View Full Version : Dinner Party!

02-06-2003, 04:34 PM
you open your doors to your home to have dinner
with 5 people, living or dead from the 20th century.....(you can have it catered should your cooking skills not be up to snuff)....4 hours should do it.....cigars and drinks in the backyard afterwards.....oops, you people in the cold weather climates have to stay indoors........:p

just people, no reasons, not just yet.

george mallory
chuck yeager
amelia earhart
richard feynman
albert einstein

02-06-2003, 04:40 PM
I will have to think on this one, Richard, and get back to you!!! I'm sure I will think of something!!! :)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-06-2003, 04:50 PM
I've only come up with 4 so far.

Eleanor Roosevelt
Princess Diana
Jimmy Stewart
My Grandpa on my Dad's side
and I just thought of the 5th one, but he's still alive - does that count?
Warren Buffet

02-06-2003, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I've only come up with 4 so far.
and I just thought of the 5th one, but he's still alive - does that count?
Warren Buffet

warren can come......do you have limo parking out front?
(i was thinking jimmy buffet could do the entertaining, but it is your dinner party....):D

02-06-2003, 05:02 PM
My great grandfather Martin Quinn (to get the skinny on him since I can't find any records of him)

My great grandmother Nettie Maude Rowe

My great great grandfathers James Worster, Samuel Tewell

My great grandfather Levi Kimmel

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-06-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
warren can come......do you have limo parking out front?
(i was thinking jimmy buffet could do the entertaining, but it is your dinner party....):D

Hey, if Warren Buffet is going to come to my house, he can park his limo any darn place he wants to!!! ;) :D

When I was trying to think of the 5th one, I knew his last name was Buffet, but I also knew his first name wasn't Jimmy, and that's all I could think of. ;) :D :D Then like a flash it came to me - Warren, not Jimmy, although Jimmy can provide entertainment if he likes, we could all wear Hawaiian shirts and sip Mai Tais....by the fireplace. ;) :D

Miss Meow
02-07-2003, 01:10 AM
Richard Feynman too (Richard, we will need to have our parties on different nights :))
Henry Rollins
Princess Diana
Mr Ed
One of the female astronauts from the 1960s who was jibbed by the US government and wasn't allowed to do the actual missions.

02-07-2003, 12:04 PM
a brief description as to why your list contains the people it does....

02-07-2003, 12:06 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
Richard Feynman too (Richard, we will need to have our parties on different nights :))
Henry Rollins
Princess Diana
Mr Ed
One of the female astronauts from the 1960s who was jibbed by the US government and wasn't allowed to do the actual missions.

mr ed?????? of course, of course

and you may have Feynman first....just don't ask all MY questions

02-07-2003, 12:25 PM
As tempting as it is to choose famous people to come to my dinner party, I believe that I would instead choose to invite the following so that my daughter could meet them and my new husband too!!! They all meant so much to me that I know that having my family know them would be wonderful!!

My Nannie (dad's mother)
My Papa (dad's father)
My Aunt Fannie
My Grandmother (mom's mother)
My Daddy Joe (mom's father)

They have all been gone for a while now and I wish Helen, Scott, Elizabeth and Andrew had known them. They were my life as a child!!! :)

02-07-2003, 12:52 PM
I agree with Logan. As cool as it would be for JFK or Princess Diana to drop by, I would invite the following:

My grandfather--Bruno Vavala--he was a great man, and my husband never met him, I miss him

My husband's father--Jack Morrison--I never got to meet him, I hear such wonderful stories about him, I would love to have a conversation with him

My husband's grandfather--Ed Braden--fascinating man, who I also didn't meet, he had planes and was very into aviation, I just hear such wonderful stories

My maternal grandmother--She died when my mom was very young, I would just love to meet her

My stepmother's father---he died when she was young, and I hear such wonderful stories about him from her and her siblings and her mom

02-07-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
I agree with Logan. As cool as it would be for JFK or Princess Diana to drop by

actually, that is my mistake......after mugsy filled out the invitations with family members I realized i should have been more specific!!! there are some more 'rules' i was going to toss out.....let me think about this!
i understand the desire to 'talk' to family members we never had the chance to meet........i have a g father that i never knew....

02-07-2003, 01:46 PM
This is tough for me. A lot of the people I would want aren't from the 20th century, but from the 19th! I think having Oscar Wilde over would be amazing!

