View Full Version : my foster dillema

02-03-2003, 11:44 AM
A woman whom works at the same company as me has to get rid of her two dogs: one is a GSD/chow mix and one is a GSD/sheltie mix. One is 6 years old, and the other is 9 years old. She has to get rid of them by this coming Saturday due to an unexpected move. She can't take the dogs with her when she moves, and she knows of no one to take the dogs. She sent an inter-office email, and, like a dummy, I responded and told her that I would try to help. I agreed to foster the dogs if she was unable to find anyone interested. Well, now, as much as I love dogs and I love rescue, I do NOT want 4 large dogs in my small house. I just don't want these dogs getting put to sleep at the shelters, which WILL happen due to their age, size, and breeding. The MHS is having to put puppies to sleep because they are out of room, so you can imagine how quick two older mixed breeds would be put down!

I need help. I really want to help these two dogs, but I simply have no room for a long-term foster at my house, especially since there are two dogs. I was told that I could foster them threw the MHS, granted the owner surrenders them and they pass the MHS's evaluation test, but that the foster could take upwards of 3 months until their forever home comes along!

I have a LOT going on with Kersey in her training right now, and I am also trying to make more time to do more therapy work with Graham. I simply don't have the time for another dog, let alone two large dogs to be long-term fosters.

If anyone knows of any way I can get these dogs adopted quicker then the estimated 3+ months I would really appreciate it. I was hoping to have them no more then 3 weeks, and when I agreed to help this woman, I spoke before I really thought it out. I have not met the dogs, but she said they are friendly and playful. She also said that they occationally "argue" with each other, especially over food. It is not necessary to have them get adopted out together because of this. If they were really close and lovey-dovey like Graham and Kersey are, then I would only feel good about them going into their forever home together, but these guys occationally get into "tiffs" and that tells me that they would do fine if seperated.

If anyone can help, please PM me. I just called Molly & Mike to see if they would be able to help.



02-03-2003, 12:18 PM
Oh Leslie. I totally understand. I wish I had room to foster but I just don't.

I wish you luck in helping finding a home for them albeit a foster one if need be.


02-03-2003, 01:17 PM
HEy Leslie,

I know one really good way to speed up the adoption of an older dog is to write up a really cute bio with pictures on it. Post it at the shelter if they will let you. Myabe on certain days you could take one of the dogs and sit up at the shelter for more exposure. The more people can see them, the more likely they will be able to get adopted quicker. At work I have been putting up bios of our long term doggies and it works like magic!

You could also work with your local rescue groups and see if you can post their pictures on their websites or anything. Many rescue groups here have an 'Other Dogs' section on their webpages where they will list dogs available through other shelters or rescues.

Good luck!

02-03-2003, 03:49 PM

Planned Oethood down here takes "pet classified and posts them on their site foir a $25 donation. This might be a bit much for 2 but I can help with cost if you are interested. Here is the website
Planned Pethood (http://www.plannedpethood.org)

02-03-2003, 04:50 PM
Leslie, you are an angel for taking them on.
Here are some MI GSD rescues:

Kari Selinger
Marshall, MI 490688
[email protected]

Andrea Kyriacon
Detroit, MI 48239
[email protected]

Gail Gray
Bay City, MI 48706-9316

I don't know how up to date the rest of the list is, but karipets is active, as far as I know. Maybe she could link you up to an all breed rescue group.
You might be surprised at how quickly they may get adopted. My first foster, Gaylord (may he rest in peace), was 7 yrs. old and limping badly and was still adopted in a few short weeks. Bandit is 5 yrs. old and adopted in a flash, too.

I know what you mean by four big dogs in the house!
:eek: That is rough. Let us know how it goes, please and good luck!

02-04-2003, 09:56 AM
Any news, Leslie?

02-04-2003, 03:50 PM
Here's the latest:

The dogs are currently listed with Animal Welfare Society (AWS), as well as Michigan Animal Adoption League, and I sent two emails to the senior dog rescue today, so hopefully they'll put the info on their sites as well.

