View Full Version : New User - Story and Picts

02-11-2003, 09:52 AM
Hello. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Renee. I live with my boyfriend on his family’s farm in New Jersey. We have about 30 cows, two goats, two indoor cats and a dog. I have been looking at this site for about a month now and I love it. I really like the dog pictures. They are all so cute. I have found the discussions helpful and posted to a few of them.

I guess I’ll start at the beginning. Kevin (my boyfriend) and I were given a beagle/Basset hound mix. We named her Keystone, she was our first dog. We were so much in love with her. She was about 5 months old when she died. my mom and I were walking her at our local park when we were attacked by two dogs. My mom and I rushed her to the emergency vet hospital where she died later that day. The vet said her chest cavity was crushed in the fight. They said they put her in an oxygen room and the vet was holding her when she took her last breath. She was just a baby, we were so devastated. It took a long time for the wounds in out heart to heal.

About two years later, we decided we were ready to try this dog thing again. I knew this time I wanted a rescue dog. After a few months of looking on Petfinder.org, I came across a picture of a pointer mix puppy. I fell in love. Kevin and I made the three hour drive to upstate New York. They brought us into a room and brought in a little black and white puppy. She looked like one of our cows. We fell in love and brought her home that day. We decided to call her Bella because she was so beautiful. Now, two years later she has made herself at home. We took her through 3 levels of obedience classes and a beginning agility class. She has the rule of the farm and the house. She loves going for long walks across the fields. I am still so grateful to have such a wonderful baby. I hope you don't mind the pictures, I couldn't pick just one to post.

This was the picture posted on Petfinder.org.

This was taken the day after we brought her home.

This was taken at my mom's house the first week.

This is me and Bella at a local shelter's dog walk.

This is a picture of Bella at her first christmas.

Baby face.

This was taken last summer.

02-11-2003, 10:08 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk! I'm fairly new myself here and I love talking to other pet owners who are as crazy about their animals as I am.

I can see why you fell in love with Bella - she's absolutely gorgeous!! Such a great face!

02-11-2003, 10:12 AM
Renee, Welcome to Pet Talk! Hope you like it here!

Bella's puppy pictures are adorable! What a cutie pie! And she has grown up into a wonderful doggy! Youmust be so pound of her! Hoe to see more of her on Pet Talk!

02-11-2003, 10:18 AM
WELCOME to Pet Talk!! I'm so sorry to hear about the lost of Keystone...at such a young age too, that must have been devastating. :( :( Did you find the owners of the two dogs?

Bella is just gorgeous...I pet you were presently surprised to see she is even cuter in person then in the pet finder pic! What an adorable puppy, and a very regal and beautiful adult dog. It looks like you two were made for eachother. Loved the pics!

I hope you will enjoy pet talk...It's addicting! :D

02-11-2003, 10:37 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk!!!
Sorry to hear about Keystone--what a sad story.
Bella is beautiful, I can see why you fell in love with her. Looking forward to seeing more pics and hearing lots of stories about her!!!

02-11-2003, 10:38 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Renee! And welcome, Bella!! What a beautiful girl she is!!! She is definitely "top dog" on the farm!!! Thanks for sharing her lovely pictures!!!! :D

Dixieland Dancer
02-11-2003, 10:53 AM
Oh my.... I can see why you fell in love with Bella on Pet Finder. She is absolutely adorable (when she was a pup and now)! It is easy to see the love you have for her and the love she has for you!

I hope we get to see lots more pictures of you beautiful girl! :D

Dakota's Mommy
02-11-2003, 11:23 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk and we hope you enjoy your time here! You're dog is beautiful. I loved the pics, especially the puppy face one. I'm Christy and my husband, Dakota's#1 (but he never gets to get on), is Brian. We have two girls, Destiny, a 1 year old dalmation, and Dakota, an 8 month old harlequin Great Dane. Again, welcome to pet talk.