02-07-2003, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
This is tough for me. A lot of the people I would want aren't from the 20th century, but from the 19th! I think having Oscar Wilde over would be amazing!

give them and inch.....

go for it.....the 19th century is officially open....

now you can have a WILDE party....

02-07-2003, 03:16 PM
Richard Feynman and I'll be first. Because Filou here reads the German translation of his biography.
Jackie Kennedy (because I dreamt of her when I was six)
John Cage
Albert Einstein -sorry Richard I'm a physicist
Thomas Mann (my fave German author)

02-07-2003, 03:20 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
Richard Feynman and I'll be first. Because Filou here reads the German translation of his biography.
Jackie Kennedy (because I dreamt of her when I was six)
John Cage
Albert Einstein -sorry Richard I'm a physicist
Thomas Mann (my fave German author)

why do i get the feeling that by the time my party happens
einstein and feynman will look at each other and hand me
a xeroxed sheet with their answers.....


Edwina's Secretary
02-07-2003, 03:47 PM
I've been thinking since you posted this! My list seems to be so "from a time" but here it is...

Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt
Louis and Edwina Mountbatten
Winston Churchill

The people they knew, the events they not only witnessed but shaped!

02-07-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

george mallory
chuck yeager
amelia earhart
richard feynman
albert einstein

mallory- to find out ifhe made it to the top of everest
yeager- just to hear him tell some of his test pilot stories,
in person
earhart- to find out what happened
feynman and einstein- not for their looks or brains but for
their characters.

looking for the reasons why they are at your party now....

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-07-2003, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
I've only come up with 4 so far.

Eleanor Roosevelt
Princess Diana
Jimmy Stewart
My Grandpa on my Dad's side
and I just thought of the 5th one, but he's still alive - does that count?
Warren Buffet

Eleanor Roosevelt because my mother is fascinated with her, and I would like to find out what it is about her that fascinates my mother.

Princess Diana because I think she was a fascinating person. Always willing to do good, but with a secret life that not many of us knew about.

Jimmy Stewart because he put his acting career on hold to do his duty and serve in the air force (I believe). If I remember right he was a great pilot and was more interested in being a good citizen for his country than he was in furthering his career. He lived a long fascinating life and it would be interesting to hear more about it.

My grandpa on my dad's side because he died when I was 6 or 8 or so, and he was 82, which means he was born in the 1880's or so. I have heard a little about him like he was a cowboy for awhile, he lived with an Indian squaw (who chewed tobacco) before he married my Grandma, he was a great writer and wrote love letters for some of his friends who were courting girls but didn't know what to say to them, and many other stories. He married my Grandma when he was 40 and she was 20, so he lived 1/2 his life before he got married, and I would like to know more about that life.

And finally, Warren Buffet, not only to get some good stock tips (need them these days) but to learn from him, and maybe get to know him good enough that he puts me in his will. ;) :D

02-07-2003, 10:04 PM
Miz Sophie - 'nuff said
Don Delillo - great author!
Prez Truman - interesting man
Toni Morrison - great author!
Mother Theresa - interesting lady

Miss Meow
02-07-2003, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow
Richard Feynman too (Richard, we will need to have our parties on different nights :))
Henry Rollins
Princess Diana
Mr Ed
One of the female astronauts from the 1960s who was jibbed by the US government and wasn't allowed to do the actual missions.

Richard Feynman: every dinner party needs a hyperactive, genius, bongo drum-playing, lock-picking wild man

Henry, Henry, Henry: I've adored him for many years. He can sit right opposite me so I can stare at him all night :)

Diana: No specific reason, really. Her life and the way she did and didn't handle it fascinate me

Mr Ed: I've always had a soft spot for a talking Palomino :)

Astronaut: I read a fascinating story about a group of female aviators who were trained for space missions but John Glenn et al were selected over them because the government thought that women weren't tough enough for space (even though they blitzed the guys at all the tests). Really interesting lives they've had.

02-08-2003, 05:26 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD

why do i get the feeling that by the time my party happens
einstein and feynman will look at each other and hand me
a xeroxed sheet with their answers.....


I think Richard and Albert would act quite different with Chuck and George.

I am convinced at my party, Richard F. and John would have a very good time, Albert would try his very best with Jackie (it is less known that he was a womanizer!). I am not sure about Tommy (this is what he was called by his brothers and sisters and being in the US he might accept that) because he is very much European civilization and I cannot really see him playing bongos with Richard and John.
At least he and Albert know each other already.

02-08-2003, 06:03 AM
I have two lists; one from an historical perspective, one from a contemporary perspective.

