View Full Version : Your dog's info

02-13-2003, 12:19 AM
Just because..........

...I have nothing better to post, lol. :)

Please reply and answer the following for each dog you have:

Something special about your dog:

Aspen and Misty
02-13-2003, 04:02 AM
Name: Chewy
Gender: Male
Breed: Australian Shepherd Mix (aka Teh North American Chew dog)
Color: Brown
Age: 8 months
Weight: 45
Something special about your dog: His smile

Name: Huney
Gender: Female
Breed: Pomeranian
Color: Sble Wolf
Age: 3 months
Weight: 7 pounds, she's gettin fat!
Something special about your dog: Her pretty little prancing walk she does.

Name: Teddy
Gender: Male
Breed: Sheltie
Color: Tri-Black
Age: 11 years old
Weight: 30 pounds, wow he is gettin fat to, what are they feedin these dogs over here
Something special about your dog: His love for his mommy.


02-13-2003, 06:07 AM
Name: Malone
Gender: Male
Breed: Yellow Lab & a little Golden Retriever Mix
Color: The purest Gold
Age: Almost 10 months :eek:
Weight: Around 55 pounds
Something special about your dog: He always greets me with a smile & a wag every morning, no matter how ugly I'm feeling. He knows when I'm upset and will come and cuddle me. He is the best companion, and loves to play. And even though he has episodes of great puppy nawtteeeenesss, he's my good Bubs, and I love him to pieces. :o :D

02-13-2003, 06:45 AM
Name: Drake
Gender: Male (although his vet records say N and not M)
Breed: GSD/Wolf Hybrid
Color: White, Black, Grey
Age: 2 years and 8 months
Weight: 90 lbs
Something special about your dog: My first dog ever and the light of my life!

02-13-2003, 07:21 AM
Name: Sadie
Gendar: Spayed Female
Breed: Black Labrador Retriever
Color: Solid Black
Age: 6 years
Wiight: 45 lbs. (Perfect sze!)
Sadie is just a really big sweetie! We love her so much!:) ;)

02-13-2003, 07:48 AM
Name: Dúna
Gender: Female
Breed: Minature Poodle
Color: White
Age: 5 1/2 years old
Weight: around 10 kg (I think that is 22lbs)
Something special about your dog: She was my the first dog I had on my own. I have had her since I was 15 and love her more than life.

Name: Ísabella Ísis
Gender: Female
Breed: Icelandic Sheepdog/Labrador Retriever
Color: Yellow and white
Age: 12 weeks
Weight: 5 kg (I think that is 11 lbs)
Something special about your dog: My new pup, so amazing I housetrained her in 1 week completely, she knows how to sit, lie down, stay, come, go in, go out and something else I am forgetting, I think she is so smart to learn this so quickly.

02-13-2003, 08:12 AM
We have quite a variety of sizes and types:

Name: Peach (Chester's Sweet Peaches)
Gender: Female
Breed: Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Color: Light Dead Grass
Age: 12.5 years
Weight: 77 lbs.
Something Special: She has the sweetest and kindest disposition. She's raised the dachshund as if he was her puppy. She was my sons dog and when he moved away from home she couldn't go. Now that he has a house of his own, we won't let her go. Just can't part with her.

This is not something special, but we'll probably lose her within the next month due to health problems. I cry now at the thought.

Name: Max (Baron Von Maximillian XXX)
Gender: Male
Breed: Dachshund (smooth)
Color: Black and Tan
Age: 6.5 years
Weight: 22 lbs.
Something Special: He's my bubba - always wants to be close. He's a big baby who likes to be carried everywhere, especially to bed at night. He was my 14th anniversary present.

Name: Carly
Gender: Female
Breed: Mixed
Color: Brown and Black
Age: 4 +/- years
Weight: 47 lbs
Something Special: We rescued her from some neighbors who had just about starved her to death. She had no manners and was a wild child. Now she is a true sweetheart - very loving and very protective of us and her siblings. Because she's so much taller, she lays down on the floor to play with the two little dogs - it's so cute to watch.

