View Full Version : Scout just had a seizure...

02-01-2003, 06:33 PM
My kitty, Scout, just had a seizure. He was sleeping on top of his cat tree when he fell off. He fell about 3 feet. I don't know if the fall caused him to seize or he seized and then fell. He seized for about 45 seconds to a minute....foaming at the mouth. He's had all his shots, tested FeLv and FIV negative. He's about 8 or 9 months old. He seems fine now. A little freaked, tail all frizzed. But he's walking around without bumping into anything and now is sitting cleaning himself. Please, Anyone have any experience with this?

02-01-2003, 06:53 PM
I posted this while on interminable hold for the emergancy vet on call. The vet said to watch him the rest of the weekend. She said that as long as nothing else happens and he seems fine, just call on Monday and bring him in so they can run some tests to pin point what caused it. But, if it happens again call her and bring him in. She said it unusual for cats to have a grande mal seizure, but as long as he's eating normal and his activity doesn't change he should be fine and bring him in Monday.

I'm still a little shaken. That so freaked me out. And he's walking around now like nothing happenned.

02-01-2003, 06:56 PM
I would definately have him checked out by the vet as soon as possible. I know it is a horrible thing to watch. Hopefully that will be his only seizure, but if he continues to seize, then it can be controlled with medication.
good luck and keep us posted.

02-01-2003, 08:40 PM
I am sorry that I can't be of any help. I just want to say "my poor little Scout!!! I hope you are OK!" Keep us posted, as I'll be thinking and praying for you both.

02-01-2003, 10:00 PM
That must be so scary for you. I'm afraid that I don't have any advice regarding Scout or other cats - but on a personal note, I was diagnosed with Epilepsy over 20 years ago, and thanks to my medications, I've been seizure free ever since then.

Keep him monitored by a good vet and good luck. We care.

02-01-2003, 10:18 PM
I am so sorry I have nothing to tell you! I guess you are certain it was a seizure? I feel so lost!! If the vet said what they said, about watching him...they must know!! So, relax as much as you can! With your other guys just coming back from Sir Jury...I am sooo sorry for the trauma I know you are going through. Maybe he hit his head when he fell? Good luck, and please keep us posted.


02-01-2003, 10:42 PM
Unfortunatly I know nothing about cats, but I will be thinking of your poor Scout this weekend. Please let us know how he is doing!

02-01-2003, 11:38 PM
Gosh, I'm so sorry to hear about your kitties' seizure! My kitty, Elvis has had seizures for about 5 years now. His first one was very catastrophic, but we can now control them with Phenobarb. We don't know what causes them, but he hasn't had a seizure in over 2 years! One of the tricks I learned was to watch for a couple of signs and sometimes I could keep him from going into one. Here are a couple of things to look for:

1. Head shy.....like he's afraid of your hand.
2. Light sensitivity.
3. Won't eat.
4. Generally acting weird.

If I noticed any of these things, I would put him in a quiet, dark room and sometimes he would come out of it. Sometimes, he'd have to get some medicine.

Please let us know what your vet says. :)

Miss Meow
02-02-2003, 12:05 AM
Poor little Scout. What a dreadful fright for you all :( I hope he's fine until the vet check, fingers and whiskers crossed here that everything is OK.

02-02-2003, 03:21 AM
I have epilepsy too - of the abscence variety though - i *phase* out but I haven't had a seizure. Medication controls it very well and haven't had a seizure in months now. I would take kitty to the vet and get them to check it out. Very scary though!

02-02-2003, 06:53 AM

We have friends who had a dog with epilepsy and they gave him St. John's Wort and it seemed to help. They didn't want to mess with Pheno Barb because of the liver damage it causes.

When Jessie had what we thought was a seizure, I was like you and immediately got on the phone with the vet and he said to post on a calendar time and length of seizure and keep track. I guess there really isn't a lot they can do, but track and then test. God luck and let us know.

02-02-2003, 07:01 AM
Prayers and get well wishes to you dear Scout....and your Mommie too.

02-02-2003, 08:41 AM
Poor Scout .... I hope he will get better really soon !
http://users.pandora.be/bernardgabriels/images/new%20hotel2%20maya.jpgthis wishes come especially from my birthday-girl Maya !

