View Full Version : Bent Whisker

Aspen and Misty
02-14-2003, 01:22 PM
Jilly's whisker is bent. Is there anything I need to do? Or is it ok for it to be bent??


ps:She got her first taste of Parsley last night and she LOVED it!

02-14-2003, 05:03 PM
It's fine, just leave it alone. And tell Jilly Happy Valentines Day from Chocolate and the gang in Ann Arbor! :D

Aspen and Misty
02-14-2003, 05:31 PM
Ok. I wasn't to worried but I didn't know if there was something. My dad said cut it off :eek: I then explained to him how sensitive a buns whiskers are! Gee :rolleyes: Well. Jily is one happy bun she's bun running around the livignroom all after noon. Although she was hopeing one special bun (Thelmer) would ask her to be her valentine its been a good day. She got extra parsley and some carrot tops from Chewy. Thank you and tell Chocolate and the rest of them purrty buns she says happy valentines day to!


02-14-2003, 07:22 PM
my Rutherford Kitty always has one bent whisker too. I wonder why that happens?