View Full Version : Salem is gone....

Dixie Belle
06-25-2001, 12:07 PM
Salem is missing. We have been looking for him for two days. We have no idea were he is at. I have lost heart. He is only a baby. I don't know what to do anymore....

06-25-2001, 12:20 PM
Oh Dixie Belle, I'm so sorry. I hope you find Salem. Be sure to let all animal shelters, rescues, veterinarians, and the police within about a 20 mile radius that you're missing Salem. (I know 20 miles seems like a long way to go, animals can travel fast if they have a motive).

Be sure to call the kill shelters EVERY day, if the ones by you are anything like mine. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif

Place an ad in the newspaper, too. I hope you find your Salem baby. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif


06-25-2001, 01:41 PM
Oh I hope and pray that you find Salem! Do check all the kill shelters in person if you can. Ask them to see the dogs on hold, too. Good luck. Keep us posted.
Sue http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif


06-25-2001, 02:27 PM
Oh no! Please do contact all your local rescues, shelters, police, vets, etc. as every one has already mentioned. Also a newspaper ad perhaps. Posting pics. too. Please don't give up hope. Remember, Jasper was found after a much longer time; NEVER give up hope. My heart goes out to you. I will pray for you and Salem. Love, Sandra

06-25-2001, 04:11 PM
Tell all your neighbors, show them a picture, too, if you have one, and keep listening and hoping! All the suggestions are good, and above all, don't give up! Have you sent Belle out to look for him? After all, Saints are rescue dogs by nature! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

06-25-2001, 05:35 PM
Dixie, I am so sorry,
I can't add anything new, that everyone has already suggested.
I will be hoping that you find and
get your Salem back real soon.

Daisy's Mom
06-25-2001, 09:15 PM
I am so sorry about your baby! Keep your chin up and don't lose hope. We'll be praying for you and Salem. Good luck and keep us posted.

06-26-2001, 01:37 AM
the best of luck!!!

06-26-2001, 01:51 AM
I'm so sorry Salem is missing. I really can't add any suggestions to what the others have posted. I can say, don't give up hope. We recently went through the same thing with another member ( I'm sorry, the name escapes me) but the pup was found after 4 days safe and secure. Please take every one's advice and I'll say a prayer that your baby will be found.

06-26-2001, 07:23 AM
That's terrible news. I'm so sorry. Best of luck for his safe return.

06-26-2001, 07:37 AM
I'm so sorry to hear about Salem. I hope you will find him soon. We have had a lost cat found here on Pet Talk and also a lost dog. Good luck!

How did he get away? Was he stolen from your yard? We have had someone post a lost dog ad in my local paper every week since May. Their dog was stolen right out of their yard! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif

06-26-2001, 11:08 AM
Yes, Dixie, please tell us what happened.

06-26-2001, 11:18 AM
So sorry for you. Don't give up and I hope you find him soon.

Dixie Belle
06-26-2001, 04:23 PM
Keep in mind, Salem is my two month old cat. He was outside and all we can figure is that he got in our truck. We haven't seen him since Saturday. People are keeping an eye out for him, but so far nothing.