Abraham Lincoln
Shakespeare (Did you REALLY write those play???)

John Forbes (A Beautiful Mind)
Alfred Hitchcock
Julia Child
Neil Armstrong

02-08-2003, 06:55 AM
I would invite people who have done a lot for the poor , sick and homeless

Mother Teresa
Martin Luther King
Father Damian
Florence Nightingale

02-08-2003, 07:41 AM
Sorry Richard, I didn't mean to throw a wrench into your party!! lol

My great grandfather Martin Quinn (to get the skinny on him since I can't find any records of him)

My great grandmother Nettie Maude Rowe because my mom said she remembered her being interesting, AND I can't find any information on her dad, so I would be able to ask her about it.

My great great grandfathers James Worster, Samuel Tewell both of these men were Civil War veterans and I would be interested in meeting them to see if they would talk about their exeriences. And they were still alive at the beginning of this century.

My great grandfather Levi Kimmel because he seems like such an enigma. My mom remembers him as being grouchy, but my cousin remembers him as being funny. I want to find out for myself. And I want to know the REAL reason he started burying his money in canning jars in the backyard.

Now....if you want well known people...

1. Mother Theresa because she never let anything get to her...her feathers were never ruffled and she did such great things

2. Malcom X because I want to know how his pilgrimage to Mecca helped him realize the errors in his ways.

3. FDR because I am interested in his theories on economic principles

4. Hitler because I'd love to figure out how he came to be so evil and twisted and why he did the awful things that he did (that and I'd love to tell him exactly what I think of what he did...not like he'd care)

5. Clara Barton (since we can go back to the 19th century now) How she came up with the idea of the Red Cross and how she dealt with the discrimination against women and still got all that accomplished.

02-08-2003, 09:09 AM
My choice would be

Harry S. Truman
Margaret Thatcher
"Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly, while bad people will find a way around the laws."
Eleanor Roosevelt
Ernest Hemingway

Jackie, Perry and Miss Daisy

02-08-2003, 09:20 AM
Emeril Lagasse--he can cook and be a guest!!

Jaqueline Cochran-another interesting female pilot, if less know then Amerila Earhardt

Boomer Esiason-my fav QB, and a good guy

Louis Armstrong- what's dinner with out a little music?

Bob Fosse-one of the greatest chreographers ever...and we got music, let's dance!

02-09-2003, 11:47 AM
love the choices and reasons.....

one deep question for each of the guests and what
are you serving?

anyone who says domino's pizza is automatically disqualifed!;)

02-09-2003, 12:03 PM
I'm giving Emeril free rein on the cooking...I've used his cookbooks, watched his show and eaten at his restaraunts...anything hewants to make is fine by me!

I'll have to think on the questions!

02-09-2003, 12:38 PM
Originally posted by Miss Meow

Richard Feynman: every dinner party needs a hyperactive, genius, bongo drum-playing, lock-picking wild man

Henry, Henry, Henry: I've adored him for many years. He can sit right opposite me so I can stare at him all night :)


feynman and rollins at the same party????

if i promise to clean up afterwards can i go to your party?

02-09-2003, 12:53 PM
I will serve my "famous" manicotti meal and serve it with a wunderbar salad and cheese garlic bread and a sweet red wine (mostly because I detest wine! lol)

02-09-2003, 04:01 PM
David Suzuki
Farley Mowat
KEANU REEVES heh heh heh
Pierre Trudeau
Angela Basset (she kicks #$%)

Miss Meow
02-10-2003, 01:13 AM
Originally posted by RICHARD


feynman and rollins at the same party????

if i promise to clean up afterwards can i go to your party?

There is no cleaning up at imaginary parties, so come along anyway!

We are having champagne for drinkies (probably a protein shake for ol' Henry as he doesn't drink)

Delia Smith can do the cooking. For entree, her asparagus tips in creamy cheese sauce baked in pastry (haven't tried it yet but it looks divine). Main might be swordfish with grilled potato slices and other vegetables and dessert has to be raspberry souffle with Vahlrona chocolate pouring sauce. Mr Ed gets mixed grains with molasses and a pat of lucerne hay.

Hard questions? Between Richard playing the drums and Diana dancing on the table, I fear I won't get a word in!

