View Full Version : Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

02-11-2003, 03:26 PM
This "Pet talk" place can sure be hard on a person. We (at least the cat side) have had too many kitties leaving for the RB lately.:(
and others, and each time I find myself crying my eyes out like I lost a personal friend. I guess, I did.
My heart goes out to each one of you who have lost dear friends. Try to be strong (stronger than me, at least)

02-11-2003, 03:41 PM
Jen, I wish that Pet Talk had been around when I had lost my other furkids years ago. It is a wonderful place to come and share our loves and also our losses. Everyone here understands, unlike some who we may meet in our day-to-day lives that don't understand the human/animal bond.

The dog side has also had its share of losses. Right now I am drawing a blank and the only one who comes immediately to mind is Lizbud's Buddy. (Forgive my bad memory right now). There have been, and are, many sick pupsters there as well.

When we meet these furkids and they become our extended family we share the fun times but also the sorrow. Yes, sometimes being a Pet Talker can be very hard. :(

Dixieland Dancer
02-11-2003, 03:43 PM
I find the price of having lots of friends who share my passion for dogs is higher than other friends. Because of the short life span of animals compared to people we do suffer more with our friends... but we also rejoice in their joys as well and somehow it all seems to balance out in the end.

I watched my friend Kathi recently go through agony as her beloved Jazz (Dixie's Aunt) faded and eventually cross over the bridge. But then I got to rejoice with her when she got her new pup about 5 months later. Now I am watching her go through saddness again as her Blaze (Dixie's brother) suffers with an unknown sickness.

We are a compassionate group of people!

02-11-2003, 03:47 PM
What a good question, Jen. It is, in my opinion, a good thing, if you can disregard some of the pettiness that comes up, especially on the General section. I have been successful in keeping my mouth shut on that part, so far, I think.

As for the other parts of Pet Talk.....I don't know how we could ask for a better support group than what we have with these wonderful people. We grieve together, we laugh together, we celebrate together, we rejoice together and we pray together. It is exactly what I need at all times. All of those things are the reason that I could never leave here. I have found 5 of my closest friends, for life, on this site. That's a huge statement about what it means to me. Those 5 know who they are, my "favorite girls".


02-11-2003, 03:50 PM
Jen, I was thinking of writing a post just like this. It is so hard on me to read of these sad happenings, but it is important to give support - I know I'll be needing it someday myself.

Wit the pictures and posts about everyone's pets, I feel I know them and I grieve when I hear the bad news (that has been coming way too often these days, it seems).

I am touched by the outpouring of care and concern that comes from the people here in these difficult circumstances.

02-11-2003, 03:51 PM
And our hearts as well are heavy for Karen (Wolflady) who lost her beloved kitty Socks to diabetes last week.:( The hardest part is not being able to comfort our friends personally in their time of grief and loss. Yes, it is very hard at times when we learn our dear friends have lost their beloved furkids; it's like losing one of my own. But, a true friend is one who is there not only during the happy times, but during the hardest times, as well. As the song says, "He ain't heavy, he's my brother." My heart is aching for all members of our Pet Talk family who are dealing with the heartache of an ailing or lost furkid:(

02-11-2003, 03:52 PM
Has anyone else found it hard getting a new pet because of a particularly hard passing of a previous one?

It was sort of bittersweet for me when I got Boo. I couldn't help but think "one day he's going to die and it's going to hurt like hell".

My parent's dog is getting older and I'm constantly fearful about his passing as well. I just can't seem to shake the death of my childhood dog.

02-11-2003, 03:58 PM
I could not have handled the health problems with Bassett without the support of everyone here. It has been wonderful to know I can come to a place where I won't hear "she's just a cat" and where people understand.

Soledad - I've thought about that too.. will it be too hard when a pet passes. But I look at it like this: isn't it more selfish of me to NOT take in another animal who needs a loving home, when I have the love in my heart to give? Sure it hurts, but look at the life I can provide for an animal in need! It's those thoughts that keep me going, even when my heart is breaking.

02-11-2003, 04:04 PM
I'm sorry to all of you for your losses. Although it's a difficult time, don't forget the joy that they brought you. My sympathies to all of you.

Edwina's Secretary
02-11-2003, 04:20 PM
Soledad...I will admit that one of the reasons I did not get a pet until my husband psuhed so hard was the fear of the inevitable loss. I have cried for every loss on Pettalk.

An age old question in any case...."tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all..."

02-11-2003, 04:22 PM
Good points, guys. I mean, I *know* these things....but it's hard not to still *feel* the way I do.

It wasn't just that my dog died, it was the long and horrible way we witnessed him go. We tried so hard and it was all for nothing.

