View Full Version : Dancing with dogs.

10-04-2001, 01:08 PM
Anybody interested? All you need is a dog--and patience. To learn more about freestyle dancing go to: www.canine-freestyle.org (http://www.canine-freestyle.org)
Or write to: Canine Freestyle Federation, Inc.
21900 Foxden Lane, Dept. P, Leesburg, VA 20175

10-04-2001, 01:33 PM
How neat that you bring this up now--I just read an article about canine freestyle in the fall issue of The Bark! It was really interesting. I'd try it myself except for my being the world's absolute WORST dancer. Whatever chance my dogs would have of impressing judges would go right out the window with me around! :p

10-04-2001, 02:48 PM

I'll have to fight ya for the world record for worst dancer :) I'd bet $100 bucks that Graham could dance better then me without even learning freestyle :D :D :D

10-04-2001, 04:01 PM
LOL! LOL! :D Graham's such a cute and talented guy, you're probably right! As for our $100 bet, we should meet someplace between Calif. and Mich. (Denver?) and have an "Ugly Dancing" contest--with PetTalkers as our judges! :eek:

Daisy's Mom
10-04-2001, 07:06 PM
What an interesting competition! I would love to go see one of these contests. And I have to say that there is no way anyone could beat me for the world's worst dancer. I am such a clutz I can hardly even walk gracefully! However... starting Tuesday, I am taking a hip hop dance class that one of my friends is teaching. She's forcing me into it. It ought to be quite interesting! Maybe I'll teach Daisy my moves ;) For some reason, I doubt that a Basset Hound would be the best dancer...

Dixieland Dancer
10-05-2001, 07:49 AM
I dance with Dixie in our home but would never dream of doing it in public. She is a great dancer but her partner needs more help! :rolleyes: I saw a professional do it at a dog show once and it was a truly amazing thing to watch. That's when I started messing around with it at home. Our dog club actually has a dance team and has asked us to join but I'm not into dancing in public with my two left feet! :eek: I think Dixie would love it though. She is very athletic. :D

10-05-2001, 01:49 PM
Dixie, you aught to give it a try especailly if Dixie loves to dance, she could help you along. I think that would be so much fun.
I never could dance but I love music especially the 50s and classical music. I can't sing either and when we got Daisy, I used to try to sing the old song Daisy, Daisy and she would just walk away. When Don sings it to her she gives him a kiss, so you can see how bad I am. LOL

Dixieland Dancer
10-05-2001, 02:31 PM
Oh Jackie, your Miss Daisy must be a real pistol. I would have to grab those hairy lips and kiss her to death even if she didn't want me too!!! :D

As for dancing, NOT! I will stick to obedience, field, and agility! That's pretty bad when I would rather touch a dead duck than dance! Don't you think???? :confused:

Daisy's Mom
10-05-2001, 08:39 PM
Jackie I sing that to Daisy all the time! When she was a puppy, I used to sing it to her if she was upset, and she'd calm right down and usually fall asleep!