Looks like I'll be getting them tomorrow. They appear to be nice (I hope they are, anyway) and the owner said that they like other dogs and are good with all people, kids included. Here are their links:

Here's Cady (pronounced Katie):
Cady (http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=1409333&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=3e4034c91692c7cf-app1&display=&preview=0&row=25)

And here's Bogie:
Bogie (http://www.petfinder.org/pet.cgi?action=2&pet=1409339&adTarget=468doggeneral&SessionID=3e4034c91692c7cf-app1&display=&preview=0&row=50)

I am a little nervous, but hopeful that they won't be too long of fosters. It's really sad right now how many dogs are getting put to sleep at the shelters, and I am glad that these two are not going to be among them.

Looks like I am either getting them tomorrow or Thursday.

02-04-2003, 06:24 PM
They look like sweet dogs! Good luck Leslie!

02-04-2003, 06:45 PM
Oh, Leslie, they are so cute!! Someone will adopt them quickly. Good luck! You are an angel to save their lives!!!! Wish I were closer to help out!

02-06-2003, 06:42 AM
Originally posted by Sudilar
Oh, Leslie, they are so cute!! Someone will adopt them quickly. Good luck! You are an angel to save their lives!!!! Wish I were closer to help out!

I sure hope so. I get them tomorrow. Their current mom and I met with the dogs at a park yesterday and the dogs seemed to get on fine. Then she followed me to my house, where I introduced the dogs to Minion, and they seemed completely uninterested in him. They didn't lunge or bark or seem too interested, so it's decided that I get them tomorrow after work.

They are really cute, but not well behaved at all. I think I may do some basic obedience with them while they are with me. They really pull on the leash quite a bit and they don't come when called. They also like to run away, which just won't work at my house. When we took them to a park, we had to take them to a ball field because it was fenced in, and one of the gates was frozen open about 3 feet and Cady and Bogie ran threw and were running in traffic :eek: . It took LOTS of persuasion to get them back into the ball field, and there was no catching them...they came back when they were good and ready :eek: .

So I'll post more tomorrow if I have time...I am going from two dogs to 4 dogs, so I might be busy!

I have emailed two senior dog rescues and no response. I have called and/or emailed a dozen local shelters/rescue groups and sofar I am not having much luck. They are on Petfinder and on the Michigan Animal Rescue League sites. I am going to take them to the MHS to have them evaluated, and then they will also put them on their shelters' sites.

Bogie really looks to me like a KayAnn dog. She is really pretty, kind of fox-like looking, very mellow and sweet, and all redish brown. Here's a pic of Bogie at her current mom's house:

And Cady at her moms house:

I thank you all for the ideas of ways I can get them placed. If anyone has any more ideas of ways I can place them I would appreciate it. I have printed out their Petfinder bios w/ pic and I am going to post it in the kennel shop that I buy Graham and Kersey's food, at a few different vets' offices, and I will see if the shelter will let me post them.

02-06-2003, 08:53 AM
You are a hero, Leslie, for taking on these two beauties.

I'll bet you almost had a heart attack when they got out of the frozen gate and into traffic. I would have passed out!!

Four dogs in your house is going to be difficult, but know that you are saving lives! I hope there are no fights because that complicates things.

Do any of those shelters that you have them listed with have an adoption day at Petsmart or Petco? If they are seen in public, people would be interested.

I know you might not have time to post, but please, just post a word or two to let us know that you are ok!! Really wish I were closer to help! Good luck!

02-06-2003, 09:28 AM
I wish you lots of luck too, Leslie. I had four at one time this summer, but two of the four are "couch potatoes" (Lilly and Murphy). Honey and Splash had enough energy to make up for the other two though! :eek:

Keep us posted as you can. I am definitely in awe that you are taking this on. And very, very thankful!!! :)

02-06-2003, 01:17 PM
God Bless Your Ever-Lovin Heart, Leslie.

02-06-2003, 03:15 PM
Gosh Leslie,

I wish you the very best on this tremendous act of kindness
and love on your part. Hugs to you . :) :) :) I really cannot
think of a single thing else to do but what you have & are
now doing as far as getting them noticed for adoption. Some
leash walk training would be great for them as you said. Just
wanted to wish the best to you in your efforts. Hugs from Liz
and Moki.:)

Dixieland Dancer
02-07-2003, 10:46 AM
I will keep all of you in my prayers that they get a speedy forever home! You have a heart of GOLD!

