View Full Version : do your dogs eat anything weird??

02-13-2003, 10:00 AM
I really try not to give them any food that is not for them, but once in a while, they will get a special treat!!
Abbey will eat ANYTHING, so I won't bother with hers, but Kito's *weird* faves are cheesecake (just a little nibble), popcorn, mackerel (we feed him that for his shiny coat), pumpkin, cottage cheese, and the weirdest one of all---candy canes!!! I don't give them to him, but he loves to lick them when I am eating one--it keeps his breath fresh at least!!!

02-13-2003, 10:08 AM
Nebo will eat ANYTHING, plain and simple. Reggie and Smokey will eat most things, but nothing near what Nebo will eat........for Nebo, it doesn't even have to be edible! lol :rolleyes: He does like pickles, which I find odd, Reggie and Smokey won't touch them.

02-13-2003, 10:32 AM
All 3 of mine love raw broccoli :D I find it really strange!

02-13-2003, 10:46 AM
Pretzels is about the only junk food my 3 get on a regular
basis. It's funny because even though Maddie's blind,
she can tell the difference between the sound of a Pretzel
vs a regular Potato Chip crunch. She only nudges me for
a bite, when it's a Pretzel.

And hands down all 3 love Popeye's Spicy Chicken. If I'm eating
that, it's guaranteed that I'll have 3 pairs of eyes glued to
me (even Maddie), just willing me to give them each a bite.
You'd think it'd be too spicy for'em, but then Murph'll eat salsa
if you're not careful about where you leave the bowl.


02-13-2003, 11:27 AM
Wilma eats Chinese hot mustard! I guess pits are tough inside and out.

02-13-2003, 11:34 AM
Mine will eat just about anything!! Molly is the only one who really likes apples - so we share. The others love chips and popcorn. I try not to give them too many treats, but have found that you can't drop any food in our house! And if you do, make sure your fingers and toes are out of the way because all four dive for whatever is there. They act like they haven't eaten in years. :D

02-13-2003, 12:13 PM
Bandit loves jelly beans! He steals them every chance he gets. He also really likes almonds. He gets one at a time and chews them with great concentration!

02-13-2003, 12:24 PM
Ruby can be a pretty picky eater... but she loves popcorn, peanut butter, & french fries .... i'm know there's others, but that's all i can really think of right now ;)

02-13-2003, 01:12 PM
My dogs will eat anything. They aren't to crazy about veggies though. Ruff's favorite is a hotdog on a bun. He dont' get them to often though. Ginger favorite is tuna fish on crackers I almost think she is half cat.

Dixieland Dancer
02-13-2003, 01:52 PM
Dixie use to be Miss Finicky. After she got spayed she turned into the proverbial food monster. She will eat anything!

Dusty is cautious of what you are giving him. Once he sees Dixie eating it though he usually tries it too. Nothing like peer pressure, even in dogs!! :rolleyes:

02-13-2003, 03:27 PM
Forgot to add that Maddie'll eat pills from your hand like
treats. And recently I had to give Oz antibotics, that were
in capsules. I ran out of cream cheese, so I just tried to
wrap some lunch meat around'em. He chomped down on it
and a puff of white powder came spraying out of his mouth.
Didn't phase him at all, he kept on munching away and you
know that had to taste bad. Think he's gonna be like Maddie
about medicine.


02-13-2003, 03:38 PM
You'd think how much of a fatty boy Simba is, he wouldn't be as picky. But he is. He loves meat. That's not weird though. There's nothing really weird that he'll eat... My brother cracks up when Simba eats doritos though. [I always knew there was something m,essed up in that mind of his! lmao.... Lauren don't let Kenny see this.] Honey on the other hand, she eats ANYTHING! She loves kiwi and oranges.

02-13-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by ParNone
Forgot to add that Maddie'll eat pills from your hand like

Abbey does the exacty same thing!! And, of course, I have to have a treat ready for Kito, because he thinks he is missing out:rolleyes: :)

02-13-2003, 11:52 PM
UUUMMMMM how about:
pop cans, and paper products???
If I don't move fast enough Keegan will pull pop cans right out of the recycling can, and she pulls Kleenex right out of my pocket!!

02-14-2003, 07:01 PM
Alright I think I'm gonna win the award for strangest thing eaten. Bull has eaten, you ready for this, STEELWOOL! We had some on the picnic table this summer and appently Bull thought it would be very tasty. There was only an inch left after he was done.