View Full Version : Bob & Ebby

02-09-2003, 12:46 AM
Well maybe one of these days Bob & Ebby will become the best
of friends or maybe not. Maybe they will be in the same house
and have their own space there?

I think they're doing great. I know some people where one of there pets
are in the house and they one is outside. They can't be seen together or they 'll
tear each other apart.

I think you've got a happy medium with your pets Chris.
Sandy Frost:cool:

02-09-2003, 06:42 AM
Thanks Sandy:)
One thing is for sure, if and when they do become some kind of friends there will be plenty of smiles in this house, and plenty of photos taken!:) For now they both seem content in keeping to their own space, so who am I to force the issue?! :)

Owned by Bob and Ebby:D

02-09-2003, 09:39 PM
When the time is right it well happen. If not . That is ok because they can
co-exist in the same house that is great!:)
Sandy FArost

02-09-2003, 11:11 PM
I have both dogs and cats, and while they are not great friends, they do get along, to a certain degree. Rocky is afraid of the cats, and prefers to avoid them. Bandit is civil, but as he gets older he demands his own personal space and growls if anyone gets to close to him. Gandy is the best, very friendly and never growls at the cats.

I don't put up with any growling from the dogs towards the cats (except Bandit, he's old and growling is his only defense), I have learned the damage one little dog bite can cause a cat. Abby has a bad habit of getting into the middle of dog fights, she got a small puncture bite, and despite immediate vet care it abscessed badly.

Most of the time the dogs ignore the cats, they will sit close together and be comfortable with each other, but they don't sleep together or cuddle up.

02-09-2003, 11:15 PM
I forgot to say - it took awhile to get to this point. It took Bo 3-4 years to be brave enough to join us in the dog part of the house, Abby was a little braver but it still too a year or so. Hanna has been the bravest, she didn't hesitate at all, but then again she's not afraid of much. Be patient is my advice, and it will happen. No one here outright hates anyone else, I guess I'm lucky in that regard.

02-10-2003, 05:29 PM
Thanks boscibo, your post is very reassuring. :)


02-12-2003, 03:58 PM
1.5 years ago, my sister adopted an outside cat, Angel. She is a moo cow, in all ways. Shortly thereafter, they found a 'puppy. L & B, it was (and still is!) a GSD. Her name is Sera. Sera uses Angel as a PILLOW! I have pictures to prove it!!! Then, along came a rottie pup....these have got to be two of the world's largest dogs now (informal survey results). They added two more cats. All of them get along very well, and you have to admit, these can be aggressive doggies. The rottie (now tipping the scales at 90 lbs) plays with the kitties....

Chris, it CAN happen. Good luck, and keep the faith.

02-12-2003, 04:59 PM
Thanks Johanna!:)
