View Full Version : What breed of dog are you?

01-31-2003, 10:05 PM
I always love taking these tests! according to this, i'm an irish setter lol...but i have taken other tests that have told me im a golden retriever, a cocker spaniel and an afghan hound...go here and figure out what you are...maybe ill find an irish setter just like me! ;) :D


01-31-2003, 10:33 PM
i'm going to take the test tomorrow morning. its late now and i don't feel like becoming a member now...;) thanks for the link. i'll get back to it :D

01-31-2003, 10:57 PM
i took it befor, I was the precious Pit Bull.:D

01-31-2003, 11:44 PM
I took it a while ago, and it said I was a pug!!
I'm gonna do it again though, that was last year, maybe I've changed:)

Now, I'm a collie--hmmmmm...
That website gets addictive--I heard of it through a wedding message board when I was planning my wedding last year (there's a wedding date predictor), and stayed on and did ALL of the tests!!

02-01-2003, 12:08 AM
ok, I got to be an Irish setter, but that is not me at all.
I am not a dare-devil at all, I like to stay home with the kids, and relax, or go to the dog park, sit and watch.
I took it again, and it told me I was a coker, loving and affectionate, and I am not that either.
Then, I took it again, and it told me I was a pekinese, and that is not me either. (but this last time I was just playing, so I didn't answer the questions as I thought to be the right answer)
I am more like a golden retriever or a lab I would say, lol.
laid back, and not too worried about nothing.
Maybe a Mastiff, cause if some steps on my ground, I get mad too. lol

Well, anyway, I would love to be an afghan, but I am not sofisticated enough for that, lol.

02-01-2003, 01:00 AM
I'm a chihuahua... LOL

02-01-2003, 01:55 AM
Saint Bernard:D

02-01-2003, 02:09 AM
Naomi, you're a Bernese Mountain Dog!

No bones about it, you're a good-hearted, people-loving Bernese Mountain Dog. Down-to-earth and loyal, no one works or plays harder than you do. You put your nose to the grindstone when it really counts, but you never neglect your social calendar. Keep reading for more about your puppy personality...

02-01-2003, 03:17 AM
A Collie!:D

02-01-2003, 03:23 AM
OH NO:eek: I'm a Basset Hound, Katz
:D I'm a German Shepherd, Tom

02-01-2003, 06:09 AM
I am a bassett hound, and I am not surprised:D But I probably have slightly longer legs. hee hee

02-01-2003, 08:57 AM
*LOL* I'm a Chihuahua:)

02-01-2003, 10:13 AM
I took that before, I'm a German Shepherd :D

02-01-2003, 10:19 AM
pug ;)

02-01-2003, 01:21 PM
chihuaha :)

Desert Arabian
02-01-2003, 03:30 PM
I'm a Saint Bernard... :) :D

Desert Arabian
02-01-2003, 03:35 PM
I took it again, I realized I answered a question wrong. Here is my new breed.

Laura, you're a Great Dane!

No bones about it, you're the Adonis of all dogs — a Great Dane. Your perfect mix of brains and brawn wins you legions of fans wherever you go. Just snap your fingers and the crowd comes running. Keep reading for more about your puppy personality...

Doesn't sound like me-lol.

p.s. I love Great Danes! My 3rd fav breed.

02-01-2003, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
Naomi, you're a Bernese Mountain Dog!

No bones about it, you're a good-hearted, people-loving Bernese Mountain Dog. Down-to-earth and loyal, no one works or plays harder than you do. You put your nose to the grindstone when it really counts, but you never neglect your social calendar. Keep reading for more about your puppy personality...

He he he....me, too!!

02-01-2003, 07:07 PM
I'm not old enough to be tested.:( :( :( I bet it's tons of fun though.

02-01-2003, 07:22 PM
Im a Bernese Mountain Dog!! CUTE!!

02-01-2003, 07:24 PM
Alright, so I was anxious to see it, I said I was 14(I didn't know if they would accept 13, so I had to go up one).:rolleyes::o Here's what I got:

Scottish Terrier

No bones about it, you're an adventurous Scottish Terrier. Fearless, feisty, and always up for a challenge, you like having things your way. Some people might even label you stubborn or headstrong. But we know you're just ambitious and motivated. (Being misinterpreted is such a trial, isn't it?) Besides, your can-do attitude serves you well when facing challenges at work or in your personal life. No job is too big, and absolutely no obstacle is going to stand in your way. You're always ready, willing, and able to rise to the challenge. A loyal, caring friend, you choose your pals very carefully, then stick by them through thick and thin. Woof!

That's me!;)

02-02-2003, 03:12 PM
Andrea, you're a Cocker Spaniel!

No bones about it, you're a perky, loving Cocker Spaniel. (Think Lady from Lady and the Tramp.) Playful and energetic, you're a real people person — er, dog. People can't help but fall hook, line, and sinker for your friendly, well-rounded personality and natural charm. Keep reading for more about your puppy personality...

Not really me but oh well!