02-07-2003, 10:53 AM
Thinking about you and the all the pups! Hope it is going well!

02-07-2003, 08:03 PM

Just checking in to see how things are going for you with the
foster dogs. (Like you would have time to post :rolleyes: )

Really, I cannot imagine a circumstance where I would have
to leave pets behind, except maybe death. I would rather
sleep in a tent than leave any of them. I know it happens
but, I just can't imagine it. I would be a complete mess.:(

I'm wishing you the best on this effort of yours & praying for
success also. Many, many hugs to you from Liz & Moki.

p.s. Please let me know if I could help in some way.

02-07-2003, 09:54 PM
Originally posted by lizbud

Just checking in to see how things are going for you with the
foster dogs. (Like you would have time to post :rolleyes: )

Really, I cannot imagine a circumstance where I would have
to leave pets behind, except maybe death. I would rather
sleep in a tent than leave any of them. I know it happens
but, I just can't imagine it. I would be a complete mess.:(

I'm wishing you the best on this effort of yours & praying for
success also. Many, many hugs to you from Liz & Moki.

p.s. Please let me know if I could help in some way.

Thanks everyone. I also can't imagine any circumstance where I could not take my pets along. It is absolutely out of the question, but not everyone has the same relationship with their pets as we Pet Talkers have with ours.

I am worried about the dogs. They are both acting slightly agressive towards Graham and Kersey, and Cady was growling at Minion when she saw him. Min was on the stairway going upstairs into our bedroom, and there was a baby gate keeping the new dogs out of there, so Min could get some peace. When the dogs saw Min on the stairway, Cady growled loudly and let out a few barks, and Bogie looked WAY too interested, and pawed at the gate. I now have them locked in my guest bedroom and I am not only frightened for my guest room, but also for my precious Min. My dream come true kitty.

Anyway, I am exhausted but keeping myself awake because I expect Dan home in two or so hours. The owner warned me that Bogie might act aggressivily towards Dan as he's walking into the house. She has a bit of fear agression towards people, and she is protective, so I am afraid that she'll attack Dan, since she really has only met him once, and it was only for 1/2 hour.

Agggggh! What did I get myself into???? Saving two lives is great, but I am worried about my kitty, and I am really stressing about the possibility of this dog having agression problems. She seemes really nice to me, but she warms up to women quicker then men.

Anyway, on the bright side, they both have an adoption event tomorrow, and I have a baby shower to attend, so everyone gets a break from the newcomers tomorrow for a few hours.

02-07-2003, 10:44 PM
Oh, Leslie, you are an angel.

All I can say is that I hope things get better quickly.

Good luck to you!

02-07-2003, 11:59 PM
Good luck with the adoption event tomorrow. Let us know what happens.

02-08-2003, 08:23 AM
Good luck at the adoption event today!!! Hope those cuties get adopted.

How's it going? Did you survive the night? I know how hard it is to control more than two large dogs with big personalities. When we fostered, it seemed like the foster would just be able to come in and join the family. Not so. Large dogs with big teeth have to be constantly supervised and just when you think all is going well, then.... who knows! It is so stressful because you can't let your guard down for a minute! You have my sympathy and my great admiration for saving the lives of these two!!

Hang in there, Leslie. You are a hero.

02-08-2003, 09:01 AM
Hope things wentokay overnight. Goodluck at the adoption event today!

02-10-2003, 04:36 PM
I found this after your other posting. I am sorry to hear things aren't working out. But I do think you are an absolute ANGEL for taking them. Whattawoman!!
I agree I could not imagine NOT taking my pets with me, but you are right not everyone thinks like we do, unfortunately.

02-11-2003, 11:35 AM
Leslie, are you ok?

02-11-2003, 12:25 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words. The dogs need prayers. Every single shelter, both high-kill and no-kill, are completely filled and even have a waiting list. I have called and/or emailed every single place here in Michigan, as well as several places in Ohio and IN, and no luck. I had to call the former owner on Sunday and tell her that things were not going well with the fosters, and that I didn't trust them at all with my cat. She agreed to pay the boarding fee if I drove them to the boarding kennel that they go to when the former owner is on vacation.

