View Full Version : Dog Sense

01-28-2003, 01:46 AM
Do you think dogs can *sense* things about certain people/places? I, personally, think that they can.

Nebo has been somewhat afraid of random people occassionally, but normally it's no big deal. Now, my friend's brother, Craig...Nebo is absolutely TERRIFIED of him. I thought the first time he freaked out about it was maybe because it was dark, and Craig came through the trees..might have startled him. But every time he sees him, he completely freaks out! He's not afraid of her house...or anyone else at her house. I just took him over there a few days ago, he was playing with Lady and just saw Craig from a distance and flipped out. He won't let Craig near him...he just cowers, hides behind me, and struggled so bad to get away I was afraid he'd get out of his harness.

Now, Craig has never harmed Nebo in any way (like he'd get a chance to!)...but he has not been so nice to Lady on a few occasions. And, in many ways, in my opinion he is a jerk (I'd rather use another word, but I won't) I think Nebo can sense something *mean* about Craig...I don't know...

Have your dogs ever acted in a strange way like this around certain people/places?

01-28-2003, 01:56 AM
Maybe Lady told him about Craig in pup language. :)

01-28-2003, 02:04 AM
My old springer spaniel. Augie was a very gentle fellow. One day I stopped at a friends house for a second, he had a man doing yardwork for him. All of a sudden we hear Augie barking and the man is yelling "get this viscious animal off me", well, Augie has him pinned against the garage and won't let him move. I took my dog and left. A couple days later my friend calls to say he caught the man stealing from his home. I think our four legged friends sense things about people. My dog got along with everyone except that guy. My advice, don't trust anyone your dog doesn't trust....tom

01-28-2003, 05:33 AM
I definitely think that dogs can sense character much better than humans can. I think some breeds may be more sensitive to it than other breeds as well.

01-28-2003, 06:00 AM
I am a firm believe in Dog Sense! And Drake has proven that to me several times. My rule is: if my dog doesn't like you, you are not welcomed at my house.

Back in December, when we were moving into our house on post, our next door neighbor walked over to say hello. Drake flipped! He is usually fine in situations like that. Andrew told me to take Drake inside. It was a struggle coz he was trying to lunge at the guy. Two nights later, his wife came over crying and was beaten up. She asked us for help and we called the MPs. He was taken away on domestic violence charges! I think Drake sensed this guy was bad news!

01-28-2003, 06:53 AM
if nebo, acts like that, that guy is bad news. trust nebos' instinct and never let that guy in your home or be alone with him. something is not right with craig

01-28-2003, 08:21 AM
I'll agree. I think some of the best judges of character are my dogs. If they don't like someone, I'm definitely suspicious of them and their motives. And I've learned to like some people that I wouldn't normally warm up to, because my furbabies told me they were OK.

We just lost a neighbor yesterday to a massive heart attack. My Yorkie, Molly just loved Ron. She would stand at the fence and bark at his house until he came out to see her. The first time he saw Molly, his eyes lit up and I knew she had found a friend forever. Knew if she every ran away from home, she wouldn't go very far. He was even able to get my chicken-dog dachshund, Max to let Ron pet him. And believe me that was quite an accomplishment. Ron was an eccentric sort of guy, but after seeing him with my kids I know I looked at him with new eyes. He will definitely be missed. :(

Another lesson learned in life courtesy of my furbabies.

Dixieland Dancer
01-28-2003, 08:38 AM
I agree whole heartedly. If my dogs sense something I usually am on special gaurd around them. Especially since Goldens tend to love everyone. They have been know to show hackles though!

01-28-2003, 08:47 AM
I believe in dog sense. :) There was a guy at my old apartment complex that Kia did not like. She'd actually GROWL at the sliding door whenever she saw him, but everyone else she'd wag her tail and want to play with.

01-28-2003, 11:23 AM
I believe in it, but it definitely depends on the dog. If you've
got a dog that flips out over almost every person they meet,
they're not a very reliable measuring stick. But if your dog
loves everybody and seems in tune with people, I'd trust their
instincts, if they all of sudden didn't like somebody.