It's hard to shake that feeling, and hard to work through it to the point that you don't think about it every time you look at your other pets.

02-11-2003, 04:26 PM
I agree that it's hard to watch an animal suffer. Although I think most times, animals only suffer because we, as pet lovers, selfishly keep them around because we don't want to lose them. I am not saying that is what happened in your case, it's just an observation I have made too many times.

It is hard, but I look at my pets as the huge joys I have in the present, and the good memories I will have when they are gone. Just give Boo and big hug, and thank him for blessing your life while he can, and for giving you memories that you will cherish forever - memories you wouldn't have if you never had him at all.

02-11-2003, 04:36 PM
You're right, my dog probably should have been put down a lot earlier. But you don't ever want to give up hope as long as there is some chance of recovery. However, my parents wanted us to make the decision because they wanted us to work through understanding mourning, etc. Look where that got me?:rolleyes:

I love Boo to pieces and he is a great joy in our lives. We know it would be so much poorer without him.

02-11-2003, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Soledad

I love Boo to pieces and he is a great joy in our lives. We know it would be so much poorer without him.

There's your reason for loving a pet right there! :)

Aspen and Misty
02-11-2003, 09:10 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
It has been wonderful to know I can come to a place where I won't hear "she's just a cat" and where people understand.

I have to agree with you. When I lost Wiley last week :( I told no one at school teh next day cause I knew that would be there response "Its just a cat get over it" While as Wiley was at the vets passing I was already telling people on pet talk about him being ill and then him dieng. It was a good suport. I felt bad posting about his death in the cat genral because I don't post over there alot but I needed to talk to someone about it and I knew you guys would understand. When I talk to people about you gusy I'm always Like O My Friend Someone told me this or that and they are like its just a website, but I see us more as a family who is scatered through out the world.


02-12-2003, 01:48 AM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty

I see us more as a family who is scatered through out the world.


That is a beautiful way to put it. Maybe that should be Pet Talk's new slogan - "The Pet Family that extends throughout the world"

02-12-2003, 02:16 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn

That is a beautiful way to put it. Maybe that should be Pet Talk's new slogan - "The Pet Family that extends throughout the world"

How about this as Pet Talk's new slogan

The Global Pet Family

02-12-2003, 02:29 AM
I like it!!!

T-shirt people... we have a suggestion :)

02-12-2003, 03:08 AM
I also cried for every pet that died and the first one for me here on PatTalk was Lut's Sydney. I was sad about a week. In the evenings I just wanted to go home and spend some more time with my kitty, give her a hug so she stays with me forever. I understand it's not possible, I only hope she'll stay here as long as possible.
When Lut took her second kitty so soon - Maya, I asked myself what would have I done if this were to happen to me. The same, I am sure. This kitty existed, it's not that she created her for her own sake, just to comfort the loss. And this kitty needed desperately a home, a lot of love and she had even more love to give.
As Edwina's Secretary said - "it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all..."

02-12-2003, 03:16 AM
WHAT!?!?!?! Gabe?!?! Did you say Gabe?!? OMG! Don't tell me something happened to Gabe while I was busy in Eid celebrations. No No No!!!! :(:(:( It can't be Gabe! Is this SAS's beautiful white and grey with gorgeous blue eyes, beer and Edwina loving Gabe? Oh no! :( Now I'm going to cry. :( Which thread is this on? No no! Please don't be the same precious Gabe. Nooooooooooo !! :(:(

02-12-2003, 04:04 AM
I think it's another Gabe.

02-12-2003, 05:04 AM
popcornbird, it is SAS's Gabe.
and now I'm crying again

But it IS a good thing. We need to be there for one another, and I can see that we are. It is a shame that I had not been here last April when my special Y.Lee passed.

02-12-2003, 05:23 AM
D'you know just reading through this thread (bit late finding it), I've found everyone's said what I was thinking.
We are pet lovers - everyone of us. As Logan said maybe things get a trifle 'spikey' on some threads. But let one of our pets be ill or die and we're all here pulling in the same direction - loving, caring and crying together. That's just as it should be - even familys argue - thats what we are......... FAMILY. the most scattered family in the world - but we all belong together.
Long may we continue giving support and love to each and every one us of.



02-12-2003, 05:33 AM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Soledad...I will admit that one of the reasons I did not get a pet until my husband psuhed so hard was the fear of the inevitable loss. I have cried for every loss on Pettalk.

An age old question in any case...."tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all..."

With us it was the same. After the death of my beloved Meo (after a bad story of accident and surgeries and finally having to put her to sleep) 25 years ago I made up my mind never to have a pet anymore. My husband pushed -and so we got Tigris and Filou whom we love both as if they were children.