I feel really bad and I am completely out of ideas on what to do with the dogs. I actually really like Bogie, the GSD/chow mix a LOT. She is a very sweet dog who is extremely loyal, and her heart is crushed. She had not eaten since she was with me. She kept waiting for her former owner to come back through the door that she walked out of. She is absolutely devistated. I even spruced her food up with yougert and she a bit of the yougert but left the food. Cady is a chow-hound so she gobbles her food pretty good.

I had to take them to the kennel for two reasons:
1) obviously I can't trust them in my house with Minion
2) they are not crate trained and the crates were stressing them out too much.

Now they are at the kennel, but in a week they are booked up and they can no longer be there, so I have to get them out of there before then.

The adoption event went well for every single dog and puppy, except for Bogie and Cady. All were adopted except for them, and to make matters worse, a couple of people commented about how unfriendly Bogie was (she was moaping at the back of her crate, too broken hearted to greet people) and how "ugly" Cady was. It did not go well. It was all-in-all a crappy weekend. I have two other last options to try. Thanks for the suggestions, Molly! HUA and Best Friends' Animal Sanctuary. I have called both places and hopefully I'll get a call back from one of the two. If either place will take the dogs, or even one of the dogs, the next step will be trying to figure how to get them there. I will figure that out later, though.

If neither of those places can take Bogie and Cady, then I am going to suggest their former owner, who was a dead-beat dog owner, to do what's best for the well being of the poor dogs and get them humanely put to sleep, and be with them until they breathe their last breath. It's certainlly the least she can do for them. I have been working my butt off and racking up huge phone bills trying every single place I could think of who could take in these poor dogs. I have been looking for shelters or foster homes in three different states, posting their flyers all over the place locally, and, after HUA and Best Friends, I will be 100% out of ideas and options. I have given it such huge effort, I just hope that the former owner takes my advice if these last two efforts fail. I am so upset. It is just so unfair to those poor dogs. The dogs have had absolutely no obedience training, pull out of their collars, run off, don't listen, their nails are really, really long, they stunk to high heaven, they had not a single toy, blankie, bed, chewie, and they were on the cheapest, crappiest food that came in the biggest bag at Costco. They were not loved and nurtured. When I asked the former owner to give me a very detailed bio on each dog, including likes, dislikes, where they sleep, what toys they like, what their feeding schedule is like, are they weird about having their feet/ears touched, any health problems they have experienced, etc., and since she had the dogs for many years, I was expecting a really good bio on each dog and I simply got a short paragraph consisting of two long sentences for each dog! My gosh, when I have someone babysit Graham and Kersey, I write a BOOK about EACH DOG! It just pissed me off so much, and made me SO aware of the huge problem we have here in the US with pet ownership.

Anyway, I am exhausted from trying. I am not going to get my hopes up about HUA and/or Best Friends, but I am trying to imagine them accepting Cady and Bogie with open arms. I am sure if one of the shelters do accept them, then everything else will fall into place, and finding a way out there will be easier then everything else I have been doing.

Please wish me luck, and perhaps if there are any prayers left, please pray for either an opening at a HUA or Best Friends, or ultimately, a very quick, painless death in the arms of the only "mom" they have ever known if nothing else.

Thanks so much for the kindness everyone. I trust that if I have to suggest the dogs get PTS, you all will not blame me for having to suggest such a fate for these dogs. I know that I will be grieving and if it comes down to that, I would like to know that I can come here to grieve with the support of my good friends here at PT. It won't be an easy thing to do, especially for Bogie. She's a special soul stuck in a disobedient body.

02-11-2003, 12:42 PM
Leslie..I for one, would never, ever doubt or question anything you do. I hope you put your hands on your hips, looked that sucker in the eye and said "Who YOU callin "ugly"? :mad:

02-11-2003, 01:44 PM
http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/traurig/traurig014.gif http://www.click-smilie.de/sammlung/traurig/traurig014.gif My heart aches for these victims of man's neglect and carelessness.

