View Full Version : another sb xxxvii perspective

01-29-2003, 04:24 PM
i am a raider fan, i do not belong to the raider nation, do not believe in face paint and my only have one small pin on my hat and a helmet wall hanging to show my allegiance.......

one thing that really ticks me off regarding the stories about the center, Barret Robbins, is the fact that he was seen in public by at least three people talking to himself, vocalizing his doubts about playing, talking about suicide and crying...all the while drinking and buying drinks for the fans.

we know now that he is bipolar and depressed.....

These morons, one an owner of a car parts dealership who regularly GIVES players rims and other stuff to the players, did nothing to find out what the hell was the matter with him...
a couple of fans put him in a cab with instructions to get him to the hyatt where the rest of the team was staying....

I guess I come from some kind of stupid upbringing because I
think these 'fans' should have MADE SURE he made it back to the hotel....Of course they said something on the order of, 'Hey, you need to get back to the hotel-we need you tomorrow!'

a pal of mine says i am a 'bleeding heart liberal' for thinking the
fans owed Robbins any more than a cab ride home.....my whole point is that if these 'fans' cared so much about him and the game the next day should they have taken more interest in
his being AT the game or his WELL-BEING?


01-29-2003, 04:39 PM
Whether he is bi-polar or not should not enter into whether or not he played or not. Bi-polar is what used to be called manic depressive nothing more, nothing less and can be controlled by medication. Not only that, it's no one's business but his.

Now, for the fans that found him, I think that if they were that worried about him, they should have accompanied him back to the hotel. I, for one, wouldn't want that on my mind if something bad had happened to him. I think that all people owe that much to their fellow man with out expecting anything in return.

Just my opinion.