View Full Version : ban on declawing

01-21-2003, 03:11 PM
the city of west hollywood is looking into a bill to ban the declawing of cats in the city.

section 2.T


01-21-2003, 03:18 PM
I posted this in General last week, thanks for giving it some more time.

I am completely for this...declawing is inhumane and cruel. It sickens me that people wont spend the time to train a cat, if that's too hard, Soft Paws works too.

01-21-2003, 03:33 PM
It is truly disgusting. I have seen the procedure done with my own eyes. I really wish doctors who call themselves "cat lovers" would smarten up and refuse the cruel surgery, and forget about the money involved. When the (very bloody) procedure is over, they tie each finger with thread. Is is shock and damage to the cat or kitten and should be outlawed. Imagine making a fist and not being able to stick your fingers out. I also think they should place the declawing photos in magazines and over the net like they do abortions. I want the world to see how graphic and painful and wrong it is. Once a cat owner sees that, perhaps they'd change their mind. :mad: :mad: :mad:

01-21-2003, 03:50 PM
Originally posted by JillLovesMinnie14yrs
It is truly disgusting. I have seen the procedure done with my own eyes. I really wish doctors who call themselves "cat lovers" would smarten up and refuse the cruel surgery, and forget about the money involved.
Amen to that! Do you know that when I scheduled Basil's neutering, they asked if I wanted him declawed at the same time!?!?! Its bothered me for quite a while, and although we still take the cats there, I've found the vet (there are five there) that is a complete cat adorer.

01-21-2003, 05:37 PM
I am dead set against declawing. In fact, the United States is the only country that DOESN'T outlaw declawing. And for the vets, rather than educate their clients on just what the procedure entails, they just do it because it's a money maker. The whole issue makes me ill. We're here to protect animals not disfigure them for our convenience. :mad:

01-21-2003, 06:05 PM
You know, Noah's Mommy, that does not surprise me one bit. If you have your cat neutered at an expensive hospital they actually RECCOMEND you de claw and neuter the same time. Both for money, and the twisted idea that since he is under anestisia, you'd be geting it both out of the way. Well, FORGET that!! :mad:

01-21-2003, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by JillLovesMinnie14yrs
You know, Noah's Mommy, that does not surprise me one bit. If you have your cat neutered at an expensive hospital they actually RECCOMEND you de claw and neuter the same time. Both for money, and the twisted idea that since he is under anestisia, you'd be geting it both out of the way. Well, FORGET that!! :mad:
Isn't it terrible? I was shocked, especially since they all seemed so nice and to genuinely care for the animals they treat. I've chalked it up to the possiblity that its the clientele..which is very sad and isn't an excuse. :(

I hope this passes...I wonder how we could go about getting the U.S. to ban it? Anyone know?

01-21-2003, 07:20 PM
I think the best war on declawing is education. I used to be all for declawing...there were so many benefits that were glamorized. I had seriously considered declawing Marigold...but I changed my mind when I saw that she really hated being an indoors kind of kitty.

ANYHOO, now that I know what I know now, I would never ever ever ever declaw a kitty...especially one that I hold dear to my heart. Someone recently told me that they had just had their kitty declawed and I was horrified. When I reacted in horror I had completely forgotten that at one point I was for it as well. I think the glamour and easy-fix is more advertised than the pain the kitty has and the gruesomeness of it all. So IMHO, I think that education beats out any law because as lots of people will pass off "laws are meant to be broken" and will have it done anyway. But you are right, a law against it is a very good starting point, and I am very much in favor of it as well.

01-21-2003, 07:45 PM
Wow! I hadn't seen this one! That is very cool that something like this is being considered by the City. I only wish more of the US would follow suit.
I do agree also, that education is key. I admit :o that I was one of those people who really didn't think anything of declawing when I was ignorant to the process. Vets are always asking if the customers want it done while the cat is under for spay/neuter. After doing research and learning about it, I was horrified at the procedure!!! I agree that ethical vets shouldn't just outright offer the declaw to begin with. Why don't they suggest alternatives to people who ask for the procedure? Ya know, common sense things like...take the time to train the kitty that you love to a post or there is always the soft paws nail caps. I've been using them for years now on my cat and they work great! It's definitely a better alternative than disfiguring a poor animal's feet for human convenience. It's completely disgusting and I'm totally against it. I imagine it would be like cutting the front part of our foot off and forcing us to walk on our heels. A cat walks on its toes, but after a procedure such as this, they are forced to walk on their heels, which can be very painful for years to come. We may never know our beloved animals are in pain because cats hide it very easily.
I applaud this bill and I agree with everyone here. Education is key, but ethical vets and alternatives should also be offered. :)

01-21-2003, 08:42 PM
I have never liked declawing, and I have also seen the procedure at the vet I worked at hundreds of times, and it IS disgusting. My poor little abandoned Minion...the love of my life, the kitty of my dreams, was already declawed when I found him after his owners moved out without him. Min is the only declawed cat that I have ever lived with, and I just know that he is frustrated. He tries to sharpen his "fingertips" on just about everything and I get a strong feeling from him that he has a sensation that he just can't do anything about. I get the feeling that it's like having an itch, and not being able to scratch it. I tell him often how sorry I am that someone had him declawed, and that I would never, EVER do that to any kitty, especially my heart kitty.