02-11-2003, 02:05 PM
There is no doubt here, either, Leslie, that you have done the only thing possible in the situation. What a heroine you are for these dogs and so many others. That's what makes fostering so difficult because sometimes it simply doesn't work out.

My heart and prayers go out to those pups for what they have been through, but also for the love they experienced with you.


02-11-2003, 04:41 PM
Thank you for trying so hard Leslie! I hope something works out for these dogs, but if not we know you have tried your best.

02-11-2003, 07:35 PM

I wish that I could give you the biggest hug.:)

You and Dan have gone above & beyond what should be expected of any foster parents.Because you love animals
with all your heart and wanted to help these two, you spoke
up when no one else did. You have done everything a human
being can do. I believe these poor dogs fate was sealed a long
time ago, when they were unlucky enough to be "owned" by
an uncareing human. Please don't blame yourself & I don't
even think that you should be the one to make a pts decision.
It should be made by the "responsible" person, the former
owner. You offered to help & you did( and are doing) everything
humanly possible. Love & much respect from Liz & Moki.

02-12-2003, 08:18 AM
I would never blame you Leslie. There is no doubt in my mind you've done everything you can.

I feel for those poor pooches. :(

If I could, I'd give you a big hug right now.

02-12-2003, 09:41 AM
Leslie, this has to be so hard on you. You are still a hero to try to save these poor innocents. Thank you.

02-12-2003, 01:27 PM
Best Friends is full and they can't take them, and when I left a message in the HUA's voicemail, it said that if they could help, they would call back...and they have not called back :(

I wish I never even opened my mouth, because all of my hard work and heartache has been in vein, and now it has to be on my concious. I'll let you all know how it goes. If the former owner won't be with them when they get PTS, I will be with them. Someone who has love in their heart should be there for them, but I would rather not have to witness it. It feels like the ultimate failure :(

02-12-2003, 01:28 PM
Oh Leslie, you must never, ever feel guilty, no matter what the outcome. You and Dan have the biggest, most generous and giving hearts in petdom, and you gave it your all, way above and beyond what would be expected of any foster mom. I am so heartbroken for the dogs because it is due to human neglect and indifference that they are now having such difficulties adjusting to their new lives. You have nothing but our undying support, love and gratitude for trying to help these dear, confused souls. It made me cry, it really broke my heart, to think of them at adoption day, no one wanting them, calling them mean and ugly. I'm hoping and praying for a miracle for these babies. But if that is not to be, please know we are behind you 100%. Thank you for being the caring angel that you are. You did all that was humanly possible to help them. Love and hugs to you dear Leslie. Sandra

02-12-2003, 01:56 PM
I am still praying for a miracle. These are two healthy, although unruly dogs (through no fault of their own). They deserve to live. I am praying for that.

Thank you, Leslie, for all you are doing.

02-12-2003, 02:08 PM
Were you able to contact the shelters and rescues listed under Michigan that are posted on the petfinders list? (up at the top, right of the page?)
I sure hate to see two healthy dogs get put down. I feel so bad when even Gaylord, who couldn't walk well was even adopted and at GSD rescue, the amputee was also just adopted. It hurts when healthy dogs have to die.

Again, thanks, Leslie for doing your best to try and help these dogs.

02-12-2003, 03:39 PM
I know you said you tried some Ohio shelters, but I don't know which ones...maybe try the Humane Society of Hancock County? {(419)423-1664; http://www.wfob.com/aspca/}. They are not on Pet Finder, and they seem to only put animals down if they are sick. Also, they seem to have have a pretty high turn over. Maybe they would have room. If you'd liketo PM me with who in Ohio you've already tried, I can try to call some others you may not know about. I know what a hard decision it would be for you to have to put these two down and I hate to see you have to go through it!

