View Full Version : MEMORIAL DAY

05-28-2001, 08:04 PM
Did everyone have a nice Memorial Day? We went to our son's home for a b.b.q.. The weather was awful all weekend, just plain cloudy and a little rain. However we had a nice time and we took Perry and Daisy and they got to play all afternoon with their cousins Sunny and Rocky. I think they are the only dogs they get along with. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif


05-28-2001, 08:52 PM
Glad you had a good day Jackie. Mine was a little sad because my family (mom, dad, sister) are all overseas and I miss them http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif I also haven't been feeling good. Think I'm letting stress get the best of me. I'll be okay though. I got great little cheerleaders.

Something funny is Reece seems to be a walking cat toy. Whenever I switch out the cats (they can't be in the same room at all), the cat I bring in just jumps all over Reece attacking him until they get tired. Julius actually gets on top of him and crawls all over. Shiloh concentrates on his tail and legs, constantly tripping him. Whenever someone is hanging from his tail, he'll sit down really fast. I monitor it all closely to make sure no one is hurt. Its really fun to watch. Reece takes it all without a word. He actually enjoys it and will chase Julius all over.

Shiloh & Reece

05-28-2001, 08:55 PM
Happy Memorial Day to you, too! My family and I, (not including Sadie May, though) went out on my dad's boat, to go fishing. But, we din't catch anything! I hate fishing! So does Sadie!

***Sadie May and LabLover***

Daisy's Mom
05-28-2001, 09:09 PM
Daisy and I met up with my friends and Daisy's boyfriend Moe and we walked to our town's parade. Being a tiny town, it's a tiny parade but we had fun. We even got free hot dogs from our town store! Daisy loved that part the best. We got home just in time; a huge storm came, with lightning and thunder and rain and wind! Daisy spent the rest of the day napping contentedly http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Happy Memorial Day from Daisy and I!

05-29-2001, 03:56 PM
On Sunday we went to a memorial service in Streamwood, IL which also included the dedication and unveiling of the war dog statue.

It was really neat, except for the weather - Rain, then sunshine, then rain, then sunshine, then rain, then hail, then rain, then finally sunshine for the rest of the day. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif

We brought Carl & Iris (Raven just went into heat so we couldn't bring her) and they had a great time, until it started hailing http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/rolleyes.gif They were the best behaved dogs there, they didn't bark at the gun shots. And even the 20 or so police dogs that were there barked at the gun shots. http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif I'll stop bragging about my pups, here are some pictures.


This is the statue. Behind it is the sculptor, Anthony Quickle.

There are more pics at my webshots album:

05-29-2001, 04:59 PM
Those are great pics but we can't see your webshots album because you accidently posted the owner's address where you edit photos http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

05-29-2001, 05:12 PM
Great photos, will look forward to seeing your album. I can see why you love your dogs so much, they are so beautiful and good natured.


Daisy's Mom
05-29-2001, 06:44 PM
Those are great pictures. What a great tribute to the war dogs; it's gorgeous. And I am just in love with Carl! What a big sweet heart!

05-29-2001, 08:06 PM
Sara ~

Thanks for going to represent all of us from PetTalk. Hope you said a prayer of thanks to the War Dogs from all of us http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif.

Please fix the WebShots link address so we can all enjoy your photo essay of the trip.

/s/ Cinder & Smokey
the Rescued & Adopted
FurKids of *Phred*

05-30-2001, 08:03 AM
Sara, those are great pictures, and ...
being on Pet Talk means you never have to apologize about braggin on your dogs.

05-30-2001, 11:07 AM
Sara ~ Where are ya?

We even had Dad help us search for the War Dog photo essay an he can't find it on WebShotz either!

Best we could find wuz you're "rottprincess97" Community Page wiff 3 albums at: http://community.webshots.com/user/rottprincess97

But there are no War Dog Trip photos there http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/frown.gif. Is there a teknikel diffugaltee http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif that the War Dog photos aren't showing up, or are they not quite ready yet? Ebberbuddee would like to see more of em http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/wink.gif.

We did notice there are an awfull lotta Katz pixsures on there ~ Do Carl, Iris an Raven have ta put up wiff alla them Katz at wunst? Smoke an I onlee have ta tolerate wun Kat, and Mr Boots is enuff http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif.

/s/ Cinder & Smokey
the Rescued & Adopted
FurKids of *Phred*

05-30-2001, 02:20 PM
Thankx, Sara ~

She must be busy, but she DID FIX the War Dog Memorial Statue pix!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif

Go to her Community Page and *klik* on the War Dog Caption (lower right) to see the six Great Pictures of the Statue Dedication.

Nice photos, Sara!! Thanks for going and sharing the trip via the pictures!!

Here's the link to Sara's WebShots Album: http://community.webshots.com/user/rottprincess97


/s/ Cinder & Smokey
the Rescued & Adopted
FurKids of *Phred*

05-30-2001, 03:44 PM
Sorry about the bad link. I meant to check it...

Does this one work?


I'm glad everyone liked the pictures! And yes, Cinder & Smoke, Carl and Iris and Raven have to put up with 2 cats. They're pretty good about each other though. There's no chasing and no fighting.

05-30-2001, 03:51 PM
Sara ~ Yep http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/biggrin.gif Goes straight to the War Dog Memorial Album!

TWO Katz http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/eek.gif. That'd be tuff on us two Dawgs!

/s/ Cinder & Smokey
the Rescued & Adopted
FurKids of *Phred*

05-30-2001, 04:28 PM
Loved the pics ,glad you all had a great time on the most inportant day (next to vetrans day) I had to work, you all like to eat out so Burger King was open Guess where I was (yuk)

05-30-2001, 04:39 PM
http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif Burger King makes great tastin sammichez ~
Read my Whopper Storee (6/30) on our Tails page: http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/Forum7/HTML/000036-6.html
/s/ Smokey

/s/ Cinder & Smokey
the Rescued & Adopted
FurKids of *Phred*

05-30-2001, 06:16 PM
Bug and i had a GREAT weekend. We did a puppy transport - thanks to Cinder & Smokey & Phred for the group address! Bug and i transported two very young (8-12 week old) dal pups to their forever homes. We went from Sacramento CA (130 + miles away from our home!) to Vancouver WA. a whooping 1400+ miles round trip. 1400 miles of adventures, naps, squeeky barks, big barks....
i had wanted to take bug to a parade but these pups needed to be transported soooo i did it.
It was my second transport. And as yet i haven't puppy-napped any of them yet. (Key word is yet!)
i'll be putting pictures up in the bug adventure album very soon. The tales i could tell!
Very glad everyone had a wonderful holiday. Loved the flags in the collars, Rottie! and the memorial is beautiful.
anyone else have a memorial in their areas?


05-30-2001, 10:40 PM
Janet, how wonderful of you!! You were a hero that day, too.
Sara, the pics are great. As usual, Carl, Iris and Chief were gorgeous! I would have been in German Shep heaven with all those police dogs there!! http://PetoftheDay.com/talk/smile.gif
