View Full Version : I have a question...

01-26-2003, 11:24 PM
How do you guys change what it says under your name?
LIke mine, it says resident, and some people's say different things...
Just wondering..lol

Also, how do you guys clip your dogs nails?
I do Draven and Gypsy, with a small dog clipper, because it gives me more control over what I am cutting and what I can't because of the quick.
I have a friend who does her Doberman Pincher's with a human toe nail clipper.
What is the best way???

That was 2 questions, lol.


01-26-2003, 11:41 PM
I may be wrong, but I think you have to have 100 posts before you can change what's under your user name.

I clip my dogs nails with a regular sized dog nail clipper. I use cat clippers on smaller dogs. I've never tried using a human clipper.