02-12-2003, 09:49 PM
Dearest Leslie, the only mistake you made here was to feel guilty. You stepped up to a challenge that most of us wouldn't even consider, because your heart is good and you have the kind of determination which knows no bounds. But sometimes the reality of life hits even the strongest of wills smack in the face and I'm afraid the odds were stacked against these dear dogs, like Liz said, *a long time ago*. If life were fair, your perseverance, your caring, the time and effort you put in to save these furbabes would be rewarded with a happy home for each of them and a second chance to prove what marvelous companions they could be. We would be cheering and giving each other high fives. Even the best of efforts; however, are not always successful. You are not the one who failed these dogs! Leslie you are tired and you are sad for the pending fate these two may be dealt, but please remember that you are still their angel. You are the one who tried her very best. You are the one who took the chance...took the risk of becoming involved. The risk of failing to achieve your goal has taken a heavy toll on you. We can see how brave and courageous you have been. We can see the price you have paid to step up here when no one else would. Please try to see what we see. We see a hero.

02-13-2003, 09:52 PM
Very good news for Bogie and Cady!!! I can hardly contain my happiness! First of all, I would like to whole-heartidly thank you all for the thoughts and prayers, for the ideas and the kind words. I would also like to thank Amy (Cincy's mom) on helping me find a no-kill shelter to bring these sweet dogs to where they will hopefully find a home soon to live out the rest of their years.

Tomorrow, St. Valentine's Day, I will be driving to Ohio to drop off Cady and Bogie at a no-kill shelter that Amy told me about. I'll tell you more later. Hopefully they will be headed to a wonderful future.

I'll update you more later. :)

02-13-2003, 10:23 PM
Oh Thank God...and Dear AMY!!!!!and You Dear LESLIE!!!!!
I am so glad there is a happy ending....You are so wonderful for helping these furkids...they didn't ask for the hand they were dealt....but you also couldn't jeapordize your furkids....
you have done such a wonderful thing helping these two!!!!!

FEEL GOOD!!!!!!!
You DESERVE IT!!!!!!!

{{{{HUGS and TREATS to ALL YOUR FURKIDS!!!!!}}}} Forever and Foster that is!!!!

02-14-2003, 12:06 AM
OH THANK YOU!! You don't know how many tears I shed over not being able to take those 2 and knowing that the would probably be pts. Amy you are a God send and Leslie, you are such a trooper to keep trying. You are their guardian angel.

02-14-2003, 08:31 AM
Oh my goodness!!!! This is the BEST Valentine's Day gift that I could receive this morning, hearing that those two innocents will LIVE!!!!!!!! Thank you, Amy for finding a no kill place to take them. They deserve life. Woohooo!!!!!! I am so happy. And especially thank you, Leslie, for persisting in taking care of these two!!! You are a hero, as I said before. Amy is a hero, too!!!!!! I am so happy, happy, happy.
Thank you, Angels!

02-14-2003, 08:38 AM
Oh What Great news!! I am so happy to hear this. I have been afraid to read the updates but decided to be brave today!

Thank yu, Leslie! You have saved these pups lives! I hope that they will get the love and care they need.

02-14-2003, 09:47 AM

OMG, I am soooo happy to hear this news !!!!:)

This is fantastic. Thank you Amy (Cincy's Mom) and thank you
Leslie for hanging in there & trying every option open to help
these dogs get a decent chance in life. I am so very proud to
know both of you Angels of mercy & kindness. Your're the BEST.:)

p.s. Good luck & safe trip to you guys.:)

02-14-2003, 09:54 AM
Just want to mention again how very happy I am that these two will be safe!!!!
I just can't express how very glad I am that you two did not give up on trying to save them!!! Wow!! You two are great! This is just excellent news!!!! THANK YOU, LESLIE AND AMY!

02-14-2003, 10:08 AM
I was SO afraid to read the update. Oh, Leslie, Amy, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!!! You are both angels, hero, saviours!!! Words cannont express our thanks for saving Bogie and Cady! This is the BEST news and the happiest day!:):) Leslie, we can't thank you enough for not giving up these guys and for being their guardian angel! Amy, you were the answer to our last, deperate prayers!! You are both HEROES!!! Oh, what a happy day!!!:)

02-14-2003, 10:42 AM
OMG!!! What wonderful news!!

Thank you Leslie! Thank you Amy!

You are indeed miracle workers.

I pray Cady and Bogie go to homes where they are loved.

