View Full Version : Pet-sitter Nedded Asap!!!

01-30-2003, 07:38 PM
i need a pet-sitter before feb.1st. my dog is a female,1 yr of age. she is outside.she is a german shepherd. i can pay for food and everything. she needs to be babysat for 1-2 months. must live in indiana. great with kids if have any. if i cannot find a pet-sitter by the 1st of feb. i must sadly be forced to put her down. i have dog house food bowls,leash,everything. please please e-mail me fast. must live in indiana. ASAP!!!!:( :( :(

01-30-2003, 07:51 PM
Why do you have to put her down if you can't find a sitter? There are lots of great rescue organizatons. I'm confused.:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

01-30-2003, 07:52 PM
Why did you not post this before now??????

Why is she outside?

If you cannot care for her, please take her to a shelter or call a rescue organization so she will not be put to sleep because of bad planning or her owners part.

01-30-2003, 08:00 PM
Are you moving, or traveling, or what are you doing that you can't take care of her as well?? It must be pretty drastic if you can't take care of her 2 months, you will have to put her down! :eek:

01-30-2003, 08:07 PM

I have already responded to this post of yours in Dog Rescue.
I make the same offer here. I will be glad to help you give this
dog a good home.

01-30-2003, 08:33 PM
Is this the one that is pregnant?? (Quote from 1/9/03 Dog Breeds)
terrible update
i went on a small vacation and i left my dogs with a friend of mine. she thought she was doing a good thing by,well ....ok here comes the bad part.........her male dog is going to be a daddy. i went to her house to pick up my dogs and her husband kept saying they did it. i was like "what did you do?" then they told me....."we bred her" my jaw dropped. i then told them i forgot to tell them i had changed my mind...........well i guess this means i will be posting pics of them when they are born. i will be looking for homes. if any of you want one. i havn't decided on (an ADOPTION fee) yet,but if anyone has a place in there home for a puppy in a few months let me know. don't e-mail me though. i never check it.

And you are considering "putting her down????" :eek: :eek: :eek:

01-30-2003, 09:49 PM
Originally posted by lexie
if i cannot find a pet-sitter by the 1st of feb. i must sadly be forced to put her down.

I'm sorry... This statement really infuriates me :mad: HOW CAN YOU BE FORCED TO PUT HER DOWN IF YOU CAN'T FIND A PET-SITTER BY THE 1ST OF FEB? Am I missing something here? Is this the one that accidentally got pregnant? This is the kind of thread that really bothers me ...

Liz - I'm sso thankful you leave in Indiana and you're willing to TAKE this dog... I saw your reply under Dog Rescue... I wish this would work out...

I feel so frustrated and so helpless when I read this kind of story ... I wish this pup the best of luck... She deserves to live life to the fullest :( in the company of humans who will be there for them no matter what...

I understand the option of putting the dog to sleep if the dog is suffering and in pain..... I'm hoping and praying that anyone who decides to get a pet would understand that it's a lifetime commitment... They depend on us so much that even their life is in our hands...

I'll stop here... I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings... I just feel so helpless for the German SHepherd pup that I know I must say something :(

01-31-2003, 01:20 AM
WHAT?!?!? You are going to have to put her down if you don't find a petsitter?!?!? :eek: What kind of reason is that to kill an innocent animal? To put an animal down just because you can't find her a petsitter is a crime! :( I think its better to put her outside and let her roam until someone finds her and takes her home than to put her down (although that is NOT an option I would even consider). If you don't mind me asking, why do you need to have her sitted for 1-2 months? Are you going on vacation, or moving away? I really hope this pup finds someone to love and care for her. She truely deserves it. If you cannot find a sitter, take her to a shelter. DO NOT put her down!!! She doesn't deserve to be killed for no reason!! :(

01-31-2003, 01:35 AM
If you want a pet-sitter fast, we need more info fast!! Please answer the following questions:

Why must you have your dog pet-sitted for 1-2 months?

Why would you have to put your dog down?

Is your dog pregnant?

Why is your dog living outside?

Would you consider letting us help you find the dog a new home instead?


01-31-2003, 06:03 AM
Does any one else but me ever wonder if posts like this are real or not. I mean, lexie has not come back with a response. If it were 100% true, she/he would be taking up one of the many options. I often think some people like to play with our minds, get us all upset and sit back and watch everyone's blood pressure raise.

01-31-2003, 06:15 AM
I think everyone has already said what is on my mind. If you need someone to take care of her for 1-2 months and need to have some one by Feb 1, why did you post 2 days prior to the deadline? Why do you have to go away for 1-2 months? And don't you think putting her down just because you need to leave for 1-2 months is an absurd idea?!

