View Full Version : Bad bad news :(

Aspen and Misty
02-07-2003, 10:22 PM
My family is over and Chewy and my uncle are having issues! Chewy does not like him at all and my uncle is trying to persuade him to be friends. By giving him cheese and slowly petting him. Well Chewy did not like being pet by him and snapped at him and got his hand :eek: So Chewy is going over to my moms for the weekend :( I'm gonna be so lonley :( :( but its for the best.


02-07-2003, 11:24 PM
So sorry to hear about the "issues" Chewy is having with your uncle. Kito had issues with my dad when we first got him--he constantly barked at him--and my dad is such a dog lover--we couldn't understand it!! Eventually, he came around--last time we were there, they actually got along quite well.

not to make light of your situation, but I thought Chewy was at Lady's party--did he miss you and come home early??

02-08-2003, 08:50 AM
not to make light of your situation, but I thought Chewy was at Lady's party--did he miss you and come home early??

Oh but Chewy kept coming home because he was homesick (not to make light of the situation either).

Ash, I'm sorry about Chewy and your uncle. Is there a reason he doesn't like him, or does he just not like him? Anyway, I hope you still have a good time, and Chewy will be waiting for you to return for him!

02-08-2003, 11:05 AM
oh, i hope everything works out between them. it must be hard to have "issues" like that in your family with your dog :(
good luck! :)

02-08-2003, 11:43 AM
Yikes! Chewy, please be a good boy for your Mom. She just wants you to be nice and play fair. Please, Chewy??

02-08-2003, 11:58 AM
Poor Chewy! He obviously did not like your uncle, and your uncle should have taken the hint and left him alone! When a dog growls and backs away, just let it be! There was a reason that Chewy did not like him I'm sure. Nebo can't stand my friend's brother, and i don't know why, but I"m not going to force them to like eachother. Well, i tried letting Craig give him a treat once, but Nebo wouldn't touch it, so we let it be....Craig still tries to come up to him, and I always tell him to just leave him alone!

What's funny, is that I have an uncle who can't stand Nebo (he thinks he's "too big" for the house, and he belongs outside like an "ol' farm dog") and Nebo is fascinated by him! Everytime he comes over Nebo won't stop sniffing him and it pisses my uncle off. lol

Good luck with Chewy, and I hope everyone will understand. :(

Dixieland Dancer
02-08-2003, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Poor Chewy! He obviously did not like your uncle, and your uncle should have taken the hint and left him alone! When a dog growls and backs away, just let it be!

My sentiments exactly!!! I might of put my dog in a different room or put him on a leash and demanded that the uncle leave him alone but I don't think I would of taken him somewhere else completely. I might of asked the Uncle to leave though. :eek:

Aspen and Misty
02-08-2003, 04:26 PM
Well see they live in Elwood City (about 4 hours from here). I was holding Chewy and petting him and he was petting him on his back and I didn't notice. Thats hwne Chewy noticed and bit him. Of course I released Chewy cause I didn't want to be bit. But I then grabed him and pressed him against me, got all nice and peed on, lol. I told him earlyer to just back off and leave him alone, he'll coem around if he wants but he didn't listen and he learned. Gladly he left to go about and hour or so away from here for today and tomrrow. My dad asked me if I was going to lock Chewy up when my uncle came back and I said "No, Its his house, Uncle Frank just needs to learn the rules". Well he didn't like that respons but its true!


02-08-2003, 04:29 PM
I agree--it's Chewy's house, and visitors should know the rules!!
We rent a room to a friend, and his girlfriend HATES dogs (there's something wrong with her, I think)--she came over once and was screaming and running around the table--Kito kept chasing her--he thought she was playing!! I told her to settle down, and pet him, all he wants is a little attention, and she said "I don't touch pets, they're dirty" So anyway, I told her to shut up, and if she didn't like it, not to come over any more. I think I've seen her 3 times since then, and that was in August. I didn't mean to be such a witch, but it is HIS house, and not hers, accept it, or don't come over. Not that you should tell your uncle, but you get my drift.

Aspen and Misty
02-08-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
his girlfriend HATES dogs (there's something wrong with her, I think)-

LOL I love that. LOL. I'm not goign to say it to him, but my dad should know. Just the wya thigns haveta be.


02-08-2003, 04:39 PM
NO, but seriously, wouldn't you be a little suspicious of someone who HATED all animals--to the point of not even petting or wanting to be around them--it's not an allergy thing either. Plus she's a major b****
sorry, don't want to take away from the point of the thread:)

Aspen and Misty
02-09-2003, 04:51 PM
Yes, acctaully I would be. LOL


02-09-2003, 05:42 PM
sorry about the "issues".:( i hope everything goes well with chewy..... and if u get lonely you can always talk to us!:D lol good luck!;)

02-09-2003, 06:59 PM
Poor Chewy! Well I hope all works out ok. Some dogs just do just not like some people. I wonder if its a smell they have (other pets or just plain human scent - as we all smell different). Don't get to lonely.

Jessica - I love your dogs in the snow globe!