View Full Version : My throw away sled dogs

01-18-2003, 05:53 PM
We finally have enough snow to safely run a small team up here! So I gave up my Saturday sleep-in and off we went. I took several teams of four out today..the last one included one of my current fosters. This was only Raven's third time in harness. She is a pulling machine.

We left the yard in a cloud of light powdery snow and were pretty much out of control for the first kilometre! Then we hit a nice quick pace, dogs listening, working. It's a beautiful winter day here--clear, not too cold, lots of fresh snow.

We passed a group of cross-country skiers who nicely grabbed their loose dog and kept him out of the way. One of them yelled out "what a nice looking team" That's when it hit me that every one of them was someone else's throw away dog. Preacher and Franklin, who's story many of you know--Preacher was one of the lead dogs today, Franklin was pulling so hard, he probably should have been up front. Pingo--too old for her former musher...Raven, dumped because she had too much energy at six months old (she's 16 months old now and still looking for the right forever home).

This is was one of the best runs we had this year. The dogs came back into the yard after 12 km as strong as when they left and all with big grins!

When I start to wonder why I bother with rescue anymore, I will remember this day and all the fun I had in the snow and sun with my beautiful rescued babies.

01-18-2003, 05:58 PM
Awesome story. Rescuing as you do is truly an amazing thing.



01-18-2003, 06:08 PM
Thanks for all you do. It sounds like they had a great time. I hope you got pictures!! Although the mental picture you painted was beautiful enough. Keep up the good work. Personally, I think that the people are throw away people and the dogs are the keepers.

01-18-2003, 06:39 PM
That sounds like it could be a "local color" piece on your local news station! Of at least the newspaper, with a big picture of all these beuatiful dogs that someone once threw away! :)

01-18-2003, 06:55 PM
Ditto for me too,

Yours is a wonderful happy story of the outcome
and pleasure of how rescue dogs can
inrich your life.

Aspen and Misty
01-18-2003, 08:02 PM
Wow! The joy of rescueing animals! That was really great! I bet your guys did wonderful!

I was wondering? What comands do you use and what do the ymean?
Like Sidewalk- Means get on the sidewallk.

I'm trying to train my dog to rollerbade but I need to figure out what ind of words to use but Right and Left sound to alike.

Thanx for the help!

01-18-2003, 08:12 PM
That's a very nice and inspiring story :) You're truly an angel! :)

01-18-2003, 09:04 PM
I loved your story of the run with your dogs. A picture of their
smiling faces would be nice, but as Mugsy said, the mental pic
of the whole experience is just as wonderful.:) I thank you for
saving these dogs & I just know they thank you every day of
their lives with you. Great story.:)

01-18-2003, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
Wow! The joy of rescueing animals! That was really great! I bet your guys did wonderful!

I was wondering? What comands do you use and what do the ymean?
Like Sidewalk- Means get on the sidewallk.

I'm trying to train my dog to rollerbade but I need to figure out what ind of words to use but Right and Left sound to alike.

Thanx for the help!

Well, there are no sidewalks around here, but I do use "in the ditch" Occasionally I have to run beside a road--a quiet one, but still a road.

For right, I use "GEE" and left is "HAW" I always teach them on leash first before I put the dog on a sled. Much safer that way. I rarely have to give a go command, but when I do it's just "let's go." They also know "easy" for going down hills and "hold" for when I want them to stop for a minute--that one doesn't work so well unless they are tired :p The other one we use alot is "on by"--we are getting better at that one. I use it for passing other dog teams, loose dogs or turns in the trail.

Good Luck with the training. Rollerblading with a dog would be a blast, but I like the brakes on the sled! Snow is much softer than concrete!

01-18-2003, 10:42 PM
That sounds like so much fun--for you and the dogs!!!
What a wonderful thing you do, rescuing these "throw aways" They are truly blessed to have you in their lives, even if only for a short time.

Aspen and Misty
01-18-2003, 11:02 PM
Yea, Sidewalk was one of my camands me and Chewy use often.(on coming trafic, I feel the road isn't safe) Acctually, I taught Chewy on reollerblades how to go on the side walk and the hand signal for left and right. Chewy's Go comand is "Go" LOL. That way if I say "go go go go go" he goes, and he goes real fast lol. I have taught him leave it and that way when he sees children or other dogs or people I just say "leave them" and, well he leaves them, LOL. I also taught him "Slow" for when we aproach corners and he now just starts to go to a quick jog instead of a dead run when we aproach corners. I knwo what ya mean about hitting the cement, LOL, got the cuts right now to prove it, although it wasn't chewys fault, my roller blades broke. But my sweet boy did pull me the whole way home on one rollerblade, such a gentleman ;) . He seems to really enjoy it and he expecially is loving it since he can run as fast as he can and slow old me can keep up lol. He is really good about when I say stop I mean stop. He has learned a couple of tiems that when I say stop and he doesn't stop and do, Mom falls flat on her face and she is NOT happy when she gets back up, just a stern look makes him come over and apoligize. But of course, he doesn't have that pulling dog enthusiasm (sp). He wont pull all day long and then pull again the next day. A 20 min Bladin sesson 3 times a day is good for him then he comes homes and sleeps till the next time we go out lol.