02-14-2003, 03:53 PM
I am going to ride along with Leslie and her mom to drop these two off toight. There is a chance of 2-4" of snow, although it is scheduled to be a little later in the eveing. Please keep us in your thoughts tonight!!!

02-14-2003, 04:21 PM
Good luck and let us know how it went and that all got home safely. They have downgraded us on the snow, so maybe you won't get any.

02-14-2003, 07:58 PM
Good Luck, Leslie and Amy!!!!!
Drive Carefully!!!!!!

Let us know how everything goes....


02-14-2003, 08:57 PM
The snow started over here. Please drive carefully. Have a safe transport. I'll be thinking about you angels of mercy!!! Wow! You are my heroes!

02-14-2003, 09:43 PM
No snow here yet...the dogs were safely dropped off a little over an hour ago, and Leslie dropped me off here at little bit ago. She and her mom are now back on their way to Michigan. Sheis the hero in this, so I let her give the rest of the details!

02-14-2003, 09:47 PM
Glad That all seems to have gone well...

sounds like michigan is not too far....

Glad that all are safe....and hopefully now those two furkids will be happier...put on their best cute Behavior

and find a Forever home!!!!

02-15-2003, 09:27 AM
All-in-all it was a wonderful but emotional Valentine's Day. At work I thoughtfully typed out a very detailed and very charming bio on each dog and included their vet records (after I cut out the "owner" info and the address of the vet). The bios, I think, were wonderful and gave a LOT of charm to Bogie and Cady. When I went to pick up Cady and Bogie at the boarding kennel, they were out in the yard and at first when they saw me they barked once or twice, then they recoginized me and started wiggeling those butts and dancing with excitement! I can't believe they actually recognized me! I was at the fence petting them and telling them that I loved them, and they had a big trip ahead of them. It made me happy, but also made me sad. Here I was preparing on deserting them, just like their former mom did. They obviously were showing signs of loving me, and I was just preparing to be the next person to break their hearts.

Anyway, after paying the boarding fee (hopefully the former mom will pay me back) I loaded them in, and buckeled them in so they stayed out of the driver and passenger seats. Even though I have a minivan, it was still a tight squeeze because I also had Graham and Kersey with me! I then went to my mom's house and picked her up and she brought little Ritzie the shih tzu. So we had mom and I, Graham, Kersey, Cady, Bogie, and Ritz. It was a full car! We then hit the road and in an hour and 1/2 we were at Amy's house, where we just visited for a few minutes before heading back on the road and headed south for close to an hour before we got to the shelter.

It was more emotional then I thought it would be. I unbuckled Cady and Bogie and took them into the "after hours drop-off" area, where they had a room full of cages, which all had very clean water dishes filled with clean water, newspaper lined cages, and a pad lock. There was also a cabinet with both cat and dog food. It was spotless. Absolutely spotless. It was also, surprisingly welcoming, at least I thought so. There were two animals in the drop-off...a little poodle/bichon that was marked down as "agressive", and an absolutely gorgeous ginger kitty who was in the "kitty loaf" pose. The poodle/bichon was incredibly darling but I think just freaked out beyond belief, as he did growl at Amy when she bent down to visit him. None of us could believe that such an adorable little bundle of white fluff could be agressive, but he did indeed growl at Amy. Poor little guy or girl. I bet it was a wonderful dog who was just becide himself with fear, causing him to show agression.

Anyway, we loaded Cady and Bogie up in their clean, paper lined cages and I said my final goodbyes. I didn't know that it would be so hard. Especially with Bogie. I told them to put on their charm, and be patient. The perfect person would come and fall in love with them and give them the retirement that they deserved. It was hard seeing their faces looking at me. They were so upset. They knew where they were. The both came from a shelter, and Cady spent many months in a shelter before she was adopted by her former mom years ago. I am surprised that it hurt as bad as it did. My mom and I both cried. I almost wish Cady and Bogie didn't recognize me when they were in the yard at the kennel, I think it would have made my farewell easier. I just kept thinking to myself, "if it was this hard to leave them at a shelter, just imagine how hard it would be to put them to sleep". I can't imagine how horrible that would have been, so even though it was hard to leave them there, it was easier then putting them to death.