I have read up on some of your posts and am wondering if this the pregnant GSD mix you wrote about earlier this month.

I second jenluckenbach's comment. If you were SO concerned to get her a pet sitter, you would have checked back on this post and replied. If in fact you enjoy upsetting people and sitting back to watch, then shame on you!

01-31-2003, 07:10 AM
Karen, who is this person? Do you know, or can you find out what this is all about? This can't really be happening here with all these wonderful, caring people to help.... Lexie, what are you trying to do? What... oh never mind, I'll just piss you off if I continue

01-31-2003, 09:09 AM
:confused: :confused: :confused:

I don't understand. Please do NOT have this poor sweet girl put down. I'll ask the same questions--are you moving or going away?? Or is she abuot to have puppies and you do not know how to care for her or them during this time in their lives? If either of these are true, please look in your phone book--find a rescue, or a dog sitting organization. Call your vet, maybe he or she can help you. Are there any kennels in your area--call them and find out if they can take her.
I'm not in your area, nor do I have the room, but I would take her in a second, if only to find her a good home.
Please reply to someone soon.

01-31-2003, 09:09 AM
Jen, I have to agree. What about the other dogs? Wouldn't they need a pet sitter too? What about a vet or a kennel?

When you have pets you cannot just say, well I'm going on vacation and THEN the day before you plan to leave try to find a place for your dog!

I always ask MONTHS in advance if my parents or Andy's parents can watch Kia. If not, I contact the vet or a kennel. If I can't find anyone.. vacation plans are cancelled.. simple as that.

I hope you let Liz buy her from you. The dog deserves better. And you should stop breeding all together. You are obviously not responsible enough to breed or even keep a dog in my opinion.

I don't know how old you are but if you're under age and your parents allow this stuff to happen then shame on them.

01-31-2003, 10:14 AM

OK, I'm not going to comment, because I have to watch my language on this board.

:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Dixieland Dancer
01-31-2003, 10:35 AM
I personally think Little Lexi is very immature and needs to grow up! Just follow the link to her website in her profile. On second thought don't because it doesn't do anything except show her over and over again!

This is a sick joke and if it's not a joke then I hope Little Lexi's conscience bugs her forever about her cruel careless caring of her pets.

This is just SICK SICK SICK LEXI :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Maybe someday someone should treat you this way so you can understand just how sick it really is! :mad: :mad: :mad: There are other ways to get attention! :mad:

01-31-2003, 10:36 AM

This is making me :mad:, how come she's not replying to all these offers.......????????

01-31-2003, 03:04 PM
I have emailed her, and not yet received a response.

01-31-2003, 03:11 PM
Has anyone contacted the animal control or SPCA in her area yet? I don't think she deserves to have any pets, maybe they could help.

01-31-2003, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by lovemyshiba
Has anyone contacted the animal control or SPCA in her area yet? I don't think she deserves to have any pets, maybe they could help.

We cannot, with no knowledge of the truth of her story, her situation, her real name, any address ... we do not know the truth. There is, therefore, nothing we can do until she responds in some way.

01-31-2003, 03:29 PM

01-31-2003, 06:31 PM
I posted this in the Rescue thread & want to repeat it here
for Lexie to read.

I have not been contacted by Lexie. No Pm's, no e-mails.

If she has wants to think over my offer to take this dog
in, I would understand, but I'm starting to think that this
whole thing is a hoax, a call for attention on her part. So
sad really. The only thing sadder would be if it were real.

01-31-2003, 06:41 PM
I hadn't thought of that--I guess everyone doesn't put all of their info in their profile, and no one uses their full names. It is a terrible shame.
I hope it is a hoax, albeit a sad one.

01-31-2003, 09:03 PM
Do not go to her web page unless she comes in here and states whats going on. I went to her home page etc. and could not get out - she also has nothing - every click comes another of the same picture:confused: This is what came up on the screen from her site while I fumbled to get out of it.........An earthquake of magnitude 8 has just occured! Please stay calm...everything's fine now.:confused: :confused: Sick

02-01-2003, 12:05 PM
sorry i was sick yesterday and didn't get to get on the computer. the reason i must put her down is because she is not very good with other big female dogs. i took her to the vet she is not pregnant. she stays outside during the day and sleeps inside at night. i will not take her to the shelter,because our shelter is like a prison. they would realise she was not good with other dogs and put her down. now if she was to be put down i would much rather be with her then to take her someplace then some stranger take her to a room and put her down. i am talking to a few people right now about the dog. and please don't say i am making this up just to get the blood preasure to rise. i wouldn't post it if it weren't true. thanks for your concern.