Thanx for telling me the comands. BTW Ipmed you, I don't know if you got it, you can just delate it and please, Forgive my stupidity in the pm, I totally could not think of what it was called :rolleyes:


01-19-2003, 10:10 AM
Originally posted by mugsy
Thanks for all you do. It sounds like they had a great time. I hope you got pictures!! Although the mental picture you painted was beautiful enough. Keep up the good work. Personally, I think that the people are throw away people and the dogs are the keepers.

I couldn't agree more!! I'd love to see photos of that. It sounds like you and the dogs have so much fun! :)

01-19-2003, 12:31 PM
Wonderful :) Thanks for sharing,

01-19-2003, 05:07 PM
What a great story!

01-19-2003, 05:56 PM
What a beautiful mental image!

01-19-2003, 07:15 PM
That is such a good story. I'm glad you rescued all of those wonderful dogs.

For right, I use "GEE" and left is "HAW" I always teach them on leash first before I put the dog on a sled. Much safer that way. I rarely have to give a go command, but when I do it's just "let's go." They also know "easy" for going down hills and "hold" for when I want them to stop for a minute--that one doesn't work so well unless they are tired The other one we use alot is "on by"--we are getting better at that one. I use it for passing other dog teams, loose dogs or turns in the trail.

Good Luck with the training. Rollerblading with a dog would be a blast, but I like the brakes on the sled! Snow is much softer than concrete!

My parents would never let me keep a sled dog team with us, and the weather is not appropriate for mushing. I plan to learn how to much when I move to Alaska. I know musher's terms, and practice them with Lady by letting her pull me on my roller blades as well(oh does she love that!). Just for practice, when I need Lady to go right I yell "GEE" and, well, you know the rest. Lady is beginning to understand them. It is a lot of fun roller blading with a dog, though my sister does it more dangerously, and lets Lady pull her on a skateboard. When she attempts this, I must be present, to control Lady and make sure she does not go too fast. I disagree with her doing that, because the one time I tried it, Lady led me into a thorn bush. Ouch! Luckily LayLay wasn't hurt. Mushing does sound like tons of fun, that's why I am going to do it. And of course I am aware of the time, patience, and commitment I will need to learn, after all it is easier to learn at an young age, or at least that is what I have heard.
Sound like you and your pups had tons of fun! I'm glad your dogs have a wonderful mom like you.

01-20-2003, 11:19 AM
Wow Glacier! That's awesome!

One of these days I'm going to sit in a plastic sled, attach it to Kia's harness and just.... sit.. because I'm sure she'll just sniff around... and won't be interested in pulling at all.... until a squirrel comes along... :rolleyes: Then I'll end up hitting a tree. :p :D

Originally posted by Aspen and Misty
I'm trying to train my dog to rollerbade...
I'm sorry Ash, but I suddenly got the image of Chewy with mini rollarblades on all four paws. ;) :D I can't stop laughing!

01-20-2003, 05:10 PM
Sounds like it was fun for ALL!! I would love to see a picture, though as many have said before me, the mental picture is terrific all ready! How wonderful of you to have rescued those pups!

Miss Meow
01-21-2003, 02:57 AM
What a great story, I could almost feel myself there watching your team work :) Mugsy is right, it's the people who should be considered the throw aways ...

Glacier also rescues cats and she has a new pic in Cat General of the darling Felicia who is one stunning little girl :)

01-21-2003, 07:22 AM
What lucky pups to have landed with you, Glacier! Your story was just beautiful!! :)

01-21-2003, 07:40 AM
How lucky all these dogs were to be taken in by you. But then again I'd say your pretty lucky too!
It sounds like they all had a wonderful time.
I tell you, aren't those throw away dogs just wonderful:D The people who don't want them any more are crazy.
I loved your story, and like everyone else said, you paint a beautiful picture, even without pictures!
Thanks for sharing that.

Dixieland Dancer
01-21-2003, 07:56 AM
Sounds like the day was glorious! I actually think that any day I can spend with my dogs is glorious and to do something that gives them big grins on their faces is what gives my heart it's greatest joy in being a pet person!!!

I have to admit, the mental picture was a lot clearer to me since I saw the movie Snow dogs! I loved that movie and can only imagine the joy of taking a team out on a lovely snowy day! :D

01-21-2003, 10:09 AM
Glacier, what a great story.

I'm curious though... Where do you live in northern Canada? How north? I'm in Ottawa. Thanks.

01-21-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by Tanya&Fritz
Glacier, what a great story.

I'm curious though... Where do you live in northern Canada? How north? I'm in Ottawa. Thanks.

I am in the Yukon Territory, near Whitehorse!

Aspen and Misty
01-21-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by ramanth

I'm sorry Ash, but I suddenly got the image of Chewy with mini rollarblades on all four paws. ;) :D I can't stop laughing!

O my goodness! LOL!!! I never even thought of it that way! O I can't stop laughing either, lol. I wonder if they make roller baldes small enough for him? LOL