Name: Molly (Miss Molly Cupcake)
Gender: Female
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Color: Brown/Tan/Silver
Age: 9 months
Weight: 9 lbs
Something Special: She is my little girl - she makes me feel young and energetic. She's a live wire who loves nothing more than to play toy (little soccer balls). We start playing at 5:00 a.m. while I'm getting ready for work.

02-13-2003, 08:22 AM
Name: Madison
Gender: Female
Breed: Cairn Terrier
Color: Brindle
Age: 12 years old
Weight: 16 lbs
Something Special: She's got the cutest lil' yodel ever.

Name: McMurphy
Gender: Male
Breed: Cairn Terrier
Color: Wheaten
Age: 12 and 1/2 years old
Weight: 20 lbs
Something Special: He's always so happy happy, but when he's
going for a walk, he about has an out of body experience, he's
so excited.

Name: Oz
Gender: Male
Breed: Smooth Coated Collie
Color: Sable Merle
Age: 7 mos old
Weight: 55 lbs
Something Special: His Collie Nose Nudge to show affection.

02-13-2003, 09:41 AM
Breed--Shiba Inu
Color--red and cream
Age--15 months
Weight--23 pounds
Something special--everything!! He makes the funniest little noises when he is playing, and when we come home--it sounds like he is singing!!!

Breed--Beagle mix
Color--brown, black, white
Age--???--probably around a year or so
Weight--43 pounds
Something special--she LOVES to kiss everyone!! If you lay down on the floor, get ready--she'll lick you and kiss you forever!!

02-13-2003, 09:43 AM
Name: Josie
Gender: Female
Breed: Lab
Color: Black
Age: 4
Weight: Around 60lbs
Something special about your dog: Everything :D

Name: Zeke
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shep/Lab
Color: Black and tan
Age: 9 months
Weight: 45-50 lbs
Something special about your dog:Everything :D

02-13-2003, 10:38 AM
Name: Hans
Gender: Male
Breed: Mini Schnauzer
Color: Grey
Age: 6 years
Weight: 25 pounds
Something special about your dog: Loves to cuddle, he can cuddle without moving for hours.

Name: Fritz
Gender: Male
Breed: Mini Poodle
Color: Black
Age: 2 years
Weight: 12 pounds
Something special about your dog: Adorable! FULL of personality, FULL of energy!

Name: Sparky
Gender: Male
Breed: Mini Schnauzer/Bishon Frise
Color: Brown, grey, white
Age: 1 year
Weight: 20 pounds
Something special about your dog: Will sit on your lap and stare in your eyes! It's like he's telling us how much he loves us!

02-13-2003, 10:46 AM
Name: Bella
Gender: Female
Breed: Standard Poodle
Color: White
Age: 2
Weight: 40 lbs.
Something special about your dog: She never leaves my side and is always ready to do whatever it is that I want to do. She is gentle and lovable with a spark of mischief in her eyes at times (still has a little puppy left in her I think. ;) )

Name: Ripley
Gender: Male
Breed: Mini Poodle
Color: Black
Age: Unknown but the vet suggested 3 yrs. old so we will go with that
Weight: 12 lbs.
Something special about your dog: We're just getting to know him, since he hasn't been with us quite a month yet, but he is like a velcro dog. He is glued next to me wherever I am. He tosses his toys up in the air when he plays and when I come home he greets me by dancing on his hind legs with his whole body quivering in excitement. :)

02-13-2003, 11:29 AM
Name: Jessie
Gender: Female
Breed: Lab Retriever
Color: Black
Age: 4 years 9 months
Weight: 70 lbs.
Something special about your dog: She always manages to find someway out of the house. lol She's always safe though. She's just a mischievious little girl.

Name: Cleatus
Gender: Male
Breed: Lab/Boxer (so the shelter said, but the vet and I think more Great Dane than boxer)
Color: Black with some while spots
Age: 3 years 9 months
Weight: 75 lbs.
Something special about your dog: He is the most obedient dog, laid back, sweet, and loves to cuddle by rolling into a little ball.

