View Full Version : I'm so proud of my well-behaved baby!

All Creatures Great And Small
02-07-2003, 11:01 AM
He had his annual vet visit yesterday, for shots and the dreaded anal gland draining (:( poor guy). I decided this time to just use a harness and leash, instead of my much too big cat carrier (it's a leftover from the days of my chunky RB girl kitty). He got pretty excited at the sight of the harness set-up, thinking it was time for walkies (when it's 5° F outside - he's nuts!), and headed out to the attached garage with glee, but when I opened the door of the minivan and put him in, he looked pretty freaked out. He laid on the back seat the whole time, with very big eyes, and made his plaintive "save me" meow a few times. When we got there, I opened up the door, and went to pick him up, and he actually put his little arms around my neck and was kind of "hugging" me, which he had never done before! When we got inside, he adopted his standard "I'm at the vets" pose, which is to stand very hunched, with his tail wrapped as tightly between his back legs as it can get, to protect his poor little bum. The best part was the weigh-in; he's always weighed 9 lbs., but this year, he is 12! The vet would always remark that he was healthy but a bit too thin, so she was pleased that he was getting some meat on his bones. The whole time on the exam table, he just laid very still and quiet (and trembling, the poor thing), and when it came time for his 3 (!) shots, nobody even had to hold him - he just kind of glanced over his shoulder as the needle went in, calm as you please. Then it was off to the back room for the dreaded gland procedure, and he was "hugging" the vet as she carried him out :) . When he came back, he walked over by me and kind of leaned into my chest, and then decided to hop up on the higher counter where the vet was looking at his records, and check them out himself! :D Final diagnosis: very healthy, all around! Fortunately, the only pets in the waiting area were a small poodle and the resident cats, Herbie and Blackie, so I could manage him at the end of the leash while I paid the bill. (If there had been large dogs in there, I'd have been peeling him off the ceiling! :D ) Herbie is so cute - he's an orange and white, and so laid back - he was in his cardboard box on top of the filing cabinet, taking a lovely leg (and "flagpole") bath ;) :D . On the way home, he wasn't as vocal as before, so I glanced around to check him, and he had found a patch of sunshine on the back seat and was laying in it with little folded paws - man, I wish I had brought the camera! Kodak moment!

Oh yeah, and while I was there, I asked the vet if there is any danger in giving the kitty too many fish-based foods, as far as urinary problems, and she said that it's only a problem if the kitty is already predisposed to, or has, urinary problems. Apparently fish aggravates, but does not cause, urinary problems. So my kitty can still have his beloved Fancy Feast trout! :D

02-07-2003, 11:17 AM
What a good kitty you are,Dudley! We love to hear reports like this. Glad you had that ray of sunshine for your trip home. Very thoughtful of mom to order that for you.;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-07-2003, 12:50 PM
What a good boy! Did he get treats when he got home for being so good? ;) :)

And I know what you mean about managing him while you pay the bill. This last trip with Tubby I put him on the counter while I dug out my credit card (no way I'm taking the time to write out a check! :eek: ). By the time I dug it out and handed it to the girl, Tubby had peed on the counter. Just a few drops because that's when he was in for his bladder infection, but it was still embarrasing. The girls were real nice though and said it happened all the time. Grabbed the papertowels that were right there and wiped it up. But Tubby did not want to stay on the counter, and when I put him on the floor he headed right for the door so I'm glad there were no other critters around too. :rolleyes: :eek: :)

02-07-2003, 03:14 PM
What a great kitty! I wish mine were so well behaved! Congratulations on the great checkup!


02-07-2003, 04:08 PM
Way to go for being a good kitty and having a healthy chekc-up!!!:D

02-07-2003, 04:35 PM
glad to hear everything went well. My kitties are the same way-really noisy on the car ride over and completely quiet on the car ride home.

02-10-2003, 01:03 AM
oh, what a GOOD boy!! you sound such a dear sweet kitty, hugging your mommy! (that is the best feeling isnt it?)

I didn't know that about fish food...thanks for the info.

smokey the elder
02-10-2003, 08:29 AM
Well what a little gentleman!:)

02-11-2003, 08:46 AM
Who could expect any less from Dudley? What a brave, brave boy he was! And, a clean bill of health to boot!!! Yippee!

02-11-2003, 09:55 AM
Dudley, what a good boy you are - and a clean bill of health!! :D Wondeful!! For such a good behaviour, you're bound to get a few extra yummies! ;)