Murph hasn't shown any in tune ability, but Maddie has.
She woke me up growling at the window one night. I got up
to check it out. The back door to the house was right next
to my bedroom door and when I reached for the bedroom door knob, she
started whining, as if to say "NO don't go out there". I flipped
on the lights and then went back to the bed to get my gun to be
at the ready, but by the time I got the gun out of the nightstand,
she stopped all whining and growling. She's never done that
since then, so I really think somebody was in my back yard and
the lights being turned on scared them off.

She also went ballistic one night when I was watching X-files.
I got scared during one part and she started snarling and
growling at the TV set. She wouldn't stop, until I changed the
channel. I think she sensed my fear, so she was going to
protect me from the object of my fear. I figure if she can sense
my fear than she more than likely could pick up signs of someone
wishing me ill will too. So yeh I'd trust Maddie without question.


01-28-2003, 11:49 AM
Absolutely! My hubby has a friend who carries a great deal of negative engergy around with him. I don't think he's a bad person, just really messed up right now. My laid back lazy Preacher hates him. One night, I hadn't heard anyone drive up, but Preacher went insane outside. He was on his "you must have to pee" chain. (Preacher hates to go outside so we have a tie-up right outside the door for him) I went to see what all the racket was about and Preacher had Darren pinned against the wall--hackles up, teeth bared, going to rip him to shreds if he moved. It took me quite awhile to get Preacher to back off. Even now, Darren honks his horn and we get Preacher out of his way. Preacher also becomes very protective if I am home alone and someone comes over.

I also believe that my dogs know things when we are out on the sled. I never force them to cross ice or go down a trail. I believe that if my lead dogs absolutely refuse to go somewhere, there's a reason!

01-28-2003, 12:07 PM
I haven't noticed that with my dogs, but my cat, Trevor, never did like my ex-daughter-in-law. Even when she was just dating my son Trevor used to sniff her feet and growl. On more than one occasion he bit her gently :eek: on her ankle. It was not a big deal really, but did show that she wasn't one of his favorite people. Maybe he was trying to tell us something. :confused:

01-28-2003, 12:53 PM
DEFINATELY - I do believe that dogs can SENSE.. I agree with the others.. Chris is bad news.. Nebo knows best!!

01-28-2003, 01:03 PM
I agree too. Kito isn't much of a judge--he barks at my dad, who is the most dog friendly person I know. But Abbey is--she is nice to everyone, but both dogs hate our roommates girlfriend--and she hates them too. She hates all animals and pets, she thinks they are dirty, and they know she doesn't like them.
My friend had an American Bulldog that was her boyfriend's and she kept him while he was in the process of moving to Georgia. The dog had some food agression issues, but that's about it. When our one roommate Andy, was alone with him, he attacked him and bit him right in the back of his thigh--and he was a creep--so I believe Marley knew that. Her cat didn't like him at all either.

01-28-2003, 01:07 PM
I don't know if this is the same thing or not, but, theres these guys that use to work next door at my old place, and not to be rude or anything, but I think they were like drunks or crazy or something..I don't know, but I didn't trust them anyway. I was walking Jo once, and once of the guys was walking down the sidewalk beside me and Josie started to howl at him till he walked by. She's never in her life barked at anyone when shes on her leash, so I don't know about that. Rufus some how could tell if someone was a mail/milk man..He hated them, my bro thinks the milk man hit him once but I don't remember the story..Anywho, he'd only ever bark at them when we're out for walks..I really don't see how he could tell the difference, maybe he just felt like barking..

01-28-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Pam
Even when she was just dating my son Trevor used to sniff her feet and growl. :confused:

Is Trevor your son or your cat? :D :D :D

Just kidding around ;)

01-28-2003, 03:09 PM
my mom used to live in this apartment with her parents and her dog, rocky. one day, her aunt (who lived right under them) came up to visit. rockey started going crazy, barking, and running around. no one could figured out why, but when her aunt got home, she saw that she had been robbed. rocky had sensed another person in the house downstairs.

mickey can sense when my parents are comming home or something. he won't move when any other car drives by but when he hears our car pulling into the driveway, he waits by the door for them. cool stuff :) i heard that dogs have also been known to sense earthquakes and hurricanes/tornados before they adctuallyt hit.

01-28-2003, 03:15 PM
I most certainly do believe they have a sense about people. There have only been a couple of people Angus hasn't liked (cause you know he likes everyone:D ), and those people have given us reasons not to trust them either. Neeless to say those same people have never been to our home again!