Name: Honey
Gender: Female
Breed: Lab/Pit Bull Mix
Color: honey coloration with a blend of black here and there.
Age: 9 1/2 months old
Weight: 45
Something special about your dog: She gives lots of kisses and seems to know when someone isn't feeling well.

02-13-2003, 11:45 AM
name: Scamper
gender: male
breed: probably lab/german shepard/husky mix
color: black with white and brown markings
age: 9 (63 in dog years)
weight: about 65 lbs
something special about your dog: his personality. he's the sweetest dog and he loves us sooo much. he barely ever barks, unless he's chasing some kind of animal. when we go for a walk with him, he jumps up and down until we're about halfway down the road because he's so exited. lol :rolleyes:

02-13-2003, 11:59 AM
Name: Anna
Gender: Female
Breed: Siberian Husky
Color: Gray/white
Age: 6 or 7 years old
Weight: 45 lbs (?)
Something special about your dog: She loves to be around people, and she makes others like her right away! :)

Name: Rosie
Gender: Female
Breed: Beagle
Color: Tri-color (black/white/brown)
Age: 1 and 1/2 years old
Weight: 28 lbs (she gained..)
Something special about your dog: She has a thing about socks, and she loves to lay next to anyone if someone is on the couch with a blanket, she's a big baby..

02-13-2003, 12:01 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Rachael! Do you have any pictures of Scamper?

02-13-2003, 12:35 PM
Name: Ruby
Gender: female
Breed: Basenji/Australian Cattle Dog
Color: White w/ tanish-red speckles
Age: 2 years
Weight: 52 pounds
Something special about your dog: she LOVES to give kisses, loves to please her family, loves to play... gah the list is toooo long :D

02-13-2003, 03:01 PM
Name: Mickey
Gender: Male (last i checked ;))
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Color: Sable & White with a black tail
Age: 3 months
Weight: i forgot :o
Something special about your dog: he is my first dog and is very special. he is playful, friendly, and smart, not to mention a comedian :p he always greets me and is happy to see me. he'll play with me when i'm bored and cuddle with me when i'm sad. he is what 12 years of begging has gotten me and its the best thing that has ever happened!! :D

02-13-2003, 03:11 PM
Name: Simba Warrick Knapp, AKA, Fattsy Boy.
Gender: Male
Breed: German Shepherd Pit Bull mix
Color: TAN! :D :D with black muzzle
Age: 5 :(
Weight: Not sure.... around 40 maybe?
Something special about your dog: He's my abosolute world. There would be nothing without him. My life revolves around him. He makes my familie's and my world smile. He's smart, adorable, entertaining. He's my angel, love, and best friend. I could go on and on aobut how muhc he means to me and my family. He brings so much joy into our lives and it would never be the same without him. I have tears as i'm typing this, only cause i love him so much. He's got to be the best dog in the world, or atleast in my world. Every cent of my money that i get, not that it's much, it always goes to him, buying him snackies, bandanas, or whatever else i feel like. Once again, he's everything to me. Simba is my definition of life. I love you Fattsy Boy. ;)

02-13-2003, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Blustang24

Name: Honey
Gender: Female
Breed: Lab/Pit Bull Mix
Color: honey coloration with a blend of black here and there.
Age: 9 1/2 months old
Weight: 45
Something special about your dog: She gives lots of kisses and seems to know when someone isn't feeling well.

AND she makes everyone smile. :D

Dakota's Mommy
02-13-2003, 03:18 PM
Name: Destiny Ann Corbitt
Gender: Female
Breed: Dalmation
Color: White w/ black spots
Age: 1 year
Weight: 43.5 pds.
Something special about your dog: Too many things to list, but she is a momma's girl!

Name: Dakota Nicole Corbitt
Gender: Female
Breed: Harlequin Great Dane
Color: White w/ black spots
Age: 8 months
Weight: 95 pds.
Something special about your dog: Too many things to list, but she is a daddy's girl!