02-11-2003, 12:15 PM

You asked if we found the owners of the other dogs that attacked keystone. Yes, we did. Her dogs were off leash in a pubic park. There was a park ranger driving around, we stopped him and told him what happened. He told us there was nothing he could do. We had to get keystone to a vet ASAP, so we left the park. Later on we found out the park ranger had gotten the dog owner's name, address and took a statement from her. She admitted to doing wrong.

We went to see a lawyer, who was a family friend. He actually said there wasn’t anything he could do for us because the dog was given to us by a friend and had no worth. We wound up going to a small claims court and received the amount for the vet bills. She didn't show up in court. The only thing I really wanted from her was an apology, for her to know what she did was wong, and I wanted to make sure it wouldn't happen to someone else. No one should have to go through the sudden loss of a pet like that.

02-11-2003, 12:23 PM
Renee your pooch is too cute!! She looks like our DeeDee except that our DeeDee is almost all black. Welcome and we look forward to more pictures and animal stories.

02-11-2003, 12:38 PM
Hello and Welcome To Pet Talk!! Hope that you enjoy your stay here:) Bella is really gorgeous! Can't wait to see more pics!! And I'm so sorry Keystone.:(

02-11-2003, 12:48 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk!
I'm sorry about Keystone! That is horrible :( :(
Bella's name suits her very well, she is a beauty!!

02-11-2003, 01:19 PM
Welcome to PT!

What a sweety you have there! Such an adorable little girlie!!! Looking forward to more pics!

02-11-2003, 02:11 PM

I'm sorry to hear about Keystone. :(

But I can see why you fell in love with Bella. She's adorable! I loved the pics!

02-11-2003, 05:13 PM
:) Welcome to Pet Talk. So sorry to hear about the death of your first pup.
Your Bella is a doll! Looks like she has grown since you first got her!!:D Thanks for sharing with us.

02-11-2003, 05:34 PM
Hi Renee and a big Pet Talk welcome to you and Bella!!!:) What a beauty she is! Ahhh, love at first sight....I can see why! I'm so sorry about Keystone:( That was so heartbreaking to read. I hope that sweet Bella has helped to heal your heart. She sounds like a most wonderful doggie!! And she sure is a beauty! I'm Sandra and my dogs are Star, a yellow Lab and Cody, a Husky/Shep. Hope you stay with us! Your touching words and Bella's beautiful face gave me a much needed smile! Welcome!!! And please, more pics of ALL your critters!!! Welcome again from a born and bred "Jersey Girl!!":D

02-11-2003, 07:08 PM
welcome to pet talk!! :) i am sorry to hear about your pup. i would also like to know if you found the owners of those dogs. awful :(

bella lives up to her name! i love her, she is such a cutie pie!! mickey would like to know more about her :p hope to see you around more...:D

02-11-2003, 07:15 PM
Welcome to Pettalk!! I love all the pictures! Your Bella is so beautiful. That is so sad about your first pup, and I hope that the owner would never let that happen again. That is so sad!!!!! :(

02-12-2003, 02:34 PM
Hey Renee! Welcome to Pet Talk!! Watch out, it's very addictive! Your Bella is very aptly named. I see why you fell in love with her. So sorry about Keystone. :( People make me so mad:mad: . I'm glad you found someone to fill the void his passing left behind.

02-12-2003, 05:04 PM
Welcome again to Pet Talk Renee! Your Bella is gorgeous! :) :)


Cisco's Mom
02-12-2003, 05:28 PM
Hey, Welcome to pet talk!! I know that you will enjoy your stay here. I'm sorry to hear about your first dog. :( I almost had the same experince when a Chow came after my little chihuahua! Scared me to the point that I screamed at the top of my lungs. Well, it was this scream that stopped the chow dead in it's tracks. Just long enough for me to scoop Cisco up into my arms.:eek: Bella is so cute and I hope that ya'll will have many, many years together!!:)

02-14-2003, 07:10 AM
You sure have a real cutie pie there! I'm looking forward to hearing more & seeing more pics:D

02-14-2003, 08:41 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! Bella is adorable!