Amy could see what sweet dogs they were. She was in the backseat with them and she was loving on them and petting them and talking to them on our trip to the shelter. Hopefully there will be lots more people who can see what kind, gentle dogs they are and they will get adopted into the perfect homes.

Thank you all so much for all the support and wonderful ideas, everyone. Amy, thank you so much for researching the shelters for me, and finding out about the after-hours drop off, and for going with me to the shelter.

I am now going to give the shelter a call and make sure everything is OK with them this morning. The pad locks didn't lock, so I am a little uneasy. I will feel better once I hear that everything went according to planned.

Bless you all.

02-15-2003, 10:10 AM
Oh my Leslie this is just so sad and I can tell how hard it was for you. It didn't take long for them to learn how good it felt to be loved which was evident by the way they recognized you and responded to you. I would have been in tears too. I am wondering if there is someone there who will be in contact with you when the happy day comes that they find forever homes. I know that would make you feel so much better as it would for all of us who have followed this story. I'm glad you had your mom and Amy along for support.

Your car sounds like it was filled to the brim with pupsters. I would have loved to see a picture of that - all those furry faces, sort of like a Pupmobile! Speaking of that, I guess Kersey is doing better with her car sickness. I don't think you would have attempted to bring her along on such a long journey if she was still having trouble with it. :eek: {{{hugs}}} to you Leslie. You are a hero in my eyes!

02-15-2003, 11:03 AM
Oh Leslie, Amy and Mom, I am crying just reading about your adventure. I would be crying my eyes out, too, as I left them. I can't put in words how happy I am that they did not have to die. Because of you, Leslie, and Amy, these dogs are ALIVE!!! Do you realize what a BIG and wonderful thing you all have done??? I am in awe! Now, I hope they find the perfect forever home and live happily ever after.
Woohoo! Thank you, Heroes!

02-15-2003, 11:04 AM

It sounds like it was a pretty traumatic day for you. You worked so hard to save these poor poochies, I'm so glad that you were able to save their lives. I hope that stupid woman never gets another pet. You are definitely their guardian angel. Let us know what happens when you talk to the shelter. Thank you for saving these babies.

02-15-2003, 07:00 PM
Leslie, there aren't words adequate to express our thanks. As Sue says, because of you, THEY'RE ALIVE!!!!!!!:) And I for one, am not surprised in the least that you were so heartbroken, saying your goodbyes. You are such a loving person and you gave your heart and soul to Cady and Bogie. I cried along with you reading about your tearful farewell. Just remember, they are safe, warm, together and hopefully, very soon, they both will find a truly devoted person/family to love them FOREVER! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You should be SO proud of yourself. We all are, that's for sure! You're our hero!:) And Amy too!!!:)

02-16-2003, 06:01 AM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs

Thank you all so much for all the support and wonderful ideas, everyone. Amy, thank you so much for researching the shelters for me, and finding out about the after-hours drop off, and for going with me to the shelter.

Your welcome Leslie :) Thank you for letting me tag along and meet these two wonderful dogs. They really are sweeties :) I didn't get to interact with Bogie too much cause she was all curled up sleepin, but Cady was on my lap giving me kisses all the way there!!! What a sweetheart. And I am sure they will have ahard time beliving she is 9!!! Here's hoping they find good homes quickly!!!

02-17-2003, 12:22 PM
What an adventure! Take pride in knowing you gave them a second chance.

Bless you both!

02-18-2003, 06:42 PM
wishing you lots of luck!

02-21-2003, 11:53 AM
Originally posted by Cincy'sMom
I know you said you tried some Ohio shelters, but I don't know which ones...maybe try the Humane Society of Hancock County? {(419)423-1664; [url]http://www.wfob.com/aspca/[/url

Was that the shelter that they went to? I just thought it might be a nice to know in case any of us want to make a donation to this place.

Leslie and Amy, as others have already said...what heros you are. Leslie I know your emotions cannot be controlled but please try to remember that you did good for these dogs. Maybe we will know in the future that they have found new and loving homes. They certainly are both beautiful animals.