View Full Version : Cockitiel and a budgy?

02-06-2003, 09:39 PM
is it ok to house them together, i have herd that the cockitiel will kill the budgy.. i have mine housed togther and they are fine and dandy they sing and feed eachother and bath together... :p

02-06-2003, 11:16 PM
I have never heard of a cockatiel killing a budgie, but I have heard of budgies biting cockatiel toes off! :eek: Cockatiels are one of the most doctile, gentle parrots and rarely harm any other bird, whether big or small. From what I have read, the reason they do not recommend housing tiels and keets together is because keets are more dominant and if their harmone levels rise, despite their size, they are the ones that normally harm the tiels' little toes. :eek: I wouldn't recommend them living in the same cage all the time, unsupervised. They should have supervised playtime together, and I know that cockatiels and parakeets and get along great, but I wouldn't recommend them staying in the same cage. I know some people do and never have a problem, but you never know. :) I have birdiesat a couple of my friend's keets, and we let them go in our cockatiels' cage to play for a while. They didn't harm each other, but the keets were bossing my cockatiels around and my cockatiels came crying out of their cage to us (babies :rolleyes: ) so we took them out. Good luck with your birds. :) How long have you had them?

Aspen and Misty
02-07-2003, 03:27 AM
Question. Sorry to ask this on this thread but, How much did you pay for your birdies Popcornbird??? Our one pet shop sells them from 400 while our other one sells them for 60??? :confused: I am very confused about how much they should be. They have the pretiest Grey one, it was sooo pretty!

Ash :D

02-07-2003, 08:22 AM
My very limited experience in purchasing Cockatiels has indicated that the rarer breeds are more expensive. And I've also heard that buying them from a breeder, rather than a pet store, is less expensive. Roger, without all the paraphenalia, was $99. My ex husband has a friend who raises them (handfeeding, etc) and he is arranging to get a baby for one of Helen's friends and he is giving the baby to her, no charge. I will probably look to a breeder if I ever get another one. Milly was a "rescue" of sorts and I got her, along with all of her "stuff" (cage, toys, etc) for $150.


02-07-2003, 02:41 PM
well i got my cockitiel for free becasue the past owners didnt like him so ya.. he was nice intill he got attacked by our malamute.. then he turned mean he bites and hisses now at everyone who comes near is cage... he loves Spank *our budgy* they always are together... Spanky is male and soo is Ceeko our Cockitiel.. The reson we got a budgy is because Ceekos last mate died *she was a yello female named homer she was soo sweet* Cheeko freaked when Homer died he started plucking all his feathers out and squaking 24/7 so we disided to get a friend for him... ever other cocitiel we seen was to expensive so we got a budgy and now cheeko is happy and fine its all good :)

02-07-2003, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Question. Sorry to ask this on this thread but, How much did you pay for your birdies Popcornbird??? Our one pet shop sells them from 400 while our other one sells them for 60??? :confused: I am very confused about how much they should be. They have the pretiest Grey one, it was sooo pretty!

Ash :D

Our birds were "kind of" rescued, because the pet store we got them from was "so" bad. They took awful care of the animals and had 30 birds in one cage! :eek: We didn't plan to get them from there though. We went to Petco first just to see when we were planning. They were between $100 - $300 there depending on the color mutation and how tame they were. Then we went to Petsmart, where they were the same price. A few days later we went to that shop "just to see" and when we saw what bad conditions they had kept them in, we had to save at least 2 of them. (The government recently closed that store due to their mistreatment and overbreeding of animals) and I am VERY thankful for that. We also fell in love with Popcorn and Muffin at first sight and just HAD to have them. They had them up for $90 each, but they were practically stuffed in the cage with tons of other birds so we had a big argument with them, told them they didn't deserve to sell animals when they weren't caring for them at all. We told them that we weren't paying more than $50 because of how they were keeping the animals, saying that they didn't deserve more that that (if at all). We had a big argument with them but we HAD to save at least 2, so we ended up getting them to give us both Popcorn and Muffin for $100. (50 each) They were furious, but we were happy we saved the babies who were just 2 1/2 months old them and didn't even have all their feathers under their wings yet. They were thin, had diahrea, but were overall healthy, thank God. We took them straight to the vets, who told us they were completely healthy besides a minor bacterial infection, for which he gave us antibiotics. After getting treated, they gained weight, got "healthy" droppings, and started growing normally. Thank God they have been healthy since then and are now 3 1/2 years old. :) We got them for $50 each after a long fight, but you probably won't find cockatiels for less than $90 from a good place. The Petco and Petsmart in our area take very good care of their birds and they are very healthy. My friend recently bought a handfed cockatiel baby from a well-known quality breeder, for $100. He is such a sweetie. Are you planning on getting a cockatiel? I would recommend rescuing, but if you want a sweet, loving baby, I recommend getting one from a good breeder. My babies were very young when we got them, so they became friendly, tame, and loving very quickly. Now they can't bear to lose sight of us! The normal price range for cockatiels is $90-$400. If the price is as low as $60, I would be suspicious on where they got the birds from and how healthy they are. I know I cannot trust the people we got Popcorn and Muffin from at all. I have no clue where they got them from, but they said they breed them themselves. They didn't even band them but I know many breeders don't do that. I'm glad the government closed their shop because of how they were breeding the birds. It was almost like a puppy mill, but we weren't that knowledgable about bird mills at the time, and wanted to save our birds. Now we know a lot more and would never buy pets from such people, but I'm glad we fought with them and got the birds of our dreams. :D

