View Full Version : mouse in the house

01-23-2003, 03:30 PM
I don't know how its possible, but I have a mouse in the house (or more than one). You would think that with two cats running around, a mouse would not be so brave or stand a chance. But I guess my cats are more interested in fake mice than chasing a real mouse around. We caught one mouse in the basement and I hope there arent' any more. Has anyone else out there had this problem?

01-23-2003, 03:36 PM
I had 4 cats and a mouse in the kitchen cabinets. We had a big U shaped kitchen, and the mouse was out in the end cabinets, I found mouse poop and chewed stuff in a drawer. I didn't find evidence anywhere else, and the vent from the Jenn Air stove (coming up from below) was the only place I could figure the mouse was getting in.

I opened up all the cabinet doors one night, and went to bed. The next morning, there was a dead mouse on the floor, and I didn't have any more problems.

The cats couldn't get into the cabinets to get it at first, that's why they couldn't catch it.

01-23-2003, 03:39 PM
I have 16 mice in the house............but they are all in aquariums..(sorry, couldn't resist)

01-23-2003, 04:24 PM
Those rascally mice. :rolleyes: Don't you just hate when they come to your house?

We had one a few months back that drove us CRAZY! He was here for about 2 weeks and gave us a hard time. We set many traps all over the house, but he never touched any of them. Eventually we called "the mouse guys"...............rodent control people, and had them check where he entered from. It turned out that he made a HUGE whole in the kitchen wall behind the drawers, and another in the master bathroom. They sealed all holes and told us to buy rodent repellers and put them in every room. They make a sound that we cannot hear, but for mice, its a hammering sound that irritates them and makes them leave. It worked great, and we never saw the mouse or any signs of mice ever since. Its is also safe to use around pets because it isn't poison, isn't a dangerous trap, isn't anything that would hurt them, and gets rid of the mouse/rat humanely. The only pets it shouldn't be used around are rodents or rabbits, but its great to use around cats, birds, dogs, etc.

01-23-2003, 04:58 PM
We have mice in the spring and summer in the laundry room. I always thought that with having 4 cats indoors and 4 cats patroling the streets outdoors, that no mice would ever want to come near our house. Boy was I wrong!!

01-24-2003, 07:11 AM
I was staying with my sister in England once together with my nephew Christopher in the guest room. My sister is an early-to-bed early-to-rise person, so peace and quiet was always expected in the house later in the evenings.
Chris and I had been down to the local village pub and came back very late and slightly inebriated (NOT appreciated by sis!). Chris went to bed and I made a cup of tea in the kitchen (very quietly!). Suddenly the cat flap opens, and in comes their cat Whisky with a live mouse in her mouth for me. Then started a wonderful, noisy cat and mouse chase all round the kitchen, ‘though I had luckily managed to get the kitchen door closed in time. What was I going to do? OMG! :confused: :eek: :confused:
The mouse fled behind the fridge, and I just stood flabbergasted wondering what on earth to do without waking my sister and family. I got the mouse out again with the help of a broomstick, but the problem was keeping the cat away. Luckily I had a brainwave, grabbed a towel and flung it at the mouse. Incredibly I got it first time, and then had to stagger out into the garden and let the mouse loose, while keeping an extremely interested and bloodthirsty cat out of the way at the same time. Those mice are incredibly quick aren’t they, I still can’t believe how lucky I was to get it first throw!
My sister never did find out about our late night escapade!:D

01-24-2003, 07:35 AM
We had mice at the office a while back. One was caught in my office (in my food drawer) and three were caught in another girl's office. We were not allowed to bring a cat to work. Many of us wanted to!:D We have many cat lovers here. We have not had any mice since but there are still traps all over the building. Just in case!:D :D

01-24-2003, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by boscibo
I had 4 cats and a mouse in the kitchen cabinets.......

I opened up all the cabinet doors one night, and went to bed. The next morning, there was a dead mouse on the floor, and I didn't have any more problems.

