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01-23-2003, 05:19 AM
Since I moved to Kansas, I have missed the Mexican cuisine, that is so readily available in Calif and Ariz. However, I did find one authentic Mexican restaurant in town. I brought home some tortillas ("de harina", wheat) from there and began to eat them. Tiger, often wants whatever I am eating. But many times it is only wishful thinking because once she realizes that she doesn't like it, she will go away. However, yesterday I think she could have eaten a half tortilla. The more I gave her the more she wanted. I do not understand what there is about tortillas that she would want. :confused:


01-23-2003, 05:46 AM
that's too funny.....

Since I do not like tortillas, I can't say if the cats would or not. But I do find that they often like the strangest stuff.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-23-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
But I do find that they often like the strangest stuff.

I think this is what you can chalk it up to, Wayne. ;) :)

My mom's cat, The Cranker, will not beg for anything and really could care less about human food unless my mom is eating Musk Melon. The second she cuts into one he is right there begging, meowing and rubbing on her legs like you wouldn't believe. He doesn't care about chicken, turkey or anything else, just musk melon, so who knows where they get their likes and dislikes from.

With the herd that you have I'm surprised you can eat anything without quite the audience. ;) :)

All Creatures Great And Small
01-23-2003, 11:08 AM
If by musk melon you are referring to cantaloupe, my RB girl kitty was insane for it too! She would go in the trash when we weren't looking and pull out the rinds so she could chew on them.
I wonder if there's some nutrient in it that cats naturally crave, or if it has a catnip-like effect or something.

Wayne, were they just plain tortillas, with no meat inside?

01-23-2003, 10:45 PM
2 of my cats are ultimate trash diggers. It's awful, you'd expect that from a dog. Cupcake and Boo Boo get together and remove trash items, food or paper products and have a ball!! The latest tonight was shredding up a q-tip. And for those who are wondering they ARE well fed. Poor Cupcake is probably about 15 lbs now :(

01-24-2003, 04:32 AM
I am surprised about a cat wanting canteloupe or muskmellon:D
Yes, my tortillas were just plain tortillas, with nothing added to them. I could understand if I had hamburger or some other taco condiment, but only plain tortillas? But then again, perhaps I shouldn't be surprised because Tiger will investigate practically everything I eat. It has also been recently discovered that she loves "party mix" that dry cereal-type stuff that contains pieces of bread stick, rice and wheat chex, several kinds of pretzels, all baked in beefbroth. In fact, Chris also begs for them, and becomes very excited when ever I give him a few to eat.:) As far as drawing an "audince" about what I eat, that is true. Depending on what it is, I can draw as many as 7 or 8 of them in the case of pizza or BBQd' chicken, as a few as two, and they are usually Tiger and Chris.


01-24-2003, 08:42 AM
Wayne, a week or two ago, Filou ate half a cooked and peeled potato when I didn't look.
Some of them think: It's for humans so it HAS to be good:D :D

Regarding the fruit lovers: Filou loves mangoes to, but only when they are very ripe and sweet.:eek:

01-24-2003, 01:06 PM
What is a musk mellon? ( I live in Mass LOL we dont have those) :confused: :D :confused: :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-24-2003, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by JillLovesMinnie14yrs
What is a musk mellon? ( I live in Mass LOL we dont have those) :confused: :D :confused: :D

I'm not sure if it's the same thing, but it's real similar to a cantaloupe. It's the orangey melon you get if you've ever ordered a fruit plate. :)

01-24-2003, 01:18 PM
Oooo So a fancy fruit .... cool! :p Tell me, does Tubby eat his fruit?? :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-24-2003, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by JillLovesMinnie14yrs
Oooo So a fancy fruit .... cool! :p Tell me, does Tubby eat his fruit?? :D

No, Tubby is more of a junk food junkie. :rolleyes:

He likes pizza, popcorn, doritos and the like. Of course he'll eat just about anything....except fruits or vegetables, wants nothing to do with those. :rolleyes:

01-24-2003, 04:30 PM
He's no dummy!! He knows what he likes!! The good stuff!! :cool:

Hmmm i think the weirdest food product is the inside of nutri grain bars and pop tarts, the fake jelly ...... Boo Boo goes nuts for that filling :p

Minnie is a junkie. I figure shes 14 so I am going to let her eat what she wants, I mean what the heck. I am happy to see her eat!! She digs onto pizza, fish and chips, ham, turkey, tortellinis, potatoes, and eggs are on the top of her list. :p I do know that her breath is wicked stinky!! :o

01-25-2003, 04:03 AM
Yesterday, I ate an apple turn-over while watching TV. I had to "chase" both Tiger and Chris away!:D


01-25-2003, 04:12 AM
Cats are "The Picky-ness of it". Mocha Bean likes cheese. Preferably the expensive deli kind. Garbonzo Bean WILL NOT touch cheese, only certain deli turkey or chicken. Garbonzo has also developed a taste for my sister's Banana Nut Bread:rolleyes:

My sister has one cat Snoot who will go nuts over anything with Pasta Sauce...Tomato only please. And I think it was either Snoot or Psycho who would eat anything as long as you told her it was bread. :rolleyes:

I think many a man has driven themselves to the brink of madness trying to understand the cat.;)

Cats are "The Picky-ness of it". :D

smokey the elder
01-25-2003, 08:17 AM
Missy, who has been MIA for 10 years, ate raw pumpkin!

Smokey the Elder loved chicken and lamb.

Moby is a bread thief, also likes most meat. Most of my cats like chicken and lamb and beg for ham but can't have it.

Diamond loves potato chips and cheddar cheese.

We do a lot of cooking with onions which offends my cats terribly since they can't do "Quality control"!

01-25-2003, 09:19 AM
Ginjol and Little Pericot like lettuce seasoned with olive oil :confused: !!!

01-26-2003, 07:12 PM
Autumn rarely shows interest in our food...unless Lily is checking it out! Did someone say jealousy? Lily on the other hand will eat just about anything. Her favorite foods start with the letter P...pizza, popcorn, pretzels....but most of all pita bread. Lily and Autumn both love pita bread...they would probably like tortilla's too. Silly girls!:rolleyes:

Misty, Lily & Autumn

01-29-2003, 05:53 PM
eddie likes to bite the packages of bread and tortillas, fritos and doritos.
a few days ago he pulled a loaf of french bread off the table.
he won't eat, he'll just bite and pull the packages all over.

one thing that did suprise me was his eating white cake and frosting-only small bites though.....

01-30-2003, 03:55 AM
INKY-PINKY loves whipped cream and cake ....! Yesterday , I left some on my plate ; when I returned to the kitchen one hour later , Inka was sitting ON THE TABLE , licking of her mouth ....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
She is quite some rascal:p :cool: :D (but I LOVE my smoochie girl!!)