View Full Version : Catnip!!!

Russian Blue
02-02-2003, 01:13 PM
Do your cats go crazy for catnip all the time? As an example, if you just give your cat some catnip right now, will your cat go crazy over it?

I noticed that catnip only affects Nakita when she already is in a playful mood. If she's just walking around and I give her some, she just walks away!

Just found this reaction to be a bit odd!


02-02-2003, 01:14 PM
Neko, Cookie and Pumpkin love catnip!! They go crazy for it at anytime!
Tama, however, could care less about it. He's one of those 10% of cats that does not respond to catnip. So when it's out and the others are playing, he just sits there.

02-02-2003, 01:18 PM
Anytime is the right time for catnip (Except if they are eating) Even my non-playful 14 yrs old loses 10 years If I place some catnip in front of her. I noticed the cat nip toys in petstores are weak and are only fun for a minute where as compared to pouring fresh catnip all over their toys or furniture. The BEST place to get catnip for 25 cents a toy is www.GiddyKittyToys.com , you dont have to buy in bulk and the catnip is rozen until recieved. It's real good stuff!! Happy stuff!!:)

02-02-2003, 01:30 PM
Abby and Bo love catnip. I grow it myself and they like it fresh or dried. Hanna loves the bubble nip (soap bubbles infused with catnip scent) but I don't know if that's from the scent, or if she just likes the bubbles. She doesn't eat them, but will watch forever.

Hanna will come up and sniff the catnip if I put some down for her, but she isn't too interested yet and will usually go over to see what the other cats are doing with their catnip, leaving hers on the floor.

02-02-2003, 02:09 PM
I agree: Tigris is only mad about catnip if he's already ready to be mad. Filou is not very interested.
What they like both is valeriane. Tigris rolls on the floor with a small (plastic) glass with just a drop of valeriane in -he looks like a drunkard:D

02-02-2003, 04:34 PM
There are some cats that don't have affect on. Kittens don't go crazy over catnip, they say kittens should not have catnip. Toby doesn't like catnip, he won't eat it and doesn't have affect on him at all. Joey, he loves catnip and he eats it. Sabrina rolls in the catnip and gets all hyper.

02-02-2003, 05:06 PM
Cat nip doens't really make my cats nutty - they get more relaxed and roll on the floor and drool a lot though.

02-02-2003, 05:18 PM
The Beans BOTH love catnip. We have to keep it under lock and key because Mocha Bean knows how to open cupboards and drawers!!!! Yes they go NUTS!

They are catnip fiends....... we watch their consumption so that they don't have to go to Betty Ford.;)

02-02-2003, 05:48 PM
Corkscrew has never reacted to catnip, Tibby loves it. I put some of it on the scratching post for her and when she uses it she goes nuts and starts rolling around near the scratching post, it's so cute.

02-02-2003, 06:20 PM
I'm nuts, but I do give Mr. Jones and Snowy nippy. And Snowy's normal state is bounding off the walls.
I gave it to him even as a baby. :confused:

Last night, we got home real late (5am) and I broke out the nippy, feeling guilty. I put the lid down for Mr. Jones, and he starts licking it before I even put the catnip on it:p

Snowy gets his right out of the tub, sometimes he snorts while his whole face is in it, and he pushes with his face, real hard. He's knocked the whole tub out of my hands.:eek:

Russian Blue
02-02-2003, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
What they like both is valeriane. Tigris rolls on the floor with a small (plastic) glass with just a drop of valeriane in -he looks like a drunkard:D

I had to look Valerian up on the internet because I've never heard of it! Here is what I found:

Valerian, a sedative for humans but a stimulant for cats, also goes by the name garden heliotrope. It's an attractive plant with fern-like foliage and fragrant pink, white, or lavender flowers. At maturity, plants may reach heights of three to four feet.

You learn something new each day!


All Creatures Great And Small
02-07-2003, 11:12 AM
My kitty is a nipaholic - he's ready for it anytime! If I get the plastic tub out of the cabinet, he starts "chirping" (making little short purr/meows in rapid succession), and as soon as I sprinkle some on the floor, he starts rolling in it and trying to grind it into his fur, especially on his head. If I give him the fresh leaves in the summer, I pinch them first to let the smell out, and he will bat at the leaf and chirp until I give it to him. The fresh leaves, he just gobbles up.

One time I made the mistake of giving him some nip, and then forgetting the tub on the table with the lid not tight - the next morning, of course, tipped over tub and catnip all over the kitchen! Good thing he didn't OD!

02-07-2003, 03:26 PM
I have some catnip pillows that a Humane Society volunteer makes. Max will just lick it to death then walk away. Speckles has a much more kitten reaction and rolls in it for a minute or two then she walks away.

As for fresh catnip, Max turns his nose up at it as if it's something disgusting that Speckles threw up. Speckles just eats it!: