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Desert Arabian
02-01-2003, 02:50 PM
The title says it all. This is a thread with horse facts/trivia. Hardly anyone talks about horses, and I know a handful of people on Pet Talk own horses. It will be fun, come on! Join in!

Anyone can answer the questions. After you answer a question, include a trivia question of your own.

Easy question:
What are the 4 horse gaits??

Hard-ish question:
Name 6 parts of the hoof.

*try not to use websites, use your mind. (unless you have no clue :) ) *

Desert Arabian
02-01-2003, 02:59 PM
What the heck...how about two more questions to get the party started. :D

What bone is located between the fetlock & knee?
Hint: starts with "c".

Where is the buttress located?
Hint: It's between the _____ &_____ on the hoof.

02-02-2003, 03:25 AM
1. walk, trot, canter (or lope), gallop
2. frog, sole, uh... I know the coffin bone is somewhere around that area.... uhhh... can't remember any more off hand. I wasn't a big fan of physiology. lol
3. cannon
4. Again, wasn't a big fan of physiology. lol

Ok, this one's probably a piece of cake but....

Name the 3 stallions that became known as the basis to which nearly all Thoroughbreds can be traced.

Desert Arabian
02-02-2003, 11:18 AM
You know...I am having a major brainfart right now. For some reason the names Byerly Turk,Matchem, and Eclipse come to mind. I know that Bulle Rock was the first Thoroughbred in America. Ah well, I can't remember.

Here are the correct answers for mine:

4 gaits: walk, trot, canter, gallop
6 parts of the hoof: bulbs, sole, frog, bars, white line, & laterial sulcus.
What bone is located between the knee & fetlock: cannon bone
The buttress is located between the ____ &____ on the hoof: Sole & frog.

My new questions: Choose which one to answer/or answer all.
Tough Questions:
Name the 5 types of wounds a horse can get.
What is the name of the tooth horses get when they turn 12 years old. Hint: starts with "w".
Name the 7 points of control.

Easy Questions:
Name 4 horse colors.
What is a horse measured in?
What is a "stag"?

Ok...that's enough. :p ;) :D :rolleyes:

Aspen and Misty
02-02-2003, 01:58 PM
Horse is messured in Hands, lol I'm so smart :rolleyes: thats all I know.


Desert Arabian
02-02-2003, 03:40 PM
Yup, your right :D 1 hand=4 inches

02-03-2003, 09:44 PM
I gather that you are referring to "wolf teeth???"....
however, they are like our wisdom teeth.... they can get them with any adult teeth.....they do NOT have to be twelve....
or they can Not get them at all.....

points of control...

Bars of the mouth...located between front and back teeth....
Ears...a good ear twitch works wonders....
tip of nose....see ears....same twitch method
shoulder...roll of skin on top of bone...
poll ....top of head
top of nose..i.e. cavesson
point right behind withers...balance....

there are many more than 5 kinds of wounds.....

ligaments...bowed tendons,blown suspensories...stifle joint...
navicular bursa...

then theres' the ole broken bones....chipped bones...etc.
then theres' the old faithfull illnesses that they all suffer...colic..thrush,founder,infection on top of infection....

I am not too clear on that question.....
please advise...

Desert Arabian
02-04-2003, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by delidog
I gather that you are referring to "wolf teeth???"....
however, they are like our wisdom teeth.... they can get them with any adult teeth

Oopsy, sorry about that mistake. That's what I was taught/told. :cool:

Here are the answers:

Points of control:
Tongue, bars, lips, lower jaw, curb groove, poll and nose.
What tooth do they get when they get older:
Wolf teeth
What are the 5 (main) wounds a horse can get?
Bruise, abrasion, incised wound, laceration, puncture.
4 horse colors:
Chesnut, Bay, Buckskin, Paint (can be other colors too)
What is a stag?
It is a male horse casturated AFTER puberty. So, they are attracted to females in heat. Geldings aren't.
A horse is measured in:
Hands- 1 hand is equal to 4 inches.

Delidog...you sure are good at this :D. You should put some (a lot) of questions on here! :)

Aspen and Misty & Zippy~Kat- Way to go!! You need to put some questions on here too! :D

02-04-2003, 04:21 PM
now that the other questions have been answered,ill make a few of my own.

hard:name all the points in a small dressage arena and a large one.

name two gaited horse breeds

easy:what are many stomach problems a horse can have to do many things such as improper diet and eating wet grass?

name two healthy treats to give horses.

02-04-2003, 04:57 PM
I will answer the two easy questions
Colic can be caused by many different things to make a horse sick.
Two healthy snacks for horses are carrots and apples.( I always bring some when I visit horses.):)
I'm not too sure about the two harder questions, I want to say the dressage arena has different letters and one of them is the letter A. The gaited horses may be Tennesee Walkers and Morgans.

Here are a couple of questions especially for YLL.

Name Gandalf's horse in the 2nd Lord of the Rings movie.

Which Lord of the Rings actor was so bonded with his horse from the film that he bought him after they finished filming?

(hint, these two answers can even be found in a thread in Pet Talk);)

Desert Arabian
02-04-2003, 06:27 PM
Already know em...don't need to look for em..... :p ;) :D :D ;) :p :D

Shadowfax is the horse Gandalf rode.

Mr. Viggo Mortensen was the one who bought Brego, along with another horse because they went through so much together. Orlando Bloom and Ian McKellen did their fair share time of riding in their spare time also.

Desert Arabian
02-04-2003, 06:36 PM
Lamianitis (sp!!??) is also a stomach problem of a horse.

Isn't a Hackney and Saddlebred a gaited horse also !? :confused:

Nookies are nice treat to give a horse

Arena points: can't remember, it's been a while since I rode in an arena & English. :(

02-04-2003, 08:42 PM
I guess you do know everything about LOTR's! That was too easy for you YLL

I think you are right about the Saddlebred, I couldn't remember that one. We will have to see what Horseluvr has to say about the answers. I think the slow motion walk is called a rack with the high leg action, I know Morgans can do that.
How about another quick question...

What is the term for this pose called for show horses? The Morgan I ride does this sometimes when I am getting on or off him! (Ignore the top photo, I couldn't just get one of them to copy, it gave me both photos)

Desert Arabian
02-04-2003, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
I guess you do know everything about LOTR's! That was too easy for you YLL

Hehehehehehe, I am OBSESSED with LOTR, and I love it when people quiz me on it ;) ;)

I think you are right...it is called a rack. I also know that some people put acid on the horses hooves to make them lift them high. At least that's what a Saddlebred owner told me that's what she did to her horse. I think it is kind of sick/sad.

That horse is beautiful! I love dark/blood bays.

02-04-2003, 11:03 PM
This is a fun game...I'll have to drum up some questions for you also.....
Y.L.L....Laminitis is the technical word for Founder...though it can be caused by change of diet...the actual Effect of the disease runs out through the horses feet...rotating the coffin bone with it...as everything in a horse does run "south"...through their feet...i.e. if your horse gets a deep cut...check your horses feet a few months later...majority of the time...you'll see a line the same shape on outside of hoof...as it grows out....

the other gaited horse...Standardbred....lots of money in those Jugheads!!!!!!!;) :)

gotta go to bed now...work early tomorrow...i'll check back with you guys tomorrow night...

Desert Arabian
02-05-2003, 02:52 PM
That's what I thought. Isn't it caused from eating too rich of grass also? :confused: :confused:

Nothing to do with topic:
I think the worst thing to witness is a horse having colic...that is not so pretty to see.

P.S. I would *love* to be quized on Lord of the Rings too (even tho it doesn't relate to horses. Well, Rohan does, it's home to the Horselords.) :D :D ;) ;) :rolleyes:

Desert Arabian
02-05-2003, 04:05 PM
I have some questions:

What is "thrush" & what part of the body does it effect?

Name 6 parts of a Western saddle, and 3 parts of the Western bridle.

How do you tell what hoof a shoe was on, by looking at it??

True or False: It is painful for a horse when it is getting shoed.
True or False: It is ok to ride a horse after it has thrown a shoe.

What are some poisonious (sp) plants to horses? Name at least 4.

That's all for now.


Desert Arabian
02-05-2003, 04:22 PM
Take a look at this beauty. If you have $75,000 U.S. dollars you can buy him. What a beauty! Dutch Gelding-Imported (http://www.tridentfarms.com/JUST_PUSH_PLAY.HTM.HTM)

02-05-2003, 04:28 PM
the points in a dressage arena are: small-c,g,m,b,f,x,d,a,k,e,h

i think everything else was right.

my answers for the other questions-thrush is an infection of the frog in the hoof,i think.western saddle-oh geez ummm...saddle horn,cinch,stirrups,uh i dont know.im not sure about the bridle.

It is not painful for a horse when it is getting shoed.I think.

you should not ride a horse when it has thrown a shoe.

laminitis is a swelling in the legs where the horse becomes sore,not having much to do with the stomach unless the horse eats too much and becomes overweight-a possinle cause of laminitis.

Desert Arabian
02-05-2003, 04:32 PM
Questions Need 2 Be Answered:
How do you tell what hoof a shoe was on, by looking at it??
Name 6 parts of a Western saddle, and 3 parts of the Western bridle.
What are some poisonious (sp) plants to horses? Name at least 4.

New Question:
What is the breed of this drop dead amazingly beautiful horse
Small hint:It's name is two words. It comes from Europe.
Hard question to go w/picture: What two breeds were crossed to get this breed?

02-06-2003, 06:46 PM
im guessing...is it a Selle Francais?
poisonous plants-yew,oak,goldenchain,buttercup,ragwort,yorkshire fog.i guess thats enough

Desert Arabian
02-06-2003, 09:46 PM
Breed: Nope, that is incorrect.

Poisonious plants: Correct, hemlock (tree), deadly nightshade, and Foxglove are some other bad plants too. Oak, never heard of it being poisonus (sp!!) to horses...that's news to me. :eek: :confused:

Horseluvr- you should post some questions. ;)

02-07-2003, 11:57 AM
ok questions,questions...ok here we go.

name two types of roan.

name three snaffle bits.

how can you tell if your horse is cold after he has been turned out in winter?

Yellowlablover-i cant guess the breed.im not all that good at guessing breeds unless they're Appaloosas or something.what breed is it?im so clueless,i know.:)

Desert Arabian
02-07-2003, 02:54 PM
That's ok...I'll leave it for someone else to answer.

I'll only answer one question, so others have a chance too. :) ;)

Two types of Roan:
Red and Blue...I like blues better.

02-08-2003, 11:58 AM
yea ur right.ill wait for someone else to answer the other questions until i post new ones so i dont get annoying.

Desert Arabian
02-08-2003, 05:37 PM
P.S. That picture is a picture of an Irish Sport Horse. I love the coloring of that ISH! I also like the ones in the background...beautiful!

Desert Arabian
02-08-2003, 05:38 PM
I noticed she doesn't have a saddle pad on...that's bad. :o :(

02-08-2003, 07:13 PM
ow poor horsie!it is a really pretty horse though.just something im wondering-doesn't a horse get cold if it has a hunter clip in the middle of winter?

Desert Arabian
02-08-2003, 09:30 PM
That's a good question..I'd have to ask my friend Laura about that...she clips hunters. HMMM...I think they might get a little chilly.

I'll give the answers to my questions nobody has answered:

Name six parts of the Western saddle. Name 3 parts of the Western bridle. Saddle: Rear housing, fenders, rear cinch billet, swells, pommel, concha. Bridle: curb strap, open-end reins, brow band.
How do you tell what hoof a shoe has been on by looking at it?
If it was on the left hoof, the right tread of the shoe would be more worn down. Visa-versa for the right hoof/shoe.

