View Full Version : New To Pet Talk

02-09-2003, 09:51 AM
Hello Everyone:)
My name is Kelli & I am very new to Pet Talk.
I was on the net the other night, looking up some things for my Quaker Parrot, Oreo, & found this cool site :)
I have 4 Babies. Rusty James is my AWESOME 4 yr old Golden Retriever. (I swear he is part human:D ) Bandit is my 5 mo old Kitten. He is part himalyan. We found him in my neighbors old, but Historic outhouse. He was so young when we found him that we had him for 2 wks b/4 his sex organs were mature enough to tell what sex he is. Because he looks like a himalyan, he has 2 trangle-ish black shapes over his eyes, therefore looking like a Bandit. He is so grateful to be inside. At night & when we go away, we keep him in a carrier. As soon as we get up or come home & let him out, he runs to us, wanting to be picked up or jumps in our lap, so he can give us kisses. He puts a paw on each side of our mouths & licks our lips. He does it every time.
Smokey is my female Cockatiel. She is a Grey Tiel. She tries so hard to talk, but all that comes out is whistles & chirps. Smokey is 16 mos old. We bought her at 8-10 wks old
And of course, Oreo my Quaker. Oreo will be a year old next month. He is talking very well & learns new words all the time. I am in the process of teaching him not to scream. These birds are so intellent:eek: It's awesomely amazing.
I've been married 8 wonderful years to my Hubby, Steve & we have a 13 yr old Son Zach.
I am looking forward to chatting w/you. You all have created a super cool website!! :) :)