View Full Version : It's growing

01-31-2003, 09:05 AM
Ok Bull has always had this small bump on his muzzle right behind his nose. I never thought anything about it, it was the less of the size of a pea and not that noticable. Well about a month ago it started getting bigger. When I took him in about his ear, I ask the vet about it. He said it was probablly from chasing horses and getting kicked in the nose. It didn't seem to be sore so just watch it to see if it gets any bigger. If it does bring him back in, they'll x-ray it.


It's bigger! I guess it's back to the vet's he goes.

01-31-2003, 09:12 AM
Poor Bull!! It could possibly be a cyst and if that's the case then yes, you better get him to a vet.

I don't mean to scare you but cysts can be cancerous.

01-31-2003, 09:17 AM
Oh, poor Bull. I would definitely get it checked out again, just to be safe!! I hope it's nothing!!

01-31-2003, 09:18 AM
I never even thought of a cyst! Oh now I have all new worries.

Dixieland Dancer
01-31-2003, 10:04 AM
Hope the vet can ease your worries. Keep us posted.

01-31-2003, 10:15 AM
i hope bull is alright! don't worry...think positive :)

02-08-2003, 06:47 PM
Ok first things first. Took Bull to the vet today. Vet took a x-ray of his head and hips (he's been having hip problems - explain in a minute) She said it was nothing to worry about, doesn't know what it is but it's nothing to worry about. I just have to alternate between ice pack and heat pad twice a day. ( :rolleyes: Yeah that's gonna be easy)

Now on to the hips. Bull's hips have seemed kinda stiff lately and sometimes he would yelp when we touched his backend. Thought it might have been arthritis because of his past. She took x-rays just to check for hip displasia. Well what we found was that his right leg is shorter than his left and his right hip socket is malformed. (it kinda oblong instead of round ) So hip problems is going to be a reaccuring problem throughout his life :( Poor baby. She told me to buy some regular aspirin and give him one a day if he seems stiff or in pain. Hopefully that will work for a while.

Goes to show, one neglectful act and he has problems for life.

Dixieland Dancer
02-08-2003, 09:31 PM
Glad to hear the vet could ease your worries about the growth. I did not understand your last comment though.... Goes to show, one neglectful act and he has problems for life.

I understand he is having hip problems and I can sympathize. My first Golden had hip problems really bad but what neglectful act are you referring to. Did someone do something to Bull that you think brought on the hip problems. From what you described, it sounded like they were there from birth! :confused:

02-08-2003, 11:48 PM
Poor Bull :( At least the bump turned out to be "nothing to worry about". That must have been a relief. I'm sorry about his hips :( Poor pup. I hope the asprin helps him. :(

02-09-2003, 01:21 AM
awww poor bull....i hope he will start feeling better! did u get him from someone who neglected him? :(

02-09-2003, 11:38 AM
I'm sorry I forgot that I didn't go that far into Bull's past with you guys.

I got Bull from a friend of Dad's that was going to have someone shoot him because he didn't want him anymore. :mad: When Bull was a puppy he had his backend stomped by horses. The guy I got him from doesn't believe in vets (his other dog hasn't even had his vacs.) so he never saw one. Dad said for the longest time Bull couldn't even move! :eek: Slowly he started to drag his backend along til he could walk again. The vet said yesterday that his leg and hip most likely was from not getting help when he needed it. That is why I say that one neglectful act and he has problems for life.

Sorry for the confusion.

02-09-2003, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by Andie
I'm sorry I forgot that I didn't go that far into Bull's past with you guys.

I got Bull from a friend of Dad's that was going to have someone shoot him because he didn't want him anymore. :mad: When Bull was a puppy he had his backend stomped by horses. The guy I got him from doesn't believe in vets (his other dog hasn't even had his vacs.) so he never saw one. Dad said for the longest time Bull couldn't even move! :eek: Slowly he started to drag his backend along til he could walk again. The vet said yesterday that his leg and hip most likely was from not getting help when he needed it. That is why I say that one neglectful act and he has problems for life.

Sorry for the confusion.
thats so sad! y would he want to shoot a poor dog? people like that deeply disturb me....there are petshops and shelters he could have been brought to! he could have even gotten money if he took him to a petshop! but then, bull wouldnt have u, so i guess all is well now right?

02-09-2003, 05:04 PM
Well, I am sorry to hear about poor Bull's hips. How awful for him as a baby. :(
But I am glad to hear that his nose bumpie is nothing serious. I can sympathasize, when my RB greyhound had an abcessed anal gland the vet told me to hotpack it, several times a day. YEA RIGHT!! She would see me get the washcloth outta the microwave and around and around and around we would go. I would have to sneak up on her while she was laying down!!