02-08-2003, 10:10 PM
That is really odd!!! NONE that I can see have saddle pads!! Perhaps they're black and cut to fit the saddle? I sure hope so...

Would hate to think of them not having ANY protection at all!!

Desert Arabian
02-09-2003, 09:48 AM
I know that a lot of fox hunters in England don't use saddle pades either, that is, in the pictures I have seen of them. :( :( That HAS to hurt!!:(

02-09-2003, 10:05 AM
I think Zippy-kat is right about the saddle pads. For english riding hunters and jumpers the saddle pads can be thin and cut to the shape of the saddles unlike the big rectangular saddle pad/blankets used in western riding. Where is that photo from?
About the hunter clip in winter, where I used to ride in southern New England there were a few horses clipped like that but with the longer hair left on the legs, they would just wear a heavy weight blanket when they were turned out in the field or even in their stalls if it was too cold. I think I will look for some horse websites to see some photos of horse blankets and saddle pads, etc...

02-10-2003, 06:37 PM
i guess its ok for them to have a hunter clip if they are kept warm.maybe zippy-kat was right about the saddle pads.i hope so.

Desert Arabian
02-11-2003, 04:42 PM

What is a "glass eye"??

What are two blind spots of the horse??

Aspen and Misty
02-11-2003, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover

What are two blind spots of the horse??

Right in front of it. And hmmm maybe right behind it???


02-12-2003, 03:51 PM
ur right,Amy

02-12-2003, 05:48 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
The title says it all. This is a thread with horse facts/trivia. Hardly anyone talks about horses, and I know a handful of people on Pet Talk own horses. It will be fun, come on! Join in!

Anyone can answer the questions. After you answer a question, include a trivia question of your own.

Easy question:
What are the 4 horse gaits??

Hard-ish question:
Name 6 parts of the hoof.

*try not to use websites, use your mind. (unless you have no clue :) ) *

the four horse gaits are walk, gallop, trot, and canter. I know this because i just learned it today in lab at our horse seminar.

02-12-2003, 05:54 PM
horses are measured in hands and four colors are buckskin, bay, gray, black, chestnut.

02-12-2003, 06:00 PM
OKay here are soem easy questions. What is the name of a....
young male horse-
younge female horse-
young horse period-
adult male horse-
adult female horse-
castrated male horse-

These are probably real easy for most of you guys.

Desert Arabian
02-12-2003, 06:42 PM
Gelding/Stag- depending on time of casteration (sp.)

02-16-2003, 07:17 AM
new questions: name two types of jumps.
name 3 breeds of ponies.

Desert Arabian
02-16-2003, 10:59 AM
My question is yet to be answered: What is a "glass eye"??

Two types of jumps: Double-Oxer and Cavaletti.

3 Breeds of Ponies: Hackney, Haflinger, Dartmoor.

02-16-2003, 09:10 PM
A glass eye...can also be referred to as a watch eye...they are blue....with what looks like a small iris...almost like a human...the blue of the eye is surrounded by white....you see them in horses of lighter pigmantation...I.E. appaloosas'...any albino horse.....

chestnuts also get them alot......

they basically look like a blue eye on a husky dog or an australian shepherd.....

hence the name:
Glass Eye

02-17-2003, 11:42 AM
Now that all the other questions are answered,someone post some more cuz its getting hard to think of questions!:)

Desert Arabian
02-17-2003, 03:07 PM
I suppose I can post some questions.

What does it mean when a horse is "round"? (Think jumping)
Name 5 breeds of Draft horses.
What type of animal makes a wonderful stall companion for a horse? (Think small)
Why do horses crib?
Name 3 types of bits.
What does this mean "above the bit"?
*sorry if any are re-peats.

That should do for now. :D

02-17-2003, 08:42 PM
A Horse is "Round" when he is over collecting...I.e. Too "rounded " to see the jump.....bending from 3 rd and 4th vertabrae.....

unless you are referring to his bascule in the air....the apex that is them at the top of the jump....

Percheron,shire,clydesdale,belgian draft,

Stall companion...goat

Horses begin to crib out of boredom....it quickly turns into a very nasty habit...with ill effects

Bits... snaffle,pelham,kimberwicke,elevator,gag

"above the bit"....or "above the bridle???" i would guess that you mean the same...
above the bit...raising head too high too avoid contact...sit quietly,using the lower part of your legs,the back of your calves...drive him forward into the bit...or bridle as we say.....practice your bending and flexing to make him accept more.....
slap a standing martingale on him...perhaps a bit that occupies his interest more....

however, if your horse has his tongue...above the bit....get of...they have no feeling under their tongue....you have no brakes if that were to happen

Desert Arabian
02-17-2003, 09:07 PM
Yuppers, you're right.

New questions:
Name two types of paints. (hint: ones starts with "t".)
What is the difference between a Paint and a Pinto?
Name two types of American breeds.
Name 4 types of saddles.
Name one (each) hot, warm, and cold blooded horse.

Someone else- put your questions on the board. :D ;)

02-17-2003, 09:26 PM
I will answer some questions.
The two types of paint horse coloring are
and overo
I got these from a paint horse website, I love paint horses!

Two types of American breeds are Quarter Horse and Morgan Horse.

And for a new question or two

Who is the founder of the Morgan horse breed? What was his name and his horses name?
What state was that founding horse born in and what state was that founding horse buried in?

02-17-2003, 09:34 PM
O.K....I'm confused...i would say skubald and piebald....brn./wht.,blk./wht.

are you saying...Tricolor?????

a Paint is a Quarter Horse with color above the knee...pinto is a color description

Quarter Horse...Morgan Horse


Hot horse...thoroughbred,warm blood...selle francaise...or dutch warmblood....trakehener,oldenberg,hanoverian,etc.. ...

cold blood...any cart horse...clydesdale,percheron,etc...

lets' see....I know i can think of some questions somehow....

02-17-2003, 09:37 PM
That would be Justin Morgan...I believe that hes' buried in vermont....

Desert Arabian
02-17-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by delidog
a Paint is a Quarter Horse with color above the knee...pinto is a color description

I was taught that "paint" is a color, and "pinto" is a breed. :confused: :confused:

02-17-2003, 09:44 PM
Yes Delidog you are right.
Do you know the founding horse's real name even though he was often called by his owner Justin Morgan's name too?
And do you know what state the horse was born in, it's not Vermont.

Delidog, between the two of us we answered all of YLL's questions.:)

02-17-2003, 09:46 PM

Name the three riding disciplines that compete at the olympics....

can you name the ONLY PONY ever to win an olympic medal????
can you name their rider
can you name the year of that olympic game...and the city????

how did the americans place that year????

o.k. lets see...
what is the difference between long lining and longing????
what is each of their purpose???

what is the difference between a body clip,a trace clip and a hunter clip???

Secretariat won his Triple Crown by how many lengths at Belmont??????

02-17-2003, 09:52 PM
Yay Vermont kitty!!!!
Team effort!!!!!!!!

You Know I read Justin Morgan Had a Horse...when I was a kid...i'm banging my head on the wall trying to remember the horses' name...it has slipped....i'm gueesing that he was borin in either maine or New Hampshire......its' that old age thing...

imight have had them backwards...but the more i think about it....I always remember q.h, being called paints.....HHHMMMM
Lets' call Alex Tribeck!!!!!;) :)
kidding...I'll try to look it up......
I'm allowed Blonde moments!!!!!!
You have the Blonde Labby!!!!I have Blonde Moments!!!!:D

Desert Arabian
02-17-2003, 09:52 PM
Paints are my favorite colors. I am in love with this Quarter Horse. It is the prettiest paint I have ever seen. Well, one of them- I have lots of favorites-lol. :p :D

*AOL is acting up, I can't upload it, so click on the link.

02-17-2003, 09:58 PM
Actually, YLL..If you are in Wisconsin...you should remember the Great " Ruxton"....the winningest hunter of all time...retired the working trophy at N.y. with Charlie Weaver...Ellen Van Dyke bought him...he stayed at the Cheskas farm until he died...
also the great Eadenvale,The Cardinal(Number 4 winnigest money winner of all time),Southside....
all were in Wakesha Wisconsin....

02-17-2003, 10:00 PM
Here are a couple of answers, the 3 Olympic riding disciplines are
Dressage, Show Jumping and Eventing. I love to watch the Olympic equestrian events!

Secretariat won by an amazing 31 lengths- an all time record!http://equinenet.org/heroes/1973secretariat.gif

Delidog, you are close, it's another nearby state.;)The horse's name starts with an "F" if that helps.:)

02-17-2003, 10:12 PM
Great Secretariat shot!!!!!!!

I still get chills thinking about that race!!!!that was a win for all time!!!!!!!!

O.k. I'll try Mass.???????

Begins with "F".....Ouch...can you hear my head pounding????

02-17-2003, 10:25 PM
I had to do a search to find out the info on Secretariat and it had that great photo where I found the info.

Yes the original Morgan Horse was born in Springfield, Mass. in 1789. Keep trying on the name.;)

02-18-2003, 04:40 AM

02-18-2003, 11:27 AM
Delidog, no it's not like a person's name. If you want more help I can post a link to the Morgan website.

I will try to answer one more of your questions.
The difference between a body clip, hunter clip and trace clip are
A hunter clip is all short hair except for the legs and under the saddle. A trace clip is only the bottom half of the horse's body is clipped, not the legs either. And I am not sure but is the body clip like the blanket clip that has all short hair except for a rectangular shape where the blanket would cover the horse.

02-18-2003, 12:11 PM
wow im confused:o :rolleyes: :rolleyes:


02-18-2003, 12:55 PM
umm...lemme think of some questions.
What does flaxen mean?

What is the only color that Friesans can be?

Desert Arabian
02-18-2003, 02:56 PM
Flaxen is a term commonly used for sorrel chestnuts- meaning their mane and tail are lighter than the body color.

Friesians can only be black.

What country did the Trakehner come from?
What country did the Gelderlander come from?
Horses usually stand between ___hh and ___hh.
Draft horses usually stand between ___hh and ___hh.
Why do most draft breeds have docked (or cut short) tails?

That's good for now.

02-18-2003, 08:55 PM
O.K...I have to look up that Morgans' name...sorry...memory is failing!!!!

Trakhener came from Germany
Horses stand from 14.3 to20.0 hands high...not sure of the tallest on record
Drafts...17hands to 20 hands..
their tails are docked so they don't get caught in the cart mechanisms,wheels etc......

Vermontcta....yes on the clips except for the body clip...in a body clip...the Whole horse is clipped....ear to tail...floor to ceiling so to speak!!!;)

any more answers for me,anybody?????
do you want me to answer them?????

02-18-2003, 09:09 PM
Ok Delidog, did you FIGURE out what the original Morgan horse's name is yet?;)

Maybe you should give the answers to your other questions.
I am a bit rusty on the Olympic info since we are between Olympics right now. I remember something about the pony, maybe in the last summer Olympics in Sydney, Australia?
I can't remember the rider. Did the Americans win a medal that year?
About the long lining/longing which one is done in a round pen to help the horse bend correctly? I'm pretty lost there. But hey I tried.;)

Desert Arabian
02-18-2003, 09:31 PM
The Trakehner came from Poland.

New Questions:

Name 4 leg marking
Name 3 hoof markings
Name 5 facial markings
Name 5 carts used with horses
What is "floating"? How often should it be done?
Name 3 signs of poor conformation
Name 10 points of the horse.
Name 2 color breeds.
Name two breeds of horses commonly used in WWII.

02-18-2003, 09:37 PM
can you name the ONLY PONY ever to win an olympic medal????
can you name their rider
can you name the year of that olympic game...and the city????

how did the americans place that year????

o.k. lets see...
what is the difference between long lining and longing????
what is each of their purpose???


The only Pony to win an Olymic medal was the Great Stroller..he won the Individual Silver in 1968 Mexico City Games...He was ridden and owned by Marion Coakes-Mould of Great Britain...
He won in Shpw Jumping....He stood 14.2...the Jumps were bigger than him.....Great Horse....

The First Individual Gold Medal That the U.S. ever won in Show Jumping was won that year by Bill Steinkraus and the Legendary Snowbound......Groom was Ronnie Silcox

The Next Gold for the U.S.was won by Joe Fargis and the Magnificent Touch of Class...a 15.2 thoroughbred mare....in 1984 Los Angeles.... groom was Noelle...( can't recall her last name)

longeing is used for SOOO many reasons...and is of course the most popular....young horses to learn voice commands...and to saddle break them....

to get the Fizzies out of an older horse when feeling fresh....

to soften and supple a horse...so the rider has to spend less time doing so...

yes, people do use round pens for this...though except for a young horse...or a real rank s.o.b. it isn't necessary...

Long Lining is used for many reasons also...the key is that the horse is worked primarily in straight lines with groundperson behind the horse...instead of at the shoulder....

people use it to teach horses how to Drive...

also for softening and suppling...as 9 out of ten...you would use a bitted head piece...

also people use it for soundness...longeing...you are forcing the horse to work in basically a 20 ft. circle....in one direction or the other...unless you are walking with them in a larger circumference...

Long lining...you can work in a straight line,turn and bend,as if you are riding them.....

let me try to come up with some more for you guys....

Vermont cat!!!!!Yeah...Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep it up!!

02-18-2003, 10:02 PM
First a few answers for YLL,
A couple of leg markings are socks and stockings.
5 facial markings are star, strip, snip, blaze and bald face.
A horses teeth are floated but I'm not sure how often.
One color breed I know for sure is the Palomino.:)

Delidog, you are making my brain hurt, all this info is coming back to me.
I am getting the itch to ride again but I have to wait until all this snow melts!(no indoor ring where I ride)

02-18-2003, 10:29 PM
Oh and I do hope that you start riding agin...you are in a beautiful area for it...

we used to show at that whole circuit up there in the summer...2 weeks in lake placid..first two of july...then on to killington,and another showground in Vt....oh yeah...Sugarbush....with a 3 day stint at Attitash,N.H. for a Grand Prix!!!!!
Then back down to Southampton and Rhode Island...for the Derby...

How I miss it now!!!!!!!!!!!;) :)

02-19-2003, 10:14 AM
-just found this now- Looks interesting :D

02-19-2003, 12:31 PM
some answers for YLL-3 signs of poor conformation-legs turned in,legs turned out,one hind leg behind the other.

10 points of a horse-poll, dock,withers, loins,croup,flank,stifle,hock,shoulder,knee. I think those are points anyway.:D

Desert Arabian
02-19-2003, 04:44 PM
Signs of poor conformation: long/weak back structure, hooves turned in/out, loins show a lot of slack, weak quarters.

Anyone else wanna answer the questions?? ;) ;) :D

02-20-2003, 08:48 AM
I wish i could, but i dont know any other answers so ill let someone else take care of that.:)

Desert Arabian
02-21-2003, 10:38 PM
Bump up!!

C'mon, someone answer some questions...please!! :D

02-22-2003, 08:44 PM
YLL, I did answer a couple of your questions above already. I will try a couple more.
I already said Palomino was one of the color breeds, is the other Pinto or Albino?
I will guess at the two breeds used during WWII, are they Quarter Horses and Morgans?

How about a couple of new questions.

Two bad horse habits are Cribbing and Weaving,
what are they and why do the horses do them?

What area of the US did the Appaloosa breed originate in?(name the state or states if you know)
What people originated the Appaloosa breed?
Name 3 different coat patterns of the Appaloosa breed.

What breed is the oldest pure breed in the world?

YLL, if no one else answers your other questions maybe you should give the answers.

Desert Arabian
02-22-2003, 11:28 PM
Okerdokers...the answers are:

Name 4 leg marking: Ermine, Sock, Stocking, zebra
Name 3 hoof markings: blue, white, striped
Name 5 facial markings: star, white muzzle, stripe, snip, blaze
Name 5 carts used with horses: Western Coach, Governess Cart,
Hooded Well Gig, Cocking Cart, Irish Jaunting Car
Name 3 signs of poor conformation
Name 2 color breeds:Palamino and Appaloosa
Name two breeds of horses commonly used in WWII: Clydesdale and Trakehner

Guesses for Vertmontcats Q's:
What area of the US did the Appaloosa breed originate in? Oregon
Name 3 different coat patterns of the Appaloosa breed.
Leopard, blanket, snowflake (and frost)
What people originated the Appaloosa breed?
Nez Perce Indians
What breed is the oldest pure breed in the world?
I'm guessing the Pzerwalkski's (sp!!) horse from Mongolia!!??

02-23-2003, 11:36 AM
Cribbing is when horses grab a fence post or something with their teeth and suck wind.Weaving is when a horse moves its head from side to side.Horses do these things when they are bored and such behaviours are called vices. Sorry I just had to babble a little.:D

02-23-2003, 02:00 PM
Horseluvr, you are exactly right with your answers.:)
YLL, it sounds like you know your Appys!
I was looking for the NW US area of Washington, Oregon and Idaho, the Palouse Valley area. You were right about the coat markings and the Nez Perce Indians.
I meant the oldest domestic horse breed, one that would have papers rather than the wild horses. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that. Anyone want to guess again?

YLL, thanks for posting the answers to you questions, I wasn't sure about any of the cart names.

Desert Arabian
02-23-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
I meant the oldest domestic horse breed, one that would have papers rather than the wild horses. Sorry if I wasn't clear on that. Anyone want to guess again?

Oh, ok...I thought that's what you meant, but I wasn't sure.

Desert Arabian
02-23-2003, 08:41 PM
Here are a couple of new questions:

What is a "bridle path" ?? What is it's purpose??
What are some safety precautions that should be made before trailering a horse?
What is the purpose of the horn on a western saddle?
When you ride English you should have ____hand(s) on the reins, when you ride Western you should have ____ hand(s) on the reins.
You ____ rein for English, and ______ rein for Western.

That should do. :D

Desert Arabian
02-23-2003, 08:55 PM
Oh what the heck-I'll put this on here too. :) :D

Name the points as marked:
Modle horse is Chief from Camp Anokijig (he was my Ranch horse for 2 weeks) :D :cool:

02-25-2003, 06:45 PM
Some answers: A bridle path is a path you can ride on I think.I saw one in Central Park in New York.
Trailering a horse- you should put shipping boots on it and maybe one of those shipping haltersAlso,you should always load the heaviest horse on the left side of the trailer.
The horn on a western saddle is where the rope is tied I think.
In English riding you ride with both hands on the reins and in western you only ride with one.
I think in English you back rein.Im not sure about western.

02-25-2003, 08:09 PM
Here are the 12 points of the horse from YLL's photo ( I may be a little off on a couple of them)
2)point of hip

I also know that Western riding is done with both reins in one hand to Neck Rein, you point the hand to the side you want the horse to turn.
English riding you use the reins in both hands and the movements are very slight to make your horse move.

Should I tell you some answers from earlier? The Morgan horse photo was of a show horse "Parking" or stretching out for show, kind of like show dogs do.
The name of the original Morgan Horse was Figure owned by Justin Morgan.
I will give one more clue about the oldest pure breed, think of Egypt for its origin.

Desert Arabian
02-25-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by HoRsELUvR
Some answers: A bridle path is a path you can ride on I think.I saw one in Central Park in New York.
Trailering a horse- you should put shipping boots on it and maybe one of those shipping haltersAlso,you should always load the heaviest horse on the left side of the trailer.
The horn on a western saddle is where the rope is tied I think.
In English riding you ride with both hands on the reins and in western you only ride with one.
I think in English you back rein.Im not sure about western.

Nope...a bridle path is when they cut away part of the mane for a path for the bridle.They do that so the mane doesn't get tangled up in the bridle. They also do this to the tail, right below the dock of the tail. When trailering a horse you want to put on a trailering blanket too, to avoid scratches and possible brusing. It is also very wise to wrap up the tail, so it doesn't get caught. Use a trailer tie down to keep the horse in place. The horn is used for calf roping...the laso/rope is tied around the horn. English you direct rein, Western you neck rein.

Vermontcat: 1) dock 2) loins 10) stifle. Thanks for the answers...that was interesting.


02-26-2003, 04:04 PM
Oh boy I feel real smart.:D I got confused because the horseback riding path in New York was labeled as a bridle path and I forgot what the other meaning was.

Desert Arabian
02-26-2003, 07:40 PM
:D New questions anyone. Anyone wanna post their questions!!!??? ;) :D

02-26-2003, 08:13 PM
Ok I will do a couple of new questions.

What does a cutting horse do?
Name the two kinds of brushes used to groom a horse.
Name one kind of comb used to groom a horse.
Name the tool used to clean out horses hooves.
What is the soft inside part of the hoof called?

I will also answer my question from earlier that the Arabian is the oldest pure breed in the world.

02-26-2003, 08:19 PM
HI Vermontcat

a cutting horse...cuts cattle...meaning seperating the heard
a dandy brush and a soft brush...(or stiff brush and soft brush)
curry comb
hoof pick

sorry i meant to answer you on the arab earlier.....

02-26-2003, 08:27 PM
Gee Delidog, should I just call you Miss Know-it-all?;)
Yes you are right on every question, just the soft brush is also called a Body Brush where I come from.
How about some new questions from you Deli? But try not to make them too hard!

02-26-2003, 08:53 PM
No I am so far from knowing nearly it all!!!!!

let me try some questions from a different perspective!!!!

What do you call a jump that has a certain height (say 5'3")
but also has a spread varying in 3 heights from front rail,middle rail to back rail...(front and back being equal height)?????

How many faults do you incur in show jumping if a horses' hoof Touches the water in a water jump????

What is the name of a spread jump where the outside rails are heigher than the center of the jump????

What do you call the items you place on a shoe of a show jumper just to be used while in the ring competing,to insure that they do not slip?????

For a spooky horse in the jumper division that "Sees' Shadows on the ground" what piece of tack could you place on his bridle to help prevent him from seeing those dreaded shadows????

O.K....I have to ask this....Does anyone know the name of the Famous horse show announcer(N.Y.,L.A. and Atlanta Games)
that also won the Florida Lottery last year...to the tune of sharing 70.0million???? (about 28.0 mil. each!!!!) and what was his earlier claim to fame????

thats' enough for now!!!!

02-28-2003, 07:22 PM
Where are all the Horsey People??????

02-28-2003, 07:40 PM
Hey Delidog, I'm going to have to do some research for some of the questions but I will try a couple.
Are the jumps Oxers or In and Outs or Combinations?
Is it 4 faults for touching the water on a water jump?
Are you talking about those rubber cups that fit over the horses feet to protect them? I forget the name of them.
I think I know what the spooky horse thing looks like a fringe over the eyes maybe or blinders?
Gee, did I just answer every question with a question?
Maybe they were a little hard and you scared off the other horse people!:p

02-28-2003, 08:11 PM
I'm sorry...I really did try to think of easier ones.....
in answer to you....yes, they are oxers...anything with any kind of spread is an oxer...the first is called a hogsback oxer...as it is one height in front,then higher in the middle,then the back rail is same height as the first...(they usually take it down with their hind feet as they cannot see the back rail,the second is a swedish oxer...being of equal height on the outside and lower in the center forces them to jump straight...