02-01-2003, 12:08 PM
my website. i am working on my website. what does it have to do with my dog???the earthquake thing is justba little thing i downloaded and put there.

02-01-2003, 12:49 PM
this is what she looks like. this is not her i don't have any pics of her.she looks like this just without the black mask.


02-01-2003, 01:30 PM
Lexie, why did you not rspond to any of the emails you were sent?

There is NO reason for you to put her to sleep. Contact German Shepherd Rescue organizations right now, or contact Liz, who has said she will buy her from you.

02-01-2003, 02:26 PM
I did a quick search through Lexie's history of posts...it is always the same drama...true or not. Wasn't this the same person that 'had' to get rid of one dog, but then was posting about getting a Great Dane? And, the same person that needed assistance with transporting, but wasn't going to do any of the work?

I could be wrong, I don't come over to Dogs too much (thank goodness, right?)...but, maybe this person is just pulling people's legs...:confused: :confused: :confused:

02-01-2003, 03:15 PM
Lexie today contacted lizbud about coming to pick up the dog, who will be at "a friend's house" and was making arrangements for that to happen.

02-01-2003, 03:26 PM
That's the best news I've seen on this thre!! Thank you Liz and thank you Karen for the update. Please keep us posted Liz...we know YOU will give this dog a good, loving home. Please let us know if there is anyway we can help you!!!

Lexie-I don't know the circumstances, but letting Liz take this dog is the (only?) good decision you have made. Please don't get any more dogs! Also, please explain the situation better, and early if you need to get rid of more...threatening to put a dog down, if someone won't take her in 2 days time is...well there aren't any words. There are plently of peopl in Ohio and Michigan and other nearby states who will help IF they are givin the info AND updated on it AND have time to work something out!

02-01-2003, 03:39 PM
I"m glad to see she has contacted someone about the dog. Lizbud, you are a saint--let us know what happens.

02-01-2003, 03:41 PM
Wow, Lizbud, that certainly is so unselfish of you!! Please keep us updated, and many thanks for doing this from all the lonely pets out there!

02-01-2003, 03:47 PM
good for you lizbud! :) happy things worked out, i just hope this isn't a joke. :confused:

02-01-2003, 03:57 PM
Yippee! I hope lizbud really gets this poor pup. She doesNOT deserve to be put to sleep. I for one think putting a pet to sleep is cruelty, inhumane, and a crime on the owners part, unless it is extremely ill or injured and is going to die anyways after terrible suffering. I would NEVER put an animal down for such a pathetic reason. NEVER. Its better to send her off on the streets and become a "wild" dog, or be taken in by someone loving and kind who she meets on the road. At least she will still live. Although I do NOT condone the idea of abandoning pets AT ALL, it is better than killing her and taking her soul away! :( Good luck lizbud! Let us know when you get that pup, and THANK YOU for saving this poor innocent soul!

02-01-2003, 05:23 PM
You are a blessing to that dog, Lizbud, and I want to thank you.

Dixieland Dancer
02-01-2003, 07:08 PM
Curious what is going on now. Liz, Karen, anyone know what's up. I am praying this works out ok.

02-01-2003, 08:52 PM
I have had a few p m's from Lexie concerning the dog. Her
name is Emerald (Emmy). I really wanted to know her name
at least. I asked Slave of 15 Dogs (Mike) to go with me to
help get her back to Indy. Mike said yes, of course(God Bless
Him) & that the only important thing to keep in mind here was
the welfare of the dog & getting her to a good home. I agree.

I have not yet recieved any info as to where the dog is in
Terre Haute, or driving directions, or a phone contact number.
The last message I recieved from lexie was that she would
not be home for the next few days, so would provide the info
next tuesday. I'll just wait I guess.

02-01-2003, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by Cataholic
I did a quick search through Lexie's history of posts...it is always the same drama...true or not. Wasn't this the same person that 'had' to get rid of one dog, but then was posting about getting a Great Dane? And, the same person that needed assistance with transporting, but wasn't going to do any of the work?

I could be wrong, I don't come over to Dogs too much (thank goodness, right?)...but, maybe this person is just pulling people's legs...:confused: :confused: :confused:

and the same person who wanted to get a horse? :confused:

Dixieland Dancer
02-02-2003, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by Slave of 15 Dogs
As for Now, The dog is the only important being here not the postee, Agreed. Thank You.


02-02-2003, 03:40 PM
Well now, this is the first time I've read this thread. I will not comment except to say that the Angel Team of Liz, Molly and Mike are busy saving lives again. Thank you, Angels! Please keep us updated.

