View Full Version : a wonderful trip--dogwise!!

01-27-2003, 05:00 PM
We went to my parents overnight Saturday, and of course, brought the dogs. They love them, but their 14-year old dog Max, thinks otherwise. It's a trip I dread, but always look forward to. We set up the dog beds in the back of the SUV, so they each had their space, and Abbey slept the whole way (2 hours). Kito was up, but he was just checking out the scenery. We had one episode of carsickness, but it was out of the beds, and on the cargo liner--easy cleanup!! On the way back, they both slept the whole way, and NO CARSICKNESS!! Woohooo!!!! That was so great. Plus, Kito has accepted my dad and my brother now, and doesn't bark at them anymore when they walk into a room. But, the best part is that Max hung out with them the whole time. Usually he goes out or hides in someone's room the whole time we're there, but he stayed out with them, and even let them sniff him and everything. And Kito was in awe of Max, he just kept walking around him, sniffing and investigating. But no one fought, growled or showed teeth.
It was so great!!! I hate stressing Max out by bringing our dogs, but this made it so much better!!

01-27-2003, 05:30 PM
I'm glad the trip was relatively uneventful!! It's always a good thing when you say that!! lol

01-28-2003, 01:10 AM
Glad to hear it went ok!! :)

Dixieland Dancer
01-28-2003, 08:47 AM
Glad you had a nice trip. Max will be ok since he now knows they aren't staying and his peace and quiet is preserved.

Ours go for so many rides they think the car is just for them!!! ;)