For a foot in the water it is 3 faults...it is not a rail down...but is still infringing with the jump....

the items placed on the shoes are called Caulks"...they are like an athletes cleats on their shoes...so they dig into grass or mud for traction...wet grass can be like ice....especially first class of the morning...just helps them get their footing...

on their bridles for spooks...you can use what is called a "Shadow Roll"....it is a piece of fleece that wraps around the noseband(Cavesson) they can't see over it so they soon forget about those Nasty shadows on the ground....

Last one...(I thought that this was the only hard one)....but I thought that you might get it,to this day he is still the announcer at Ox Ridge....
Peter Doubleday!!!!!
Great man...grandson of Mr. Abner Doubleday....Baseball guru!!!!

he won the lottery last year...was working hard last weekend..announcing at Wellington!!!!

I really didn't mean to make them too hard....i'll go back and find some easier ones.....:o
I'll try harded this time!!!!;) :o

02-28-2003, 08:34 PM
here is a question for you Delidog.

Name the breed of horse that comes from Europe, is born dark but turns white with age and its stallions are famous for their "Airs Above the Ground".
(They summer in Vermont and I have seen them perform);)

02-28-2003, 08:41 PM
The Lippizan HOrse....(stallions)

they are beautiful...from Austria...
they used to perform at the Garden just about every year.....
Wonderful Training tequniques...classic dressage!!!!!!!

02-28-2003, 08:49 PM
You got it Delidog! Here is a link to them in Vermont.

And here are a couple of photos of them from another website.:)
http://www.lipizzan.net/images/Intro1.jpg http://www.lipizzan.net/images/Intro3.jpg

02-28-2003, 09:27 PM
Great Website!!!!
I'm ready to make my reservations!!!!!
Such a Breathtakingly Beautiful part of the country!!!!!
One hasn't lived till one has seen it!!!!!!
I'm jealous!!!!!!!

except for the 11 months of winter...except winter in Vt. is again Breathtaking!!!!!

Thank You for the Great Info!!!!

Desert Arabian
02-28-2003, 09:57 PM
I got to see the Lipizanners from the Spanish Riding School perform here in Milwaukee, back when I was 10....it was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-01-2003, 06:35 AM
Yes,They are truly amazing!!!

03-01-2003, 07:58 PM
Since you guys liked that so much here is some more info on them!:D
This is the website that I got those 2 photos from, there are more great photos of the different "Airs Above the Ground".
Here is another website and some photos from it
http://www.imh.org/imh/bw/images/lip_pnt.jpg http://www.imh.org/imh/bw/images/lipstudz.jpg
Can you believe that the horses are born black and take 5 to 8 years to mature and turn white!
I did get to see them the summer before last and you can visit their stalls after the show. They are the sweetest most loving horses!
Another funny thing at their show was the man who works with the horses also has a couple of dogs who keep going in the ring and begging for attention, they become part of the show too!

One more question for YLL, Do you know what breed of horse Shadowfax from the Lord of the Rings II is?
It is related to Lipizzans and there is even a link to the breed on one of the websites I just posted.:)

Desert Arabian
03-01-2003, 08:07 PM
Shadowfax is an Andalusian (sp?). Read it in my Lord of the Rings Filiming the Movies book about a month ago.

Desert Arabian
03-01-2003, 08:18 PM
This is a beautiful picture:
This is a wonderful website for the Spanish Riding School:
Click Here-- (http://www.spanische-reitschule.com/english/welcomee.html)
Check it out!!

03-02-2003, 08:20 AM
Here's a question- What 3 breeds of horses are called brothers under the skin?

Desert Arabian
03-02-2003, 09:37 AM
Never heard of that before.......:confused: :confused: :confused:

03-02-2003, 06:31 PM
The appaloosa, Andalusian and the lippizan.

03-03-2003, 08:54 AM
Oodlesofpoodles....why is that????because they are born dark????
that is interesting...not heard before...

Desert Arabian
03-03-2003, 09:16 AM
Neat. :)

03-03-2003, 11:51 AM
Oodles, I have not heard that either. Do you have a link or more info you could show us?
I can see the connection of the Lipizzan and Andalusian, one of the website I visited mentioned that
but I can't figure out the Appaloosa connection except that they came from some of the Spanish Conquistador's horses.

Desert Arabian
03-03-2003, 02:16 PM
New Questions:

1) How did the Quarter Horse get it's name?
2) What breed of horse is Jack? (Hint: he's a cross)
3) What breed of horse is "the most popular breed in the world"? About how many are there?
4) Name 3 wild horses
5) What state is the horse capital of the world? (This is my favorite state.)

Picture: Taken at the Missouri State Fair in 2002.
What breed of horse is this?

03-03-2003, 07:25 PM
Ok YLL, here are some answers

1)The Quarter Horse got its name for being the fastest running the 1/4 mile races.
2)I think your Jack is a Quarter Horse/Morgan cross(two of my favorite breeds):D
3)I think the Quarter Horse is the most popular breed in the world, I would have to look up the numbers
4)One wild horse is the Mustang(like Spirit)
5)I'm pretty sure Kentucky is the horse capital of the world, aren't you planning a trip there to the Kentucky Horse Park?

The photo looks like a Saddlebred or Standardbred but I always get the two confused! Is it one of those two?
(unless it is the Missouri Fox Trotter since the photo is from Missouri.)

Desert Arabian
03-03-2003, 07:31 PM
aren't you planning a trip there to the Kentucky Horse Park?

The photo looks like a Saddlebred or Standardbred but I always get the two confused!
I would have to look up the numbers
Over 3 million (with the AQHA)

I think your Jack is a Quarter Horse/Morgan cross
Yuppers! :D :D

03-03-2003, 09:25 PM
The lipizzan is also a spanish horse this is why in Austria it is called the Spanish Riding academy. and when the spanish came to american they brought with them the horses. Some these horses got loose and the Nez Perez indians captured them and bred them for the color. There was an article in Western Horseman I beleive in 1974 about it. I also did my high school research paper on the appaloosa breed. Used 150 references and it went on to say that drawings of these horses were found on the walls of caves in China dated back to 500BC. Now I basically gave my age away.

Also I thought a jack was a cross between a ginny and a horse.

Desert Arabian
03-03-2003, 09:53 PM
Also I thought a jack was a cross between a ginny and a horse.

Jack is the name of my horse.

A jack is a male donkey- it's not a cross of anything. A jennet(jenny) is a female donkey. Mules are a cross between a female horse and a male donkey. Hinnies are a cross between a male horse and a jennet/jenny.

03-03-2003, 10:05 PM
oops, got my jacks, jennys, and hinnys mixed up, Sorry about that. but hey after 12hours at work with two new employees, I'm suprised that I can even type, and not doing a very good job at it. :)

03-04-2003, 07:21 AM
I Hate When that Happens!!!!:) :D

03-04-2003, 03:31 PM
I always get my jacks,jennets and hinnies mixed up!however,I do know that jacks are males and jennets are females.I just get confused about how what breeds with what to make what.(sorry if that doesn't make sense)

New Questions:

What is the birthday of every Thouroughbred?

Name the three races of the Triple Crown.

What is the dressage move where a horse trots in place?

03-07-2003, 11:02 PM
January First


now dressage...I know it, but correct name is escaping me....I know I'm going to Kick myself when I remember it!!!!!;) :)

03-08-2003, 03:06 PM
you were right about the first two!the trotting in place thing is called a piaffe.

Desert Arabian
03-08-2003, 07:53 PM
What is hooflex?
What is the surpose of a medicine boot?
Why is it a good idea to have a jolly ball in your horses stall?
What kind of bedding should be used in the stall?
Name 15 items commonly found in a stable/barn.
Why is it a good idea to put the hay in a hay net?
Why do you use a mounting block for English riding and not Western riding?

That should do. :p

03-09-2003, 06:32 AM
What is hooflex?
What is the surpose of a medicine boot?
Why is it a good idea to have a jolly ball in your horses stall?
What kind of bedding should be used in the stall?
Name 15 items commonly found in a stable/barn.
Why is it a good idea to put the hay in a hay net?
Why do you use a mounting block for English riding and not Western riding?

That should do.

hooflex is used to moisturize and condition the hooves....people think that you should glob it all over the hoof...where really,you can just apply LIGHTLY to a shaved coronary band and let it work in...
Medicine boots are used for things like poulticing a hoof....
to apply medicine...the boot keeps the medicine in....and warmes the hoof so medicine is absorbed...
If horse has no shoe on...will help prevent from splitting also...
a jolly ball people use as a toy,so horse does not get bored....especially if one is prone to cribbing,weaving,etc.

bedding should be wood shavings or straw...
15 items found in a barn:
muck bucket
turnout rugs
Grooming kit
fly spray
horse vacuum
horse clippers
Trophies and ribbons

people think it is a good idea to use a hay net to veer away from sand colic....so they don't ingest bedding while eating

the only use for a hay net in my eyes is in a trailer when travelling, or if animal is confined and has to keep head up to eat
if you feed on floor... not using a net is natural,it naturally slows them from bolting their food,plus it is not good for them to have all the hay dust in their eyes and nostrils...never mind if someone does not keep net filled and they roll in their stall and get leg tangled in it...causing lacerations,etc.(obviosly, I have NO use for hay nets!!)

mounting block Vs. not...

because an english saddle is soooo much lighter....when you put your foot in the iron....runs a MUCH higher risk of slipping....if you are not quite agile enough to hop up very quickly...
a western saddle wraps around their sides and does not slip as easily....designed to be gotten off and on ALL day if necessary,when repairing fence,checking,cattle,etc...

Desert Arabian
03-09-2003, 09:45 AM
100% correct :D

03-09-2003, 09:57 PM
i'll try to think of some questions outside of show jumping...its' hard for me....

What Famous series of books did margerite henry write????
Hint: Maryland

what was the name of Black Beautys' close equine friend????

Name the Famous Play on Broadway that ran through the seventies...starring Richard Burton, then Anthony Perkins
whose main characters' obsession was the Horse...

Name the Peter,Paul and Mary song that was named for a racehorse

what is the name of the race that is the original and oldest
1million dollar race in quarter horse racing....

what is the correct name for the breed that is the miniature horse???

03-10-2003, 06:45 AM
;) :)

I tried to make them more broad.....

03-10-2003, 12:48 PM
I have answers to a couple of your questions Delidog.
Marguerite Henry wrote great books such as Justin Morgan had a Horse and the Misty of Chincoteague series of books.
I loved Black Beauty, I remember two of his horse friends were Ginger a chestnut mare (Ginger Snaps! because she bites) and little Merrylegs the old grey pony!
Was the song about a racehorse called "Wildfire"?
I'm also thinking about that song by America called "A Horse With no Name" but I know that isn't the one.;)

Desert Arabian
03-10-2003, 03:06 PM
I have a song downloaded on the computer called: "Run for the Roses". It is a beautiful song about racehorses...I love it so much, and I would recommend looking it up and listening to it. It is such a lovely song.

Here are the lyrics:

Born in the valley
And raised in the trees
Of Western Kentucky
On wobbly knees
With mama beside you
To help you along
You'll soon be a growing up strong.