02-03-2003, 08:15 AM
Keep us posted. Lizbud, I guess you'll hear from her tomorrow then.

02-04-2003, 10:22 PM
I was wondering the same thing ... any news?

02-05-2003, 06:42 AM
I'm wondering if maybe she didn't realize the people here are serious and would actually take her up on the rescue attempt - perhaps she's embarrassed to be "caught" in some weird deception she can't get out of. Some of her earlier posts make me wonder about her, well....vivid imagination shall we say? If there truly is a dog (or cat or anything) in danger she certainly would accept an offer of help wouldn't she? Oh me oh my

02-05-2003, 08:27 AM
I PM'd Mugsy(Molly) last night after I got home from Puppy
Class. I have not recieved any further messages from Lexie.
No address, driving instructions, no phone contact number.
She promised to get back to me by Tuesday(yesterday), and
so far nothing. I've kept Molly & Mike updated b/c Mike was
willing to travel with me to pick up the dog & bring her back
to Indy. I've also copied Karen on all messages recieved, so
that there would be no misunderstandings about what was
said or not said in any p.m's. I'm beginning to think either, there
is NO DOG, or, that the dog belongs to someone else & isn't
her's to give away.??? :confused: I really don't know what
else to do here. This is very frustrating & sad if the story she
told is true. Liz.

02-05-2003, 08:39 AM
Liz, Molly and Mike, I hope this is cleared up soon and a rescue is made quickly, if needed. What you three have offered to do is wonderful beyond words.

02-05-2003, 10:38 AM
I hope she contacts you soon.

Bless you two for doing this.

02-05-2003, 02:09 PM
sorry i havn't kept you updated. i've been very ill. my grandmother is keeping Emmy until we move. thanks for all your concern. sorry lizbud. i was going to tell you yesterday,but i was told to stay in bed. i really am a good owner,i didn't want to put her down. it even ended up i didn't have to. thanks.

02-05-2003, 02:30 PM
Lexie, so what's going to happen to Emmy when you move?? Is her life going to be in danger again? Is your grandmother going to keep her permanently? I'm sorry, but it just seems that your animals are almost disposable to you. Emmy does NOT deserve to be shoved from place to place with no human interaction, and from what I can gather from your posts that's exactly what seems to be happening. If it's not, I am here to publicly apologize.

02-05-2003, 02:45 PM
I don't see how someone can get a dog and be able to just give it up like some item..I don't know what I'd do if I had to give my dogs up..I don't me that to be rude or anything but you don't seem overly conserned about your dog..?

02-06-2003, 10:57 AM
i am very concerned. i am going to take the dog back when i get completly moved. my landlord said if i didn't find someone to take her for me until i moved she would deal with her. so i called all my friends and put up posts,ads,everything. noone would help. my grandmother,just so happends to love my dogs and got bck from vacation the day i was sadly going to put her down.i tried to look for some reason NOT to put her down. i was just going to have to give her up. whitch is where you came in. i was going to give her to you. but my grandma came by to say hi and i asked her the favor. she said she would love to. she's even going to housebreak her.i get to see her almost everyday.

my dog is not an "item" i love her. i try to help her the best i can. sometimes my options are limited.

it's all under control now.thanks for you support.:D

02-06-2003, 11:10 AM
I hope your grandmother gives her the love, attention and training she has been lacking until now.

02-06-2003, 11:28 AM
I'm glad this worked out for the dog, Lexie. Thank goodness for your grandmother. I guess everyone should learn a lesson in a way, to not take on more than what is allowed by apt complexes and landlords because it could lead to a desperate situation just like yours. Good luck with your move and thank you for updating us. Obviously, there has been a lot of concern about the dog's welfare on this post.

02-07-2003, 09:39 AM
Thanks again for updating everyone, and thank God your grandmother can take your dog and give it lots of love and attention. Good luck with your move.

02-08-2003, 12:13 PM
A Dog' s Bill of Rights

To err is human, to forgive canine


I have the right to give and receive unconditional love

I have the right to a life that is beyond mere survival

I have the right to be trained so that I do not become the prisoner of my own misbehavior

I have the right to adequate food and medical care

I have the right to fresh air and green grass

I have the right to socialize with people and dogs outside of my own family

I have the right to special time with my people

I have the right to be bred responsibly, if at all

I have the right to be foolish and silly, and to make my person laugh

I have the right to earn my person's trust and to be trusted in return

I have the right to be forgiven

I have the right to die with dignity

I have the right to be remembered well and with love

02-08-2003, 12:28 PM

that made me cry *SNIFF*