View Full Version : Budgies

02-02-2003, 02:30 PM
I am new to ths site and to being an owner of 4 budgies. My son has two and my daughter have two. I am not sure about some stuff but have been reading a lot of different things on different sites. I want to make sure I am doing everything possile for my budgies. Two of them do not have there wings cut and two do, is it recommended to have them clipped? Also I have read two different things about toys for them I bought them a ladder and bath and a perch that has a bell hanging from it, is this ok? Any other useful information to help me out would be great. I was just confused when I went to the store for parakeets and kept finding stuff on budgies,then I found out that they are the same thing is this correct? Thanks in advance.

02-03-2003, 02:48 AM
Originally posted by katie58
I am new to ths site and to being an owner of 4 budgies. My son has two and my daughter have two. I am not sure about some stuff but have been reading a lot of different things on different sites. I want to make sure I am doing everything possile for my budgies. Two of them do not have there wings cut and two do, is it recommended to have them clipped? Also I have read two different things about toys for them I bought them a ladder and bath and a perch that has a bell hanging from it, is this ok? Any other useful information to help me out would be great. I was just confused when I went to the store for parakeets and kept finding stuff on budgies,then I found out that they are the same thing is this correct? Thanks in advance.

Sorry I couldn't respond earlier as I wasn't on the computer much today. Its recommended to have your bird's wings clipped for its own safety. A non-clipped bird can easily fly into a window, mirror, burning stove, and into other dangers that can cause severe injury. Of course birds that are accustomed to their home and are very well tame, may be wonderful flighted, however, if your birds are not tame yet, I recommend having their wings clipped in order to tame them. Once they are tame and used to you and the house, it would be your decision on whether to clip their wings or not.

Regarding the ladder and a perch with a bell. I have 4 ladders for my cockatiels and several toys with bells. They LOVE it! I don't know if parakeets are as enthusiastic about toys as cockatiels, but I know they also enjoy playine, so hopefully they will like their new toys. :) Regarding the bath you got them, what kind of bath is it? I have never bought my birds a birdie bath, though I have seen them at Petco. I usually bath my birds by misting them with a water spray bottle, or in the sink. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! Good luck on your little birdies!

02-03-2003, 03:00 AM
Welcome to Pettalk , KATIE !!!
I do not have birdies , yet ;) ! But we will breed in the near future ! If you like , you can have a look at my web-site and see where we will have our bird-house !

Have fun on PT !!http://wtv-zone.com/onegal/ani2/anicat30.gif

ps. I am from '56 !!

02-03-2003, 07:28 AM
I had budgies as a child and they were wonderful! We bathed ours in the kitchen sink. We put the water (tepid) on a slow flow and cupped our hands. They used our hands as a bird bath.

Another toy I would recommend is a mirror. They LOVE looking at themselves in the mirror. Do you have a "stone" in the cage to sharpen their beek with? They sell them in the pet stores.

We never did have their wings clipped.

02-03-2003, 07:49 AM
:) Thanks for the feedback. I did purchase them a mirror and they do seem to like it. I now have to find some one wo will show me how to clip there wings, my friend said he did it with his birds so i will have to see. The one pet store i bought them from did not clip them but the other one did. My kids are loving there new friends and talk to them every day. I want to tame them but i need to get the other two clipped first. When we bought them home one got away and it was hard getting them back in the cage. The kids thought it was funny though.LOL Any other help is always welcome. Thanks again to all who responded. Any useful sites would also help me.