02-02-2003, 09:10 AM
Poor little Scout. I know that everything with a brain has the potential to have a seizure. I had them when I was a teenager, took meds for years and then out grew? the seizures later in life.

I have a friend who's doggie started having seizures and she ended up having to give meds. each day. It worked and controlled them.

Seizures can be caused by different things, so a vet checkup might be something you want to do asap. It may get expensive trying to eliminate the cause. I do know that rest, balanced dieted, light sensitivty (flashing.....yikes...bad...) can be important. My guess is that your cat does not go to disco parties, but even flashes from cameras can trigger seizures if they are related to the brain function...

I would go on line and do some searches via google.com on seizures and cats.

Keep us posted. I hope little Scout never has another one...and that is possible. Sometimes babies have seizures for a week or so and then never again.

Good luck. Hugs to Scout and MOM!

smokey the elder
02-02-2003, 09:17 AM
My CH cat Diva used to go upstairs, and when she tried to climb down fell to the bottom and had a seizure. She is not allowed up the stairs by herself anymore. At first blush I'd guess that Scout's seizure was caused by a knock on the head. But keep an eye out. The vet told me to do the same with Diva. She has not had one since she doesn't climb the stairs anymore.

Good luck!

02-02-2003, 09:47 AM

Having worked at a veterinary hospital, we used to have a dog that took phenobarbital for seizures.

Seizures are usually a sign of something neurologically out of whack.

Here are a couple of links that'll help you understand it. The most common type of seizure is grand mal seizure.


http://cats.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.altvetmed.com%2F epilepsy.html

http://cats.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cs.cmu.edu%2FPeo ple%2Flowekamp%2Ffeline_epilepsy.html

Please keep us posted on Scout.

02-02-2003, 10:39 AM
Thanks everyone. Your support is wonderful. I've looked at some sites on the 'net about cats and seizures. From what I read, it's not common. He didn't have a small one that was just loss of muscle coordination and disorientation....No, he scared me to death with a full on seizure...foaming at the mouth, whole body convulsing, etc..

It could possibly be something neurologically wrong that's genetic. He was a part feral kitty I found. He's been tested and is UTD on shots. No telling if the stray cats here interbred etc..., he already has one genetic defect...an eye that sits out of place in the socket...doesn't seem to bother him and I think it looks cute, but if that was one genetic defect, he could possibly have more.

My poor baby. To the vet we go.

02-02-2003, 10:44 AM

That's the difficulty with stray cats. You don't know their medical history so it makes it hard. I had a cat, Marina Mar, born to a feral mother, who was sick from the day she was born. We found her and her 2 siblings on a boat in a Marina. When she was 2 1/2 she was diagnosed with Pemphigus Aereolus, a suppressed immune system that killed cells that made new skin. She got very sick and I had to put her down. That's the chance we take. But the chance far outweighs anything else. I had over 2 wonderful years with my little girl and wouldn't trade it for anything. Same thing with my Bubba Dude, Casey.

You and Scout will be in my prayers. Let us know what the vet says.

02-02-2003, 10:47 AM
Poor Scout - and You! :( It must have been a frightening experience. I hope he'll never have another. Do talk the vet and have him tested.

Best of luck! :)

Hugs and purrs,
Fister & his mum

02-02-2003, 10:50 AM
I am so sorry about Scout, Chinadoll. I hope he will get better. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

02-02-2003, 12:23 PM
I have seen seizing kittens and puppys at the hospital. Close watch and do whatever your vet tells you to do. That is all , but it makes alot of difference. Good luck and i hope your baby NEVER EVER has to go through that again :(

02-02-2003, 03:29 PM
You poor things. :( I'm eager to hear what your vet says tomorrow.

I'll keep him in my prayers.

02-02-2003, 05:09 PM
We had a sheltie that had seizures. When he would start one, my mom kept him cool with packets of frozen peas and corn, and kept him still because he got soo stiff. I think he was better if it was dark too, but I can't remember because I was a baby. Good luck at the vet - I hope everything works out.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-03-2003, 12:38 PM
Oh no, poor Scout, and how scarey for you! Hugs and prayers going out that everything is ok with him and he won't have anymore.

Please let us know what the vet says.

02-04-2003, 12:37 AM
How was the vet visit?

EDIT - woops! Just saw the update in the other thread :o