View Full Version : Happy Birthday Smokey!!!!

02-13-2003, 02:38 AM
Another poodle boy has a birthday! His birthday is Feb 13th but since it's 1 a.m. here I'm going to post it now!

SMOKEY is turning 17 years old!! :eek: I guess it's officially time to stop calling him a puppy! :D ;) But the old boy still has spunk! He insists on waking my mom up at 4 a.m. *every* morning, and yesterday morning he left me a "present" in the bathroom--toilet paper ripped up all over! lol! He can still run and jump..and bite! :rolleyes: He is one brave little poodle!

Here's to Smokey...a REAL Momma's boy (with my mother)...loyal, loving, funny, and down right demanding at times! You've been there since I was 2 years old, I cannot imagine life without you! We love you blackie boy!!!

Unfortunately, I have not been able to find Frosty Paws anywhere, and Smokey has no interest in toys. So we bought him some treats (canine carryouts and pupcorn!) and we'll be giving him his very own <human> valentine's cookie! We always do! hehe :D I'll take some pics tomorrow........but for now.....here's some other pics of Smokey.......:) :) :)


02-13-2003, 02:39 AM

02-13-2003, 02:44 AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SMOKEY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-13-2003, 06:09 AM
Happy Birthday, Smokey! Sounds like you have a lot of fun ahead of you!!!


I love this picture!! MUST.....RUB.....BELLY!!! :D

02-13-2003, 06:42 AM
Happy Birthday, Smokey! It's great to hear how you have maintained your spunk and attitude throughout the years!!
Hope your Bday is a fabulous one, Smokey boy!

02-13-2003, 07:52 AM
What a reason to celebrate!!! 17 years young!!!! And he looks wonderful, Amy!!! Hope he has a marvelous birthday!! He deserves it!!!! :D

02-13-2003, 07:55 AM
Happy Birthday, sweet Smokey!!! Sadie wishes you a very happy birthday, with lots of puppy kisses! Happy birthday, sweetheart!

It's a Poodle Party, Reece, and now Smokey!:) ;)

02-13-2003, 08:11 AM
Happy Birthday Smokey!! Hope Smokey has a very wonderful day! :D

02-13-2003, 09:08 AM
Happy Birthday Smokey !! :D :D You're an adorable pup and I guess it's a must that you share how you maintain your 'youthful' look ;) 17 YEARS!!!!!

This is my favorite picture. Is this is his bed or is it a laundry basket ? :D :D It jsut cracked me up upon looking at this picture !


{{{SMOKEY}}} from Rosebel , Missy and Toby

02-13-2003, 09:16 AM
Happy Birthday!!!! 17 years!! :eek: Wow! Smokey you don't look a day over 3! Same svelte handsome shape, no grey fur! What's your secret?

02-13-2003, 09:32 AM
Happy Birthday Smokey!!!
What a great doggie you are--you've given your family so much joy over these 17 years!!!
Enjoy your special day, and your treats:D :D :D

02-13-2003, 09:53 AM
Smokey, my Ripley saw your picture and insisted that I stop what I was doing and wish you a very Happy Birthday. (He is hoping he will be as handsome as you are once his fur grows back. :) ) The pictures are just terrific - I can't pick a favorite! You certainly don't look your age, little cutie! I don't want Bella to see this but gosh, I was reading about how Smokey still loves to unroll the toilet paper. Bella just loves doing that. I thought she'd outgrow it. Guess not! :rolleyes: Anyway, Happy Birthday Smokey!!

02-13-2003, 10:02 AM
Happy Birthday Smokey!!

Hope you enjoy your special day.:)


02-13-2003, 10:17 AM
Happy 14th Birthday Smokey !!! :)

02-13-2003, 10:30 AM
17 years old! That's amazing:D I bet you're the oldest dog on Pet Talk :D Have a great day Smokey!

02-13-2003, 10:47 AM
HAAAPPPPPYYYY BIRHTDAY TO YOU sMOKEY!!!!! WoW, 17 years!!!!!! and many many morrrrreeeeeeee!!!!!! :D

02-13-2003, 12:11 PM
WOW! All our critters should be so lucky!! Bless you sweetheart! Have a happy, healthy, fun 17th Birthday and many, many more!

02-13-2003, 12:31 PM
WOW! 17 years! I hope you have VERY HAPY BIRTHDAY!! :D

02-13-2003, 12:39 PM
http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Hollow/9646/freegifsbday/bdaydog.jpg Happy birthday Smokey! I hope there are enough candles in this cake to celebrate your 17th year.

02-13-2003, 12:59 PM
Happy birthday Smokey! I love the picture of him in the basket!! So cute :D

Cinder & Smoke
02-13-2003, 01:17 PM
Hap, Happ,

H AP P I E :)


Smokey !!! :D

/s/ Smokey frum Ohio

02-13-2003, 01:45 PM

Dixieland Dancer
02-13-2003, 01:57 PM
Originally posted by Tanya&Fritz
17 years old! That's amazing:D I bet you're the oldest dog on Pet Talk :D Have a great day Smokey!

What an amazing statistic!!! Have a great birthday Smokey and I wish you many more. It's amazing you still have spunk and vigor at the ripe ol age of 119 in people years! :D

02-13-2003, 02:14 PM
happy 17 birthday SMOKEY!! your such a cutie!! here's too many more happy healthy years! :D

02-13-2003, 02:19 PM
17!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW! :eek: Amy, he's almost as old as you! I bet you consider him like a brother. :p Nice pics! I wish you many more happy and healthy years with this little fella. :D

02-13-2003, 05:44 PM
Happy 17th birthday SMOKEY !

Woo Woo WOo!!!!!

02-14-2003, 12:11 AM
Smokey says thanks everyone!! :D

The pic in the basket....I don't really know what it is, or what it's supposed to be for....it's actually in my room filled with stuffed animals at the moment lol. I just put poor Smokey in there for a pic.

Popcornbird, yup, I've had Smokey since I was 2 years old! :) We grew up together!

Here's a pic I took of Smokey today with his treats. :D


02-14-2003, 12:59 AM
Amy, I think that's a laundry basket! We have the EXACT same one except its purple, and when we bought it, it had a laundry basket sticker on it! That's what we use it for too!

02-14-2003, 07:06 AM
I hope you had a terrific birthday Smokey:D

02-14-2003, 10:14 AM
I'm so sorry to be late with your birthday wishes, precious Smokey!! But since this birthday is such a MILESTONE, I think another day of celebration is in order!!:D Happy Birthday to you dear Smokey! You're one adorable, young at heart pupster!:)


02-14-2003, 02:19 PM
Happy Birthday, Smokey! I know I'm late.. but you made it, 17 years old! You old man! :)