View Full Version : The dog rules

01-19-2003, 06:40 PM
I got this book "The Dog Rules" for xmas, this is kinda cute:
Rule 1: The dog never goes in the house. Period.
Rule 2: Unless it's his birthday, or its hot, or cold.
Rule 3: Okay, the dog can go in the house, but he never goes on the furniture.
Rule 4: Okay, the dog can go on the old furniture.
Rule 5:Okay, the dog can go on the new furniture until it looks like old furniture then we'll sell all the bloody furniture.
Rule 6: The dog never sleeps on the bed. Period.
Rule 7: Okay, but only on his blanket at the foot of the bed.

THE DOG (ALWAYS) RULES. No matter what.

It's by William J, Thomas :D So true ;]

01-19-2003, 10:23 PM
I've seen this before....but us Humans sometimes need a reminder of whos' Really the boss!!!!!
Remember D-O-G spelled backwards......(you do the spelling!!!);) :) :D

01-19-2003, 10:40 PM
That sounds like my house, except for us we also need Cat Rules. :)

01-19-2003, 10:51 PM
ALL this is so true!!

01-19-2003, 10:56 PM
excuse me dear Fuzzy...but can you name me one feline that follows RULES??????don't they just show up at your door,roll out the scroll of RULES that you must now follow because They have Chosen You as their Pet Human?????

Have these Cats been lying to me all this time?????
;) :) :D

01-19-2003, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by delidog
excuse me dear Fuzzy...but can you name me one feline that follows RULES??????don't they just show up at your door,roll out the scroll of RULES that you must now follow because They have Chosen You as their Pet Human?????

Have these Cats been lying to me all this time?????
;) :) :D

I was referring to Cat Rules like the Dog Rules, like

Rule 1: Cats are never allowed on the counter.
Rule 2: Unless it's for canned cat food.
Rule 3: Okay, the cat can get on the counter, but never gets on the furniture.
Rule 4: Okay, the cat can get on the old furniture.
Rule 5: Okay, the cat can get on the new furniture until it looks like old furniture then we'll sell all the furniture.
Rule 6: The cat never sleeps on the bed. Period.
Rule 7: Okay, but only in spaces not used by sleeping humans.
Rule 8: Okay, the cat can sleep on the bed as long as humans are allowed 1/4 to 1/2 of bed area. :rolleyes: