View Full Version : 72 hours

01-21-2003, 06:38 PM
you wake up one morning to find a human being on your couch
(adjust the number to your household accordingly..) after a fright
you find out that the fairy cat mother has granted your furkid's

to become human and hang out with you for 72 hours!

what do you do? where do you go? what human foibles to
you subject your cat to?

your time starts the moment you realize that you have 72 hours and you must be home at the deadline.

01-21-2003, 07:01 PM
Hmmm, I though I had a good imagination, but it's boggling at the concept that the fur-kids would see becoming human as anything but punishment...

Hmmm. Okay: I'd take the kids to work where they could see what funds the kibble supply... And to the pet supply store so they could indicate what they REALLY want in pet toys... Maybe a trip to the zoo? And a park perhaps?

01-21-2003, 09:03 PM
*LOL* "funds the kibble supply" Amen to that!! And the endless litter supply as well!!! :D :D

01-22-2003, 08:00 AM
SORRY , but I don't understand this very much ...:confused: :rolleyes:
Can you please give a bit more info ? THANKS !!!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-22-2003, 10:18 AM
Lut, pretend you wake up and Inka and Maya have turned into people for 72 hours. What would you do with them, where would you take them knowing they would be turning back into cats at the end of the 72 hours.

I like having two cats around the house, don't know if I need two more people around the house. :rolleyes: But I would probably take them to work also, so when they turn back into kitties they can appreciate the fact that the food doesn't automatically appear out of nowhere. ;) In the process I would take Tubby on the highway to show him that all those big bad cars is why he has to have a leash on when he goes outside. I'd probably take them to a pet store, and maybe even to an animal shelter - again to show them how good they have it.

Then after the 72 hours were up, and they turned back into kitties, I'd give the both the biggest smooch they'd ever have to show that I appreciate all of their "kittiness." :)

01-22-2003, 10:23 AM
You sure this isn't a Cinderfurry story??? Is there a glass slipper involved?

Well, the first thing I'd do is divide 72 by 6 which 12. I'd then spend 12 hours a piece with each of them showing them the sights, telling them how much I love them. I'd talk about my beloved Bubba and find out their feelings.

01-22-2003, 10:47 AM
I would spend a lot of that time just talking to Hayley (I guess if they become human they will be able to talk). I'm sure you could get more than three questions in that amount of time. I would then take her to the animal shelter and see if she would pick a play mate. There are soooo many places I could take her. I really don't know where to start!

01-22-2003, 11:28 AM
I hope it's summer. We would go camping near one of our little moor lakes, would talk all night, listen to the trees and the water. I would look how their legs would twitch when a smaller animal runs through the night.
We would roll in the sun and maybe settle an argument by rolling together.
BTW Why can't I be a cat for 72 hours?

I think I would not spoil their 72 hours by taking them to the work.
I would like to take them to work as cats. Cats are very good in archiving and they could do a lot of good work in my office :D

Cougie Wechsler
01-22-2003, 11:34 AM
The first thing I would do is educate them on all the dangers in the world when and if my indoor kids ever get out for some unknown reason. Then we would go to eat and some very nice restaurants just to spoil them, and then show them sites they really never get to see like mountains, river, etc....I think we would have a blast!:D

01-22-2003, 12:44 PM
I would ask them what they think of the way we treat them , and ask what can be done better ! Then I would try to fall asleep and hope that the 72 hours will be over when I wake up . Then I would do what my cats asked me and spoil them ROTTEN !!!!
I am CAT-CRAZY , remember ;) :p :rolleyes: :p

01-22-2003, 12:47 PM
I think Butter and I would have a serious discussion about behavior, all the "why do you do this, why do you do that" sort of thing...............and I would ask him to PLEASE try and be nice! LOL!!! He is sweeter, for sure, but has gone back into the playful scratching mode lately.

With Mimi, we'd just talk about life and all the changes she and I have seen together, and perhaps we'd share a glass of wine (I know for a fact that she loves wine). :) Man, do I love that girl!!!

01-22-2003, 01:05 PM
What a totally fun question! :)

With Noah: I'd take him outside to explore the world. I know he's very curious about it. I'd introduce him to the cats in the complex so that when he returns to a cat, he wont have a coronary at the window if one jumps on our balcony.

With Noel: We'd go outside as well. But somewhere like the mall...she's a princess you know. I think we'd get along wonderfully, we have the same personality. ;)

With Basil: We'd have to go to the pet store and pick out stuff he would actually like....most likely the plastic bags, but its worth a try. ;) Could you imagine seeing a human being mesmerized with a plastic bag?? :D I'd love to take him outside so he wouldn't be so afraid of going out there. I think he'd really enjoy the beach and the zoo.

With Olivia: The beach...she loves to relax and stretch out in the sun. I know she'd love that.

I like Lut's idea, to ask them how I can be a better mommy, if they like their food, how they feel, what toys they like/want, etc. That would be wonderful!

01-22-2003, 01:06 PM
i start in the mountains and work my way down to the ocean,
with a few stops in between-maybe a bar, the museum- i may even teach him to drive!!!- on the last day we would go to some of the seafood restaurants on the coast. before heading home we would take a nice walk on the beach (where i hope
eddie would not freak out being on all that sand......i can imagine
the police giving us a ticket after he digs a hole and poops on the beach......):rolleyes: