View Full Version : What, an email from Angel Gabe?

02-14-2003, 08:18 PM
Hi Everyone. Gabe here.

I made it to Rainbow Bridge just fine. I am having a good time and want everyone to know that I am behaving myself. I feel relaxed, happy and boy am I having FUN, FUN, FUN! There are so many nice cats and dogs and birds and turtles and hamsters and well, you name it.... and it is up here. We all get along nicely. I have many new friends.

I want to let everyone know that they should not cry about me anymore. When I read all the posts about me (yes, we have the internet here at RB) and saw all those pictures of me, even when I was very little, it made me CRY and then I realized how much everyone loved me and wanted me to be happy. I am happy again now .... here at Rainbow Bridge .... I miss all of you, especially Graemer and my two Moms.

I want to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day, especially my Moms Robyn and Sas, and GMom Pam and all of the wonderful Pet Talk Moms and Dads who loved me and worried about me. Don't worry about me anymore, cause I am just fine.

I won't be writing anymore because they told me I could have only ONE email from here...so, please do take care everyone, give all your furry friends a special hug and snuggle today, from me. Please know that I am fine, really, and that I love you all, and that I appreciate all that was done for me while I was down there AND most of all, I am fine now! Gotta run.

Happy V-Day yous... guys.

Love always,

Gabriel (from NJ)

Edwina's Secretary
02-14-2003, 09:57 PM
Darling Gabe,

I have been in seclusion -- alone with my grief -- since the horrible, horrible news of you untimely passing.

Perhaps now that I know of your contentment at the Rainbow Bridge I can begin to come out and enjoy things again.

However, you will always be top cat in my heart...my bad, bad, beer drinking boy!

Until we meet again,

Yours in eternity....Winny

02-14-2003, 10:01 PM
Nice to hear from you, Gabe! :)

Glad you made the Trip to The Bridge OK,
and are getting settled in and making new friends.
Say HI! to Fred (First Kat), and the Dawgs - Lady, Casey, Arrow, Shadow...

I'll have the Kids gheck with God - I'm sure you're mistaken bout the one e-mail - bet it's one a week or at the least - one a month. We'll check and let you know.

Miss ya, Buddie!
Boots, Cinder & Smokey all say Hello! :D

02-14-2003, 11:41 PM
It's so nice to hear from you Gabe. I'm so glad that you are having a good time at Rainbow Bridge. :) I haven't heard from my RB cat Pepper yet and I was wondering if you had seen him. If so, is he having a good time too?

Miss Meow
02-15-2003, 12:03 AM
Gabe, I'm glad they gave you priority access to the internet :) Have you met a nice girl for Valentine's Day? Do they have your favourite foods up there? It was wonderful of you to send your earthly friends and family a note :)

02-15-2003, 03:32 AM
Dear Gabe
it's good to hear from you although it made me cry again.
I hope Cinder &Smoke can check how often e-mails are allowed!
However I am glad you are playing with the others at Raimbow Bridge.
Have fun, all of you!

02-15-2003, 03:36 AM
Thanks dear Gabe for sending us an e-mail from the RB !!
It feels good to know you are happy there now !
Lots of huge hugs (he he) from all of my pets and me too of course !!!

02-15-2003, 03:58 AM
Dear Gabe, it's us ........ Fister, Randi and John. We're glad to hear from you and that you've settled in OK up there. I do hope they feed you some tasty grub and the furry girlies are nice! ;) I can sense you're making SO many new friends and having lots of fun. :D

Even if you only have permission to send this one e-mail, I can assure you that this was the BEST place to send it to. We all miss you down here, but now your mom and all of us can relax, knowing everything is as it should be! ;)

02-15-2003, 06:04 AM
Thank you Gabe for being so thoughtful of all of us to send an e-mail. It puts many a mind to rest to know that you are happy. Does it surprise you to know how many people cared about you? Have a sweet afterlife:D
Jen and the kitties

02-15-2003, 06:16 AM
Dear Gabe, you made me cry again too, but I think they were good tears. I know you never have been around dogs too much but now you will have a chance to get to know some really sweet ones. Look up my black cockapoos Bailey and Tizzie. They are both gentle souls and love to meet new furkids. Also a nice surprise will be that I am almost positive that there are some people at the Rainbow Bridge. You see last November, our Dr. had to leave this earth too. He had spent his whole life taking care of cats and dogs. He was only 40 years old and had to leave his own fur family and human family. I just have this feeling that once he got to the Rainbow Bridge, even though no one is sick there, I'm thinking that he just felt he wanted to stay there with the animals to romp and play and give out hugs and pets and help them to watch for their folks. So you look up our Dr. B., Gabe and he'll throw bottle caps for you. Okay? Thanks for writing, Gabe. This has been a hard week here at Pet Talk.

