View Full Version : i need advice!

lynn ahmed
01-29-2003, 08:54 PM
hi everyone..anybody?
I need some advices here- I'm a cat person, really adore them but don't own any right now. I'm moving into my own place soon and thinking of getting a furry housemate. But you see, the apartment is small (but comfy- medium living room, 2 rooms, small kitchen, tiny pantry) and it's on 6th floor.
My concern: 1. safe enough for my mate? 2. too little room to play about? 3. how to keep the 'odour' to the minimum? (don't want to irritate guests)
Or any other things I haven't think of..? purr-ease help!

01-29-2003, 10:34 PM
Hello! Welcome to PT! I have two sweet little cockatiels, Popcorn and Muffin! Its nice to know you are planning to get a new kitty! I know there are people here on this board, that live in apartments, and have several kitties, so hopefully space will not be a problem. I don't have a cat and we live in a house, so I won't be able to answer your questions, but I'm sure many others will! Everyone's very helpful here! I wish you luck in finding answers to your questions, and let us know when the new fur-kid arrives!

01-29-2003, 10:57 PM
Welcome!! I can answer your questions...we have four cats in our 2 bedroom apartment and with my very sensitive nose....I sure can give you some pointers for sharing your apartment with one sweetie. :)

1. Your apartment will be very safe, as long as you keep kitty inside. Especially that high up.

2. You have a ton of room for one cat. Cats like small, confined places to sleep and hide. All they need is SOMEWHERE to run and from what you've discribed, you have well enough room for kitty to run and play.

3. Smell....first you need to start with the litter box. Covered litter boxes control initial order much better than non-covered. Here is a picture of a covered litter box:
This is actually the one we have.We have two of these and one uncovered that our newest cat is used to. We're switching to three covered boxes shortly.

Next, the litter. We've tried many different brands and we keep going back to "Fresh Step" because it is the best at containing the odors.

We have our litter boxes are in our den, right under a long window. Here is a picture of of Noah and Noel and one of the litter boxes on the left:
The fresh air really, really helps. So, if possible, put kitty's litter box somewhere around a window.

We keep candles in the den, just in case. I am a candle person, so its really just another excuse for me to light them. I find it helps some.

We also keep an air freshener in the room, close to the litter boxes.

Clean the litter box every day. If you find that you need to, do it twice a day.

My hubby's father is really critical towards us regarding the fact that we have four cats in our apartment. He came over a few weeks ago and commented that had he not seen the cats, he wouldn't have known we had them at all. :)

I hope this helped you. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. There are a ton of really, really great people here that can offer alot of advice. :)

Can't wait to hear about your new kitty when you get him/her. :D

lynn ahmed
01-30-2003, 12:13 AM
thank you for all the advices!
especially on the litter matter..really helpful. My back pantry has a big window so that would be a nice spot for that. I'll look for the fancy looking kitty litter case- hope it's available here. I absolutely will send the picture of my prince.. hope that will be very, very soon (cannot wait!).

ps: still waiting for more advices...:D :D

01-30-2003, 02:58 AM
Noahsmum beat me to it! A covered litter box is wonderful with odor eating litter.

If you can adopt a kitty do that as well before going for a purebred. Now before everyone yells *hypocrite* the centres here are all kill centres - this is australia - and no kitty caught my eye. Also I was living with an aby lover so I fell in love with the breed.

So make a forever home for a special kitty that catches your eye at one of the centres.

Lots of toys to keep kitty amused in an indoor environment. Also take time out to play with kitty and make it a habit so there is no destructive behaviour.

A cat scratching pole is a MUST or youwill forever be replacing furniture and curtains and whatever else kitty decides to scratch on!

Alternate food so kitty doesn't get bored with what you have. Get a kitty ball that you can put food in as well.

