View Full Version : Have you ever had a cat poke you?

01-19-2003, 11:37 AM
It was the weirdest thing! I rolled over last night when I was sleeping apperently disturbing *her highness* (the kitty) :) So I rolled over and then I felt a light tapping on my shoulder. I glanced over my shoulder and there was noone in the room except for the cat! I thought maybe I was imaging this until this morning! When I was wideawake she poked my arm! Has this ever happened to any of you?

01-19-2003, 12:46 PM
:D Actually Sam the Siamese regullarly sits and kneads me with his paws , very tenderly and it is a nice sensation as I have back problems and he knows where to massage!:D ;) What a great little pal that he is!:rolleyes:

01-19-2003, 06:58 PM
I remember when I found Thumper (cat) at the local shelter. He was in a bank of cages where his was above another row of cages. Well, I saw him first and I knew that he was the one I wanted, but I wanted Charlie (husband) to see him before I commited. So I took Charlie to see Thumper. He looked in his cage, but to be fair to the other kitties before we picked, he bent down to look at the kitties on the first level. Well, Thumper, not to be out done, stuck his paw out of the cage and litterally slapped Charlie on the top of the head. I told Charlie that Thumper was saying "NO, you are here to look at me". Thumper came home with us.:D

01-19-2003, 07:48 PM
Mr. Jones climbs on the back of the futon (if there is food involved) and taps us on the shoullder if we are ignoring him.

In bed, he inserts his paw into my hair.

Sometimes he taps on his daddy's shoulder if he wants to cuddle.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-19-2003, 08:18 PM
Originally posted by jenluckenbach
I told Charlie that Thumper was saying "NO, you are here to look at me". Thumper came home with us.:D

Jen, that is such a cute story! I'm glad Thumper took matters into his own...errr...paws. ;) :)

01-19-2003, 09:29 PM
Gigi like to *massage* my tummy when she's laying on me.

When Bixby gets overly affectionate and licks my face one to many times, I'll gently blow in his face to get him to stop and he'll slap a paw over my mouth to stop me from blowing.

01-19-2003, 09:48 PM
Have I EVER!!!! Miss Mocha Bean is the Queen of Pokey Paws!!!

At night she will come up onto the bed and, POKE POKE POKE until you open the covers for her.:rolleyes: And when she walks across your chest you would think she has Wooden Peg Legs they HURT!!!!:eek:

01-20-2003, 05:38 AM
Russian Blue Kitty, yes, I have 3 furkids that may tap or walk on me when they are hungry, or want (me) to get up, or cold in the middle of the night. Chris, Puma, both give me kitty kisses and head bumpies when I am in bed -but awake, never when I am asleep. Tiger will walk on me and continue to do so until I get up and take care of what she wants.:)


01-20-2003, 08:16 AM
Juni does that whenever she wants something and we don't pay attention to her or pretend not to understand her. When she comes with her toy to our feet, if we don't throw it immediatelly, she pokes our feet (if we continue, she might even bite us gently), if I kiss her "too much" she pokes my face with her little paw, she even trips me up, when she wants me to go to the kitchen and I am heading elsewhere :)

01-20-2003, 08:18 AM
Tenny constantly pokes me if I am not petting him enough. Tex pokes me for food.

One time, I was staring at Tenny, who was in this box playing. He was poking his paw out of the hole in the corner, and it was so cute! So, being the brillant one that I am, I thought I would look at him through the hole, and BAM, he poked me right in the eye!!!! OUCHIE, but, it was funny to think that I could be that stupid to do that!!!!!!!:D

01-20-2003, 08:23 AM
being the brilliant one that I am....... LOL! Thats funny Cataholic!!!!

It's hilarious! I didn't know cats actually "poked" people!

01-20-2003, 09:04 AM
Originally posted by Cataholic
One time, I was staring at Tenny, who was in this box playing. He was poking his paw out of the hole in the corner, and it was so cute! So, being the brillant one that I am, I thought I would look at him through the hole, and BAM, he poked me right in the eye!!!! OUCHIE, but, it was funny to think that I could be that stupid to do that!!!!!!!:D
And I thought I am the only brilliant here!!!:D
Except, that I was not poked in the eye.

01-20-2003, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Vio&Juni

And I thought I am the only brilliant here!!!:D
Except, that I was not poked in the eye.

Not YET!!! Juni, poke your mommy in the eye for me!!! please!!!

01-21-2003, 02:16 AM
Juni is a very good girl, I hope she won't listen to your "good" advice. :D

smokey the elder
01-21-2003, 08:11 AM
Mobius will poke at my face when I'm eating something she wants!

01-21-2003, 06:07 PM
Such mental pictures!!! ROTFLOL!!