View Full Version : Wonderful Update on Chewy's Agression!!!!!!!!!!

Aspen and Misty
01-23-2003, 05:31 PM
Chewy has latly been allowing people to play with his toys and to pet him when he is laying by the couch, he seems to be almost growing out of it even though I was told it would only get worse it has been getting better. When people come to the house they give him dog treats and keep biscuits in there pokets so everytiem they seem him he gets a dog treat or two and then when they leave he will get some and be told what a good boy he has been. He still isn't good abotu his crate but that is now located in my room and he has no problem with it any more. He is getting to be so good around people that I am amazed with the changes. I was told that as Chewy got older and more agressive he would probly have to be locked up when people came over, but he is so wonderful when people are around and even will bring them things, like his toys, his bones things like that. Of course everyone is still aware of his problems and are always extra nice to him and extra carefull around him.

More Good News!

Me and Chewy have been livign over at my moms house now for about a week, we will be leaving friday. He has been so good around Teddy and Huney. I was walking Chewy back to the livingroom, where he has been locked up for the week, and he picked up a pig ear and Huney came over and Chewy just droppped it and walked away. He plays with them outside all the time and is extra carefull with 5 pound Huney. He, of course eats in my room so we have had no problems with that and Him, Teddy and Huney have even played in the same room with TOYS!!! He wasn't agressive at all this week!! I really think as long as he was fed in his room and his toys were kept up exept for when we were playing with him he would be great with another dog, of course it would be a bigger one, not that we are playing on getting another dog soon. :D

Even More Good News! (lol)

Chewy is going into Puppy classes on January the 30th. I can't wait. He is going to hopefully do good. He knows all the comands but roll over, which he refuses to learn, lol. We'll keep trying.

Also, Chewy has been doing so good at Search and Rescue that I can now hide from him and he will find me within Minutes. We are going to be trying it with a diffrent person hiding and me telling him to find them. I hope it goes well!!


01-23-2003, 06:00 PM
Oh, Ash that is great news!:) :) I am so very pleased for you and Chewy. Give that gorgeous boy a big hug and kiss from me and Bob. :)


01-23-2003, 06:18 PM
What great, great news Ash!!!:) Oh, you have really dedicated yourself to helping Chewy "turn the corner" and you deserve a big pat on the back!!:D This is great news all around! I'm SO happy for you and Chewy!! Big him a big hug and cookie for me, ok??? Keep up the great work Chewy!!:)

01-23-2003, 06:45 PM
Ash, I am so happy for you and Chewy!! I'm so glad Chewy is doing tons better! Give him a big smooch from me!:D

01-23-2003, 06:49 PM
Woo WOo WOo! All your hard work paid off.
You both deserve a big hug. :)

01-23-2003, 06:52 PM
It has been a long time since you originally posted the concern about Chewy. What good news you have for us now. Patience is often the key in matters such as these.

01-23-2003, 07:14 PM
congratulations on your progress, chewy! ashely, good job on being so patient with him. he is very lucky to have you. i am so happy to hear this news! keep it comming! :)

01-23-2003, 08:25 PM
What very wonderful news!! We are all happy for Chewy and you:)

01-23-2003, 08:32 PM
Great new about Chewy !!! Very good work on your part
in helping him overcome his problems. You've really shown
how much you truly love Chewy by trying so hard to help him.
Good luck with his classes too. Very Good News. Chewy is
such a handsome little doggie. :) Congrats to you both.:)

01-23-2003, 08:39 PM
Good boy Chewey!!!!!! I am so happy for you...I have to admit, you are one of the most patient people I know. Good for you to stick through with it, even when the going is rough. And I am glad for your sake that you are already seeing the benefits of your hard work!! :D

01-23-2003, 08:48 PM
That's just wonderful to hear!!! Good work with Chewy--it looks like your hard work, dedication and patience is going to pay off!! Congratulations--I can't wait to hear more good news!!

Aspen and Misty
01-24-2003, 06:07 AM
Thanx everyone. I am so proud of Chewy. He hs been such a good boy latly and is really maturing. He is getting along great wiht other dogs and people, what more could you ask for? Its kinda weird, but when I was told I was aloud to get a dog I thought of thing I wanted in one and Chewy has met every one of them so far. he is so smart, smart beyound beleafe. He is very well behaved when otu for walks. I am just so proud of him and Couldn't ask for a better dog. There were some ruff spots but they were definitly well worth it!


01-24-2003, 07:00 AM
I am very glad to hear of Chewy's progress! Give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done! Keep it up!

Dixieland Dancer
01-24-2003, 10:52 AM
Good Boy Chewey! Great job Ash!!! :D You are to be commended for doing such a great job with Chewey!!! Most dogs respond wonderfully when given patience and love in overcoming behavior problems. Chewey can not be used as a poster dog!!! ;)

01-24-2003, 01:52 PM
It sounds like all the hard work the both of you have been putting in is paying off:D Great job Ash & Chewy!

01-24-2003, 02:17 PM
Horray! I'm so happy to hear Chewy has been progressing well. Good boy Chewy! Give yourself a pat on the back, Ash. :)

All the hard work is paying off. :D

01-24-2003, 08:20 PM
That is wonderful news!!!! :) Give Chewy a big hug from me n' the girls! (Anna & Rosie)

01-25-2003, 02:12 AM
Glad to hear this!! GOOD BOY Chewy!!!

01-25-2003, 09:13 AM
Congratulations Ash! :) Your hard work is paying off! I really admire your determination to help Chewey in overcoming his agression behavior! You're a perfect example of how any dog owner should be ! Not just dump a dog just because they have a problem. You stood by him, and worked on all possible solutions to be able to help Chewey..

I know that Chewey understands everything that's happening and he'll give nothing but unconditional love to you, knowing that you never gave up on him... When you get a pet, it's like marriage.. You do everything to make it work... It's a lifetime commitment.. 'Through thick and thin' .. And I really admire you for standing by for this commitment!

{{{{{{{ Chewey and Ashley}}}}}}}}