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02-06-2003, 02:10 PM
Hey everyone! I have some questions about my puppy by the way all of your dogs are adorable! Well does anyone have any tips on how to house train your puppies? Let me know thanks. ;)

02-06-2003, 02:41 PM
hello and welcome! :)

i had done TONS of research before getting my dog and before getting into the whole housetraining thing. turns out, when i brought mickey home we ended up house training him, i guess the "wrong way'. we didn't use the crate or follow any of the rules. he's housebroken now. anyways, long story short (;)) you better wait for others to give you suggestion! :p
hope to see pics of your pup soon! :D

02-06-2003, 03:32 PM
oh well thank you for the help anyway! :) I love your picture of your dog.. She? Is just adorable! Well yeah we have the crate and i guess i will have to do plenty of research!


And Happy Valentines Day to you too!

02-06-2003, 06:47 PM
a great idea for house breaking them is to use newspaper...once he gets used of it, start taking a few pieces away every day...then when u r left with only one piece, take him with u outside and put the paper on the ground where u want him to go pee, and leave it there and let him smell it...stay with him outside and praise him if he pees on the paper...
Sorry for assuming ur puppy is a he! lol...i wasnt sure so i just guessed haha:p

02-06-2003, 06:51 PM
oh no its okay.. I really didnt say.. lol Well right now we are trying the crate.. And its sort of working but she is starting to go in th house constantly.. :mad: lol.. Its getting sooo annyoying cleaning it up like every couple of minutes.. Well Thanks for your help and do you have any more advice on how to train her more? Thanks soo much for your help! :D

02-06-2003, 06:54 PM
ahhh so its a she :o lol....eep...uhhh i knew that heh heh heh.... hmmm....so what kind of training r we talking about?lol. and what kind of pup do u have?

02-06-2003, 06:59 PM
Well she is a corgi eskimo mix. We are doing crate training where when she finishes eating we take her out and if she doesnt go we put her back in her crate for about 5 minutes and then we take her out and put her outside and she knows where outside is and usually when she wants to do outside she will either scratch at the door or sit by the door and wait but now lately she has been just going whenever without sitting by the door.. Yeah shes a she.. lol.. By the way i was just wondering how old are you? I know that seems a little noisy but i was just wondering.. lol Thanks :D :rolleyes: :cool:

02-06-2003, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by CamCamPup33
By the way i was just wondering how old are you? I know that seems a little noisy but i was just wondering.. lol Thanks :D :rolleyes: :cool:
Not nosy at all! lol:p im 15, and will be 16 in october :D how bout u?
ur puppy sounds cute...ive never seen a corgi eskimo cross b4...must be adorable! i may have more advice later on lol...its too bad shes decided to go without telling! lol...hmmm...maybe its a phase? hopefully, cuz that would suck if u had to teach her all over again...whats her name? :)

Desert Arabian
02-06-2003, 09:56 PM
I love Eskies...they are like big white teddy bears. ;) :)

02-14-2003, 05:03 PM
I have some tips for you!
When you start to train your puppy, (I just went through it a month ago) make sure that you don't feed him before you put him in his crate. Also the vet gave us the tip to go out with him every time he has to go.

We trained our puppy, Prince, to ring bells that we hang on out door, and he does it so well, and he is only 3 months! What we did is that every time we took him out we shook the bells. He caught on quickly.
Good Luck

02-14-2003, 05:11 PM
I agree with dogz that is a great idea
what we did was reward her when she went out side and punished her with a simple NO when she went inside:D
give it a try
combine our ideas

02-14-2003, 06:08 PM
The most important thing is to be consistent with whatever method you choose!

Taking her out a few minutes after she eats, then praising her when she does something outside are good. Stay out until she does something! You need to watch her very carefully inside, too - and if she starts to "squat" (I know, a little hard to tell on a Corgi ...) quick - say "NO!" and rush her outside! Then praise again when she "does her business" outside.

Time, patience and consistency are the keys! :)

02-15-2003, 10:31 PM
lol!! Yeah i cant really tell when she is squating or just getting excited..!! :rolleyes: But she does have this new thing where she getz sooo excited and just pees evrywhere! Im like omg... lol.. and she is still having a hard time cooperating with the "houzetraining"!!! AHH :eek: thanx