View Full Version : Has anyone read the study..

01-22-2003, 09:50 AM
A Toronto radio talk show host , John Oakley read from a report that cats carry parasites in thier litter boxes . It was an English study , but it is really nothing new , that pregnant women should be careful around the litter box. But this CFRB person was trying to panic people and had people on who were anti cat , and some who were gioing to give up thier cats. It ia a shame that someone with an axe to grind can be so irresosnsible!:mad: :mad: :mad:

01-22-2003, 10:21 AM
that's really horrible. I work for a vet and two of our techs are pregnant-the only thing they can't do in regards to cats is touch the litter boxes. Pregnant women can still touch cats they just can't touch the litter or be exposed to the dust that comes up from the litter.
Anyone would be a complete idiot if they got rid of their cats because of what that guy said.

01-22-2003, 10:25 AM
I'd send in a complaint to the radio manager. What that guy did was plain digusting!! People tend to panic enough without any help from that butthole.

01-22-2003, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by moosmom
I'd send in a complaint to the radio manager. What that guy did was plain digusting!! People tend to panic enough without any help from that butthole.

Believe it or not I learnt a new word here. I think I agree. :D :D :D

Russian Blue
01-22-2003, 02:40 PM
This parasite is not a new find. It's called the toxoplasma parasite. It can be contracted through the preparation of meals too! Here's a link to some info on it:

Toxoplasma Parasite (http://www.novaobgyn.com/toxo.html)

If your interested, here's the link to email John Oakley: [email protected] or go to the website at CFRB (http://www.cfrb.com)

Everyone should voice their opinion on the subject.

01-22-2003, 05:18 PM
May I introduce myself? Hello, I am cataholic, and I had/have toxoplasmosis. BIG DEAL! And, as RB said, it can be contracted several ways...unwashed fruits/veggies, raw meat! I don't get the big deal people make over this. I talked to my vet, my pharmacist, an infectious disease doc, and my gyn. Many of us are all ready exposed to it, and may or may not develop the symptoms of it. The issue for women and pregnancy is to not become a carrier of it, and it is most dangerous (and that is an exaggeration) really only during one time..I can't remember if it is the first trimester or the third. Something about the time it is most critical not to contract it is also the time the fetus would be most resiliant against it??? I can't recall. Anyhow, as a carrier, I am not really worried anymore..though I was, at first, cause it happened to send my cell count off, and I had a biopsy to rule out cancer.

smokey the elder
01-23-2003, 07:47 AM
Probably the first trimester; that's when the baby's DNA is getting busy writing what stem cells are supposed to be heads, hands, etc.

My comment about this butthead on the radio::mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

01-23-2003, 08:12 AM
So many times, some less-than-ethical talk-show hosts will stir up public sentiment, not because the subject matter is particularly the truth, but instead, to get people listening to the program. Have any of you heard the "doom and gloom" prophesies of some nighttime radio? I have tuned them out for more intelligent programming.:) Maybe this would be a good time to pick up some kitties free from those who want to rid themselves of their pets after listening to that program:D


Russian Blue
01-23-2003, 10:22 AM
The more I thought about these people giving up their cats the more I thought it is for the best.

If these people wouldn't even do basic research and use half their brain, it's probably in the cat's interest to be given to a more intelligent informed human.