All the long, lazy mornings
In pastures of green
The sun on your withers
The wind in your mane
Could never prepare you
For what lies ahead
The run for the roses so red --

And it's run for the roses
As fast as you can
Your fate is delivered
Your moment's at hand
It's the chance of a lifetime
In a lifetime of chance
And it's high time you joined
In the dance
It's high time you joined
In the dance --

From sire to sire
It's born in the blood
The fire of a mare
And the strength of a stud
It's breeding and it's training
And it's something unknown
That drives you and carries
You home.

And it's run for the roses
As fast as you can
Your fate is delivered
Your moment's at hand
It's the chance of a lifetime
In a lifetime of chance
And it's high time you joined
In the dance
It's high time you joined
In the dance

03-10-2003, 03:46 PM
I think my friend was listening to that song.Sometime I will try to listen to it because it sounds very nice.

03-10-2003, 10:15 PM

margerite henry wrote Misty of Chincoteague...set in the chincoteague islands off the coast of Maryland...

Yes, Ginger was Black Beautys' Dear Friend in the book...as was Merrylegs....

Y.L.L....those are beautiful lyrics...I remember hearing this some time ago....do you know who sang and/or wrote it????
Thank you for sending that....

4 more answers to go!!!;) :) :D

03-12-2003, 08:04 PM
:) :D

03-14-2003, 08:56 PM
O.K...I guess that you guys want some answers!!!!

The play on Broadwaywas "Equus"...first starring Richard Burton,Then Tony Perkins..

The Peter,Paul and Mary song was;
"Ole Skewball"...(was a Racehorse)

The 1 Million Dollar Quarter Horse Race is Riudoso...held in Riudoso,New Mexico every year

The correct name for the Miniature horse is The Fellabella....they are from South America

Does someone else have some questions to post??

03-14-2003, 09:24 PM
Delidog, I didn't know any of those answers!

Here are some new questions, first an easy one...

Name the horse and his owner from the old TV show that featured the theme song "A horse is a horse of course of course..."

What does the name Paso Fino mean and what is this breed known for that is different from other horses?

What is unique about Icelandic ponies? What is a "Tolt"?
How old are they when they are first ridden and how old are they when they are fully grown?

03-14-2003, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by delidog
Y.L.L....those are beautiful lyrics...I remember hearing this some time ago....do you know who sang and/or wrote it????
Thank you for sending that....

Dan Fogelberg!

Anyone wanna go to the Million Dollar Horse Race? I'll meet ya there! :)

The Arabian Nt'l Horse Show is in Albuquerque, NM this year if anyone is interested in attending! I'm plannin' on going but won't actually have anything definite until the last minute.

YLL, I think you and your Momma should take a road trip! :)

03-14-2003, 09:43 PM
I knew that had to be Fogleberg....very Colorado!!!!;) :)

I've been to the race in Riudoso...loved it...I lived in Santa Fe for about 5 years....
I was the Manager at Pinon Farm....when it was built...
have you been up there Ms.Zippy???

VermontCat...Gotta get my thinking cap on for these...

Except for the Mr.Ed one...
A Horse is a Horse,Of Course,Of Course...and Nobodys Heard of A Talking Horse,of Course... Except for The Famous Mr.Ed!!!!!;) :) :D

03-14-2003, 09:46 PM
Ok Deli, so you know Mr. Ed.:)
What color was he and what was the name of his owner?

All Creatures Great And Small
03-14-2003, 09:52 PM
This is about the only answer I know on this thread.....he was a palomino and his owner was Wilbur!

03-14-2003, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by delidog
I knew that had to be Fogleberg....very Colorado!!!!;) :)

I've been to the race in Riudoso...loved it...I lived in Santa Fe for about 5 years....
I was the Manager at Pinon Farm....when it was built...
have you been up there Ms.Zippy???

Can't say I been there knowingly, Deli. lol Have you been to the Muesum of the Horse (Ruidoso) since they put up the statues? HUUUGGGEEEE (beautiful!!)statues... I have pics -- I'll have to see if I can find them.

03-14-2003, 10:01 PM
I have seen pictures, but no have not been there since they went up....I lived there from '82 to '87.......

I want to retire in Santa Fe!!!!!!!

you would love Pinon.. its' a beautiful barn,.....

They used it in filming "White Sands"...Willem Dafoe and Mickey Rourke were in it....and also, the series "Earth 2"...with Clancy Brown and Tim Currey

Boy do I miss that Place!!!!!!!!!

My best friend Sharon is still in Santa Fe...she owns Santa Fe Oriental Rugs on Don Gasper.....Great Store.....
Oh,I'm going on...Sorry....Its' that Reminiscing thing!!!!!!

03-14-2003, 10:02 PM
ACGAS, You got it right!:D Here is a pic of Mr Ed(real name Bamboo Harvester) and Willlllllllburrrrrr.:)

03-14-2003, 10:09 PM
I love it!!!!!!!

Thannk you!!!!
Now I'm really feeling my age!!!!!!
I watched that program in its' originals...(Black & White);) :) :D

03-15-2003, 11:45 AM
Ive never seen the show Mr. Ed,but the horse looks very cute!

03-15-2003, 08:03 PM
Mr.Ed was Classic T.V.

Right up there with Lassie!!!!!!

I'd just like to know what the creator was thinking while writing it...;) :)

Desert Arabian
03-15-2003, 08:52 PM
More questions anyone?? ;)

Let's see, what can I think up??...............

Oh, I know something that might be kinda neat. How about I put some clues down about some breeds...and you have to guess what breed it is. Sounds kinda fun, let's see if it is or not. :D

First breed:
* It is named after its principal breeding areas (i.e. country)
* It is between 16.2 and 17hh.
* It is cold blooded
* Common/popular throughout Europe
* Draft breed
Second breed:
* Gaited breed
* Established in the Ozark's
* Does a "sprited" walk with its front legs, while trotting with hindlegs.
* Stands between 16 and 17hh
* Can trot up to 10mph
Third breed
* Comes from India
* Tough, but narrow-built
* Arabian like apperance
* Has a high tail carrage
* Stands around 15hh

Good luck....:D :D :D Need more clues just ask.

03-15-2003, 08:56 PM
Hey Deli,
If you want to hear the song and see a couple more photos of Mr Ed, go to this link.
If you want to know how they made it look like he was talking go to this link
They used peanut butter!:)
I always thought he was a beautiful Palomino!:cool:

YLL, I'm still waiting for answers to my questions about the Paso Fino horse and Icelandic pony. Let me know if you guys want to guess or should I give the answers.

Desert Arabian
03-15-2003, 09:05 PM
Oh, I'm sorry Vermontcat, I didn't see the Paso questions...oopsy!

Um..I think I might know the answer. Isn't the Paso famous for its "paso" natural lateral gait??? I have no clue what its name means.

03-15-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat

What does the name Paso Fino mean and what is this breed known for that is different from other horses?

What is unique about Icelandic ponies? What is a "Tolt"?
How old are they when they are first ridden and how old are they when they are fully grown?
YLL, Paso Fino means "Fine Step" or gait, the horse is known for its smooth 4 beat gait. It is said to be a much smoother ride than other breeds.
The breed originated in Spain, then was developed in Central and South America from horses brought over by the Spanish Conquistadors.

03-16-2003, 05:21 PM
I am completely lost on the Icelandic thing!!!!!!!
Ya' got me there VermontCAT!!!!!
a tOLT????DO NOT KNOW!!!

Desert Arabian
03-16-2003, 05:37 PM
Isn't a "tolt" a four-beat running walk?? :confused: :confused:

More questions anyone??

Let's see, what can I think up??...............

Oh, I know something that might be kinda neat. How about I put some clues down about some breeds...and you have to guess what breed it is. Sounds kinda fun, let's see if it is or not.

First breed:
* It is named after its principal breeding areas (i.e. country)
* It is between 16.2 and 17hh.
* It is cold blooded
* Common/popular throughout Europe
* Draft breed
Second breed:
* Gaited breed
* Established in the Ozark's
* Does a "sprited" walk with its front legs, while trotting with hindlegs.
* Stands between 16 and 17hh
* Can trot up to 10mph
Third breed
* Comes from India
* Tough, but narrow-built
* Arabian like apperance
* Has a high tail carrage
* Stands around 15hh

Good luck.... Need more clues just ask.

03-16-2003, 07:21 PM
HMMMM Good Ones YLL!!!

Desert Arabian
03-16-2003, 07:48 PM
Originally posted by delidog
HMMMM Good Ones YLL!!!

:D Thanks! Wanna try and take a stab at it? ;) ;)

My mom guess at them, and got them right. Very impressive, seeing how she doesn't know hardly anything about them. :)

03-16-2003, 08:11 PM
Yay for YLL! You got one that Delidog didn't know!:D
Here is a quote about the Tolt
The tolt is an extremely smooth four-beat gait, much like the running walk or rack, that allows the rider a virtually bounce-free ride at speeds up to 20 mph. The tolt is a natural gait, no artificial aids are needed and you often see foals tolting in the pasture.

These hardy horses(pony sized but called horses too)are from Iceland and are slow to mature, usually ready to be ridden by age 4 or 5 and are not fully grown until age 7 or 8. They can be ridden into their late 20s and early 30s.

Now I need to think about your questions YLL, I think I know but I want to be sure before I answer.:)

Desert Arabian
03-16-2003, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Now I need to think about your questions YLL, I think I know but I want to be sure before I answer.:)

Sounds good, would you like me to add some more clues to help you out?

03-16-2003, 08:22 PM
I never heard that expression before.(Tolt)..though my exposure to shakey-tails is very limited....

Yll....question 2...is it the Tennesee Walker?????(Those shakey tail get me every time!!!)
I'm still thinking on the other ones!!!!!!;) :)

03-16-2003, 08:26 PM
Ok, I am pretty sure about 1 and 2, I am still working on 3,
The first one is the Belgian horse right?
The 2nd one is the Missouri Fox Trotter, here is a quote
The distinguishing characteristic of the Missouri Fox Trotter is the fox trot gait. The fox trot is basically a diagonal gait, like the trot, but the horse appears to walk with the front legs and trot with the hind legs. Because of the back feet sliding action (rather than the hard step of other breeds), the rider experiences little jarring action and is quite comfortable to sit for longer periods of time without "posting" or "standing" in the saddle.

Deli, do you want some links to the Icelandics and their Tolt? There is a farm here in Vermont I have been wanting to check out.

03-16-2003, 08:28 PM
Hi V.C.
That sounds great...I guess its' cold enough in Vt. for those little Icelandic guys!!!!
AH Yes, The Ole' Missouri Fox Trotter....forgot about that one!!!!!!;) :)

03-16-2003, 08:39 PM
Here are a couple of links about the Vermont Icelandics
They seem well suited for Vermont, I guess we have a winter climate similar to Iceland here!;)

Desert Arabian
03-16-2003, 08:48 PM
Breed 1 is a Belgian Draft Horse (I love 'em!!), Breed 2 is a Missouri Fox Trotter, Breed 3 is yet to be guessed.


03-16-2003, 09:24 PM
HHHMMMM,India,thin,arab like.....small....

doesn't sound like it can Jump!!!;) :)


03-16-2003, 11:02 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Third breed
* Comes from India
* Tough, but narrow-built
* Arabian like apperance
* Has a high tail carrage
* Stands around 15hh

My guess is either the Akhal-Teke or their decendents the Turkoman. Both were developed in that general area, are very lean built, tough bodied horses athletic as they come.

I wanted to add my answers to a couple of the questions from way in the beginning.