Thats all i can think of at the moment .... will post if I think of any more :)

lynn ahmed
01-30-2003, 03:35 AM
oh yes, scratching pole (jotting down to my to-buy-list, next to kitty litter box)..thanks BastetsMom!

something to share- a friend of mine shares her apartment at 3rd floor with 2 adorable heroes (one tabby, one tux). With a climate like ours, we tend to let the door to the balcony open almost all the time. one day tux went missing and we looked everywhere inside the house, but couldn't find him.We decided to look for him outside- we found him hissing at us under one car (the balcony facing car park)!! It took some time to calm him down..

Well, we all know that cats always land on 4 feet (true?), but still I'm worried what will come to my kid (as in kitten, not human) cause I'll be on higher floor! :(

worry, worry,worry.. but I still want a live-in kitty!!

01-30-2003, 03:43 AM
Nothing to add.
In addition to the litter, here we have a powder which controls odor and you put it in the litterboxes after the weekly cleaning. If possible: Scoop the stuff out of the litterbox soon after kitty has done his/her business.
We have two cats in the apartment and nobody knows that from any smell.

I agree to BastetsMum: The smaller the apartment, the more important is a scratching post -also as fitness training center :). Our's goes high to the ceiling and has a very high mat which is their favorite spot. And when they are in the mood they can run up and down like squirrels.

Go to a shelter and leave the question to the cats there. I an sure the right one will choose you. (I must admit that one of my boys is also an abyssinian -I had rescued cats earlier in my life but then I fell in love with that breed...

And come and tell us how it worked out.

01-30-2003, 05:59 AM
Welcome! I am glad you are getting a kitty (actually I am going to try to convince you to get 2 kitties, but I will wait until another time to do that)
I too use covered litter boxes but with 13 cat I scoop them 2 times a day. Fresh step probably IS the best but not all cat will accept such a strong amount of perfume in their boxes.
When I lived in a 1 BR apt. (BR,LR,KIT & Bath) I had 6 cats so there should be plenty of room.
And definitely keep the kitty insdie.

01-30-2003, 06:01 AM
lynn ahmed, welcome to pet talk. :) I think that the previous posts have the cat-necessities fairly well covered. Do you have a place for your future furkid to lay next to a window or, in a windowsill, and watch what happens outside? All of mine like to lay in the morning sunlight, when it is shining here, this time of year, in a window. Also, I might add, that some kittens like room to run around once in a while. Will your little apartment be clear of furniture enough for her/him to run inside? Cats like different kinds of toys. You may have to purchase some various toys in order to find what your future furkid likes.

what breed are you considering. May I suggest a Russian Blue? They are very affectionate and loyal. That is if your want a "lap cat":) I have two of them in my menagerie, and they are one of the best of the pride for affection. I hope my 2-cents helps.


01-30-2003, 07:50 AM
Good morning,

I think that people have covered the really important things already, but since I live in an apartment I have a couple of other pieces of advice for you.

When you get the covered litter box make sure that you get one that allows you to put charcoal filters into them. The filters will also help absorb any extra odor from the litter box.

I also use plastic liners in the boxes which permits me to change the litter every week (I scoop every day). But the important thing is that it makes it easier to wash them out (I use antibacterial soap). My boss says this is a little over the top, but you would never guess I have two cats in my apartment. :D :D

Keep us posted on the newest addition to your home :)

01-30-2003, 09:39 AM
Lynn , PLESE consider adopting and older Cat from a shelter , as most often they are almost never get homes and end up being euthanized , then being tossed into garbage bags to be creamated . I witnessed this onceas a volunteer and will never forget the sight of all these wonderful cats , all dead because of thoughtless owners. Please give an older cat a chance , they make wonderful pets , as you know what the personality is like and they adapt better to small places and they are so , so GRATEFUL!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-30-2003, 09:57 AM
Originally posted by lynn ahmed
Well, we all know that cats always land on 4 feet (true?), but still I'm worried what will come to my kid (as in kitten, not human) cause I'll be on higher floor! :(

When I first moved to Chicago, I lived in a very tiny one bedroom apartment. It had a bedroom just big enough to fit my queen size bed and a dresser. The living room was as big as the bedroom, the bathroom was just big enough for a toilet, sink and bathtub, and the kitchen was basically cupboards along one wall of the living room. I had both Tubby and Peanut there, and they were fine. I had one uncovered litterbox that I just barely had room for in the bathroom. I had no problem with odor, and they had no problems with the tiny space. They had each other and two nice big windows overlooking a very busy street to keep them occupied - along with various toys that usually never got played with.

