View Full Version : Pet Food Rejects

01-24-2003, 11:33 AM
I was wondering what you all do when your pet wont eat the brand of pet food you have bought? Dusty has decided he no longer wants to eat a particular brand of canned cat food, of which I happen to have quite a few cans left.

I've tried being hard-hearted :D and leave it out for him anyways along with his dry cat food.....but then he gives me these soulful looks with those big golden eyes, acts really pitiful, then wraps himself around my feet so then I feel guilty. And I end up throwing the now nasty dried food out. I know dry food is better for a cats teeth and that's all he should get, but up til this week he has really enjoyed the canned stuff too. I know he's playing me........

So I was wondering what you do if/when your pet does this to you! ;)

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-24-2003, 12:54 PM
I've never had that problem since Tubby will eat anything, even if Peanut won't, but I know Sara (Edwina's secretary) had some cat food that Edwina wouldn't eat so she dropped it off at a local shelter. I think that would be the best because they always need food, and why let it go to waste when there are so many kitties out there that would love it. :)

Edwina's Secretary
01-24-2003, 01:14 PM
Yes...sigh....any time I get anything other than IAMS for Edwina she rejects it and my favorite shelter gets another donation.

Daisylover...you may be interested in the shelter. It is one of only five no-kills that takes rabbits.....

Red Door (http://http://www.reddoorshelter.org)

01-24-2003, 03:16 PM
I don't know how true it is, but I've heard that its better to try to stick to a single flavor rather than give them a variety - that way they don't know that there is a better one that the one they are getting.

I did that with my gang. I tried different kinds until I found the one that all of them liked. (for my gang, its the chicken/tuna combo). Now I don't get any other flavor, and so far, no one is rejecting it.

I do also just give them the canned food as a snack - their dry food is their main meal.

01-24-2003, 07:37 PM
I would give it to a local shelter or humane society. They can
never have too much food.

My cats have always eaten Friskies
brand can food. 1 can twice a day between four cats. They don't feel the same about every flavor, so I get more of their favorites
and then throw in a new flavor every once in a while. They also
have dry food, (three kinds) always available. I too think dry
crunchies are better for their teeth.

01-24-2003, 08:40 PM
With Tex and the never ending, "try this, it will be better for him"....we go through this. I throw it out because it has been opened, and it gets stale...

01-24-2003, 09:50 PM
That doesn't happen at our house....they like any food! ;)

I would donate it, if possible.