02-13-2003, 03:49 PM
Name: Clifford
Gender: male
Breed: mix of everything
Color: black with white on his paws
Age: 9
Weight: 44lbs
Something special about your dog: he had been with me for most of my life and I love him to death. I don't know what I'll do w/o him.

Name: Candy
Gender: female
Breed: pug
Color: gray with black face
Age: 1
Weight: about 10 lbs
Something special about your dog: She isen't really my dog she's my best friends dog and I'm over there all the time and i take care of her and treat her like my own. She is very comical always running into couches and beds adn walls. Plus she is the most beautiful pug i've ever seen.

02-13-2003, 04:12 PM
Well, you asked for it... this could take a while! This is in the order I adopted them:
Name: Muskwa
Gender: Male
Breed: Siberian Husky
Color:Red and White with blue eyes
Age: 5
Weight: 51 lbs
Something special about your dog: Too smart for his own good!

Name: Earle
Gender: Male
Breed: Siberian Husky
Color:Black and White with blue eyes
Age: 3
Weight: 59 lbs
Something special about your dog: The most amazing dog ever--Earle is always the first dog new fosters are introduced to.

Name: Hoodoo
Gender: Male
Breed: Siberian Husky
Color: black & white, wooly, bi-eyed
Age: 3
Weight: 58 lbs
Something special about your dog: My first rescue, Earle's littermate and Muskwa's son

Name: Sleet
Gender: female
Breed: Alaskan Husky
Color: black and white
Age: 8 (?)
Weight: 55 lbs
Something special about your dog: My soulmate dog!

Name: Kayleigh
Gender: female
Breed: malamute mix
Color: black & white
Age: 4
Weight: 101 lbs
Something special about your dog: has made amazing progress in overcoming the damage done to her by first owner

Name: Bandit
Gender: Male
Breed: Siberian Husky
Color: grey, black & white
Age: 6
Weight: 57 lbs
Something special about your dog: will talk all day!

Name: Preacher
Gender: male
Breed: alaskan husky
Color: black & Tan
Age: 7 (?)
Weight: 75 lbs
Something special about your dog: couch potato, my best buddy and my protector

Name: Franklin
Gender: male
Breed: Alaskan Husky
Color: black and tan
Age: 3
Weight: 54 lbs
Something special about your dog: Mr. Timid has turned into an amazing little sled dog

Name: Goldie
Gender: female
Breed: malamute mix
Color: brown, grey, white
Age: 3 (?)
Weight: 61 lbs
Something special about your dog: spent over two years in a shelter!

Name: Heyoka
Gender: male
Breed: Giant Alaskan Malamute
Color: brown, grey, white
Age: 18 months
Weight: 110 lbs
Something special about your dog: gives the best hugs!

Name: Pingo
Gender: female
Breed: Alaskan Husky
Color: Black and white
Age: 5
Weight: 50 lbs
Something special about your dog: she a lead dog on our sled team and my dancing husky--she loves to put her paws up and boogie with me!

Plus three foster dogs who are waiting for their forever parents to find something special about them!

02-13-2003, 04:29 PM
Name: Sadie
Gender: Female
Breed: Lab/Dalmation mix
Color: Black/ White chest and paws
Age: 2 yrs /4mos.
Weight: 58 lbs.
Something special about your dog: Sadie is as smart as they come, which is why I like to called her Sherlock Holmes. She can seek out a toy or bone where no one knew there was one. She loves to play tough girl with her daddy, and then snuggle with mommy. She also loves to dance and is gtting ready for her first Freestyle competetion this summer.

Name: Cincy
Gender: Female
Breed: Lab Mix
Color: Black/ white chest
Age: 1 year 5 months
Weight: 65 lbs.
Something special about your dog: Cincy is her sister's shadow. She loves to play with every dog she has ever met, and will even lay down to be at the level of her smaller friends. She loves to chew on her toys before she is ready to snuggle. She is also training to be a therapy dog.

