View Full Version : Memory?

02-13-2003, 12:32 PM
I have never had a good memory and now I am getting older it seems to be worse, lists for shopping, lists to do, lists for this lists for that.....and yet....
tonight a record was on the radio from the year dot, King of the Road by Roger Milller, and I sang along word perfect. If Blue Suede Shoes by Presley is ever played, come the end and in my mind I always continue into into "well, since my baby left me..." (Heartbreak Hotel, which followed on the LP, my husband had a LOT of Elvis records!:D). There are lots of other examples I could quote too. It seems that music is the key to improving my memory. Maybe I should turn all my lists into songs. :D


02-13-2003, 12:52 PM

Interesting thought about music & memory. As children we
sang the ABC'S of the alphabet all the time as a way of
memorizing them. Maybe music aides memory.:D :D

02-13-2003, 04:25 PM
Or, in usual PetTalk fashion, we can rewrite lyrics to suit our needs.

Sid needs to have his dry food shaken for him before he will eat it - so I often find myself picking it up and singing to him

"shake shake shake. shake shake shake. Shake your food dish... shake your food dish yeah."

02-13-2003, 09:27 PM
There are so many theories about short term memory loss....and there are exercises to improve it. I suggest you go to Google.com and do some searching on the internet about the topic. Now don't forget to do it.


02-14-2003, 03:00 AM
I'm only 22 and I have to write everything down. I can't go to the grocery store without a list, because I always forget at least one thing.

For a science exam once, my friends and I made up a song to remember how an ionic bond is made.. we did it to the tune of "Isn't it Ironic" (*sing* isn't it ionic.. it's like a metal, and a non-metal!) and I still know that an ionic bond is a metal and a non-metal.. but that's all I know. It was kinda funny when we all started humming when we got to that question on the test! :)

02-14-2003, 03:28 AM
Loss of memory is defenitely an aging problem ! I used to remember everything ; I knew ALL birthdays in my family , never needed a telephone book ...! But oh waw , since a few years , I cannot remember the easiest things . Sometimes I even do not remember things we decided the day before ..:( !
I am trying to train my memory with crossword-puzzles , but it doesn't help a lot ...!
You are so right about songs , Chris ! I know whole songs by heart from my childhood ! I even still remember half the text of a German poem . ( Barbara , I must send you a pm , so I can remember the other words ... It is about the Lorelei)

Oh well , we are getting old , aren't we ;) ;)http://www.cindydrew.com/cats/free/catchairana.gif

02-14-2003, 10:08 AM
Memory...what memory?!
If you ask me what I did last night, I'll stare at you blankly for a good 5 minutes until I remember. I really believe music is a good memory device. I'll never forget my 6th grade teacher did this sing song thing for all the prepositions we had to remember for English class. I can recite every single one to this day. I've never forgotten a song. No matter how years have gone by, if it was a song I liked, I can sing it word for word. Funny how I can remember just about any song from years ago but I can't remember what I wrote on the grocery list 5 minutes ago!

02-14-2003, 10:20 AM

Funny you should mention prepositions. It was a requirement
for our 6th grade class to memorize them also. I still know
them all by heart. LOL.:D Never found the right spot to include
this accomplishment on my resume. :D Did you also attend a
parochial school, by chance?