Since I have the two cats, I use Tidy Cats scoopable - Multiple cat formula. There is an initial smell after kitty uses the box, but it disappears quickly. I scoop every day too.

My advice for being on the 6th floor is to find a screen for your door. If kitty falls from the 6th floor, he/she will mostly likely land on his/her feet, but will probably break....at minimum a leg, and probably more - it wouldn't be a good thing. If there is anyway you can keep the kitty inside. The kitty will love having the fresh air of having the door open, but you should find some way to keep the kitty in. If you can't have a full screen door, try and find some window screens that would be wide enough, and maybe stack them up to make sure they are high enough so kitty can't jump over them.

Good luck, and please let us know how everything goes. Getting a new kitty is always fun and exciting. :D

Oh, and welcome to Pet Talk! As you can see there are a lot of knowledgeable kitty lovers here who are more than happy to help with any more questions you may have. :)

01-30-2003, 10:36 AM
http://pages.prodigy.net/bestsmileys1/emoticons3/welcome_1animation.gif Lynn.

Hope you have fun here and enjoy all the doings of us pet mad folk!
I can't really add any more to what everybody has said - but I would just agree with Catmandu - consider an older cat - apart from anything else they tend to be litter-trained and are SO grateful for a 'forever' home.
I wouldn't worry about only being in a one bedroomed apartment - cats are very adaptive!!


01-30-2003, 11:39 AM
Welcome Lynn,

I see all of the great suggestions here. May I add that the scratching post be very tall. At least the length of a fully stretched out kitty! -and that can be long!
If you hear of someone saying that their cat won't use the post, it's probably because it's too short.

I would also add that you select your cat by temperment, not just by cuteness.:p
Especailly in an apartment, some of the more active cats won't do as well as a laid back breed. It would be like having a border collie in a apt. Chaos.

As always I am in favor of rescue from a shelter.

Please keep us informed of you choice and post pictures of your new furpal.

01-30-2003, 12:15 PM
Hello Lynn & Welcome to Pet Talk.

Everyone has given wonderful advice on litter boxes, scratching
posts, screens,etc. Just wanted to add this article on cats
called "Highrise Syndrome in Cats". Cats do not always survive
a fall without injury. This article has some good info for cat
lovers everywhere.


01-30-2003, 02:53 PM
Welcome to PT!! You'll love it here! I'm addicted!

The advice of everyone is just what I was going to say. Pardon the pun but I'm anal about cleaning the litterbox. I scoop whenever they go. If I'm home in the evening I'll scoop as soon as I hear the scratching.

I was looking after a friends cat and she uses Yesterday's News for litter. It's awsome. You don't need to scoop the pee, just the poop and every 4 or 5 days you empty the box, clean it and fill with fresh litter. A bit expensive but virtually odour-free. And it does not track either. I think it's made of paper pellets. I tried to switch to this but Max and Speckles would have nothing to do with it.

And please, please, please take the advice of Catmandu. I volunteer for a local Humane Society and it's really sad to see all the kittens go first and the beautiful friendly adults left behind. There are soooo many advantages to adopting an older kitty. Please consider it.