02-15-2003, 08:01 AM
Dear Gabe,
We are so glad to hear from you! It makes me feel better knowing that you are having fun at the rb with the other pets. You are and always will be loved by everyone here.
Many ((hugs and kisses)) from Michelle, Neko, Cookie, Pumpkin and Tama:)

02-15-2003, 08:09 AM
Gabe there are 4 very special poodles up there at the Bridge that I would like you to meet (if you haven't already). I know that in the 'heavenly environment' doggies and kitties are all friends and there is no growling and hissing. :) I am happy that you are settling in and making friends. We will never forget you Gabe, the kitty with the beautiful Baby Blues who made us all smile. :)

02-15-2003, 09:45 AM
Gabe , its so nice to hear from you! How do you get along with Gabriel your namesake , the Lorrds Trumpeter! Please look up Mr. Scrappy , Pouncer, Mr FLuffy , Tiger , Orange Blossom , Buster Kitten , Smoke , And THe Smokies! Thank you for letting us know that our cats will have a place to go to , and a place where all animals will live in Peace!

02-15-2003, 10:05 AM
Oh Gabe,
The tears came again! But, at least no one is at work to see them. I am happy to know you are up there, probably running the joint, eh? Please look up my little stray, Arizona, and her kittens and tell her I love her. Also, Queenie, my first kitty, she is there, and will help you with anything. Take care of yourself, and thanks for letting us know you are ok. We will be, too, in time.
Johanna and the other states.

02-15-2003, 11:50 AM
Oh, Gabe what a nice surprise to hear from you. Yep, I cried too but it's so nice to know you made to the RB and are happy. Did you hear me ask God to give you a cuddle? Twice a day I ask him to cuddle all my furry family there and all of those of all my PT family too. Your name was mentioned specially ever since you left us.

We love you too Gabe.

02-15-2003, 12:22 PM
Hi Gabe, It is great to hear from you ;) I bet Whitney, (Pam's standard black poodle who lives on at Rainbow Bridge), has already come to visit with you...she was the sweetest dog ever. So i know she is taking extra good care of you for us...maybe you could have a little talk with God, and get a few other chances to email us every now and then :) It is great to think about you having a grand time up there...hear are some kisses for you :)

Blowing my kisses to sweet Gabriel...



Gabriel http://www.rocketsky.net/~mysmilies/otn/angels/littleangel.gif

smokey the elder
02-16-2003, 07:57 AM
Gabe, thanks for the e-mail! If you look up Smokey the Elder, a gray tux, she'll let you play with her strings and her mousies!

02-16-2003, 10:49 AM
Dearest Gabe,

I'm glad you made it okay and are feeling better. I'm sure the RB is a wonderful, magical place to be. Have a happy, healthy existence up there. And please, when you see Marina Mar (RB 11/01) and Casey aka "Bubba" (RB 12/02) give them both "moochies" and let them know their Mama and furkids love and miss them both very much. I hope you and all the pets from Pet Talk form a special bond like we have here. There's nothing like it!

Rest in Peace precious Gabe

02-16-2003, 09:50 PM
Here come the tears again...I am glad to hear that you are happy, Gabe. I am not quite ready to stop crying because of your departure from earth yet, but I am glad to know that you are happy and that you are meeting new friends. I'll be you are a big hit up there in heaven. Please say Hi to my RB kitty from my childhood, Pierre. Please also say hi to Beener, my yellow labbie RB boy.



02-17-2003, 06:15 AM

I'm so glad you are happy and healthy again. I can imagine you do have lots of new friends. My Sandy is there. Say hello to him for me.

02-17-2003, 10:39 AM
Oh Gabe - thank you for letting us all know your happy at RB - even though it makes us all wet-eyed again.
If you happen to bump into a gorgeous tabbypoint Siamese called Kisi - or Kisibi Orphelia if she's insisting on her full name!!
Would you please tell her Mummy said 'Hello and I still miss my Princess. I hope she's full of health at the bridge and has forgiven me for sending her there'


02-17-2003, 11:52 AM
Well, I just finished crying over Bassett and how I read this. What a way to start off Monday morning at work. But I'm glad to hear you are well and healthy again! I never dreamed they would have internet up there.....

Please give hugs to my friend's pets who've crossed over: Benson, Sandy, Pumpkin, Zachery, and Trixie (the dog). And also O.J. and Casper, my two sweethearts from years ago! Happy frolicking in the sunshine!:)

02-17-2003, 12:47 PM
Oh Gabe, the tears came again and all over my keyboard! Hopefully I can get this sent before it shorts out! :eek:

I'm glad you made it safely to the Rainbow Bridge. Look for Rusty the Irish Setter and Sable and Nike my RB kitties. I'm sure Sable and Nike will share their milk rings with you. :)

Take care Gabe. We miss you and you were so loved.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-18-2003, 10:42 AM
Hi Gabe, I'm glad you sent this email. It makes me feel better knowing you are settling in ok and everything is wonderful up there. Hugs to you and all the others there......

02-18-2003, 04:54 PM
Oh Gabe! What a relief it is knowing that you are happy and having fun playing up there at the RB. If you get the chance can you please say hello to Lucky for me? Let him know Houdini and mom still miss him a great deal and hope he is ok and playing with Nala, Orangie, Simba, Jasper, Angel, Smokey and the kittens.

Also Pooka (she's a deer chihuahua, tan and cute!) is a very nice sweet dog and will always be there for you if you need someone to talk to. Please tell her I miss her and love her bunches!

Most of all I wish you happiness in your eternal life at the Rb and I am sure you will meet a lot of knew friends. Thanks for thinking of us all down here, it really means a lot. We are glad you are feeling better.:)