Lalania, I forgot about David Suzuki and Keanu - good choices :)

02-10-2003, 06:11 PM
my home made foccaia, olive oil, olives, sundried tomatoes,cheese
rosemary.....and a huge pitcher bloody marys

lemon basil shrimp, an antipasto salad, tomato/cucumber slices on the side...........

amelia: what went wrong.

chuck: were you scared?

richard: how did you feel about solving the challenger problem?

mallory: what went wrong?

einstein: how does it feel to be remembered by folks by an equation that most don't understand?

02-10-2003, 09:07 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by RICHARD
my home made foccaia, olive oil, olives, sundried tomatoes,cheese
rosemary.....and a huge pitcher bloody marys

lemon basil shrimp, an antipasto salad, tomato/cucumber slices on the side...........

Good grief! Can I come over for dinner even if the rest of the guests don't show up. Maybe a trial run..........experiment before the "real" dinner!

02-11-2003, 02:07 PM
I don't like anything that swims, but the foccaicia bread sounds wonderful. I'll bet Richard would let you crash the party!;) :D

02-11-2003, 02:13 PM
How boring am I? We're grilling out, a little of anything, to suit everyone, famous or not!!! We'll have some beef and chicken, plus some skewers with seafood and vegetables. We'll grill some beautiful peppers because Scott knows how to do that so well!!! Plus we'll have a big salad with a variety of dressings, fresh bread and lots of wine, of all sorts, to suit everyone, with a ice tea and water for those who don't want the wine. I think it will be a grand party (one I really wish I could have).

02-11-2003, 02:37 PM
Logan, I'm coming to YOUR party!!

02-11-2003, 02:39 PM
Mugsy, yeah I guess I could crash the party.........but maybe I should have one of my own. My invited guests..........

Hmmm, Maya Angelou and Oprah Winfrey...............

I wouldn't want to ask them a thing........but I could listen to them for a long time.

And David McCullough...........I want to ask him lots of questions about history.

I will have to think on the other guests.

What will I serve? In one of my cookbooks there is a picture of an outdoor picnic. The picnic table is covered in newspaper and a cloth. Piled on this table are soft shelled crabs. Sitting to the side is lots of ice cold beer. I always thought it would be fun to have that picnic, even though the beer isn't my favorite.

A picnic would make everyone relaxed and you could sit there for hours picking and eating and talking.

02-11-2003, 02:43 PM
Gee wouldn't it be nice to be able to afford to just travel around to all the PTers houses and have these parties??? Ahhh....it's nice to dream.

02-11-2003, 04:01 PM
I'm quite a bit behind here, but for dinner I'd love to have:

Sorry, not all of them are from the past.

Stevie Ray Vaughan (for music)
Richard Feynman (for science etc.)
Sean Connery
Michale Caine
Joanna Lumley

... can I have one more?

Phred! (for good story telling!) :D (no clams - I promise!)

02-11-2003, 04:05 PM
So what's for dinner Randi??

02-11-2003, 04:23 PM
We'll start with a Cava! For appetizer it's got to be Italian Garpaccio. For the main course a huge juicy leg of lam, marinated in garlic, rosemary, lemon, salt and pepper. And lots of red wine! For dessert, I'm not sure (so many choices :p ) perhaps a good sorbet etc. With the coffee, my homemade chocolade truffles and also my mom's apple cake - and Jamie Olivers' chocolade/nut cake ..... uhmmm!!

Oh, perhaps a selection of Tapas would be better - to fit all! ;) - And if it's summer, there'll be Gazpacho (I just got a new blender)

Did you notice .....no clams! :D :D

02-11-2003, 04:30 PM
Hmmm....how much is a passport and a ticket to Denmark???

02-11-2003, 04:36 PM
LOL Mugsy! Flights are getting cheaper and cheaper aren't they - you're welcome any time! :D Denmark is a civilized country! ;)

02-11-2003, 04:39 PM
Ok.. I've been thinking about this for a LOOONG time now.. here are my people:

Oscar Wilde - because he's fascinating, and I would ask him questions about what it was like while he was in prison

Emily Bronte - I want to know how she got the ideas for Wuthering Heights

My great grandma - I never had a chance to meet her and my mom says she was the most wonderful lady ever

Matt Good - his ideas about politics are really interesting

Judy Blume - my very favourite author ever, and just because it would be really cool to meet her!

For dinner - I have no idea what would be cooking! I would have the party in the Summer, so we could sit outside long into the night without getting cold, so probably something on the bbq. Better yet - I would make it a potluck, so there would be a real variety of foods to share with the ecclectic group!