Best of luck!

max & speckles

01-30-2003, 03:00 PM
I would have to agree with everyone else in this thread ... go for an older cat. I have adopted both older cats and kittens over the years. It seems easier to have an older cat adjust to living in an apartment. The young ones want to explore everything (including outside) and they are also MUCH more active and need room to run around. My older cat (Emily) has never even expressed any interest in going outside (even when the screen fell out of the window :D ). Whereas my new kitten wants to see what is outside (but it is too cold for him and he knows better). I figure that once it warms up it will be a battle to keep him inside.:(

01-30-2003, 04:08 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk Lynn! :)
You have come to just the right place to get advice on getting and caring for a cat. I had never had a cat so when I decided to get one I came over to the cat side to ask for advice. I adopted my kitty in Dec and the help and encouragement I got, and continue to get, was/is just so helpful and wonderful!
Okay, obviously, being a new cat owner myself I don`t have anything to add to the advice you have had already from these great people but one thing I can go along with is the recommendation to get an older rescue cat. I did, and she is beautiful!:)

Good luck:)


lynn ahmed
01-30-2003, 07:15 PM
:D I am REALLY grateful for all the encouraging words and advice! Just got out of my bed this morning and the first thing to do- log into pt (does this mean I'm addicted too?):p

All the feedback really make my day. Now I have more confidence to be a slave of a tigger soon. I love cuddly, big size cats and intend to adopt an elderly. I went to a SPCA centre before and it bothers me to see a lot of adorable cats waiting for adoption- their sad expressions and meows made me cry!

Anyway..(patting my own head)..all the charming pictures I found in this site driving me nuts and green with envy! One day.. maybe I'll be the proud owner of COTD!! And of course, that won't be without all the support from 'the family';)


All Creatures Great And Small
01-30-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by lynn ahmed
Just got out of my bed this morning and the first thing to do- log into pt (does this mean I'm addicted too?):p Oh, I hope so - then I won't feel like I'm the only one who has to "start my day the Pet Talk way"! Welcome to Pet Talk! I don't know if I have any advice to add - it sounds like you have the situation under control, and are ready to add your wonderful new "baby" to your household soon. I'm so glad you are considering a "senior" kitty. I can't even bear to go to the shelters and see all those faces lined up; it breaks my heart. I believe your new kitty will be very lucky, because you're a good "kitty mama" with lots of love.

01-30-2003, 10:09 PM
That is great that you've decided to adopt an older kitty! By tigger, do you mean an orange tabby? Like my Noah??

lynn ahmed
01-30-2003, 11:46 PM
whoa.. Noah, your mum's making me greener..! You look so charming as if an invitation for hugs!

oops, I slipped there, and yes I love oranges domestic tabby, they go well with my skirt, just KIDDING! But I'm not particularly eyeing orangies this time- like Rosethecopycat wrote- I'll get one that choose me instead. I'll make sure they'll be happy with me!

:p he he getting excited.. and I'm suppose to be working!

01-31-2003, 03:04 AM
Balcony: of course cats can fall out and of course they can suffer serious injury or even die. An uncle of Tigris died by falling from the fourth floor.
We have a a net around our balcony so the cats can enjoy the fresh air without getting in danger.

01-31-2003, 05:27 AM
I'M getting excited that YOU'RE getting a kitty! Can't wait for the big news!

01-31-2003, 01:51 PM
Hi, and welcome to PT, and thank you for considering adopting an older kitty. The only thing I want to say, and it has already been said, but, I can't leave it alone:


Sorry, but, I would rather be harsh, then sad over your misfortune.:(

02-04-2003, 08:45 AM
As a relatively new cat slave, I would also suggest a tall cat tree. The cats love to climb and the scratching post is included. They don't take up a lot of room. I have 4 that think their tree is the cat's meow!

lynn ahmed
02-05-2003, 07:02 PM
Thank you for all the advices:)
I'm grateful I came to the right place...
Just came back from a 5 day holiday- now time to work again. I have to say that I really appreciate ALL the feedback received. I will be a little quiet for a while (observing, learning..), will come back with a furry friend soon!

:D :D