I will forever remain against declawing. It is not only a painful procedure, but it scars the psychie of our beloved kitties. It is illegial in several countries, hopefully one day it will also be banned in the US!

01-21-2003, 09:01 PM
Yeah! Yeah! We can start with an online petetion!! EDUCATE DON'T AMPUTATE!!! This one is for you, Minion ;)

01-21-2003, 10:45 PM
I've never had a cat....of course, I've been around many cats declawed and not-declawed. I didn't realize that it was so painful for the cat.....could anyone fill me in here?? What is so horrible about the surgery and the recovery afterward?

I met a dog that was front declawed....a golden retriever. The owners did not do it to the dog, they got her from a rescue. I want to know what vet would do that!

01-22-2003, 03:00 AM
Originally posted by JillLovesMinnie14yrs
When the (very bloody) procedure is over, they tie each finger with thread. Is is shock and damage to the cat or kitten and should be outlawed.

believe it or not (please do) , but after reading this I HAD TO THROW UP ...................:eek: :eek:

Poor poor kitties ... Whatan extremely vicious and mean thing to do ... . And all of this just to protect the furniture from being scratched ???:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

01-22-2003, 04:02 AM
I think the declawing should be outlawed. I have no idea whether it is legal or illegal in Moldova, the ears and tails are still cut here. I know in Western Europe all these procedures are considered inhuman, and, fortunately, we are aligning to the European legislation, so, it will be forbidden too soon, if it isn't yet.
Still, I don't know any declawed cat here.

01-22-2003, 04:52 AM
De-clawing pet cats in the 'States becoming illegal, will have to be legislated state by state -as it is not a Federal issue. However, I do not believe that promoting such a program will be impossible. It will just take time and education, and a little publicity. The West Hollywood law is a municipal ordinance, but I am sure that once pet lovers unite their voices and write or e-mail their state representatives, that the program could get underway. Since animal shelters, who are under state jurisdiction, (with licensening and other regulatory limits) already present themselves as being against the cruelty to animals, that de-clawing could be easily represented as being a cruel act, which it obviously is.


smokey the elder
01-22-2003, 08:38 AM
I'm against it. Unlike spay/neuter, which is actually beneficial to the animal and protects him/her and the population in general, declawing is beneficial only to humans who value their stuff more than a living thing. I take a hard line and won't place my foster kittens with someone who has declawed cats before. I know people can lie but I try my best.

As far as legislation goes, many laws on the books started as grass-roots efforts in CA. California is a benchmark for the future of the USA in many ways, good bad or indifferent!

Well, so much for the rant.:(

01-22-2003, 11:31 AM
last night the city council passed the bill!!!:) :) :) :) :)

01-22-2003, 11:42 AM
So I have to cancel my vote which was "Declaw the City Council"
:D :D :D

01-22-2003, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
last night the city council passed the bill!!!:) :) :) :) :)
Wonderful news!!!!!! YAY!!!!

01-22-2003, 12:13 PM
That is wonderful news!!! :D

01-22-2003, 12:17 PM
S U P E R !!!!!!!
:D :D :D

Russian Blue
01-22-2003, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by moosmom
I am dead set against declawing. In fact, the United States is the only country that DOESN'T outlaw declawing.

Actually, that is not true. There are many countries that do not ban declawing including Canada, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine, etc!

The following is a list of countries in which declawing cats is either illegal or considered extremely inhumane and only performed under extreme circumstances. This information was obtained from this site: :Declawing (http://www.declawing.com)

Northern Ireland
New Zealand

I have the same opinions as the rest of you. Why put your materialistic items first? The majority of people I have spoken to are not educated enough on animal procedures to even know the difference! I had one friend who thought declawing was a normal procedure when you take a cat into a home.

Education is severely lacking, especially in many vet's offices! It's horrible, since they can be the best educators. When I took Nakita in to get spayed the next question was whether I wanted the package which included declawing. No education or information was given to me except the price of the package.