One is the issue of laminitis. This is a condition when a severe upset to the horses system causes an overload of blood flow to the hoof(s) of the horse. The hoof is basically made up of the wall, the soft tissue (laminae) which is filled with tiny capilairies, and the bones. The coffin bone is held in place by the soft tissue, which in turn is connected to the wall. When the overload of blood happens, the hoof heats up. The combination of the heat and pressure literally breaks the capiliaries and the soft tissue becomes weakend and gradually loses its hold on the coffin bone. The bone then begins to rotate out of its usual position. VERY painful for the horse.

And another color breed, my favorites, the Buckskin!

Desert Arabian
03-16-2003, 11:11 PM
Sorry guys, but Breed 3 is a Kathiawari. Here is a picture of this weird looking yet neat breed:


Look at those ears....neat-o!

03-16-2003, 11:32 PM
Forgot to post a question......

What horses were used to develope the Quarter horse breed?

What is a Crabbet Arabian?

What part of the horse is 75% of its mature size when a horse is born?


03-16-2003, 11:34 PM
THAT is a cool looking horse. Never heard of such a breed. Where did you find this?

03-17-2003, 06:41 AM
I never heard of it either....LOOK at those Ears!!!!!!!
Good Stumper!!!!!!!!;) :)

03-17-2003, 03:35 PM
I have a few pictures of kathiawaris in this book that has a bunch of breeds.I think they're really cool.They do have very distinctive ears!:)

Desert Arabian
03-17-2003, 03:36 PM
Originally posted by Equinebehaviorist
THAT is a cool looking horse. Never heard of such a breed. Where did you find this?

I was looking in my horse breed book, trying to find a tricky breed..I found that one. :D

03-17-2003, 06:21 PM
YLL, that was a tough question, the closest I came up with for that one was the Marwari horse.http://www.equiworld.net/en/breeds/marwari/10a7.jpg
Look, it has those same weird ears! They come from India too so they must be related.

EquineB, welcome to this thread, it's nice to have a new horse lover here.:) I will try to answer your questions.

The horses used to develop the Quarter Horse breed were Arabs, Turks and Barbs.

A Crabbett Arabian is an Arabian who can trace his bloodlines back to here

Crabbet Stud was founded in 1878 in Sussex, England, by Wilfrid and Lady Anne Blunt. It was continued by the Blunt daughter, Judith, the famous Lady Wentworth. The stud's final owner was Cecil Covey. Crabbet Stud closed in 1971 after some 93 years of world renowned greatness.

A 100% Crabbet pedigree means that the pedigree traces in all lines to Arabians which were:

1)Purchased and owned by Crabbet:
2) Arabians bred by others which passed through the hands of Crabbet without being bred from by Crabbet:
3)Any purebred Arabian bred by Crabbet Stud, from any of the bloodlines used by that stud, between the years 1878 to 1971.

For your last question I would guess that the horse's head is 75% of its mature size when a horse is born.

03-18-2003, 01:12 AM

Very good with the Crabbet Arabian. I love that and the Egyptian sources. Course I am an Arab fanatic, been around them nearly all my life.

BUT, you didn't get the Quarter Horse or the body part question right. Any other guesses? :D :cool:

BTW this is my 75% Crabbet gelding Parazon:


03-18-2003, 03:29 PM
hmm, I guess I need to do some more research, maybe someone else wants to guess.
I will try one more guess on the body part question, is it the legs? Foals always have long legs.

I love the photos of your horse, he is beautiful.

03-18-2003, 07:30 PM
Very close on the body part answer. It is a particular part of the leg.;)

Thank you for the compliment. Zon is an angel in horse skin, as you can tell I am sure with how he is with my 8 year old daughter.

Keep working on the Quarter Horse question. ;)

03-18-2003, 09:22 PM
EquineB, here are a couple of links to info on the Quarter Horses
Were you looking for the original breeds that mixed to become the Quarter Horse or the founding sires names or what?
From these links you can see why I guessed they came from Turks, Barbs and Arabs but they also mixed with Spanish, Arabians, Morgans and Standardbred.

03-18-2003, 10:22 PM
I am sorry! :rolleyes: While the mustang ancenstory of barbs and turks may be correct, my one track mind was only thinking of ONE breed that contributed to the Quarter Horse, primarily. Here are a couple things that got that trivia in my head:

From the American Morgan Horse Association site:

The Quarter horse stallion Joe Bailey was a son of Headlight Morgan. Jubilee King, a famous Morgan, was also registered under the Quarter Horse name of Yellow Jacket. Yet another well-known Quarter Horse sire, Joe Hancock, was sired by Redolent, a son of the Morgan Red Oak. In 1920 the King Ranch of Kingsville, Texas, purchased the two-year-old colt Lucky from the U.S. Government Farm for the purpose of upgrading the stock horses they were breeding. Countless Morgan mares were purchased from farms in Illinois and turned out on the range in the King Ranch remuda but can not be identified as the offspring they produced where shown as being out of “Morgan Mare” in the original AQHA registry books.

And here is a link to a great article on the Morgan influence in the Quarter horse breed.

Justin Morgan's Contribution to the Quarter Horse (http://www.2wfmorganclub.com/Articles/Contrib.html)

Desert Arabian
03-18-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by Equinebehaviorist
Very close on the body part answer. It is a particular part of the leg.;)

Let's see, would that be one of the pastern bones? Short or long? :confused: And didn't the Thoroughbred contribute to the Quarter Horse?? :confused:

Ok people, I am going to post some more questions. I think I am going to stick with the breed guessing for a couple of posts.

Breed 1:
* Stands between 15.2 and 16.2hh
* Primarily used as a carrige horse
* Blood type: warm
* Influences are the Norfolk Roadster, Oldenburg, and Arabian
* Comes from Europe.
Breed 2:
* Draft breed
* Native to France
* Used as a warhorse in the 14th century
* Stands between 15.3 and 16.3hh
* Blood type: cold
Breed 3:
* Native to Argentina
* Originated from Spanish stock brought to South America in the 16th century.
* Claimed to be the toughest, soundest horse in the world due to its Spanish ancestry.
* Stands between 14 and 15hh.

Good luck!! :D :D

03-18-2003, 11:58 PM
Yup, the pastern itself is supposedly 75% the length it will be with the horse is full grown.

The Thoroughbred, to my knowledge, has only contributed to the modern, aka Apendix, QH. Don't know about the old style, original QH.

Have to think about those breeds.....

03-19-2003, 12:16 AM
I know nbr 2!! Percheron, right? I used to have one of them babies and trained two others for someone last summer.



03-19-2003, 05:08 AM

You sure come up with some good ones!!!!!!;) :) :D

Desert Arabian
03-19-2003, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Equinebehaviorist
I know nbr 2!! Percheron, right? I used to have one of them babies and trained two others for someone last summer.

Nope, its not. This one is a tricky one, just like the other two. :D :p :D

Beautiful horse! Is that your daughter in that picture? My great aunt and uncle used to have 8 Belgians, but she had to sell them, for they are seniors (lol) and it was hard for them to care for the horses. One of them smashed her foot by stepping on it. :eek:

Y.L.L. You sure come up with some good ones!!!!!!

Thanks!! :D

03-19-2003, 07:39 PM
Here are a couple of answers for you YLL.
Is breed 2 the Breton?
I am pretty sure that breed 3 is the Argentine Criollo.

EquineB, I know quite a bit about the AMHA.(it is here in Vermont)
I will send you a PM later tonight.:)

Desert Arabian
03-19-2003, 09:01 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
Here are a couple of answers for you YLL.
Is breed 2 the Breton?
I am pretty sure that breed 3 is the Argentine Criollo.

No, I am sorry but breed 2 is not the Brenton. However, you are correct with breed 3- it is the Criollo!! Yipee! :D :D

03-19-2003, 09:12 PM
Yay! I got one right!:)
I have no clue on the first one and I ran out of ideas for the 2nd one, I hope someone else can guess them.

Desert Arabian
03-19-2003, 09:14 PM
Should I just post the answers now, or should I wait awhile? I think just about everyone has taken a shot at it already. :)

03-19-2003, 09:50 PM
One more shot at the Draft (nbr2): Ardennes?

Yes, that is my daughter, then 7, in the pic with him. If you look really hard, you can see another gelding in the stall behind Odin. It was so fun having these guys this last summer.

OUCH! with the foot. Us hardy youngsters would have a hard time with that, I can't imagine an elder dealing with that!:eek:

Desert Arabian
03-19-2003, 10:34 PM
Alrighty, here are the answers. Breed two is a Boulonnais, and breed one is a Gelderlander.
This is a picture of a Boulonnais:
This is a picture of a Gelderlander:

I love the first picture!! I love drafties!!

03-19-2003, 10:47 PM
The Boulonnais was my next guess, but I thought the Ardennes had more references towards being a military horse. Guess I can't win them all, huh?:rolleyes: :D

That Warmblood is a good looking horse!

Hey Vermontcat, sent you a PM.:cool:

03-19-2003, 10:49 PM
Okay, here is one from my experience and point of view. Why does the web halter promote pulling when tied, dragging of the handler, and general disobiedience? :D

03-20-2003, 05:35 PM
Kentucky Derby Festival

Time of year Held?
Year Started?

Desert Arabian
03-20-2003, 05:47 PM
*First Sunday in May
*ChurchHill Downs, Louisville Kentucky (been there :D)
*Started in 1864 (?)

Desert Arabian
03-20-2003, 07:18 PM
Equine- I have no clue about web halters...I have never worked with one before. So, I will let someone else answer about that. I can't wait to see the answer, it sounds neat to me. :) :D

You know what, I am in a giant Kentucky Horse Park festive mood, since I will be going there soon. So, I will post some trivia about the Kentucky Horse Park.

*Name 5 famous horses that live at the KHP.
* How many acres is the KHP on, how many miles of fencing is there?
* The economic impact of the KHP has reached $________ annually.
* Over __(#) people visit the KHP annually.
* Over __ (#)different breeds can be seen at the KHP.

I know they aren't the toughest, lol, but oh well. I think they are kind of neat. :p

03-20-2003, 11:03 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
*First Sunday in May
*ChurchHill Downs, Louisville Kentucky (been there :D)
*Started in 1864 (?)
you were correct on the 1st two. The last question The year was 1956 ( Thats when they started the festival)

03-21-2003, 11:53 AM
when I am talking about web halters, I mean everyday common halters which are made of web. Leather halters can be included in this "catagory" since though they are made of a different material, they are the same design.


03-21-2003, 12:19 PM
Equine, I am not sure about the web halters either unless it has something to do with the lead rope being attached under the chin and having less control than a bridle with a bit?

I have a couple of answers for you YLL,

The Kentucky Horse Park has 1200 acres and 30 miles of fence.
There are almost 50 different breeds of horses there.
It sounds like a cool place to visit, I wish I lived closer so I could visit. When are you going there? You better take lots of pictures!:)

Desert Arabian
03-21-2003, 01:07 PM
Vermontcat, I am going there during spring break, which is in a couple of weeks. Yippee! Don't worry- I will take tons of pictures, and I plan on posting some of them on Pet Talk. :D We are also going to a horse ranch during spring break, in Tennessee. Oh yeah, your answers are correct, by the way.

Click here (http://www.bbonline.com/tn/twinvalley/) if you want to see the horse ranch website. :)

Equine- doesn't a web halter break easier than a leather hatler? I remember at horse camp, horses were breaking them left and right.

