View Full Version : Feeling sorry for myself...

01-23-2003, 10:06 AM
I had a job interview on Monday and was informed yesterday that I didn't get the job. :(

I couldn't stop crying last night. It really takes a toll on your ego, doesn't it? I'm starting to doubt my self worth, which really isn't like me.

Have any of you been through this before too?

01-23-2003, 10:11 AM
I am sorry that you didn't get the job. Don't be too hard on yourself! You not getting the job doesn't mean you are worthless!

Chin up!

01-23-2003, 10:18 AM
Don't doubt yourself! I'm so sorry you didn't get the job.

I'm sure many of us have been in the same situation.

Andy interviewed for a job last Friday and didn't get it. I think I was more upset than him!

But it was his first interview in 7 years and now he feels confident that he can give good interviews again. :)

Don't give up!

01-23-2003, 10:19 AM
Oh yes, this has happened to me many times. I've been working 20+years. It is demoralizing but you know what I learned? That it's really for the best because somewhere there IS a better job, one that will make you happy and be fulfilling. That doesn't mean there aren't stinker jobs out there, just that you need to be careful.

By far the most important thing I learned is to listen to my little voice. If it's hesitating and saying welllllll....... Don't take it!!!
Without a doubt every time I pushed that little voice aside, even when I was desperate to get a job to pay the bills, I ended up in a lousey situation and very unhappy. That unhappiness lead me to be unhappy in other areas of my life. Believe me, it's not worth it.

So keep looking and know there really is a better job out there, one that is meant just for you. It will be worth the time and effort. And by all means, LISTEN to your little voice when an offer is made. Good Luck!!!!!:D

Dixieland Dancer
01-23-2003, 10:19 AM
Tanya, I am a very firm believer that when one door closes it is only because a better door that is perfect for you is about to open!! You will look back on this someday and see this too! I know you are feeling blue now though so we are sending you some BIG {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to comfort you! :D :D :D

01-23-2003, 10:24 AM
Don't doubt YOUR self-worth! Just look yourself in the eye, and know that you are just as good a person as you were before this, and you are the best person in the world to your pets. It's that job whose worth you whould now doubt!

01-23-2003, 11:57 AM
There are probably 1000 reasons why you didn't get the job. Maybe, if you even look close enough, the job didn't get you! Too often we focus (and give up power to) things that aren't in our control. So, you walk into a job interview feeling lesser powered than the person on the other end, and for some reason, you accept his/her decision as some validation as to who/what you are, things 'hurt' more than they actually matter.

So, next interview, go in knowing it is a 50/50 relationship...can YOU work THERE, do THEY offer what YOU want/need. Then, you retain the power, or control feeling, and the decision is less about YOU and more about US, and is it a good match.

Easy for me to say, I know, but, as someone else said, something better will present itself..Good luck.

01-23-2003, 12:05 PM
I firmly believe that there is a reason, beyond your control, that you did not getting that job. I interviewed at Carl's Jr. fresh out of high school and they didn't hire me! I had catering and customer service experience too!

But, the window that opened a few weeks later was the good job that I have now at State Farm. Almost six years later and I sure am glad! ;)

See? Things happen for a reason. :)

And like Cataholic said, did THEY deserve YOU?? Not likely.

01-23-2003, 03:07 PM
sorry about the news :( but your not alone. my friend applied for a job this summer and they told her she got it and even started the training, but the next day they told her not to bother showing up because they found someone older than her. turns out it was a friend (same age) of ours who knows the owner. weird. anyways, don't feel bad! :)

01-23-2003, 07:42 PM

Going through the interview process & then being turned
down for a job (one that you know you're qualified for), has
to rank as one of life's most traumatic moments. I feel your
pain. When that happened to me onetime & I was talking to
my brother about it, he said that most people are too concerned
with what others "do" for a living.It's not right to judge people
by their profession, but the idea of what you "do" is connected
to "who" you are as a person .The two are deeply connected in most people's minds. The 2nd question most people ask when
meeting someone new, is "What do you do?" Having a job is
deeply connected to how you feel about yourself as a person.

Rejection hurts, no matter where you run into it. There will
be other jobs, other interviews and I know you'll find just the
one that's good for you. Best of luck with the next one.:)

01-23-2003, 07:53 PM
Candy, Karen, everyone is right! It's not about you being inadequate!!! Everything happens for a reason and I truly believe it means that BETTER things are waiting for you just around the bend! Perhaps this job just wasn't the right fit. It just wasn't meant to be for you right now. We all know how painful rejection is, it hurts, it's humiliating and and we can't help but take personally. But don't you dare think badly of yourself! Think of it this way...have you ever gone to visit dogs at a shelter??? You look at them all, your love them all; they are all so precious and willing to please you. But, you can't take them all home. There's that one in the group that just fits into your life a little better than the others at that time. It doesn't mean that all of the other ones aren't equally as special You're terrific Tanya! Wipes those tears and go hugs the furry ones! You wait and see...good things are coming your way! BIG hugs to you friend!! Sandra

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-23-2003, 07:53 PM
Man I know how you feel... I have been looking for another job for at least 6 months now and I've applied for like 100 jobs and have only had 3 interviews and didn't get any of those jobs... It really does stink but don't hold it against yourself. You never know what is going on behind the scenes. {{{HUGS}}} The right job will come along!! Keep your chin up.:)

01-23-2003, 07:57 PM
Yes Yes Yes! Interviews are a pain in the ego!

I'm sorry you're going through that - it is so very hard to be upbeat for the next interview when the last one didn't work out.

When I was job hunting, about 18 months ago, I'd tell my Mom about my latest interview, and she always seemed so surprised that I didn't get the job. After all, why shouldn't they hire HER DAUGHTER! :D :D :D They obviously didn't know what they were missing.

It took from February to October to find the right job - but when it was right, it was VERY right! I hope the you find the same good "fit" but much sooner! ;)