Nice huh, come to my party - bring your own food!!! LOL :D

02-11-2003, 04:41 PM

too bad...feynman's coming to my party first.........i was nice by starting this thread and now everyone wants in on my guest list;)

ooooohhhhhhh, alright...you can go first.................

02-11-2003, 04:46 PM
Originally posted by Randi
We'll start with a Cava! For appetizer it's got to be Italian Garpaccio. For the main course a huge juicy leg of lam, marinated in garlic, rosemary, lemon, salt and pepper. And lots of red wine! For dessert, I'm not sure (so many choices :p ) perhaps a good sorbet etc. With the coffee, my homemade chocolade truffles and also my mom's apple cake - and Jamie Olivers' chocolade/nut cake ..... uhmmm!!

Oh, perhaps a selection of Tapas would be better - to fit all! ;) - And if it's summer, there'll be Gazpacho (I just got a new blender)

Did you notice .....no clams! :D :D

Wow Randi - I can hop a plane tomorrow, it only takes an hour from Manchester to Denmark!! I'll join you in that tasty repast - if I may. But then again - maybe wait til Summer - I adore Gazpacho!!

PS Oh good no clams!! :D :D


02-11-2003, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by Randi

... can I have one more?

Phred! (for good story telling!) :D (no clams - I promise!)

I bet if Phred has a dinner all he will do is CLEAN OUT HIS FRIDGE!! AND SERVE THOSE KLAMS!!

02-11-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by gini

What will I serve? In one of my cookbooks there is a picture of an outdoor picnic. The picnic table is covered in newspaper and a cloth. Piled on this table are soft shelled crabs. Sitting to the side is lots of ice cold beer. I always thought it would be fun to have that picnic, even though the beer isn't my favorite.

A picnic would make everyone relaxed and you could sit there for hours picking and eating and talking.

one, i have to learn to spell stuff i cook-foccaicia!

two, it is your party gini, you don't HAVE to drink beer

three, those little crab hammers can be used as a weapon....
but it is a dinner party, cooler heads will prevail....

four, a clam/crab bake is the best...no worries about the mess because you can't help it.:)

02-11-2003, 05:37 PM
Is that anything like..."It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...?"

02-11-2003, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by mugsy
Is that anything like..."It's my party and I'll cry if I want to...?"

crying? there's no crying at a dinner party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-11-2003, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by Logan
How boring am I? We're grilling out, a little of anything, to suit everyone, famous or not!!! We'll have some beef and chicken, plus some skewers with seafood and vegetables. We'll grill some beautiful peppers because Scott knows how to do that so well!!! Plus we'll have a big salad with a variety of dressings, fresh bread and lots of wine, of all sorts, to suit everyone, with a ice tea and water for those who don't want the wine. I think it will be a grand party (one I really wish I could have).

that's not boring...........you are pretty close to heaven there.....

but you forgot-- clear day, mid 70's, nice breeze, no bugs and
a nice view.......

02-11-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

one, i have to learn to spell stuff i cook-foccaicia! we won't care how it is spelled - we will be there to "eat" it.

two, it is your party gini, you don't HAVE to drink beer I had better stick to the beer rather than the apple martini - that way I can remember what everyone has to say

three, those little crab hammers can be used as a weapon....
but it is a dinner party, cooler heads will prevail....unless someone invites Osama

four, a clam/crab bake is the best...no worries about the mess because you can't help it.:) it is sounding better all of the time

02-11-2003, 06:11 PM
Somehow I doubt that any party with PTers would EVER be boring!! :D :D :D

02-11-2003, 07:20 PM
right above highway one in santa monica.................

sorry guys, hate to do this to you........

there is a small park that runs along a cliff in Santa Monica, next to the beach........on a clear day you can see japan, no just kidding.....the sunsets are absolutely WONDERFUL, you can hear the sun sizzle as the pacific ocean puts it out......that's where I'D have my party......

gini........that's where to have the clam bake!!!!

actually that's the next thread.......five people you'd invite to your beach party.......remember the magic words....bathing suits!;)

but let's finish this one first!!!!

02-14-2003, 11:34 AM
dinner's over:(
and it's time to get your guests home......except for one.

they have to spend the night! which means a pajama party
with them

who will it be?

02-14-2003, 01:01 PM
My great grandfather Martin Quinn. I want as much info as I can get on that sneaky snot.

02-14-2003, 02:45 PM
Feynman. At least he's hetero (Mann and Cage are medium). And Einstein was known for his dedaignment of soap and comb.
Jackie would look so much better in her pajamas then me in mine that it would not be good for my self-esteem.