag full at one sitting sounded awful familiar.:D


02-15-2003, 11:45 AM
Simba has alot of fur. I'm constantly picking it off of my sweater [which is black]...ok, now you're going to see how weird i am.... I sit in class, taking it off of my sweater and i tell people it's my dog, and i make him bark at people. lmfao. Shows how bored i get in class. :p

02-15-2003, 11:46 AM
There's no such thing as "too much!" fur coming off, as long as he still looks like he's got some on him when you're done! My dad will brush his St. Bernard before I visit, have a trash can full of golden fluff, and yet, when I run a comb over her, more fur comes out! Some doggies are just fur factories, I guess!

02-15-2003, 11:46 AM
My Carly is (we think) a shepard mix and she sheds ALL the time. You can brush her coat in the morning and you'll get several loads of fur. Brush her again at night and you'll get several more. I've never seen a dog who sheds this much.

Not that she likes being brushed that much anyway. I do capture her occasionally to get some of the loose hair out. But if she sees you coming with the brush - she hides.


02-15-2003, 11:48 AM
robinh!!! I'm in love! She's beautiful. Her coat is so bright! Or was it just the flash of the camera or something? She's gorgeous! ...The way i figure Simba is part Shepherd is because when i hold his ears upright like one, he looks like one!:)

02-15-2003, 12:03 PM
Her coat is very shiny. Good food and regular spoiling helps keep her beautiful.


As you can tell, she's resting on the bed - even though the sheets are in the laundry. She was not happy when I made her move to take them off - but she didn't get off the bed. Spoiled baby.


02-15-2003, 12:15 PM
She's adorable. When my mom takes the sheets off to clean them Simba sit in the hallways by the bed room door, waiting for her to put the last pillow on, and when she does up he goes!

02-15-2003, 12:15 PM
Shep-ee Lynn (RB), our shepherd mix, and Tonee (RB), our cocker, had our floors full of fluffy hair flying around all the time. We would always get a sack of hair from Shep. Tonee went to the groomers so not as much off of her. Ashlee sheds a few hairs, nothing to notice. Same with Nina, even though she is a hairy girl:) Nina goes to the groomers too. 9 months of the year she has a hair cut, we keep it longer for winter, but cut her feet so they don't stay wet.

02-15-2003, 01:17 PM
What a beauty robinh!! Such a pretty doggie!!

02-15-2003, 02:46 PM
Last fall, when Kito was shedding, I could have made another dog out of his fur. He has an undercoat, so when he sheds, look out!!!!!
Abbey is shedding now, what a mess!! She's a beagle, and the hair sticks to EVERYTHING!!! I can make another beagle out of the hair I comb out of her too!!
The best is my parents dog, Max--in the summer, he was shedding, and he laid in front of the fan and it looked like it was snowing!!! Here's his pic:

I'm sure you can imagine all of that white stuff flying around!!!!

Carly is gorgeous!!!

02-15-2003, 09:41 PM
I can relate to your parents dog. He's a handsome boy.

When we take Carly outside in the summer and fluff her coat, she'll shake and it looks like it's a Carly storm. We have hair flying everywhere. I've learned to keep my mouth shut or end up with a mouth full of Carly fur. My Carly girl is a real a character! And she has LOTS of personality!

I love the small picture of your two dogs, lovemyshiba!

02-16-2003, 03:44 AM
Shepards shed really bad.......there's this one shepard/lab mix, named Marley, that came in around December. He resembled zeke in body coloring/type, but more of a lab face. I don't think I've ever got that much hair out of a short (well, semi-short I guess) haired dog!! It never stopped!

That's why I LOVE the high pressure blow dryer at work...I can blow Nebo's undercoat right out....there's a very noticeable difference in the thickness of his undercoat after a good bath/brush.

Do you have one of those shed/blade type things? It's silver, a round loop...if you don't I'd suggest getting one. They work excellent on getting the loose undercoat out, especially on shorter haired dogs! Don't use it more then once a week though (use a regular slicker brush at other times)...I think if you use it too much it can cause dandruff.

02-16-2003, 08:58 AM
We've tried just about every kind of brush on Carly, but we have one problem - she HATES being brushed. Don't know why. I love to brush them and you'd think it would feel good, but she only sits still for as long as we make her sit. The minute you hesitate, she's off like a shot. You can see her face say "I'm out of here" and she'll go hide. She's a goof - don't know how her coat stays looking so good when she doesn't like us to take care of it.

02-16-2003, 02:27 PM
That's why I LOVE the high pressure blow dryer at work...I can blow Nebo's undercoat right out....there's a very noticeable difference in the thickness of his undercoat after a good bath/brush.

I gotta take Zeke to visit you!! lol!