03-21-2003, 06:29 PM
Okay, here we go. YLL, you are on the right track. Both web and leather halters break easily, considering that you have such strength and weight on them when a tied horse pulls. But ever thought of why they pull in the first place?

Horses by nature are claustiphobic, and being "confined" by their halters, by their heads is scary business, especially if something else makes them really want to get out of there! And once they learn those things won't hold them, they try again and again. Web and leather halters, by design, cradle the head, much like a harness, which is for a horse to PULL with, cradles the body. Horses are inclined to lean into pressure rather than move away from it. They have to be taught to move away from pressure, like leg, bit, and even hand pressure (ever notice when you NEED him to move over he pushes back into you? :eek: ) To give you an idea of how this feels to the horse, have someone lay a flat hand on your arm and push. You want to push back into it don't you. And it isn't too hard to do it, especially if you are stronger. So.....

The solution? Use hand-tied rope halters!


*IMPORTANT* Don't confuse a rope halter with a Be-Nice halter. These things clamp down on the head and can cause severe damage to the nerves at the poll! Nasty things!


To again show you by example, have your same friend put a finger on your arm instead and push. First, before they push, the finger is light, barely noticeable compared to the hand, right? Then when the pressure comes, it is irritating and you certainly want to move away to stop the pressure. This is how the rope halter works. 5mm rope works best, as thicker rope just brings you back to a web halter effect of cradling the head. An added bonus, the rope halters, when made of appropriate rope and tied properly will not break. I have cured Percherons of pulling with rope halters.

Now, this carries through with tying, leading, lounging, even riding, if you are using a halter instead of a bridle. Once you learn how to correctly use a rope halter, you will never need a chain again to control your headstrong, unfocused horse who leads you, or worse, pushes over you, or drags you when you lounge. And any horse I start undersaddle I use the rope halter instead of a bridle, since they already know, respect and understand the feel of it. One less thing for them to figure out when I get up there!:D

03-21-2003, 07:38 PM
yellowlablover, that is a great site. thanks, I just emailed them with a few questions. thanks again

Desert Arabian
03-21-2003, 10:53 PM
Equine- OH OK...now I get it. LOL! Sorry, sometimes I am a little slow. The camp director at the summer camp I go to,used those hand-tied halters on his horses...now I know why he used them. :D Is that one of your horses? Or a clients?

Oodles- no problem! I am so excited, I can't wait to go there!

Here are some new questions:

* What is a twitch? Where is it used? What does it do/why do you use it?

* Name 15 breeds from the United States

* What is the purpose of a roller-mouth snaffle?

* What is the purpose of a breaking snaffle?

* What is a galvayne's groove?

* What is a loathed shoulder?

* What is a parrot mouth?

Ok...that is more than enough. LOL.

Desert Arabian
03-21-2003, 11:00 PM
My Mom and I went to the local farm store, Farm N Fleet, and I was drooling over their Weaver western tack. Oh...it is so gorgeous! And so expensive! I stand in the horse isles for hours, lol, I love to sniff all the horsey shampoo, hehe. There is one that smells like wintergreen, oooooooo, do I love it!

I have been meaning to save up some of my money to buy some saddle pads, halter, grooming tack, etc. to donate it to Camp Anokijig...they need it really bad- but I don't have the money. :( I am waiting to see if there are going to be any sales at all, then maybe I can buy something. :( :( /:)

03-22-2003, 12:57 AM
Is that one of your horses? Or a clients?

Nope, neither. Got the pic off a site so I could clearly show the halter. The pics I have don't show it as well.

* What is a twitch? Where is it used? What does it do/why do you use it?

Twitch is a common name for several devices or techniques used to subdue a horse in stressful situations such as clipping or giving medical attention. One place it can be used is on the nose, upper lip specifically with clamp like device, a cord formed into a loop coupled with a stick to twist the loop tight around the lip, or a ( :eek: ) chain loop at the end of a stick used in the same fashion. There are several other types of twitches, any one want to name them?

*Name 15 breeds from the United States
Morgan, Morab, Quarter Horse, Appaloosa, Mustang, Missouri Fox Trotter, Tennessee Walker, Saddlebred, Rocky Mountian Horse, Standardbred, Cleaveland Bay, Colorado Ranger, American Bashkir Curly, American Cream, Paint

* What is the purpose of a roller-mouth snaffle?

The roller mouth can have several purposes: 1)the roller acts as a toy for the horse to find comfort in fiddling with, 2) the roller lifts up onto the soft palate when the reins are engaged and creates a greater degree of discomfort which to some = a greater degree of control, 3) if the roller is copper, which it often is, the combination of the steel mouth peices and the copper roller help encourage salivation which in turn encourages a softer mouth.

* What is the purpose of a breaking snaffle?

* What is a galvayne's groove?

* What is a loathed shoulder?

* What is a parrot mouth?

I will leave some for others to answer....Vermontcat?;)

03-22-2003, 01:09 AM
Hey, found these pics of the Fresian that I trained last summer. I know everyone loves these guys. I felt so privilaged to have him with me! It was sureal, stuff dreams are made of!




Desert Arabian
03-22-2003, 09:40 AM
A twitch releases endorphins (sp?) which calms the horse down. When we used them on the horses at camp, they almost fell asleep because it calmed them down so much. This is what the twitch looked like that we used:

Other breeds from the United States:
-American Shetland
-Rocky Mountain Pony
-Sable Island
-Pony of the Americas
-American Minature Horse

Types of twitches:
-Humane twitch
-Chain-end twitch
-Flat handle

New question:
What is this? What is its purpose?

03-22-2003, 10:06 PM
Equine, I love the pics of the Fresian, they are a beautiful breed.:)

Ok YLL., a couple more answers for you
A Galvayne groove is a groove in the horses tooth that helps you tell the age of the horse.
A parrot-mouth is an overbite, when the upper teeth stick out over the lower teeth, the teeth will not have a normal wear pattern making it difficult or impossible to tell the age of the horse.
That last photo is of something an Equine Dentist would use to hold the mouth open, I think it begins with an S, I can't remember the name.

Desert Arabian
03-22-2003, 10:20 PM
Vermontcat- 100% :D

03-24-2003, 03:48 AM
Boy,I missed a few good questions!!!!
had to work...:(...inventory week:(....
;) :)

03-24-2003, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Vermontcat- 100% :D
Ok, how about something fun? I found these animated graphics, how about you tell me something about each picture?
One more question, Who is Robert Vavra?

YLL, were there any unanswered questions of yours still?

Desert Arabian
03-24-2003, 09:31 PM
Let's see, the first animation is a Lippazaner from the Spanish Riding School, the second one is Thoroughbred racing, and the third one is a show jumping animation, the last one is a dressage. My favorite one is the show jumping one. Um...is there suposed to be a graphic between the show jumping and dressage- it won't show up, there is an X box.

Let's see, as far as unanswered questions:

What is the purpose of a roller-mouth snaffle?

What is a loathed shoulder?

03-24-2003, 09:39 PM
I was afraid they may be a little slow to show up, there are 5 in total. You were right about all 4, this is the one you said you couldn't see.

Desert Arabian
03-24-2003, 09:57 PM
Would that be a fox hunter animation?

03-24-2003, 10:05 PM
I don't know...I would have said Steeplechase or 3 day

03-25-2003, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Equinebehaviorist

The roller mouth can have several purposes: 1)the roller acts as a toy for the horse to find comfort in fiddling with, 2) the roller lifts up onto the soft palate when the reins are engaged and creates a greater degree of discomfort which to some = a greater degree of control, 3) if the roller is copper, which it often is, the combination of the steel mouth peices and the copper roller help encourage salivation which in turn encourages a softer mouth.

YLL. wasn't what I said about the roller snaffle correct? Or am I missing something? :confused:

Desert Arabian
03-25-2003, 04:47 PM
Oopsy! Sorry about that, I forgot you answered that question. :)

03-25-2003, 04:59 PM
It was okay then?

BTW I like your new siggys.


Desert Arabian
03-25-2003, 05:48 PM
Yea....thanks for the comment on my siggy. It looks kinda cheesy, but it'll do for now. :D ;)

03-25-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Would that be a fox hunter animation?
I guess it could be a fox hunter because of the red jacket, it was just listed as an english rider so I guess both you and Delidog are right.:)
Here is the link to the website I got the pics at
That is the first of 6 pages.
I like you new signature too YLL, didn't the pics move though?
Here are some more I like
http://www.uselessgraphics.com/bayrun.gif http://www.uselessgraphics.com/horse11.gifhttp://www.uselessgraphics.com/4.gifhttp://www.uselessgraphics.com/horse27.gif
So does anyone want to answer my other question, who Robert Vavra is?

Desert Arabian
03-25-2003, 08:20 PM
I have no idea who that Robert man is. I got my rolling horse off of that website. :D

Desert Arabian
03-25-2003, 08:27 PM
P.S.- Equine check out "Pet Behavior: my mini horse flare.". Just thought you'd might want to give some adivce.

Desert Arabian
03-25-2003, 09:55 PM
* answer Vermontcat's question first, please.

Name these colors:
Color 1
Color 2
Color 3
Color 4

*Hint: the answer to color 3 is not roan. ;) *

!GoOd LuCk!

Desert Arabian
03-26-2003, 03:33 PM
Bump-up post. :D ;) ;)

03-26-2003, 05:55 PM
Vermontcat's question:

Robert Vera is an AWSOME equine photographer!

Link to his site to see these cool pics....

Robert Vavra (http://www.robertvavra.com/)

Color #1: Gerula (can't SPELL IT!:confused: )

#2: Sorrel Overo Paint

#3: Sorrel Snowflake?

#4: One of my faves, Flaxen Chestnut

Desert Arabian
03-26-2003, 06:43 PM
Color 1: Grulla
Color 2: Red Dun Sabino
Color 3: Rabicano
Color 4: Siliver Dapple Bay

:D Those are my answers, anyone else wanna post up questions??

03-26-2003, 06:59 PM
How can #4 be a bay? Bays must have black points, as in legs, main and tail.:confused:

Okay, a question:

What is a curb bit, and how does it work?

What is a shanked snaffle, and how is it different than a curb?

Desert Arabian
03-26-2003, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by Equinebehaviorist
How can #4 be a bay? Bays must have black points, as in legs, main and tail.:confused:

No, that is not true in all cases. "The Z gene also works on bay horses. It dilutes the black mane and tail to white and the black legs to flat brown with dapples, but it leaves the red body color alone, because it only affects black. These horses are A-E-Z-."

03-26-2003, 07:08 PM

Vermontcat, this gif also shows a piaffe being performed, my favorite move on horse back!

03-26-2003, 07:10 PM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
No, that is not true in all cases. "The Z gene also works on bay horses. It dilutes the black mane and tail to white and the black legs to flat brown with dapples, but it leaves the red body color alone, because it only affects black. These horses are A-E-Z-."

So how do they determine that it is a silver dapple bay, not a chestnut? Where did you learn this? It is interesting.

Desert Arabian
03-26-2003, 07:17 PM
I learned about it off of some gene/color webpage. Can't remember the address.

03-26-2003, 08:07 PM
Yes Equine! Robert Vavra is the best horse photographer!:D
Vavra...to legions of horse lovers, the name conjures visions of flowing manes bathed in the glow of a setting sun, of flaring nostrils and fiery eyes, of horses frolicking, leaping, galloping or just standing there. Dignified, in a lovely field of flowers. Robert Vavra and his camera have spent the better part of three decades circling the globe, bringing to life the archetypal horse, the creature of myths and legend.