02-13-2003, 05:13 PM
Name: Riley
Gender: Male
Breed: Basenji
Color: Red and White
Age: About 9 months
Weight: 20-30 lbs.{i think i'm not sure:rolleyes:}
Something special about your dog: How he loves me no matter what:D

02-13-2003, 05:33 PM
Name: Bull
Gender: Male
Breed: Pit bull mix
Color: brindle
Age: 1 1/2 years
Weight: 65 lbs
Something special about your dog: Loves to love on the cats

02-13-2003, 08:03 PM
Breed:siberian husky german shepherd belgian shepherd collie rhodesian ridgeback golden retriever australian shepherd X
Colour: Sable with a black saddleback and markings, a white chest and tummy and white paws. Amber eyes.
Age:will be two on may first
Weight:80 pounds
Something special abut your dog: she can run for hours!

Breed:German shepherd
Colour:Shes a silver shepherd, so shes mostly a silver grey colour, but she also has black, a really light beige, and white. Dark brown eyes.
Age: Will be ten on october 31st
Weight: 110 pounds
Something special about your dog:She protects children from their parents lol (im serious, she makes friends with kids and then growls at their parents and stands in front of the kids lol)

Breed: german shepherd doberman border collie lab X
Colour: All pure white, dark brown eyes.
Age: 7
weight: 50 pounds
Something special about your dog: She has a dent in her head where her mom bit her when she was a puppy...it caused her to get sticthes (hence the name lol)

Breed:Chesapeake bay retriever cocker spaniel X
Colour:chocolate brown
Age:3 months
weight: ?
Something special about your dog: my dad named him after his car (hes a little obsessed lol)

02-14-2003, 10:04 PM
thanks for the welcome. unfortunately, i don't have any pictures of scamper :( . i'm hoping to scan some soon, so i'll let u guys know when i get it done.

02-15-2003, 02:26 AM
Name: Nebo
Gender: Male
Breed: Siberian Husky
Color: Dark Red/White
Age: Close to 9 months
Weight: 53 lbs (I weighed him at the vet last wednesday lol)
Something special about your dog: He howls like...I don't know....a very sick cow or something, it's a strange sound! Guess that's not very special huh? ;) He's my big soft teddy bear! That's special! :D

Name: Reggie
Gender: Male
Breed: Schnauzer
Color: Salt and Pepper
Age: 10 1/2
Weight: 25 lbs
Something special about your dog: Reggie is a sweetie....I love holding my Reggie-baby...he's so snuggly to lay next too..and he snorts and grunts..too cute! He also howls like a puppy!

Name: Smokey
Gender: Male
Breed: Poodle
Color: Black
Age: 17
Weight: 10 lbs
Something special about your dog: Smokey will ALWAYS let you know when he wants something! He'll go bark and drag people down 2 flights of stairs to let them know they left a plate of food on the table..and he wants it!! lol

02-15-2003, 09:38 AM
Name: Smudge
Gender: Male
Breed: Mix (lab, spaniel and who knows what else)
Colour: Black with a little bit of white on muzzle, chest and feet.
Age: Three and I guess a half
Weight: Well at the vet on Saturday he was weighing in at 19.3kg which is about 43lbs
Something special about your dog: He's the first dog that I myself owned and I love him to death. He's also one of the goofiest dogs that I know.

Name: Winter
Gender: Female
Breed: Border Collie
Colour: Black and White
Age: Two
Weight: I think between 25lbs and 30lbs
Something special about your dog:She loves to kiss and cuddle, in fact at times she thinks she's a lap dog.

Name: Tama or if he's acting up Tamashii
Gender: Male
Breed: Papillion
Colour: White and black
Age: Almost two
[B]Weight:[/B 7 or 8lbs
Something special about your dog: He was timid at first but is slowly letting his true colours shine through...those being a goofy little trouble maker whose learning the weird little bad habits of his brother and sister.

02-16-2003, 01:51 PM
name: Sally
gender: Female
breed: Brittany
color: Black and White
age: 1 1/2
weight: last time weighted: 34lbs
Something special...
my dog is very smart she know over 50 commands
she is easy to train and being with her she learned so many!