Pictures can totally help and they should be present in the packages given to new cat owners. It's really sad that so many animals have to go through such an unnecessary procedure.


01-22-2003, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by Russian Blue

Why put your materialistic items first?

actually, i am glad that eddie has clawed the hell outta my recliner (it's the only thing he sharpens his claws on.....) the dang thing is 15 years old and i want a new one!;)

01-22-2003, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD
actually, i am glad that eddie has clawed the hell outta my recliner (it's the only thing he sharpens his claws on.....) the dang thing is 15 years old and i want a new one!;)
Shhhh....don't give away the secret.... :D

Russian Blue
01-22-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by RICHARD

actually, i am glad that eddie has clawed the hell outta my recliner (it's the only thing he sharpens his claws on.....) the dang thing is 15 years old and i want a new one!;)


See, there is always a positive side. You just have to know where to look!


01-22-2003, 04:02 PM
I definately think declawing should be BANNED!!

I would NEVER EVER consider declawing my cat/future cats!! I'm SO relieved it's forbitten in Denmark - not that I think anyone would have it done anyway. Just imagine if someone would pull all your nails out and you would have to live without your nails for the rest of your life!!! :mad:

If you're afraid your cat will ruin your furniture, don't get a cat!!

I say, a cat without claws is an invalid!!!

01-22-2003, 05:50 PM
Hi all,

I have chosen not to declaw Cassy and Livvy because I believe it would be cruel for them. However (here comes the unpopular part) my doctor is pushing for me to get it done. I don't believe either of them have ever hurt me on purpose, but accidently about once or twice a month I do get scratched, several times a year it's a bad scratch. I'm on medicine that makes it hard for my blood to clot and have a couple conditions that make me very slow to heal. Usually bad scratches put my health in a tailspin, as though the energy for healing that is sapping from my other conditions. Like I say, my doctor is pushing me to get the kids declawed or rehomed. I've had friends with more advanced cases who have decided they would be better off to declaw their darling vice losing them or developing worse complications for their own health. I don't believe it's simply a matter of valueing 'things over flesh and blood', there can be other considerations as well.

I wonder if I could get Wolflady to teach me how to get SoftPaws on my kids? No scratches, however accidental, would be heavenly...

01-23-2003, 06:41 AM

Everyone who wants to know how this surgery works and what the risks are can look it up here.

you can read about soft paws at http://www.softpaws.com
I must admit however that Filou said: I'm a boy. You will never get me to paint my nails. :D

01-23-2003, 12:21 PM
I'm for this ban because even though I'm sure many people will still find a way to declaw if they are hell-bent upon doing so, it will make it that much harder.

Also, by making declawing illegal, you are automatically painting the procedure in a negative light, which may help people who are unfamiliar with the numerous cons of declawing, yet who are constantly presented with it as an option by certain vets.

01-23-2003, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by AmberLee
I wonder if I could get Wolflady to teach me how to get SoftPaws on my kids? No scratches, however accidental, would be heavenly...

AmberLee, how well do your kids tolerate their paws being handled?? Soft Paws may be a good first alternative. You are more than welcome to come down to my home anytime :D My door is always open to you, and you must meet my kids! I can show you exactly how I put the nail caps on Marius if you're interested in seeing it first-hand (uh...pawed) ;)

01-23-2003, 04:33 PM
Originally posted by DaisyMcCat
Also, by making declawing illegal, you are automatically painting the procedure in a negative light, which may help people who are unfamiliar with the numerous cons of declawing, yet who are constantly presented with it as an option by certain vets.
You may not know, but this statement is extremely TRUE! This morning, I gave a speech in my Toastmasters Club entitled "To Declaw or not to Declaw...there really is no option". I used a ton of information, including diagrams I found online at www.declawing.com . You would be amazed at the common response from EVERYONE in the room: "I didn't know that is what it was, how horrible!!!" One lady said that she was considering having her cat declawed because it seemed like a standard practive amoung cat owners. But, after my speech, said she feels guilty for not knowing. Great huh???

Russian Blue
01-23-2003, 04:37 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

One lady said that she was considering having her cat declawed because it seemed like a standard practive amoung cat owners. But, after my speech, said she feels guilty for not knowing. Great huh???

Woohoo! Spread the education as much as you can!


01-23-2003, 05:42 PM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy

...One lady said that she was considering having her cat declawed because it seemed like a standard practive amoung cat owners. But, after my speech, said she feels guilty for not knowing. Great huh???

That IS great! Education really is the key, because there are so many people that just aren't aware at what really happens during this procedure. I was one of those ignorant people until I did the research!! Good on you for spreading the word! :D