Aspen and Misty
02-07-2003, 05:53 PM
O no not at all, although I was considering when I move otu and go on my way to college about getting 2 of them. I love birds but the bigs one are to big and scary lol. I want a medium sized birdie who can be hand tame and an enjoyable pet.


02-07-2003, 06:01 PM
I love the big ones but I'm afraid of their HUGE beaks! They can probably bite my hand off if not tame! :eek: I would love to have one though. I hear they are very sweet and loving and never bite when tame. I would probably get used to them if I had one, but the price tag is too high! :eek: Those little fellas can cost from anywhere between $2500 and $8000. I don't think my parents would want to spend that much on a bird (although I wouldn't mind if I had the money). ;)

02-07-2003, 07:59 PM
the cockitiels we were looking at were from a breeder they were 30$ each a sale because they were origanly $60 humm... we didnt buy one though my mom said that was to expensive.... i guess compared to other prices it isnt..

02-28-2003, 03:45 PM

get a cauique! hehe I got mine for $900 but they can be cheeper;) the best birdy in the world! plus they are perfect size:D

02-28-2003, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Jessica12345

get a cauique! hehe I got mine for $900 but they can be cheeper;) the best birdy in the world! plus they are perfect size:D

Oh no no no. Cockatiels are the best birdies in the world! :p :p :p

LOL! We all think our pets are the best don't we? ;) I'd just say birdies are the best because I LOVE all birdies! :p

02-28-2003, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird

Oh no no no. Cockatiels are the best birdies in the world! :p :p :p

LOL! We all think our pets are the best don't we? ;) I'd just say birdies are the best because I LOVE all birdies! :p


i guess we do, dont we? of course we all know who is right here.

ME! Lol jk! l adore your popcorn and muffin.

but birdys are the best! :D :D :D :D

02-28-2003, 06:15 PM
Yep, birdies are the best! Right Popcorn and Muffin?

Popcorn: Woohoo!
Muffin: Trrrrrrrr!

(That means YUP in their language! :p)

02-28-2003, 06:16 PM
lol tiki is "gurgling and whisling" in my ear as im reading this:D

but some people are so weird! my grandma says: "you cant play with a bird!"


02-28-2003, 06:19 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
I love the big ones but I'm afraid of their HUGE beaks! They can probably bite my hand off if not tame!

I have a friend that went to someone's house one time and they had a huge macaw. When she walked in it said to her "Come here sweetie" . She ignored it at first, but he kept saying it over and over so she went up to him to say hello and he bit her so hard, it almost broke her pinkie finger:eek: It made me so afraid of parrots and cockatoos and the like. My mom had cokateils though and they were sweet.:)

02-28-2003, 07:07 PM
not all birdys are mean like that. Some cockatoos are so sweet!

although im sorry to say ive never heard of a "sweet" macaw:rolleyes:

02-28-2003, 07:39 PM
Originally posted by Jessica12345

but some people are so weird! my grandma says: "you cant play with a bird!"


:eek::eek::eek: Has she ever met Tiki? That would be really wierd if she has and is still saying this.

Some people are wierd. They can't get the fact that parrots of all species are highly intelligent, playful, cuddly, talkative, and lovable, just like (or sometimes even more than) other pets in their head! Sheesh. I know this girl that HATES birds. She thinks cats are the only pets that are sweet, nice, and cuddly. She thinks birds don't even like people! Well, all that changed when she came to my house. I was introducing the birds to her sisters and she was ignoring them the whole time UNTIL, I left the room for a minute, and Popcorn and Muffin started SCREAMING at the top of their lungs (calling me to come back!!! ) She was IMPRESSED! Now she thinks birds are more loyal pets than cats and are very "cool" animals! :eek:

WHAT did I tell her? :p

03-01-2003, 11:00 AM
lol she HAS met tiki but tiki is a little shy around new people. even so that is only for like the first five min.! tiki then wanted to play with her but apparently she was with the dogs.:( she just doesnt understand. grrrrrr!:mad: lol:D

thats ok though.... more tiki for me! hehe:D