:D :) :D

02-16-2003, 05:51 PM
i have three dogs so get ready

Name: Gannons Sir Raliegh of Erin (Riley)
Gender: Male
Breed: Standard Poodle
Color: Black
Age: 3yr
Weight: 65lbs

he did actually save my life one night when he was 13mths old a man tried to break in my car with me in it riley was lying on the back seat when all of the sudden he jump into the frontseat growling and snapping the man backed away and ran. other than that he thinks he is the smallest lap dog in the house

next :)

Name: Ch. Cetaceas Black Pearl (pearlie mae)
Breed: Miniture poodle
Gender: spayed female
Color: black
Age: 12yr
Weight: 18lbs

She is the queen of the house she keeps the other in line. best bed buddy :)

02-16-2003, 08:22 PM
what about your third dog
thats cool about how he saved your life...
my dog also is queen of the house

02-16-2003, 09:19 PM
some how i listed her on something else a new tread the computer and me dont get along to well. my third poodle is

Name: Gannons erin of Wildefire (Gannie) also know as lucille because she acts live lucy
Gender: female intact
color: Apricot
age 14mths
weight 40lbs

she goes to all my pet safety classes.

02-16-2003, 09:53 PM
My Dogs are

Delilah.....(Sampson..do not mess with the Queen!!!!)
She will be 7 on may 27...i think..thats' the day that i adopted her...in 2000, so I declared it her official birthday!!!...she was 4 when i got her...she is My Precious Baby!!!!!!
she is Dalmation/Hound mix.....Quite Handsome if I do say so myself!!!!

Joey, I adopted on Aug.20,2002....he was born Nov.11,2001...so he still has a lot of PUPPY in Him....he is a Dalmation/Great Dane Mix.....also a pound puppy...with his size and "GRACE"...I use the term loosely....he didn't have a prayer of being adopted at the pound....(and his Special Diet...consisting of baseball hats,denim shorts....socks galore,remotes...oh and the "piece de' resistance...25 CDS'...all belonging to my fiancee!!!!)any way...He is our Bouncing,baby boy....i use that term literally....
I went to the pound to get a kitty...as my Dear Ms. Puss had to go to The Bridge....The cattery was under construction...they wouldn't show me any kitties...but they WOULD show me Joey!!!!

enough for now....
those are my babies...i'll try to put a pic up...the one i have of them together...some might have seen already....but for the new people...here they are:

02-16-2003, 09:59 PM
My Dogs are

Delilah.....(Sampson..do not mess with the Queen!!!!)
She will be 7 on may 27...i think..thats' the day that i adopted her...in 2000, so I declared it her official birthday!!!...she was 4 when i got her...she is My Precious Baby!!!!!!
she is Dalmation/Hound mix.....Quite Handsome if I do say so myself!!!!

Joey, I adopted on Aug.20,2002....he was born Nov.11,2001...so he still has a lot of PUPPY in Him....he is a Dalmation/Great Dane Mix.....also a pound puppy...with his size and "GRACE"...I use the term loosely....he didn't have a prayer of being adopted at the pound....(and his Special Diet...consisting of baseball hats,denim shorts....socks galore,remotes...oh and the "piece de' resistance...25 CDS'...all belonging to my fiancee!!!!)any way...He is our Bouncing,baby boy....i use that term literally....
I went to the pound to get a kitty...as my Dear Ms. Puss had to go to The Bridge....The cattery was under construction...they wouldn't show me any kitties...but they WOULD show me Joey!!!!

enough for now....
those are my babies...i'll try to put a pic up...the one i have of them together...some might have seen already....but for the new people...here they are:http://

02-16-2003, 10:32 PM
Name: Captain
Gender: Male
Breed: Dalmatian
Color: Black and White
Age: 4 and 3 quarter years (born 19th July 1998)
Weight: 27 kgs
Something special about your dog: the never ending tail wag and his "happy I have just had a walk" face!

