View Full Version : For Souraya...

02-14-2003, 08:27 PM
I was just watching America's Funniest Videos (yes, I was bored!) and the second place video was submitted by Souraya and Andy. Could it be??? It was about the 2 kids with food coloring...

Are there 2 Souraya's and Andrew's??? Or is it really you???

02-14-2003, 11:24 PM
I don't think they have kids but Ijust watched the show and it does look like it could be them. :confused: :)

If so, CONGRATS you two...but let us know if it is or not ok?:p

02-15-2003, 08:38 AM
If it is you CONGRATS! If its not CONGRATS!

02-15-2003, 10:04 AM
lol :D that would be funny. i didn't think they had kids either. oh well, if so congrats!! it seems very close to be true :D

02-15-2003, 10:23 AM
maybe it is nieces and nephews or cousins????

02-15-2003, 11:11 AM
I beleive the only kid they have is Drake, But the kids could be anyone, so who knows?

02-15-2003, 01:43 PM
Nieces or nephews? I believe Souraya's brothers are young, and her family lives in Lebanon. Hmmm.............. Might be Andrew's though. That would be really weird if its them. LOL

02-16-2003, 08:50 AM

Where are you? I'm dying to know!

02-17-2003, 09:27 AM
I am sorry for not responding sooner, but I have been out of town this weekend.

Andrew and I don't have kids. And we have never turned anything into America's Funniest Home videos. Very odd that another couple would have our names, expecially since mine is not a very common one either.


02-17-2003, 12:10 PM
"It's a small world after all... " ;) :D

02-17-2003, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by DoggiesAreTheBest
I am sorry for not responding sooner, but I have been out of town this weekend.

Andrew and I don't have kids. And we have never turned anything into America's Funniest Home videos. Very odd that another couple would have our names, expecially since mine is not a very common one either.


I knew it couldn't be you! :eek: Your name is very common though, just not in America. Well................it is in Pakistan at least.

02-17-2003, 02:46 PM
It isn't very common in Lebanon where I am from.