View Full Version : oh the evil guitar--please get rid of it!!!!

01-18-2003, 11:10 AM
Kito and Abbey were just romping out in the other room, while I am in here messing around on the computer. I heard a weird noise, and a crash, and feet running, so I went to investigage. My husband's guitar was leaned against the wall, and they hit it (that was the noise), and it fell over (the crash). The feet running were Abbey's--she is terrified of it!! I picked it up, and she ran away from me.
What a weird fear!!!

01-18-2003, 11:17 AM
what kind of guitar is (was) it?

01-18-2003, 12:11 PM
it's just a regular acoustic guitar

01-18-2003, 12:17 PM
so shes scared of the sound it makes? or just when it fell?

01-18-2003, 12:49 PM
well, when she hears the sound, like if her tail brushes up against it, she cowers a little bit. My husband was playing it once, and she just barked at him, and laid down far away from it. But otherwise, if it's just sitting there, she'll lay right in front of it. as long as it is silent. When I picked it up after it fell, she ran over by the door, and I found out a little later, she had an accident there:o We'll just have to keep it away from her--how terrible if her previous owners did something to her with one--that's the only thing I've seen her be that fearful of.

01-18-2003, 05:51 PM
good thing it wasn't a $2500 Gibson Les Paul!

When I play my guitar my boys just look at me like, "you are in need of some serious lessons"!

It probably is the shape of the guitar especially when it is leaning against the wall that she is afraid of...

course, I could be wrong

01-18-2003, 06:09 PM
my mom dropped a glass cooking pot and it shattered everywhere! it was really loud and my dog was right there. Now she is scared of ALL cooking pots! :( poor puppy! it probibly IS the sound.;)

01-18-2003, 06:40 PM
Awwww, lol. I've been meaning to borrow my brother's guitar to take pics of Simba " playing " it