Name: Ruby
Gender: Female
Breed: Dalmatian
Color: Black and White
Age: 1 and 3 quarter years (born 19th July 2001)
Weight: 21kgs
Something special about your dog: her "woo woo woo" greeting and the way she hides her head when she sleeps

Yes, they were born on the exact same day 3 years apart - could not believe it!:D

02-16-2003, 10:47 PM
Name: Sadie
Gender: Female (spayed)
Breed: Mutt (whippet/ black lab maybe?)
Color: Black with white on her chest (also lots of gray now too)
Age: 11 years
Weight: 35 lbs.
Something special about your dog: she's my best friend

02-16-2003, 10:51 PM
Name: Wilma
Gender: Female
Breed: Pitbull mix
Color: Brindle
Age: 2 years
Weight: 40 lbs
Something special about your dog: She can jump so high her nose touches the top of the door jam!

Name: Joxer
Gender: Male
Breed: Boxer/pitbull
Color: Brindle
Age: 1 1/2 years
Weight: 65 lbs
Something special about your dog:He's in training to be a pet partner therapy dog!

Name: Buford
Gender: Male
Breed: Bullmastiff/hound mix
Color: Brindle
Age: 1 year
Weight: 100 lbs
Something special about your dog: He's the best watch dog ever! he was only about 2 days away from starving to death when he was rescued.

02-17-2003, 12:00 AM
Name: Reece
Gender: male
Breed: Poodle/Bichon
Color: apricot with a couple white spots
Age: 3 years old
Weight: he's at 12 lbs now :o
Something special about your dog: He always has a smile on his face, he loves to cuddle and sleeps under the covers, he makes me laugh, he loves everyone and everything, he lets me carry him around like a baby.

Name: Lolly
Gender: female
Breed: Wirehair Fox Terrier/Poodle/Dachshund
Color: black with white and brown markings
Age: 6 and a half
Weight: 30 lbs
Something special about your dog: She's the smartest, most inuitive dog, I could swear she understands English, she's very sensitive to peoples' emotions and energies, when I'm upset, she'll rest her head on me, she's overcome an extremely abusive 5 years of her life.

02-17-2003, 07:43 AM
Color:Black & Mahogany
Age:11 yrs 5 mos
Weight:around 120+
Something Special About Your Dog:Well...first, what's not special about him! You only have to meet him 1 time & you'll fall completely & totally in love with him:D

Breed:Siberian Husky
Color:Black & White with blue eyes
Age:1 yr 9 mos
Weight:around 50 lbs
Something Special About Your Dog:We got her at a very hard time in our life, when our Keisha (Chow) had just passed to the RB the month before, and she really helped us get through that. Plus, she's one smart doggie & loves to have nonstop fun!

Breed:Chow Chow
Age:Not sure since we rescued her (vet said she was about a year), but the day we brought her home was 6/27/02, so that's her birthday. And that makes her 1 yr & 8 mos
Weight:around 30 lbs
Something Special About your dog:EVERYTHING!! We couldn't have went out and bought a better dog than Huney. She's never tore anything up (except stuffies:rolleyes: ), pottied in the house or anything. She has been a wonderful dog. I just can't imagine anyone throwing away such a perfect dog. She is a little skiddish of people she doesn't know, but once you get to know her, your friends for life:cool:

02-17-2003, 09:30 AM
Name: (Sheba) Aiken Chai Kuma Sheba
Gender: Female/spayed
Breed: Akita
Color: Brown/white with black overlay
Age: 9.5 yrs.
Weight: 80 lbs
Something special about your dog: Very sweet, sensitive to
my feelings and and loves to please and is the best
camping dog I have every owned.

Name: Pepper (Castle-bar's sweet........)
Gender: Femals/spayed
Breed: Norwich
Color: red wheaten
Age: 5
Weight: 13 lbs on a good day.
Something special about your dog: Very playful, good natured
lots of fun.

Name: Rocky (keaySons Rockin my Heart)
Gender: Male/neutered
Breed: Akita
Color: brown/white black overlay
Age: 3.5
Weight: 118 lbs
Something special about your dog: A goof ball,
very affectionate, always makes me laugh and feel