View Full Version : Happy Anniversary Preacher & Franklin!

01-29-2003, 10:53 AM
It was one year ago today that two sweet souls joined our little family. Ok, they were supposed to be foster dogs at the time, but they aren't going anywhere!

How things have changed in a year for these boys! They had spent a year in our local humane society before we pulled them. Preacher was so depressed he wouldn't get off his blanket. He wouldn't eat, play, all he did was sleep. Franklin was so timid that all he did was cower in the back of their kennel. They were both anxious and nervous when they moved, chewed on their paws, shook, cowered ect. They could not be separated for more than a few minutes.

Now--Preacher is a house dog. He has his own special bed in the porch and he quite happily spends most of his time there. He has remembered that he is sled dog by nature though and loves to skijor and sled. He's not very fast and he gets a little stiff after a long run, but he's so happy while he's working that a little stiffness seems like a small price to pay.

Franklin comes to us for attention and gives the best husky kisses. He has figured out that cats are not squeak toys, the door is not scarey, and that not all men are mean. He loves to come in and lounge with his best friend Preacher, but he also has formed bonds with several other dogs. Franklin is playful and happy--having the puppyhood he missed out on! He is also a speed demon and a pulling machine. He'd pull all day every day if he could. He hates to stop and take a rest. This year he will even pull for my husband. Last winter he just planted himself in the snow every time Stuart got close to him. He's too fast for Preacher now, but he does very well with the younger dogs.

They became permanent residents in June 2002, when my husband said (and I quote)..."Why don't you just adopt them? No one is ever going to love those mutts like you do." I was at the shelter when they opened their doors the next morning, before Stuart could take that back!!

Happy anniversary boys!

01-29-2003, 10:55 AM
What a great story! I'm sitting at my desk grinning from ear to ear :D

01-29-2003, 02:36 PM
happy anniversary! :)

01-29-2003, 02:51 PM
:p Happy 1st. Anniversary Furpup's !!!!! :p

01-29-2003, 02:55 PM
:) Happy Anniversary :)

01-29-2003, 06:35 PM
and many more preacher and franklin! happy wags, alex the wonder dog and duke the golden one

01-30-2003, 09:17 AM
Who could want a more loving home than yours:D
They are very lucky boys!

01-30-2003, 09:58 AM
Happy Anniversary to you two very special boys! :D

Oh and... PICTURES!! ;)

01-30-2003, 10:41 AM
Happy , healthy life to Preacher & Franklin & many many
more wonderful anniversaries too. May we see some pics
of these two please? :D :D Thanks.

01-30-2003, 10:42 AM
Happy "Gotcha Day" to Preacher and Franklin!! What a blessing you have been for both of them, Glacier!!!! :D Makes my heart sing!!!!

01-30-2003, 11:24 AM
Happy Annversary to Preacher and Franklin!
I love stories with happy endings and forever homes!

01-30-2003, 05:47 PM
What a touching tribute to your beautiful Preacher and Franklin! I"m so happy they have found the most wonderful home! Happy Anniversary, sweet Preacher and Franklin! I wish you the longest, healthiest, happiest life dear ones!!:)