View Full Version : My turn for pictures

Dixieland Dancer
11-05-2001, 12:43 PM
Some pictures of my Babies!

This is Dusty as a Bumble Bee.


This is Dixie as a Space Dog.


This is my son A.J. with Dusty. Sorry the lighting is kind of dark.


Both of my furkids relaxing on a Sunday afternoon!


And finally just my precious Dixie by herself in her favorite spot on the bed!


[ November 05, 2001: Message edited by: Dixieland Dancer ]

11-05-2001, 12:49 PM
Hi your dogs are just precious. They look so well behaved. I can only hope bailey will be like them someday lol!!!! JoAnn

11-05-2001, 01:04 PM
Dixie! Dusty and Dixie are just gorgeous! They really are so beatiful and so well poised!

11-05-2001, 01:24 PM
Oh my gosh, all 3 of your babies are ADORABLE!!! Love it! I never saw Dixie smile before, she has a fantastic smile :D And look how big and handsome Dusty has become. I love his light color. He's stunning! And what a cutie pie your son is, and what a great costume :)

11-05-2001, 02:56 PM
Dixie, I love the photos. Dusty looks proud to be a bumble bee. I don't think Dixie wanted to be a space dog, I think it would be more fitting for her to be a princess.
A.J. looks cool as the scarecrow, very handsome. I love that photo of Dixie with the flowers, that is a picture to be made and put on the wall. Both Dixie and Dusty look so laid back and calm, it looks like you could just go up and give them a hug.
Did you ever think about having them go to hospitals, nursing homes to cheer people up?
Bring on some more pictures.
PS Dixie I forgot to tell you I bet AJ would love this website. It's the white house for kids, taking them for a tour with Spotty their dog http://www.whitehousekids.gov

[ November 05, 2001: Message edited by: Jackie ]

11-05-2001, 03:57 PM
What a beautiful family you have Dixie!! Such gorgeous golden faces. I love Dixie's smile and Dusty's soft, light, golden coat!!And their costumes are just adorable!! :D I love the pic. of A.J. and Dusty!!! What a proud mama you must be!!

11-05-2001, 05:34 PM
Dixie, did you want to be the bumble bee and not the space cadet? You look sooo unhappy, but you're a beauty just the same. Dusty, you're very handsome too. All 3 of your babies are VERY cute.

11-05-2001, 08:38 PM
All 3 of your gang is cute as can be!

11-05-2001, 09:03 PM
I can't believe I haven't commented on these pictures :o: I have only come back to look at them about 4 times today! :D
Your babies, all three, are just wonderful!!!! If I ever did get another puppy (and I can't foresee it, but I never say never), I might have to come to Pennsylvania to get it......hint, hint..
What beautiful Golden kids....and they're our very own cyber niece and nephew!!!
Just wonderful!!!!!

11-05-2001, 09:23 PM
So gorgeous, I can't stand it!
Can't think of enough words but my jaw has dropped , eyes bulged out of my head and heart just beat a mile a minute! Sigh!

Golden Smiles
11-05-2001, 10:12 PM
:D :D Awwwww, Dusty, Dixie and A.J are just darling!!! Love the costumes MOM!!! LOL Thanks for sharing!!!

Daisy's Mom
11-05-2001, 10:14 PM
Awwwwwwwwwwww! They are soooooo precious! I am speechless!

By the way, I was a scarecrow for Halloween when I was little too ;)

11-05-2001, 11:08 PM
Dusty looks so proud to be a bumble bee and your son is soooo cute. That is a great costume. Dixie's smile is just priceless. Great pics! :)

11-06-2001, 06:34 AM
Oh, Dixie, sweet as she wants to be but certainly not happy with the choice of her costume. That picture is so funny.

Your babies are golden beauties, and the picture with them happily ensconced on the Big Bed of course would be my favorite.

11-06-2001, 06:43 AM
ooohhh!!!! precious fur kids!!!! though i don't have a golden child...i love anything with4 legs,head tail and fur!!!! we love all the pics on pet talk!!!!! :) :D the deli dog

Dixieland Dancer
11-06-2001, 07:21 AM
You are all right about Dixie hating her costume. Within 2 minutes of having it on she had one of her space eyes pawed off. Luckily my husband got the picture first. Once we went outside to trick or treat though she was fine.

Jackie, great idea! Next year she will have to be a princess! :D

Thanks for all the nice comments everyone! I am (as all of you are) a very proud parent of all my babies (fur and skin)!

11-06-2001, 09:46 AM
Wow you have such beautiful babies :) I love the picture of them both laying on the bed.

I love Goldens they have such a kind gentle look to them that makes you just want to hug them to bits :D

11-06-2001, 10:16 AM
AAAAHHHH!! THEY ARE SO PRECIOUS!!!!!! I am so glad we finally get to "meet" Dixie and Dusty. They are GORGEOUS! WOW! I cannot say enough about them. And your son's costume looks fantastic! VERY real! I wasn't quite sure at first if that was a decorative scarecrow or not.

Dixie (in that last pic) has that infamous smile that my Maddie had in a recent picture. I just love it! They are absolute treasures Candy! You have got to be the proudest mama :D!
Thank you so much for posting these pics. They are fantastic :D!

[ November 06, 2001: Message edited by: doggiemom ]

11-06-2001, 11:34 AM
What can I say that has not been said already?
Dusty and Dixie are just wonderful!!! There's nothing like a Golden smile to make one feel perfectly happy :D I also love it when they try to make you believe that they are very serious dogs,like Dusty and Dixie relaxing in the afternoon, when you know what clowns they are at heart. Give them many hugs and kisses from me.

11-06-2001, 12:27 PM
I agree with everyone they are beautiful!!!
Everytime I see a pic of a golden puppy I say "I'm gonna have one of those!!! :):O :cool:

11-06-2001, 01:07 PM
Dixie and Dusty are so adorable!!! I love their costumes! :)