Now after seeing here how much support comes from all the others, I think I am a little less afraid of the moment. Here there will be people who don't say it was just a pet. I had never known how close the communication between the cats and us could get and here are many people who have that experience.

On the other hand it is true that in days like these in which so many kitties have been going to RB I cry my eyes out for them and for their purrents whose feelings I can understand too well.

02-12-2003, 05:48 AM
Yes, I was wrong, but I couldn't even think that could be him :(

All Creatures Great And Small
02-12-2003, 10:07 AM
I use the "ostrich theory" about my cat's inevitable death - I refuse to think about it! I said the exact same thing when my girl kitty Leticia Ratt died - I'm not getting any more cats, there could never be a replacement for her, etc. And fate stepped in and gave me a wonderful companion anyway, and I'm grateful every single day. I don't think about my inevitable death either, or that of my loved ones - nothing I can do about how and when it happens, so I just enjoy being alive while I am. I always feel so useless when a pet here dies, and I don't even know what to say when something so awful happens. (I'm just as bad at human funerals; totally at a loss for words.) I agree though, that "non PT-ers" don't understand or appreciate a lot of the things we do, so I'm glad I have this forum to come to and share with such a great, diverse, multi-national bunch.

02-12-2003, 10:11 AM
I knew I shouldn't have come to this post, cause here I am again at work crying about 'our' losses. Gabe broke my heart, and Pop I am sorry you learned about it this way. Sometimes I don't even want to go into Cat Health, cause of the sadness there. But, I do, for as someone above said, I, too, will need/ have needed comfort. I only find comfort in knowing they are all at RB together. What is that saying about sharing the blessing, and you double the joy, and sharing the grief, you halve the burden??

02-12-2003, 10:18 AM
It's hard to lose a love one, but as someone stated earlier, I too wish I had Pet Talk when I lost previous furbabies growing up.

My parents and I joke that the boys (the cats I grew up with that still live with my parents) will out live us all just to spite us.

I just try to not think of the inevitable. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have Kia. She's my baby.

And Zam... she got out one day and was gone for 7 hours. I was in tears calling all the shelters and on the phone with MoosMom when Zam came to the door asking to come back in.

You'd think I was going to squeeze her to death!

Edwina's Secretary is right... It is better to have loved and lost than not to have loved at all...

02-12-2003, 10:23 AM
I really love this place. People here always make you feel better and give great advice. Animal people truely are the best.

02-12-2003, 11:10 AM
Originally posted by Nomilynn

Soledad - I've thought about that too.. will it be too hard when a pet passes. But I look at it like this: isn't it more selfish of me to NOT take in another animal who needs a loving home, when I have the love in my heart to give? Sure it hurts, but look at the life I can provide for an animal in need! It's those thoughts that keep me going, even when my heart is breaking.

I agree with you 100%

02-12-2003, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by Soledad
Has anyone else found it hard getting a new pet because of a particularly hard passing of a previous one?

With the passing of each beloved pet (and even the passing of my first foster), I find it especially difficult to go on. However, after the death of my Avalanche, I was determined not to let her death go in vain. Since she was gone, I opened my heart to a dog on death row, one who would die, if not for a space in my home and a space in my heart. That's how Killian lived. He lived because Avalanche died. Then I added Shiloh because GSDs are addicting (hehe). That is what I plan on doing...when one of my angels dies, I will pull someone from death's door. I will celebrate the passing of life, with one who needs life.

This bb is wonderful. The support helps us all to go on. The love of animals is something precious that not all people can be blessed with. The support we get here is something that others can't understand. We understand. We are blessed.

02-12-2003, 01:24 PM
As hard as it is, I do know that the grief does fade with time. When I had to have Lucy put to sleep in 1995 I thought I would never get over it. But I did. Because there was no PT talk back then, I felt terribly alone in my grief.

In this current, post-911, terrorist age, my nerves and emotions feel more frayed. Its so very strange that I had a friend die last June, and a cousin die last November, and its the thought of the kitties that make me cry. I don't know why.


02-12-2003, 03:50 PM
I think it's because animals are so innocent. It's a lot like a child passing. You can't talk to them and let them know how much they meant to you or vice versa. I think it's the lack of that closure, perhaps.

02-12-2003, 04:57 PM
Oh no! :eek: Looks like it is precious Gabe. :( I'll have to check Cat Health, but I dread doing so. I've just been so busy. :( Poor Edwina must be in shock. Wasn't Gabe a young kitty? I've never known his age. I'll be checking cat health shortly. *gulp*