View Full Version : I just HAD to share a conversation with you guys

02-02-2003, 10:35 AM
I was with my SIL the other day discussing cats. I don't know how or when this happened, but my SIL is one ignorant chick, knowledge wise regarding cats.

I was telling her about a local rescue organization who had 2 beautiful adult siamese cats whose owner had surrendered them because....guess what???? SHE PREGNANT!!! Like, gonna have a baby.

I was voicing my opinion, telling good ole SIL how to incorporate two cats and a baby. She was adamant that caring for the child is far more important than worrying about two animals.

She just doesn't get it. I know LOTS of people who, with the correct procedure, can have a baby and cats too. But NOOOOOOOOO, this chick hears what she wants to hear. So I asked her, if she were pregnant and had to choose between her dog Darby (whom she ADORES) and the kid, who would she choose. Her response???? "Well that's totally different." :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I hate stupid people. And she just keeps getting dumber by the minute. Afterall, look at what she does with her dog Ashley. Let's her poop and pee on their deck because she's too lazy to take her for a walk!!! :mad: :mad:

Oh yeah, and I also forgot to mention that she cared for a golden retriever who was in a junkyard for 5 years, expending thousands of dollars on a dog that wasn't even hers, yet she kvetches (complains) to me that I have too many cats, one of which I can't afford (Eli??). Go figure.

02-02-2003, 11:38 AM
Donna, I guess it is the lady of whom we heard already?
It is difficult for me to understand that having a dog and knowing she couldn't give him up for a baby she doesn't understand that there are other people for whom their cat or rat or birdie is just the same.

A friend of mine had 4 budgies (now 3 -one died) and when she had her baby her husband would have preferred if the budgies had not been there somehow but finally he accepted because she said she had taken responsability for them...
Ok she has 2 children now and everything is purrfect.

I also have problems to understand that she says she loves her dog and does not properly walk and train him. Dogs want and need training and need to move.

But don't talk to her too often -it gives you bad feelings. :) Come here. This website is full of the very best vibes :) :)

02-02-2003, 12:03 PM
My good friend, who's also a tech, is having a baby and she has a cat and a puppy. No biggie, she just can't clean the litter box. That's it.
When people make remarks like that, it just shows how stupid they really are. I wouldn't even talk to her about that kind of stuff anymore. It's quite clear that she cannot handle that kind of adult reasoning.

02-02-2003, 01:47 PM
You know, Donna, you might try just laughing 'innocently' like, "Oh, boy are you so silly"...and kinda roll your eyes...what you will find, if you do it enough, is that she will stop voicing (or cut down on voicing) such silly statments to you because she doesn't want you to appear smarter than she..

02-02-2003, 03:12 PM
Ya know Johanna, you definitely have a point there. Sometimes I don't even know why I bother.