And I would agree with you Equine that this horse looks like a chestnut with a Flaxen mane and tail. I have seen some beautiful Morgans with that coloring.
Equine, have you ever seen the Lipizzans perform? I posted some links on them earlier in this thread. You should check them out.:)
Now to ponder the new questions.;)

03-26-2003, 08:27 PM
Here is a link to some beautiful Flaxen Chestnut Morgan horses.:D

03-26-2003, 08:41 PM
Actually, my two favorite equine photographers are both in your former area Vermontcat...They are Kym Ketchum(from Vt.) and James Leslie Parker...from Ct....
Nobody touches them in action shots!!!!!!
I'll see if they have a website......
I know that you would appreciate!!!;) :)

03-26-2003, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by Vermontcat
And I would agree with you Equine that this horse looks like a chestnut with a Flaxen mane and tail. I have seen some beautiful Morgans with that coloring.

But I did notice after YLL mentioned the dulling of the black legs that this horses legs are more brown. Most Chestnuts legs are the same color or lighter than the body. If you look REALLY hard, you can tell.

Equine, have you ever seen the Lipizzans perform? I posted some links on them earlier in this thread. You should check them out.:)
Now to ponder the new questions.;)

Actually, I was offered to ride with them on tour a few years back, but I was married and had a young daughter and couldn't be away for the tour. I was so bummed, but as much as I love horses, my baby girl comes first!

They are such magestic animals, very noble and kind, but so powerful. A thrill to ride!

03-26-2003, 10:07 PM
Equine and YLL, here is the link to Silver Dapple Morgans, read what it says by the pics about the shading in the legs etc, I would have a tough time deciding what color the horses were!
You can also check out the other cool colors by clicking on them in the upper left. There are some beautiful horses there.:cool: ( I love the rare colors)

03-26-2003, 10:09 PM
Got another question for you, since we are on the subject of horsey art, what is the name of an incredible equine artist from Washington State? Hint, her studio is the Spirit of the Horse, used to be the Fire Horse.


03-26-2003, 10:29 PM
COOL site Vermontcat! :eek: My Morgan filly's sire is palimino, and his dam supposed to be a silver dapple chestnut? She has silver mane and tail with black, on a chestnut dappled body. Really nice coloring. My mare ended up with a DARK chestnut body (liver?) with black and silver mane, mostly black. Will have to take another good look at those girls.

03-27-2003, 12:47 AM
Hey guys, go see my bunnies! I finally got pics of them up today! They are SO cute!:D They are at the Pet General, My Bunnies! thread.

Desert Arabian
03-27-2003, 03:12 PM
Guess the colors
#3: http://www.equusite.com/articles/basics/colors/images/basicsColorsPerlino.jpg

03-27-2003, 09:31 PM
Originally posted by delidog
Actually, my two favorite equine photographers are both in your former area Vermontcat...They are Kym Ketchum(from Vt.) and James Leslie Parker...from Ct....
Nobody touches them in action shots!!!!!!
I'll see if they have a website......
I know that you would appreciate!!!;) :)
I found a couple of links to them and I love them both!:D
I love the horse in this photo by Kym Ketchum!:D ( Deli, don't you have a thing for black and white animals like me?)

My favorite photo by James Leslie Parker on this page is the one with the horse and rider down and the horse's feet sticking up in the air!:eek:

03-27-2003, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by Equinebehaviorist
Got another question for you, since we are on the subject of horsey art, what is the name of an incredible equine artist from Washington State? Hint, her studio is the Spirit of the Horse, used to be the Fire Horse.

I found this link, it must be Kim McElroy! Cool stuff!:D

Here is another animated Lipizzan for you too!:)

03-27-2003, 09:53 PM
Thanks for finding them!!! i looked last night and could not locate......
I think I am partial to the Horse that " Keeps on Jumpin'!!"

I have seen it before....and it gives me a chuckle whenever I see it!!!!

I'll have to dig out an old news clip from Spruce Meadows when I was with Robert Ridland....The caption is "Hows' about that NosePlant?!?!?!"
when Benoit flipped at the water in Spruce Meadows!!!!Quite Embarassing!!!:o ;) :)

03-27-2003, 09:59 PM
Ah Yes, If only Galypso had a hoofs' worth of his Daddys' Talent!!!!!
There was no other sire like the Great Galoubet!!!!!
this one doesn't even begin to have the scope of his dad...though hes' flashy to look at....Looks do not a great Jumper make!!!!;) :)
never heard of Todd doing much with this one...didn't see him in Grand Prix this year....maybe he dropped back a little...

But Yes, Black and white seem to run rampid at my house too,Vermontcat!!!!!! Canines,Felines,Equines!!!!!...they all Have to Match!!!!!;) :)

Just Kidding!!

Desert Arabian
03-27-2003, 10:09 PM
Any one gunna take a stab at my questions?? ;)

03-28-2003, 12:33 AM
I can't see #2, but I would say on or the other has got to be a perlino? I used to have this great book on genetics and coat colors, but I perminently loaned it, unintentionally. I know that they are both dilutes though.

Love that Lippy gif!

And yes, you got it right about Kim's art. She did a painting when she was young of a bay arab colt when he was born. She called that print "Promise." That colt grew into a really nice stallion that I was lucky enough to work with as a 3 year old. I live just about an hour away from Kim and that colt.:cool:

Hey, anyone gonna take a stab at my questions about bits?:p

03-28-2003, 01:22 AM
Vermontcat, her is a so, so pic of Roxanne, my Morgan filly. She is really sunbleached in this, she is a lot darker. She was just turned 2 here, which was last summer.

This is her Aunt, her sire's sister, Regina. She is 3 and pregnant (I bought her this way, not my choice!)

Desert Arabian
03-28-2003, 05:55 PM
Equine- you are correct about number 2.

Any one else going to answer the questions?

03-28-2003, 07:58 PM
What is a curb bit, and how does it work?

What is a shanked snaffle, and how is it different than a curb?

..any bit with a shank could be called a curb...with or without a chain......longer the shank,stronger the pressure

some are used on a double bridle...using the "curb" or lower rein to lift....as it is lower, it forces the horse to bend more from the ole' 3rd vertibrae...you would use the snaffle rein to balance.....

as The Master Jimmy Williams designed...The Elevator bit...works on same principle...but using 1 rein...the lower or "curb" rein...great for horses that carry themselves to low,or as some say,"behind the bit"...so they do not see a fence till it is on top of them...it helps to lift their heads and eyes forward...
Western people use alot of curb bits off one rein...very long shanks..as they A)neck rein.......B) cut cattle...gets much tighter and faster response without alot of leg

a shanked snaffle is just that....a snaffle (jointed in the center)
that utilizes a curb rein....and shank....the "Elevator Bit"
is a Shanked Snaffle

03-29-2003, 01:01 AM
Yeah! The only reason why I know that a perlino even exists is because a gal I knew bred her beautiful chestnut Arab mare to a "cremelo" Andelusian one year, and got a buckskin! She was so MAD! But then when I met the stud, you could see his mane and tail had dark hairs in it. A Cremelo would never have dark hair anywhere, just really supper pale yellow and white.

Delidog, you got the bits right, but I have to admit, I don't know alot about double bridles, as I am mostly a reiner (western) and Western Pleasure person. I do teach and train flat hunt seat, but I have never used more than a kimberwick as far as curb action snaffles on an english horse.

AND, just in defense of us western riders, I train horses to respond to seat first, and use my reins and hands as backup cues to lighten up their response to the seat. Eventually, I can ride them bridleless, which is my ulitmate goal.

Also, just so you guys know, Tues. I am going to be moving my Arab to the new barn where I am going to be training. I am going to whip that boy up and ride him like a champ. I will have someone take pics and you can see what a handsome boy he is!:D

Desert Arabian
03-29-2003, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by YellowLabLover
Guess the colors
#3: http://www.equusite.com/articles/basics/colors/images/basicsColorsPerlino.jpg

All are still up for guessing. Sorry Equine, but I just noticed that you DID get number 2 wrong. Sorry, I got mixed-up before.

03-29-2003, 04:04 PM
LOL. I just realized that if I got #2 right it would have been a fluke cause I can't see it, it is an X. And numer three is not a perlino, since the legs are darker than the body. I have seen the first color before but I can't remember what it is called. I am going to do some research.:D

03-29-2003, 04:11 PM
Could #3 be a smokey creme? Like tis cutie?


03-29-2003, 04:22 PM
#1, is it a Champagne? I trained a beautiful mare a couple years ago who looked similar to this one you posted.

03-29-2003, 05:06 PM
I will try to guess the horse colors.
I think #1 is a Champagne too
I think #2 is like a lighter shade of Dun either a pale dun or cream dun?
I think #3 is a Perlino, is that what you thought too Equine?

I will come back soon with a new question for you to answer.

Equine, I like the pics of your Morgans! So when is the foal due? You will have to post pics.:)
I look forward to seeing pics of your Arab soon.

Desert Arabian
03-29-2003, 05:13 PM
Yes, Vermontcat, you are correct. Would you like to post some questions?? I wish and delidog would post more questions! ;)

03-29-2003, 05:38 PM
Yeah, I could only see 1 and 2, and thought one of them, most likely 3 was, a perlino. But the legs didn't quite look right to me. The little horse I posted a pic of that is a smokey creme looks alot like #3, and I got it from the Cremello and Perlino site. That was my second guess.

YLL you got me going on the color thing now. I was looking last year at all kinds of color sites cause the mare who was preg in the pics I posted was bred to a black who's dam was buckskin. I was trying to see if we would get anything different by chance. As it were, she is different, a really unique coffee bean color, but her mane is all different colors, black, red, yellow.... I will get a shot of her tomorrow when I go see her. I gave her to my husband's best friend. She is 6 months old now. The gal I bought her dam from owned the stallion, and "got tired of the mare and stud going crazy every time she came in heat", so one Halloween weekend, put them in the pasture together! NOT the way I would have gone about it, especially since the mare was only 2 at the time! Poor girl had to feed the foal and try to finish her growing. Just too much if you ask me. But she came through great, and on Sept 26, had Princess Isabella, the biggest brat, but so cute!

Vermontcat, thanks for the compliment! I love my girl, Roxy, she is my first purebred Morgan, even though I have trained quite a few. She is just perfect for me. I am dreaming of the stud I will breed her to some day to get my next baby. Won't be for a couple years, but I love to dream! And, those pics YLL put up has got me back to the old color sites I found. Here are a couple links, really fun and informational!

Champagne Horse Registry (http://www.ichregistry.com/ichr_index.htm)

Cremello & Perlino Educational Association (http://www.doubledilute.com/main.html)

03-29-2003, 05:53 PM
Ok I have one new question for now.

Name the famous artist who is known for his bronze sculptures, paintings and illustrations of the American West of the late 1800's.
A couple of hints,
He was actually born in upstate NY.
One of his more famous bronze sculptures is called "Rattlesnake".

I like his work, I hope you all do too.:)

Equine, I will PM you about some Morgan stuff.

03-30-2003, 04:49 AM
Oh Vermontcat!!!!
You always stump me!!!!
I know exactly who you mean...can see the work...might even have owned some at one time...Cannot Remember theName!!!!!:o :)
It must be an Age thing!!!!;) :p

03-30-2003, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by delidog
Oh Vermontcat!!!!
You always stump me!!!!
I know exactly who you mean...can see the work...might even have owned some at one time...Cannot Remember theName!!!!!:o :)
It must be an Age thing!!!!;) :p

You and me both. I know the art, but don't remember the name. I can see the bronze "Rattlesnake" in my head, neat peice of work. But WHO is it?
