View Full Version : Confessions of an Ebay Addict

02-09-2003, 04:32 AM
Would anyone like to join me in Ebayers Annoymous?

I had left the website alone since Christmas. I bought several gift items from there.

A few days ago I was bored....oh no...I slowly typed in w w w . e b a y . c o m

No, I told myself, I'm only going to look...just check it out...just for fun.......

Yesterday I won my first item. A dog page a day calendar (must have one every year!)

Right now I'm winning on 4 items! Ahh! They are all by the same seller...I could not help it! I'm thinking....hey..I can ship them all together...why not........:eek:

Why must people sell husky and wolf items on there? I can't resist! It's horrible!

I go through buying periods on ebay, where I can't leave the website alone, and then go for a long time without buying a thing (only because I forbid myself to go there!) I have several U2 items, as well as random crap that I didn't really need...

I've sold things on there also.....let's hope I don't start myself on that...I'll start selling my own random crap just because I'm bored too...lol...

I must wake up early to make sure I win my auctions now! Wish me luck! :D :D

p.s. anyone else who suffers from the same addiction....feel free to share....

02-09-2003, 06:35 AM
My son has bought and sold on e-bay quite frequently. His last purchase was not done through paypal (I'm not sure I even understand the concept as I don't visit e-bay). Unfortunately he was scammed out of $700! :eek: :eek: Apparently there were something like 29 other people also scammed by this person. He tells me he will recover a small amout of money because e-bay has some sort of insurance.

My daughter has bought several things from e-bay and they are very unique types of things that you really couldn't find anywhere else. She used it a lot at Christmas. Like anywhere else I guess the key is 'the buyer beware.'

02-09-2003, 07:33 AM
LOL yeah, I'm pretty addicted too. And my mom is even worse (take a look at the Eeyore thread if you don't know what I mean!)...

However, eBay as a company I loathe. Same thing for PayPal. They are nothing but a greedy company that cares nothing about their customers. My boyfriend had PayPal steal almost 1000 dollars from him and there's nothing he can do about it.

All Creatures Great And Small
02-09-2003, 09:40 AM
Well, so far my husband and I haven't been scammed as buyers, but we have had a few non-paying bidders on my husband's stuff. (He sells military collectibles.) I go on there whenever I don't want to pay full price for something, which is - always! I have gotten some really good deals on computer software, computer parts, comedy videos, etc. Stuff that you wouldn't mind buying used. I also found some really great Legolas posters for YellowLabLover at Christmas time. Now, if I were to just start browsing on eBay, without a specific item in mind, I bet I would spend way too much time and money on there ;) .

I love PayPal; it's the easiest way to buy and sell, without the hassle of sending and receiving money orders. We haven't had any problems with theft or scamming on there, fortunately. I did make the mistake once of falling for one of those e-mails that tells you to update your information, and when I did, it was a "spoof" web page that looked EXACTLY like PayPal (whoever made it did their homework, because I'm pretty savvy when it comes to computer scams). I gave them my password, so as soon as I realized what happened I logged onto the real PayPal and changed my password. I got in there quick enough that the scammers didn't get to my account, but I am REALLY paranoid now about website security.

02-09-2003, 10:15 AM
I'd like to join, Amy! LOL..

I am so bad when it comes to Ebay, yeah, I do the same thing what Amy does - just go there and look around and have fun, but noooooooooo.. I end up bidding on a Garth item.. I won the Limited Editon Double Live 2 weeks ago, and I got it few days ago.. but now I am going to try to avoid Ebay, I really need to, I love my money, and I hate spending, but when it comes to Ebay, I gotta spend! Damn Ebay! ;) Haha.. anyway.. I've never sold any items on there... but I'm thinking about to.. but how much does it cost me to do that..?

02-09-2003, 10:31 AM
It's actually my dad's ID.....I don't have a credit card, so I don't have my own account...:o

We were scammed out of about $60 once. See, myself, I've never bought anything for over $40 on there.....and I don't use PayPal, or a credit card........I go for the money orders. Always get the postal money orders though! If it's lost in the mail, it's easier to track those...and the other ones cost you $12 to get your money back, lol.

Most of the stuff that I buy is $20-ish or less....well, I'd be pretty pissed if I didn't receive my item for that price, but I'm not going to die. Also, I ALWAYS check the user's feedback...more then 2 negatives worries me........I'd prefer to buy from people with at least 100 feedback. I think my dad's feedback is a little over 50 lol. But no negatives! :D


Yay! I won all 4 of the items I wanted!! I got some GREAT new husky and wolf items, for a GREAT deal! :D :D

02-09-2003, 10:34 AM
Are you kidding???
Last year, when I was preparing for my wedding, I bought so much stuff from ebay--it was such a great deal. For example--veils were about $200 in the store, I got mine for $20 from ebay. My tiara I paid $16 for--I also got favors, decorations and some other stuff. I know a lot of girls who got dresses, flowers--everything but their husband from Ebay!!!
I have bought clothes, purses, playstation games, dvd's and lots of other stuff. We've only sold a few things, but they've worked out well too!!!
I have been browsing the pet stuff--I'm sure it's not too long until a shiba calendar or address labels show up at my door!!!!!

All Creatures Great And Small
02-09-2003, 11:41 AM
It doesn't cost anything to register with eBay to sell, and the listing fees are pretty small - usually less than a buck. The fees are determined by the value of the item, and the final selling price. You pay a small fee to list it, but you don't get charged any other fees unless the item actually sells. Then they take a few bucks as "final value" fees. It's still better than what you'd make at a rummage sale.

My husband and I don't have any negative feedbacks either, because we pay fast, ship fast, and we're honest people. My husband puts meticulously detailed photographs on eBay so people can see exactly what they're getting, and I can bring home free bubble wrap, styrofoam, and packing boxes from work to mail everything with. (Do you know Office Max charges $15.00 for a box of styrofoam peanuts? Insane!) My husband always gets high praises for "his stuff being nicely packed" :D (couldn't resist that one - I'd have to agree, actually :p ) I'm glad nobody has refused to deal with us based on number of feedbacks, since I only have 23 and my husband, 48. I tend to look at the quality of the feedbacks, not the quantity, when buying and selling.

In fact, I'm getting ready to sell my old deskjet printer on eBay - just gotta get the pictures taken and weigh it so I can calculate postage in advance. Anybody need a Hewlett-Packard Deskjet 932C? Gently used, works great! (Just kidding, Karen - I'm not actually advertising it on here)

02-09-2003, 02:31 PM
I go through spurts with Ebay...I'll browse and see some stuff that I want and then bid on it but because the majority of stuff is in American dollars it gets out of my price range eventually. However when I was off work with my concusion I browsed quite a bit, and made a few bids.

In fact last week I won a "Fantasticks" OST c.d. YAY!! it should be on it's way now, and I also won a couple of bids on a couple of Anime series, I just have to mail the money order.

But yes it can be very addicting.

02-09-2003, 02:46 PM
I've only looked on E-bay....... There's TONS of Nelly stuff i'd like to get though! I'd rather buy off of here (http://stores.musictoday.com/store/default.asp?band_id=320) though!