LOL! That's the way to do it!! :D

01-24-2003, 09:08 AM
In my friend's house the mouse escaped the four cats and went somewhere behind the built-in furniture. So she had 4 cats sitting in the kitchen all day in the roast-goose position with the watch-clock tail. She was afraid she could have a starved mouse somewhere behind it all but during the night the problem solved itself -nobody knows how (and she's glad she was not involved:eek: )

01-24-2003, 09:46 AM
I tried leaving the cabinets open and Minnie would just sit in there for hours.. she looked so cute under there. But no luck.. I just put a trap a couple of days ago but nothing yet. I think it may be gone now. I actually have nightmares about the cats catching the mouse and bringing it in to my bed. One of my childhood cats did that once..

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-24-2003, 11:55 AM
Originally posted by boscibo
I opened up all the cabinet doors one night, and went to bed. The next morning, there was a dead mouse on the floor,

So she had 4 cats sitting in the kitchen all day in the roast-goose position with the watch-clock tail.

You mean like this?

Tubby used to sit like this for hours on end at my mom's house. She lives near a woods and out in the country amongst many cornfields, so mice weren't uncommon.

The most hilarious mouse situation was once when Tubby chased the mouse into the "little" bathroom (toilet, sink, small shower stall and not much room). My mom followed them in there with a broom. We heard a bunch of screams (eeks) from my mom, a few meows from Tubby and a bunch of jumping, swats of the broom and general wrestling around. Finally the door opened, my mom emerged exhausted with Tubby proudly following with the mouse in his mouth. However, the mouse wasn't dead as they all thought, and as soon as Tubby set it down it took off and hid - never to be seen again. :) It was just so funny with all the thrashing around going on behind the closed door, and the mouse getting away in the end. :rolleyes:

Here's another picture of Tubby keeping a sharp eye on the mouse. He really didn't bother it unless it took off running. Then he'd have to bat it around a bit, but would eventually get tired and the mouse would end up back in the heater pipes - which is where my mom figured they always came in.
Tubby was maybe 4 years old in this picture. :)

Edwina's Secretary
01-24-2003, 01:30 PM
Shortly after we were married we bought our current home -- a house with beautiful bones but in need of some maintenance and rehab. The kitchen was one of those needs. Small, inefficient, and dated.

Edwina would NOT go in the kitchen (not that I especially blamed her!) We thought it was the noise made by the aged refrigerator maybe? She would bristle, get the fat tail, and run. So we fed her in the adjacent breakfast room.

At some point I became convinced there were mice. I insisted I saw one run by me one evening. My husband said "Impossible! We have a cat!" (Then who was chewing the bar soap I keep in a top drawer?)

A year and a half ago we had the kitchen torn down to the 2X4s --evicting the mouse family that lived up under the countertop and enabling my brave, brave kitty to venture into the room.

She can now safely enter the kitchen without fear of giant, rabid-eyed, cat-eating.......mice.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-24-2003, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
She can now safely enter the kitchen without fear of giant, rabid-eyed, cat-eating.......mice.

Whew! Thank God Lady Edwina is no longer in danger. ;) :rolleyes: :D

01-24-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Barbara
So she had 4 cats sitting in the kitchen all day in the roast-goose position ....:eek: )

Love the "roast goose position". I always refer to my kitties as little "Butterballs" (that's a brand name for a popular brand of Turkey)

01-24-2003, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
Shortly after we were married we bought our current home -- a house with beautiful bones but in need of some maintenance and rehab.

If that doesn't tell a tail to all lovers of older homes, I don't know what does!

I honestly don't know if mice live in my house. I am pretty citified, that I wouldn't think so. BUT, little baby fat lardo Dakota has taken down a small snake twice. I nearly threw up..there I was caught between "protecting ANY animal", and overcoming my dislike of reptiles. HOW GROSS! But, I couldn't let Dakky harm the snake..so, I screamed loud enough to scare him to drop it.

Now, I rustle the weeds/shrubs BEFORE I let out the snake patrol.